I can't tell you guys how honored I am and how proud I am to join the great tradition and to be up there with you guys. When I was my son's age, about 10, I had a childhood idol and I can't tell you, in my wildest dreams, that I'd ever think that my jersey would be going next to his.

Being with these kids -- knowing their smiles, their pain and their courage -- changed my life and taught me about life and death. These children left me with a simple reality: We don't always have much control over what happens to us, but we do have a choice in how we respond.

For some reasons, things seemed to click right away.

Being with these kids -- knowing their smiles, their pain and their courage -- changed my life.

I am so proud of my brother. My dad's focus in life has always been to focus on improving your weaknesses because it will also improve your strengths. He is bringing the philosophy to his own team and it's a lesson that carries through not only as a hockey player but for everything you do in life.

Not in my wildest dreams I'd think a night like this would happen. To be back in this fashion is really special. This gesture is over the top and overwhelming.

I feel a little bit of everything, but most of all I'm humbled and honored.

When we came here in 1991, this community embraced me and my family. Everywhere I've gone, people come up and say: 'Thank you for everything you do.' Tonight, I want to tell you it's my turn.

Opening this Lion's Den is truly my dream come true for the patients here at Women & Children's Hospital of Buffalo, many of whom I've had the pleasure to meet and become friends with over the years.