We are not a world capital. But I believe they have hope that disputing peoples will come here. I would love to see Muhammad Ali come back and put his blessing and his encouragement at those tables of reconciliation.

We hope he continues to grace the city and plays a major role at the center. That will enhance the center and the city.

Is Tyler Allen a genius or a fool? Only time will tell.

Schools, parks, movie theaters, most public venues carried the banner of separation and he was a child of that era. He walked through and lived on the periphery of the white world.

We've only had 30 months experience as a new government. We are feeling our way along on an issue as divisive as this one.

Clearly, the fact that a leadership cadre would take that step, that was significant, ... They also became a bridge for him to the broader culture.

He held the torch, with the world watching and somehow, his disability enhanced his persona. He continues to have an energetic spirit. You see that man ascending to light the Olympic torch. What city wouldn't want to embrace a native son like that?

He is the most recognized figure in the history of this city and when visitors ask about him, I point to the center. We hope he has a long and continuing life and hopefully, one day, he will come home.

We need to thank God for dreamers.