[When he heard that victory had been declared, he was more than happy.] I thought, 'Thank God they dropped the bomb. Maybe the SOBs will surrender and the war will be over and I can go back to school,' ... It was a great relief for millions of reasons.

Robert Arnold

I'd hoped to be at the next (supervisors) meeting before then to thank everyone, but that probably won't happen now.

Dan Bowling

Rally Monday is an opportunity to highlight the achievements of the eight teams in postseason play and acknowledge and thank baseball fans in each market, ... Rally Monday announces that these eight clubs have a shot to achieve their ultimate goal -- to win the World Series -- and that feeling is captured in our overall marketing campaign, 'October: 8 Teams, 1 Champion.' .

Tim Brosnan

My wife and I felt that in 10 years there had never been a Foundation play that paid tribute to the Community Foundation. We said, 'Let's thank the Foundation.' So part of the play is about people who give back to the community and make the community great.

Stephen Eliasson

Thank God we're Christians, because we'd probably be full of rage.

Mary Lewis

I'm thinking that I'm home-free and thank God Quinton was there.

Quinton Porter

At the City of Houston. For the City of Houston. Thank you. Thank you.

David A. Taylor

[The result?] I thought I was a nice guy, but I've come to realize I'm just a big douche bag, ... Thank you so much for being here, let's do it next year ... to somebody else.

Carson Daly

Your response is overwhelming. Thank you!

John Gillis

Are you kidding me? No way... oh my god, thank you.

Chloe Dao

I was ... thanking God (that) we got through it safely.

Dante Cunningham

Every day I wake up and roll over and there she is and I just thank God for that ability.

Chris Higgins

My first vision for this race was that maybe 500 people would show up. So thank you guys. This is awesome.

Chris Farley

I'd like to thank Governor Owens and the Colorado Legislature for recognizing the impact this energy cost crisis has had on many households, and for providing Energy Outreach and the LEAP program with the funding needed to help meet this extraordinary need.

Skip Arnold

We wish Gary and Maureen all the best in their retirement endeavors and thank them for their many contributions to our organization and years of service to Evergreen and our fund shareholders. I have tremendous confidence in our new leadership teams and expect the transition of these portfolios to be seamless.

Dennis Ferro

There have been no major incidents at the Canfield Fair this year and we thank God for that. Everyone has been very well-behaved. We attribute it to the weather being cool after the very hot summer. This is the last chance for everyone to relax.

Terry Alexander

First of all, I'd like to thank those who gave me such a chance to play. I'm glad we won our first game.

Atsushi Yanagisawa

I was just blessing God. As a mother, I was terrified. But now, instead of weeping and thinking that could have been my daughter, now I'm weeping to thank God she's with me and praying for the others.

Juanita Johnson

Thank you very much, Mr. President, for that.

Hamid Karzai

I want to thank America, the administration and everyone involved in getting us home so quickly, ... It was a surprise and we're all glad to be back. We can all be proud of this crew.

Shane Osborn

They're beautiful kids, just beautiful children. It's just a blessing to see, and I thank God about it.

Mark Shook

Good morning. Well, thank you very much. You got up very early.

James Wolfensohn

Thank you very much. I did and I'm proud of it. It got development to fill north, which is what we wanted it to do.

Greg Collins

This achievement is a testament to the wonderful fan base we have here in Seattle and something we're very proud of, ... I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all Storm fans who continue to make KeyArena the best home-court advantage in the league.

Karen Bryant

I just thank God I had a pillow to lay my head on.

Patricia Cook

It's really a tribute to the program and Coach Weber and the guys who were here in the past. It's a tribute to the intensity we play with and the way we prepare. Also, it's a thank you to the fans.

Brian Randle

Thank God we have electricity to hold Mass. Thank God we are fine. We are praying for all the people in Louisiana and Texas who were affected by Hurricane Rita.

Kevin Collins

Woo-hoo, ... I'm happy. I want to publicly thank Arnold Schwarzenegger, and I want to thank God right now.

Randy Thomasson

Two seconds, $70,000. Thank you, NBC.

Bill Lawrence

Venice brings me luck. There is no great role without a great director, so from the bottom of my heart I thank Patrice.

Isabelle Huppert

Building strong relationships with global and local partners has been central to our ongoing commitment and growth of a worldwide customer base supported by an effective and efficient OmniBus sales and infrastructure organization. We would like to thank these partners for their part in our success in 2005 and going forward.

Mike Oldham

Another thing I enjoyed was seeing the people smile and say thank you. It made you feel like you were really doing something to help.

Stacy Schultz

I'd like to tell them thank you. Their courage and ambition to get a higher education ... is something I truly admire. It's something I can't picture, but it's something I know happened, and that's why I commend them for doing what they've done.

Bruce Davison

I have to give these kids a lot of credit, they never gave up. I want to tell the seniors thank you, and I wish you a good life.

Coach Rusty Taylor

It's on hold. We'll definitely hold it next year, but we can't do it this year. We do thank everyone for their support.

Kevin Miles

I wanted us to come together and say thank you to him. We have always considered him our spiritual father.

Malaika Hightower

I'm the best and I'll thank you to remember that.

Harry Vardon

I want to thank God for America … and for you shareholders that you had faith in an immigrant boy to invest in him.

Sam Moore

The Albert Lasker Award recognizes world-leading scientists who have made an exceptional contribution to the understanding, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases, ... I send my congratulations to Drs. Till and McCulloch, and thank them on behalf of all Canadians.

Ujjal Dosanjh

Nurses are with patients 10-12 hours per day giving old-fashioned care. This is a chance to say thank you to them.

Kathy Hull

To have a kindergarten girl recognize what to do in case of a fire means our work is truly serving a purpose. Her mother made a point to come and thank us for the instruction we gave the kids. It is very satisfying knowing you are doing an important service of helping out your neighbor.

Russ Morton

I do want to take this public moment to thank my staff for the work they have put in on this property.

Audrey Rust

The center was awarded money early in the year, but construction costs have gone up. Even after they cut some of the cost, they were still short. We thank the Speaker Seth Hammett and Senator Jimmy Holley for making the funds available. The center got its Christmas wish.

Greg White

Thank God she did it. The arrangement changes keys three times, and she generally doesn't like to do that. Everyone basically that night just started reading it for the first time. I said, 'Do you want to play piano?' And she said, 'Sure, I'll do both.' So she played piano and sang simultaneously, and that was the first take. She nailed it. Beautifully. She's an incredibly gifted musician.

Tim Ries

I'd really like to thank my boss, Rawson Stevens, for allowing me to conduct city business during the day.

Karlette Thornton

We are deeply moved that you've given us your confidence to host the 2009 session...on behalf of my people, my government, my organization, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Kai Holm

It's nice knowing we didn't play our best game and still won. I told the team after the game, 'You better thank Katie Grad for this win.

Adam Barrett

We had heard that we were going to make it, but that doesn't mean anything. I was waiting for the call Sunday night to see if we had made it. Thank God it was a good call. We believed that we deserved to get in.

Marcus Conigliaro

I also thank him for admitting fault and agreeing to pay for the damage in a gentlemanly manner.

Thaksin Shinawatra

I shot my leg during a rehearsal! Thank God they were blanks.

Ricardo Montalban

I just talked to my daughter, and he (Baby Gage) pulled one of his chest tubes out. Everything seems to be going good, thank God.

Dwight Patterson

Thank you for inviting me here for Mark Messier night, sponsored by Kleenex.

Mike Richter

Thank God we got a little break in the storms.

Don Strickland

It's a fabulous program. And thank God for the people who are willing to donate their time to do it.

Dave Prunty

We're not going to let this stop us, we'll just thank God that it turned out as well as it did. Because it could have turned out totally different.

Ragina Barnett

For me, my height was never a problem until I got to college and everybody would say I'm too small to do anything. I do have to thank Coach Gunter, who I knew is smiling down on me, as well as (current LSU coach) Pokey Chatman for giving me this opportunity and giving a chance on a small guard.

Temeka Johnson

We just want to thank all the fans who have supported us in the past and hope that anyone who wants to come can make it to the event as it sure to be a special day.

Steve Muraglio

I am so very proud of what you've been able to accomplish. I'm so proud of the way you've been able to represent this university and I thank you for bringing joy to my life and the season that you've given me this year.

Jim Wiedie

I've got to thank Mopar and Paul Kistler for getting our engine program back where it needs to be, ... Tonight it was just rubber down and holding our own. We had no tire left, we were just lucky it stayed up. The bad thing about Chico is when you get an early number in qualifying, you're in trouble. The later the number the better here.

Danny Lasoski

We greatly thank the fairgrounds for the use of the space. We understood from the get go there was a time frame.

Karen Dashfield

The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.

Max De Pree

We would especially like to thank our Mom and Dad and our family for supporting us.

Amber Allison

A number of sanctuaries will be needed to provide the social and physical environments that these chimpanzees need and deserve. I am delighted to hear about the generosity of the people of northwest Louisiana making one such haven possible. On behalf of the chimpanzees, thank you.

Jane Goodall

Honda's global success is directly related to our core philosophy of delivering the highest possible value to our customers through quality products and customer service. Today we acknowledge select suppliers who share in our philosophy and thank them for their dedication to American Honda's quality commitment.

Gary Kessler

Thank goodness there's no violence reported. But the district is adamant: Kids should stay in school and not get it on their record that they're truant.

Dave Sheehan

I won't say that I don't worry about it, but our defense is usually going to play. Thank goodness, because when you don't hit, you have to pitch and play defense, and I've been saying it for years.

Kenny Meekins

This is our way to give a big thank you to our season ticket-holders, suite ticket-holders and marketing clients. And it's the only place in town fans can find such unique team memorabilia.

James Carpenter

I want to thank everyone for coming to help fund the Association's education foundation. These are our next generation of leaders.

Jim Waldvogel

I would like to thank everybody for their messages of support and I plan to be back at work as soon as I possibly can.

Karren Brady

They saved Mom and Dad's lives. If those kids hadn't stopped and helped -- thank goodness they weren't some of the people today who don't want to get involved -- my folks probably wouldn't have gotten out of the house.

Jackie Jensen

Thank God we didn't have nasty weather. This is warm for us.

Richard Harvala

Oh God, I thank God I could see him, I had some closure too, I got to say goodbye.

Leonard Johnson

I am (thank God) constitutionally superior to reason.

Wilkie Collins

Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, I had to get down. No more injuries right now.

Darrell Jackson

If you're bright as a pimp, and thank God a lot of them aren't, you move them every two to three weeks.

John Rabun

We have always known Jack had nothing to answer for . . . we thank the jury and the acquittal has been a significant victory.

Brian Thomas

I'm officially middle-aged. I don't need drugs anymore, thank God. I can get the same effect just by standing up real fast.

Jonathan Katz

In eight years, there were a lot of memories in this gym. I called a timeout at the end of the game, once I knew we were going to win just to thank my team. They gave an effort for 32 minutes and that's what we needed to do. I'm really proud of them.

Mike Ricci

Thank you all. He will be with us always. I know that.

Ruth Henderson

Thank goodness the weather is really bad so you don't have a lot of people on the beach.

Bryan Cheplic

I would like to thank the people who encouraged me to draw army cartoons at a time when the gag man's conception of the army was one of mean ole sergeants and jeeps which jump over mountains.

Bill Mauldin

I thought we played very well given the challenge presented to us, especially in the second half. It was a real learning experience for all of our players. I have to thank Real Salt Lake for giving us the opportunity.

Brent Erwin

When a guy's not moving like that, it's especially scary. Thank God he seems to be all right. He's a tough kid and he's a good friend of everybody in this room.

Mike Van Ryn

We can only guess at the aggravation and concern and inconvenience that these folks have gone through and we really do thank them for being so patient. I'm sure when you're living there it must seem like it took an awfully long time.

Freda Tarbell

David won't thank me for saying this but there have been a couple of things that have gone wrong in his personal investments.

David Kirk

Thank God the governor was the only one in the whole legislative process to err on the side of reason. He was the only one to stop this sneaky, underhanded, sleazy attempt to undermine marriage and the family and implement blatant same-sex marriages.

Benjamin Lopez

Thank God, it is over, that I have seen it and am able to tell it to the world.

George Catlin

Marcel was an integral part of the success the Riders have seen over the past few years. This is a great opportunity for Marcel and his family to be closer to home and we thank him for all of the great work he did for this organization and wish him all the best in the future.

Danny Barrett

I have to thank Charles greatly because he's been one of my greatest fans. It's not just our friendship but the respect he gave me.

Dominique Wilkins

Thank heavens! There was a return to black. There was a return to a sophisticated, pulled-together look.

Joan Kaner

It's emotional. I have to thank my players, who helped me to reach this mark.

Antonio Carlos

We want to thank you personally for what you're doing for people.

James Sappier

My initial reaction when I heard that Kent was hired, 'Thank God he's a company man,' .

Randy Moore

He made me the man I am today: proud of being Scottish, proud to be the fixer, proud to save the captain's ass, happy with the bagpipes, my whiskey and my memory. Thank you, Scotty! Thank you for making Scotland great!

Alan Black

We have been helped so much by the teachers and staff of the Henryetta schools. They have donated thousands of dollars to help pay Victoria's hospital bills and other expenses. I can't thank them enough for their love and.

Dan Edwards

We expect to have a great crowd to help us proclaim the glory of God and thank Him for allowing us to see His vision fulfilled. We hope everyone will come out - the entire community is invited to share this day with us.

Joe Roberts

He's been doing that ever since I've known him. Thank God he hasn't hit anybody.

Charlie Montoyo

I actually had some people coming in here thanking me for opening. They moved from Princeton or Pittsburgh, and ... there was no place to get a good cappuccino around here.

Gene Candeloro

During his 36-year career at GM, Mike has made a tremendous contribution to GM in a broad range of assignments, ... And, he's been a long-time advisor and friend to me and many others in the company. We thank him and wish him well.

Richard Wagoner

At first I looked at the clock and glanced to see if anyone was open, and I knew I had to take it, so I just put it up and thank God it went in. I've made big shots, big plays, but that's by far the biggest shot I've ever made.

Terrence Roberts

I should thank God or somebody for inventing Michael Clarke Duncan.

Frank Darabont

I want to thank Sean for his contributions to our program the past two seasons. Everyone associated with our program wishes him the best of luck in the future.

Dale Layer

Richard Quick has undeniably been one of the top coaches in the history of swimming, ... He has developed our women's swimming and diving program into one of the most respected and successful programs in the history of collegiate swimming. We wish him success in all of his future endeavors and thank him for his service to Stanford University.

Ted Leland

We empathize with them and feel their pain. What we should say to them is thank you for their sacrifice. It's a pain for the country and an individual pain for those people who live there.

Daniel Ayalon

I just want to thank God for giving us the strength to accomplish this.

Bobby Miller

When he saw a customer in the bank, it didn't matter who it was, he would walk up, shake hands and thank the customer for his business. There wasn't he couldn't speak to, from President Bush to the a person on the street in Andalusia, Ala.

Tom Lane

So many people said thank you.

Virginia Caldwell

The benefit will consist of an evening of food, fun and entertainment, as well as an opportunity to raise monies for our program. We will celebrate five years serving Ellis County in April. This will be an evening to thank our supporters, as well as bring more awareness to the work we are doing.

Amy Jackson

I'm extremely pleased that the process has come to this point. We thank the Forest Service for the opportunity to have access to our property as required by federal law.

Bob Honts

Thank you very much for your entire budget.

Maureen Kelly

It's a blessing, ... I can't thank them enough.

Ronald Johnson

I thank me lucky charms on this winning.

Mark Glover

I would just like to thank everyone.

George Best

We want to thank Bob Rice for his many years of service to the Company, as a founder, CEO, and Chairman of the Board. Bob has been a visionary in the industry for many years and was the force behind our industry-leading graphics technology platform. We wish him success in his future endeavors.

Patrick Vogt

Thank God that the fate of Israel and of the Jewish people is not decided in this hall.

Dan Gillerman

Between me and my brother and my sister-in-law, we pushed the girls out quickly, out the doors, and we got to the safe side. Only my brother have time to go back and help another little kid, but me and my girls, we went to the safe place. But it was raining and there was a lot of water all around. We were desperate, but we tried to do our best, and we made it, thank God.

Jose Vivas

In my entire life, I've only had two people ever thank me for my military service, ... And even then, I was shocked when I heard the words 'thank you' because you just don't expect to hear them.

Tom Dreesen

During 65 years, I have walked the path of duty and discipline, ... And today, looking back at that long path of service, my soldier's heart stirs and murmurs from deep within: Thank you. Thank you, my homeland.

Augusto Pinochet

He wanted me to learn to stand on my own feet, and to make it impossible for me to thank him.

Bob Crosby

Thank you, good night. That is the end of the show.

Mick Hucknall

I'm kinda of numb right now. I feel excited. I want to thank everyone that helped me. There were numerous people that helped me that I can't begin to recall their names. And I want to thank my opponent for running a nice, clean race.

Judy Green

People don't have to like or support you, so you always have to say thank you.

Ruben Studdard

First of all, I just want to thank all of the phone calls and prayers that we have gotten from around the country for me and my family. In addition to that, I want to apologize to the press for leaving out of the rear end of my office as opposed to just saying no comment as I'm doing right now. God bless you and I love you.

Sen. Gary Siplin

Someday she will understand what she did for us, ... that her birth was a rebirth for us. I'm going to thank her for coming to us at this time.

Jill Abbott

Art is so important. I extend a very special thank you to our community.

Marilyn Rolfsmeyer

We all wanted to come home to do this. It's a chance for those of us who love this city to come back and say 'thank you' to the men and women who put their lives on the line for us every day.

Tom Dreesen

I want to tell them thank you for all this stuff and that I am gonna make it up for them and try to get stuff for them.

David Barnett

It's a shame we can't draw fans on a consistent basis. Here we have a strong conference opponent in the building and get such a small crowd. I want to thank the loyal fans we do have.

Tim Ceglarski

This really is a pleasure, and I thank all of you.

Kathleen Glynn

We thank the good Lord those injured are healing.

Paul Cullinane

Our donors are the key to maintaining our supplies. It's always great to do something to help someone else by donating blood, but it's also nice to receive a little something for the effort. That's why we have the extra incentives. While you can't repay someone for the gift of life, this is our way of saying 'thank you' for giving to someone else.

Cortney Martin

There's been a number of fires along this road at vacant mobile homes. Thank God no one has been hurt or worse.

Nancy Tissue

They are proud of what they are doing. They thank me for coming over here when it really should be me who is thanking them.

Marine Genpeter Pace

Remember to say thank you.

Barbara Gray

If it was his last day here, I'm truly embarrassed. (Because) it was an embarrassing game. Embarrassing to Marshall and embarrassing to the city of St. Louis. If this was it for him here, I want to thank him. I'm a fan of football, and a fan of his, and he's done a lot to extend my career.

Isaac Bruce

Thirteen years and six albums to get here, ... I'd like to thank my parents for always stressing, be an individual. And I stand here tonight and represent nothing but music.

Shelby Lynne

There was a lot of pressure, but we did very well. I don't know what to say, just thank God.

Tatiana Navka

I found myself saying 'Thank you so much for coming'.

Fern Britton

I want to thank Chris on behalf of our entire organization for his eight seasons in Kansas City. He is a very talented player and an even better person. We wish he and his family all the best.

Curt Johnson

I think we need to focus on the basics, not the marquee names and causes. Just saying 'thank you' and 'please' is a good start; some simple ways of showing compassion and courtesy to each other. That's a good way to keep his dream alive because he wanted us to treat each other like brothers and sisters.

Michael Glover

My desk, most loyal friend thank you. You've been with me on every road I've taken. My scar and my protection.

Marina Tsvetaeva

I, too, would like to thank God.

Josh Bell

They're all so appreciative. It's 'thank you, thank you, thank you' all the time.

Donna Roberts

We thank teachers for their dedication and commitment and negotiating teams for good-faith efforts at reaching a tentative agreement. The new agreement, once ratified, will be a win-win for all involved.

Andrew Walton

I thank the goodness and the grace Which on my birth have smiled, And made me, in these Christian days, A happy Christian child.

Jane Taylor

We've received some thank-you notes that would make you cry.

Mary Woodward

I was somebody who was 14 years old and who got an opportunity to do a job where I could make money, and, most important, to go to school and to help my family financially. And luckily I was successful in my job, thank God. And there were a lot of people my age who didn't have that freedom I had and I'm grateful.

Gisele Bundchen

I just want to thank everyone that contributed to this. It means so much to me to have Link here, he's all I need.

Marilyn Matson

We want to thank the officials organization. We get a really good group of core officials to help with the meet. It would be impossible to host the meet without the support that we have from the community.

Scott Walkinshaw

Thank you to the strong women in my category, who I've stolen from frequently, and will continue to do so in the future.

Megan Mullally

It will be nice to thank the fans for the time I was able to spend there.

Aaron Rowand

It was from an old friend who . thought he was dying. Anyway, he said, 'Life and death issues don't come along that often, thank God, so don't treat everything like it's life or death. Go easier.'

Thomas Arnold

Ah, pierce me 100 times with your needles fine and I will thank you 100 times, Saint Morphine, you who Aeseulapus has made a God.

Jules Verne

We have to thank the taxpayers of Utah.

Keith Griffall

(That was) 100 percent, Barry Bonds over-the-fence-and-into-the-bay beautiful. Thank you, God. I owe you another one.

Terry Meiners

One Olympics in person is enough in my lifetime, thank you. They're not going to get any better than they were in Lake Placid (where Herb's team won the gold medal).

Patti Brooks

I thank God we had Soto in the first half.

Rex Morgan

I would like to thank everyone for coming out today for my official announcement on running for Staunton City Council.

Andrea Oakes

Dr. Gunther talked about passing the baton to others and that is what we are doing. We hope we have helped educate and empower all of you and we thank you for your support.

Colette Jenkins Parker

Thank you, officer. We love the police.

Paris Hilton

I thank the lord he was there and helped him because it could've been worse than what it is.

Robin Butler

Dear Mr. Webster: I have no words to thank you for your dictionary.

Dirceu Alves Ferreira

To everyone at Sierra-at-Tahoe, thank you for helping me live my dream. Thank you, Lake Tahoe, for your support. And, most of all, thank you, God, for giving me the talent and opportunity to represent Lake Tahoe and the U.S.A.

Travis Cabral

We put 10 pictures inside each box with a little note asking them to please help us find him, and also thanking them for defending our freedom.

Carolyn Maupin

I was just hoping that I would still have my son. Which he is, he is still here. He has a long way to recuperate, but he's going to live. Thank God.

Grace Jackson

This is the materialization of the friendship and relationship that is everyday for us on the border, ... ... We know what it is like to be on the other side of this, because of that we are saying thank you by responding in kind.

Daniel Hernandez

I'm very sorry for these actions. And I thank the state for giving me the opportunity to get along with my life.

Dwight Gooden

I doubt the garrulous archive bequeathed us by the tape recorder will prove as memorable as Henry James's thank-you notes.

James Atlas

I had been on the road for a long time and was not really getting anywhere. Bob Johnston, a friend of mine, had taken over Columbia in Nashville. He asked me if I wanted to come down. I did -- thank God I did.

Charlie Daniels

If you know me you know how uncool I am. I stutter, wear bad clothes, make bad jokes, make conversation uncomfortable, the list goes on. Thank you for making me feel okay.

Pete Wentz

It's a good thing that she that she likes it. And thank God she's good at it.

Kathy Cunningham

Here in Denver, we want to thank Jeremy Jacobs for the way he runs his business. Otherwise, we wouldn't have gotten Ray Bourque and won a Stanley Cup. Other than that, I don't pay much attention to what he has to say.

Joe Sakic

Kent Denver, thank you for having those paddles.

Joanne Young

We're overwhelmed with this event. Thank you with all of our hearts.

Sara White

We have Dick to thank for adding the word 'regionalism' to our vocabulary. During his 12-year tenure with the Chamber, he has been a powerful voice for regional cooperation and collaboration with outstanding results. His accomplishments are numerous, but this will almost certainly be his lasting legacy to our region.

Dennis Archer

Thank goodness for Ron. He's taught the play, he's familiar with the play and he has some of the same qualities (as Whiteside). The character is a Little Lord Fauntleroy type, but he also has a heart of gold.

Phil Funkenbusch

I just knew that the whole house was on fire. I was just thinking about jumping out and I got myself out of there. Thank the Lord.

Mike Sanchez

He's a legend and will always be a legend, and I for one have him to thank.

Bob Kinniebrew

I want to take this opportunity to thank Canucks fans and the city of Vancouver for all of your kind wishes, ... Your support, coupled with that of my teammates, Canucks ownership, management and staff and my agent Pat Morris have been a great help in these very difficult times.

Todd Bertuzzi

I know how important that money would have been for the club and for that reason, I want to thank them for their effort in order to keep me at Atletico. The truth is that I'm very happy they didn't negotiate.

Fernando Torres

I'd like to personally thank the audience in San Diego for your understanding and the respect you displayed last night. I will make it up to you.

Nine Inch Nails

I can't thank Kenny enough for the opportunity he has given me. He gave me the opportunity of a lifetime.

Helen Pitts

You can say that interest is a thank-you from the bank for keeping your money there. You can show them - look, I made an extra two dollars this month, just for leaving my money in the bank.

Debbie Pierce

You made it something special, ... Most of all, I want to thank the fans for your support not through the great times that we shared on the football field, but for the last 17 years of my life. You have supported me through all times.

Michael Irvin

This is a great Happy New Year from the governor, and we thank him. What that will mean on average is a $90 bump for our families.

Jim Nolan

I told them when they were doing it, I can take care of my family. But they insisted. I realized, when I talked to other people about it, they said, that's all you can do is say thank you. You can't have no pride with something like this.

Deron Washington

We consider Lear to be a role model for all suppliers. They are recognized as a GM Supplier of the Year because they exceeded our expectations in 2005. Lear is one of the best in the world and we thank them for their hard work and commitment to helping make GM vehicles the best in the world.

Bo Andersson

I thank Thee first because I was never robbed before; second, because although they took my purse they did not take my life; third, because although they took my all, it was not much; and fourth because it was I who was robbed, and not I who robbed.

Matthew Henry

Basically, it's just to thank the sign sponsors and thank the community for their participation in the light project.

Jason Snyder

There is no doubt that we have to thank the corn breeders for getting the kind of corn yields we have gotten this year, despite the drought.

Palle Pedersen

So, for all of their complaining about how we did things, The Onion gets a big investor whose son saw our paper and liked it. And now they've got Jeff working for them. I think they owe us a thank you.

Dave Rogers

Thank you all very much. We love you all and are praying for you like you are praying for us.

Annette Johnson

Sometimes when I am driving I get so angry at inconsiderate drivers that I want to scream at them. But then I remember how insignificant that is, and I thank God that I have a car and my health and gas. That was phrased wrong - normally you wouldn't say, thank God I have gas.

Ellen DeGeneres

I thank our people for their support in the war against terror. We shall not let our guard down and we shall prevail in every battle for peace and freedom.

Angelo Reyes

Wanda came bringing in a six-foot live Christmas tree for us and it was already decorated. That was a blessing to us. We just thank God every day for bringing us through the storm and we thank Him for everyone who has given us clothes, food, support and prayers. One day, we'll go back to New Orleans and repair our house. It's home, but living here is the next best thing.

Dolores Scott

I'm still an atheist, thank God.

Luis Bunuel

It's the first time he has struggled this year. It happens to everybody. It happens to Mariano Rivera a few times during the course of the season as well. I'm glad he was able to gut his way out of it. And thank goodness we put that four-spot up in the bottom of the eight, or it could have gotten really interesting.

Ritch Price

We got along really well, thank God. We'd go out at night to parties and stuff, and hang out together.

Chloe Sevigny

I thank the family for the organ donation. I got my sight back.

Duane Downing

I'd like to thank Mr. Gordon Burgess for helping us out and getting us the money to get this done, ... I'd also like to thank the Sheriff's Office for taking us in and the Health Unit for donating the land.

Patrick Foster