1,115 quotes about relationship follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We have a strange and wonderful relationship - he's strange and I'm wonderful.

Mike Ditka

Peace is not a relationship of nations. It is a condition of mind brought about by a serenity of soul. Peace is not merely the absence of war. It is also a state of mind. Lasting peace can come only to peaceful people.

Jawaharlal Nehru

Forgiveness does not always lead to a healed relationship. Some people are not capable of love, and it might be wise to let them go along with your anger. Wish them well, and let them go their way.

Real Live Preacher

I love my relationship with Coach Vermeil because it is one of the few genuine relationships that I have.

Dante Hall

If people could enjoy staying together as much as they fantasize about having sex with someone outside of their relationship then couples would keep from falling apart.

Martin Dansky

It's interesting how little applause there was. It was a subtle indication of the contentious relationship the governor has had with the Legislature.

Todd Shaw

There is a strong argument that the racing fields legislation is not effective but we are looking at having a positive relationship with the racing bodies now that we are licensed in Australia.

Andrew Twaits

This is a huge thrust for us in conjunction with Yahoo!'s enterprise thrust, and we're really happy about that relationship.

Richard Pierce

You can lessen the chance that your boss will make bad decisions that adversely affect you and your career by managing your relationship with the boss. Keep the boss informed about what's going on at work and never forget the pressure your boss is under. Honesty and reliability will win the hearts of most bosses.

Jane Boucher

Aetna has alluded that it may exercise this option. Express Scripts wants them to keep the current relationship, with itself as owner.

Andrew Speller

We were two very different people and led two dramatically different lives. [Messina] went off in his direction, and I went off in mine. We had a good working relationship when we were working together, but we were never close buddies that hung out a lot because we're different kinds of people.

Kenny Loggins

In the relationship between man and religion, the state is firmly committed to a position of neutrality.

Tom C. Clark

A story about... I play a guy who is with... Patricia Arquette is my wife and we're having troubles. It's a raw relationship. And she ends up dead and they think I did it. I don't think I did.

Bill Pullman

Romance fails us and so do friendships, but the relationship of parent and child, less noisy than all the others, remains indelible and indestructible, the strongest relationship on earth.

Theodore Reik

It's a real mind game. There are so many crevices, bends and directions in the play, ... There are two themes: The knife-edge relationship between revenge and redemption and the duality of natures that you can have within one person.

Richard Mcmillan

It's been a good working relationship with (Electrolux) so far, ... (The expansion) means a lot to us. It means they want to be here.

Mark Pope

I present myself to you in a form suitable to the relationship I wish to achieve with you.

Luigi Pirandello

My best friend was in an abusive relationship. Her boyfriend used to hit her repeatedly.

Anthony White

Once you accept the existence of God-however you define him, however you explain your relationship to him-then you are caught forever with his presence in the center of all things.

Morris West

I know for me the subject of how to be in a relationship is precious and complicated and challenging. It wouldn't be right to make it look too easy. [On her approach to Mad About You].

Helen Hunt

As always, the organization is completely focused on its core mission, the strengthening of the U.S.-Israel relationship.

Patrick Dorton

For the most part, coaches have the same philosophy, they are there for the kids. I've made a lot of great relationships with coaches. It's a working relationship for all of us.

Dave Flurie

The most difficult thing I've ever done was to tell the players. I wanted to make sure that they heard it from me. I had a great relationship with them and I wanted them to know that it had nothing to do with them. That made it that much more difficult.

Bob Prescott

We did not believe that we would have the kind of working relationship that is key to providing smooth running, reliable and accurate elections.

Ken Fields

The one who loves the least, controls the relationship.

Dr. Robert Anthony

They would be managing the business efficiency of the outsourced relationship, which in many instances can involve multiple vendors and be more complex than running the show in-house.

Ross Mckenzie

Personally and professionally, we had a great relationship. It was just a perfect fit. He shared a similar sensitivity. There was an inherent shorthand from 'Diner' on.

Barry Levinson

We have had a relationship with the New Brunswick public schools for 27 years. We have provided services for hundreds of their students over the years, and this is nothing more than an extension of that relationship.

Mark Finkelstein

Your relationship with an agent has got to be mutually beneficial. If you can't help their careers, then they're not going to be interested.

David Steinberg

We are pleased to continue our relationship with IBM and its world class engineering team to provide high-bandwidth functionality to new applications enabled by the extraordinary processing power of the Cell BE processor. This agreement gives us a further opportunity to engage with IBM and bring our revolutionary products to the market.

Laura Stark

People have been commenting on my emotional state but my emotional state has been fine because I feel fairly secure with my relationship with the players.

Matthew Elliott

It's easy for me to have a relationship with God. I know I can trust him ... to be there, to do the right thing, to love me. And, it's easy for me to have a relationship with me. I know I can trust me — not to be perfect, but to keep growing in that direction. And when I find somebody else I can trust, I have a strong foundation for a loving relationship.

Jan Denise

You have two people who are on two separate sides where a relationship is impossible, yet they come together.

Ridley Scott

You don't want to insult someone that you've had this relationship with, but you don't want to [disappear] and leave them wondering what happened. It's kind of like breaking up with a boyfriend.

Beth Brown

The absurdity of it gets played out in the day-to-day lives of Border Patrol agents. Everybody knows somebody [in the U.S. illegally] who has some kind of relationship with a Border Patrol agent. Either someone in their family is married to one, or they're sleeping with one. People's lives are very complicated and intertwined and they're not very clear-cut.

Jennifer Allen

Anger repressed can poison a relationship as surely as the cruelest words.

Dr. Joyce Brothers

They also learn about diversity. We want to think that there's no discrimination in the world today, but there is. ... Their relationship with me makes them look at things a little differently.

Roy Pittman

I have a hunch that the last institution around at this moment which has a high doctrine of sex is the Church. We still believe sex is a good gift from God but it needs to be in context of a committed, loving, continuing relationship.

William Swing

I think some students will be upset but in a negotiation way, it's to keep a good relationship with the Athletic Department as well as the ASUO executive office. It's a good medium we've met.

Kyle Mckenzie

We felt like it was an important issue to talk about and an important issue for students to talk about so that we possibly can help someone that could be involved in that sort of a relationship.

Derick Virgil

During the meeting with President Carter, we proposed the development of a new kind of relationship with the United States.

Daniel Ortega

The United States is Israel's most cherished friend and ally. We have a strong, ongoing, working relationship at all levels, and in no way would Israel do anything to impair this relationship.

David Siegel

It is vital for the relationship with the citizens of this county and the office of sheriff to be maintained. We have common threads and when those threads are bonded it creates a community.

Jimmy Ashe

Our intent has been to have the strongest relationship possible with the Green Bay Packers and the NFL, and that's both at a local level and a corporate level. Yes, we will absolutely take a serious look at it because we want to build on NFL/Green Bay Packers partnership.

R. Perry Kidder

The fact of the matter is that Hong Kong is going back to China and C.H. has the ability to work with China as well as the Hong Kong people. Tung's approach is by building a bridge to get to know China better, have a better relationship with China, so that China will let us have our way of life long into the future.

David Chu

This innovative publication strategy takes the e-book from the realm of novelty and directly into the very mainstream of today's culture. And it reaffirms the publisher-author relationship at a moment when it is fashionable to predict its demise.

Jack Romanos

I served 85 days in jail because of my belief in the importance of upholding the confidential relationship journalists have with their sources, ... Believe me, I did not want to be in jail.

Judith Miller

As part of our relationship with Joe Gibbs Racing, we were able to use their expertise in selecting our drivers. Terry's and Tony's names were at the top of the list, and it's a privilege to have both of them in our race cars representing DLP HDTV and Hall of Fame Racing.

Bill Saunders

I've likened it to another major corporate announcement for Alliance. Not only does Prudential bring capital into the Alliance program, but through the relationship we will be able to build with them. We may have some opportunities to do some future development with them in an extension of this partnership.

Mike Berry

This could definitely be the beginning of a longstanding relationship.

Jim Fiore

The real relationship … to actually be in St. Louis and start to really make the music with people.

David Robertson

Without a doubt, the prospects (of China-US economic and trade relationship) are bright.

Patricia Russo

Like I said before, it's a really strong event for us, especially in relationship to depth.

Patty Vavra

This is now a very large boulder in the room of this relationship that will either get rolled out the door or not.

Robert Blackwill

A good relationship is like fireworks: loud, explosive, and liable to maim you if you hold on too long.

Jeph Jacques

The governor and the speaker have a good relationship, and the governor has been supportive of our efforts in the past.

John Mcgovern

The trickiest part is helping kids manage some of the negative emotions they experience. Children can learn a lot about handling frustration as a part of the sibling relationship. Brothers and sisters can be awfully frustrating.

Laurie Kramer

I can tell you with complete honesty that my relationship with Matt hasn't changed at all. We like and care about each other.

Katie Couric

This will give a larger subscriber base a chance to try XM content without going through the hassle of getting the necessary equipment. If they find the programming valuable, it would be a lot easier to sign them up. The added distribution that XM will get from this relationship will be very beneficial.

Nitin Gupta

It is a show that has some real depth. It?s about the ups and downs in the course of a relationship, which everyone can relate to.

Duane Sider

I think it gives them a closer relationship with the pet. I think it helps them realize the day-to-day responsibilities of caring for a creature other than themselves. I think they can feel proud of themselves knowing that they're helping a dog, cat or bunny to enjoy a better existence as a family member.

Dana Schultz

I just moved here in Thanksgiving, ran away from an abusive relationship. I start a new job Wednesday.

Donna Perry

We've had a great relationship with the Hartford tournament and the Greater Hartford Jaycees for a long time. We are talking to them about continuing as the official car of the tournament and hope to be involved for years to come.

Larry Peck

We totally support Kmart and hope that they pull through this dilemma. Our products have always performed very well, and we hope to continue our relationship with them.

Gary Knell

We've had a strong relationship with Austria for the last eight to 10 years, and they're planning enormous things next year, too.

Nancy Laturno Bojanic

It's not just about 'here's a phone number, get married.' I facilitate the date, I'm a relationship coach. I'm their expert. I play their shrink -- their mother.

Janis Spindel

If love means that one person absorbs the other, then no real relationship exists any more. Love evaporates; there is nothing left to love. The integrity of self is gone.

Ann Oakley

We have an incredibly good relationship with the county. They help provide equipment and gear and a paramedic, and, in turn, we provide them with all kinds of personnel. It's a mutually beneficial relationship.

Tom Mckibbin

The special forces are also doing a big job ... so we will be talking about different aspects of the relationship during my visit.

Abdullah Abdullah

These properties are well maintained, and we have a long standing relationship. They are the best operators in the business.

Thomas Baltimore

But they see themselves as women who are interested in men. They are not men interested in other men. After their surgery, they can have a perfectly normal relationship with a man.

Dale Neaman

I would hope as part of the exhibit we can make sure our relationship (with France) becomes known by our citizens and the residents of Frenchtown, ... The tourism and pure beauty of this exhibit make it enough to have in our community. But the spin-offs make it even better.

John Marks

In the end, this gripping, tension-packed film leaves the viewer to ponder the psyches of two individuals in a tragically demented relationship, and to judge: Was Karla herself caught in Paul's web, a victim?

Karla Homolka

We want our teachers to get a grass-roots effort. And we have a great relationship with hotels in Las Vegas.

Jennifer Sherron

It was big for us ... We've really come a long way with our relationship with the city on working things out.

Bob Elsner

I always have a hard time answering this one. There are some symbols in there that maybe be misinterpreted that way, but as far as the game itself, it's just a game. But anything that you would spend any more time on than you would reading scripture or focusing on your relationship with Christ is going to have the same effect.

Daniel Howell

We felt that there was an imbalance and we were disadvantaged in that relationship and we were ending up with what amounts to free capacity.

Jennifer Daumler

Couples need to rebuild their relationship. Retired men still tend to act like the lord and master.

Sayoko Nishida

For every two horses in our sample we were able to get a molecular measure of their relationship. It turned out that that was on average 47%.

Patrick Cunningham

I'm hoping to bring friendship and support to the table. I want to be there to encourage him. I hope that the relationship can continue to grow, but it will be up to him. I will be there.

Lynette Eddy

But the relationship was not as strong. But the point is, in women, whether it was verbal or non-verbal intelligence, brain size was positively correlated — that means the bigger the brain, the better they did.

Sandra Witelson

You can have it all with one relationship.

Brandon Roberts

There's an old adage. Parents shouldn't be friends to their children and neither should teachers. As soon as that happens, the relationship is not what it's supposed to be. Anyone who suspects a teacher is too friendly should investigate that.

Deborah Gust

Are they being honest just to vent or are they being honest because they really care about you and the relationship?

Irene Boffo

Without an agent, they have to agree to price and terms, and that's a biggie. It only works if there is a truly trusting relationship between the two parties because there is no intermediary there.

Richard Morse

The county will continue the same precautionary measures we've done right from the start. From the county's perspective, we will continue to work with these contractors because we've had an excellent relationship with them.

Maia Carroll

We are lately disappointed in their efforts and we are going to look on a day-to-day basis at the future of our relationship.

Jason Vines

It is a concept whose time has come. It takes the discomfort out of the way, and allows people to be really open with their feelings without the risk of losing a friendship or an important relationship.

Mark Taitz

We never told anybody about (our relationship), even after we were signed. I didn't want anybody to talk about it. I don't care if people know we're brothers -- I just don't want them to lump the music into something.

Sam Loeffler

There is a relationship between cartooning and people like Mir= and Picasso which may not be understood by the cartoonist, but it definitely is related even in the early Disney.

Roy Lichtenstein

Penn State was always at the top of my list. We were real close in getting together. But the Miami mystique drew us to visit there. I was real comfortable with the quarterbacks coach (Werner) and I built a relationship with him. When he was dismissed, everything changed.

Pat Devlin

He never had any relationship to the company to begin with. ... He never even practiced here. We specifically never lobby him.

Jeff Prescott

They've had a great relationship with the CHL over a number of years. They've done other sites and come highly recommended.

Hayne Ellis

I've always had a complicated relationship with advertising. It's everywhere, and it's becoming more and more parasitic. Yet, because it's everywhere it has the power to influence people positively as well as negatively.

Ian Bogost

It's a very important policy statement that clears the air and brings clarity to the issue. I think it will greatly enhance the U.S.-China relationship.

George Koo

There appears to be some anecdotal evidence that there might be an inverse relationship between companies that are most aggressive about attacking analysts who question their accounting practices and the actual quality of their earnings.

Victor Germack

There's a lot more room to be naughty in our relationship now. The trust is there. We can talk about it and it opens up a whole bunch of doors.

Heidi Raykeil

These kinds of accusations do not help the relationship and are not conducive to the development of this strategic partnership between the two countries.

Ambassador Lu Shumin

This promotion is a reflection of the outstanding job Lee has done for the past 10 years. His relationship with organizations like NIRI and PRSA has proven invaluable to Business Wire.

Cathy Baron Tamraz

Biased results? No way. Providing great search is the core of what we do. Business partnerships will never compromise the integrity or objectivity of our search results. If a partner's page ranks high, it's because they have a good answer to your search, not because of their business relationship with us.

Marissa Mayer

The reality is, there is no point denying this, that Tony has taken a big political hit as a result of what is perceived to be a strong relationship with President Bush.

Alastair Campbell

There was no secret about that relationship.

Michael Nash

Becoming Catholic involves entering into a relationship with the Catholic Church.

Carl Olson

If you are trying to find a problem in our relationship, you can find it, ... But let's get away from it.

National Press

Needless to say, this isn't how companies do business -- there's always a human element to establishing a relationship. As a result, the UBR served as little more than an interoperability reference implementation. Now that UDDI has become more of a metadata management standard for SOA, there's little need for the UBR anymore.

Jason Bloomberg

With most customers, we have a relationship that started that way. Every financial services company, the Department of Energy--almost everyone got Linux in a nonstandard way on their own. That's not where their competence is. They've got a lot of other problems than building Linux distributions.

Brian Stevens

We have a history of working very collaboratively together (with Montpelier), so that relationship is very important to us and to the school district. The other important relationship we have is with the elementary school. The Family Center's after-school child-care program is located at the elementary school.

Lee Lauber

What he has to say about the intimate details of his relationship with anybody is between him and his family, and him and the people that console him.

Abbe Lowell

I served 85 days in jail because of my belief in the importance of upholding the confidential relationship that journalists have with their sources.

Judith Miller

It's all about creating a relationship with you.

Delashaun Dean

Luckily, in this community, we have a pretty good working relationship with all of those entities.

Maryellen Elia

Whatever Josh allegedly did, I'm very shocked because Josh is a good kid. Since he's been with us, our relationship has been good. We didn't have any complaints from teachers or anything.

Dexter Williams

Optus will be responsible for negotiating all rental, lease and packaging deals through the mobile network. This relationship has allowed us to offer clients a cost effective solution which equates to approximately $100 per truck per month to incorporate the solution.

C. Michael White

We look forward to offering the Starbucks experience to Borders customers through this new relationship.

Greg Meier

[Friends] knew [our] relationship was serious not when we moved in together, but when we combined our record collections.

Dave Kolesar

In those cases, I refer them to a physician. I like to develop a relationship with local doctors.

Warren Menard

That opened his eyes to some things. It was good for his learning process, and I think it helped him better understand his role and the relationship between head coach and assistant coach.

Kevin Hartzell

Our alliance with the community was the key to the last year's success. The arts center is a wonderful investment and the relationship we have with the community will help enhance our quality of life.

Jack Morris

It will allow us to more quickly reach our city expansion goals, to add a high-quality distribution relationship with MSN, and ultimately to better help our consumers get things done locally.

Charles Conn

Because of that (relationship), we've studied the Utah situation a lot.

Chris Petersen

We see enormous benefits in the supply relationships we have in other sectors and are delighted that they can now develop the same relationship for a premium product like lamb.

Rob Cumine

This is another important step in executing our growth strategy in the group life and disability business. We look forward to the distribution opportunities this new relationship will provide for both companies.

Larry Newsom

It's tough to go direct to end-users when you are likely competing with a person who has almost everything else -- including a sales relationship with your potential customers.

Tom Barnes

I don't see myself as an icon. I was very moved by the response to my book; it brought me into relationship with many people whom I otherwise would not have met. I also discovered that in becoming a public figure, I became a focus for all kinds of projections that had little to do with me.

Carol Gilligan

Some guys are willing to pawn all kinds of things to make ends meet, because if you're not equipped to have a second plan, then it's drastic. Some guys can do it, and for some it's a really harsh reality, because all you've done is play football. And then you couple that with relationship and kids? Man, that's tough. You've really got to be a man about it and find a way to bring that income home.

Joe Salave'a

No, I am not aware of any relationship.

Danny Treanor

You can educate yourself right out of a relationship with God.

Tammy Faye Bakker

It appears they have a difficult bargaining relationship.

Patricia Crawford

We are excited about our partnering relationship with DSC Logistics and most importantly, excited to offer our drug wholesalers, chain drug stores, mass merchandisers and independent pharmacies the ability to capitalize from the benefits of this new relationship, ... Through the relationship with C200, DSC Logistics and Kramer Labs were able to forge a relationship that wil.

Gloria Rodriguez

This is the whole thing: Each one of us has a different relationship with our sources.

Walter Pincus

My faith is who I am. My relationship with God and Jesus Christ and my home above is what I live for. I try to exemplify that by showing that the love given to me freely is given to others. My hope is built on where I'm going, not where I am.

Patricia Johnson

[Insurance] becomes a vehicle for the hospital to try to build its relationship with physicians, ... They can try to use that as a competitive advantage.

Michael Preston

That local support is needed for small business. One thing I want to do is develop a relationship that evolves as the needs of the business do. I don't want to design a site, have you hand me a check and I'll never see you again. You need quarterly contact.

Greg Wilson

Whether you're a celebrity or not, if your husband's a CEO and has to spend six months away and you don't get to see him, it creates great stress and strain on a relationship, ... And then they're in the public eye, and people are watching every move they make, which creates an additional kind of stress.

Suzanne Lopez

This also helps DirecTV. XM has established a pretty good brand out there, but XM certainly has more to gain out of this relationship.

Nitin Gupta

We enjoyed doing this. (People) would be surprised that we have a great relationship, that we get along in everyday life as much as we do.

Michelle Garner

It's becoming less adversarial. It's become more of an employer-employee relationship.

Brian Preece

A loving relationship is one in which the loved one is free to be himself -- to laugh with me, but never at me; to cry with me, but never because of me; to love life, to love himself, to love being loved. Such a relationship is based upon freedom and can never grow in a jealous heart.

Leo F. Buscaglia

We don't negotiate agreements through the media. But I will say our relationship with the Town of Johnston has been fantastic and our negotiations fruitful.

Tom Hickey

Japan has much more aggressive plans to build plants and facilities in North America than any other country. Plus, we already had two Japanese plants here, so we wanted to capitalize on that relationship.

Dan Allen

I've never seen or heard of a stronger relationship. I have an opportunity to speak with a lot of other owners and GMs, and a lot of them marvel at the close relationship that the Curve and the Pirates have.

Chuck Greenberg

We believe it is important to have the court of appeals review the decision. Hopefully, that review will clarify the legal nature of the band's relationship with the state.

Attorney General Steven Rowe

I think we need to be looking at an FTA with (South) Korea. We need to look at how we can position our relationship for developments in the 21st century.

Peter Rowe

We can learn a good bit with two cars. Kyle's been working with us since the beginning with this project. We've had a really good working relationship, and just the fact that there's only two cars, we can still learn a good bit about them. We already have.

Brett Bodine

We have a long history and tradition with the Boy Scouts and we look forward to continuing that relationship. It's a win-win situation all the way around.

Jon Wright

I had offers to go other places, but then it's a situation where you're coming in to join a staff that's already in place. Obviously, not having to uproot your family is important, but the other thing that came into play was the relationship that I had built with these kids over the last four years.

Thom Kaumeyer

I loved that image. It's a symbolic representation of the deepest emotional aspects of their relationship.

Simon Doonan

This is designed for an open relationship between a parent and child. It cannot be used without the child's knowledge and consent. It's to be used as an aid, not a substitute for parental supervision.

Caroline Semerdjian

India should [seriously consider recognizing] the market-economy status of China to further the business relationship between the two countries.

Wang Jinzhen

If Boeing and Microsoft and others who are seen as deeply engaged and committed to the relationship speak frankly about the stress, that is of real value.

David Bachman

These students are America's future leaders, and these missions give them the tools they need to become more effective advocates for a strong U.S.-Israel relationship.

Barry Silverman

It is vital that these communities have a good relationship with each other. And it's important that everyone gets intentional about this.

Michael Shore

I continue to believe that the American people have a love-hate relationship with inflation. They hate inflation but love everything that causes it.

William E. Simon

The Chinese are going to want to stretch it out, and we're going to want to accelerate it. In 2006, China is the big enchilada and this is the most important bilateral relationship in the world.

James Lilley

It could have cost us our contract. It affected our relationship with the schools, for one thing.

Sky Blaylock

We are looking forward to a long relationship with ASU and hope to make a positive contribution to their educational mission.

Douglas Merrill

It's a very emotional issue. On one side you have a group that has a relationship with the birds, and on the other hand you have a property owner with a liability issue.

Marshall Foster

I always tell people that it's not very good to put water features in a bedroom -- not even paintings of lakes and rivers -- because that could lead to losses, particularly financial losses. Sometimes it also leads to a loss in relationship.

Lillian Too

Everybody felt they had a unique relationship with my mother, and that's difficult to maintain with so many children. Even being so busy all the time, she always took time out for each one of us.

Kevin Mccarrick

There doesn't need to be this personal relationship with your assessor. That's a thinly veiled way to say, 'Come see me. We'll work out a deal.

Arthur Sterbcow

We have a strong relationship with the JAG (Judge Advocate General) Corps. A number of our students graduate and enter the JAG Corps. And we have a number of JAG officers who attend our LLM program.

Teresa O'rourke

We have had a very good relationship with Reynolds and we know we can make Reynolds profitable.

Michael Lynch

Team unity. We've got a great relationship between all the guys here.

Dave Baron

The relationship with the 49ers Academy started before we got here. Denise and I both love coming here to be part of teaching the kids. If you can get some of the students to realize the importance of education, and you can look out and see in their eyes that they are paying attention, they have the best chance to improve their lives.

John York

Ultimately, they want a stable, a more effective relationship with their child. A lot of fathers don't know how to have that.

Charles Turner

Our goal with the Oracle relationship isn't to replace partners. Our goal is to increase our capabilities and attractiveness to our customers.

Terri Schoenrock

What it comes down to is it really is a love-hate relationship. Certainly, would the labels like to have more control over pricing? Absolutely. Would they like to have more influence on format availability? Absolutely.

Matt Kleinschmit

I cannot understand this relationship. There are no links in their chart, no passion. I don't know how it happened. There are pressure points that will come up. She's Sagittarius, he's Cancer ... Sagittarius usually hurts Cancer's feelings by being too direct. The birth of their baby, sadly, could add further stress to their relationship.

Susan Miller

You have a religion, I have a relationship.

Anne Angelelli

To understand how any society functions you must understand the relationship between the men and the women.

Angela Davis

You could have it [sexual dysfunction] because of sleep deprivation, stress. Alcohol can cause it. Very often it has to do with a relationship that is psychological.

Dr. David Katz

I have a great relationship with my parents. I have not been on lithium.

Zach Braff

My relationship with my father was the most central relationship of my life from the time I was zero to 30.

Bruce Paltrow

President Bush will come here and there will be new "friends" of America to open a new relationship with the world, new economic fortunes for those who "liberated" them.

Robert Fisk

The perception among a lot of customers is that nobody understands Microsoft products like Microsoft. Many of them want the security of that direct relationship with Microsoft.

Dwight Davis

At no time was I ever made aware of any prior relationship between the governor and this firm.

Phil Power

There was no evidence that they had a relationship or that (Love) treated Clay any different from other contractors. You're not charged to find whether (the authority) could be run better, but whether there was any criminal action by Love.

Tom Maher

The implementation of this system in Europe is an important milestone for Oracle and Key Equipment Finance. Key and Oracle have had a longstanding equipment financing relationship, and we're excited to team up with them again on a system designed to help streamline the processes of operating a global financial services company.

Joe Morgan

We are quite pleased with the relationship we have with KET, ... They appreciate our interest in them, and they appreciate the University.

Jim Carter

AIW is a great fit for Georgia, especially the Douglas area. I'm pleased we were able to move quickly and I look forward to a long-term, sustainable relationship that will contribute to the economic vitality of both AIW and the community.

Craig Lesser

As you sort of go through life, you realize it's very rare to have a relationship as an actor with a director like I have with John.

Bruce Paltrow

We were nice to everybody. We flowed right into the foreign countries and cultures, and those people liked us because we interacted with them and that's what you do with an audience in the circus. We develop a relationship with everybody we meet and that's the secret to making people smile.

Jon Weiss

The majority of the people, they think it's an asset. His relationship with the U.S. is very good and that will be helpful.

Talat Masood

MFX has proven to be a true partner by dedicating itself to the improvement of our overall efficiency and design. Through these improvements the natural benefit is higher service availability and economic efficiency for our clients. We look forward to a continued working relationship with MFX that is favorable to both of our companies.

Rick Bennett

It's made us work closer together toward a goal, ... We've always had a good relationship.

George Wilson

People can have the mentality, the mindset and basically you can't change that. But what we can . . . establish some form of relationship so people can see that everybody is able and capable of helping each other. We have to work together to make that happen.

Quetel Osterval

He's saying favorable things. They have a good relationship.

Andrea Tantaros

At this point we are comfortable with our relationship with the CDC and confident that they will inform us if the situation changes that mandates a different approach.

Katherine Andrus

We've had a good relationship with the Port. I'm sure if they were concerned, they would have told us.

Ken Cooper

All the findings reinforced the value of relationship marketing. The more we knew about a consumer, the better the response would be.

Phil Barden

We are excited to further our relationship with Namco Networks by adding a mobile game to Dilbert 's impressive multimedia portfolio. Namco Networks' ability to create fun, quality games makes them the perfect partner for creating a Dilbert -based mobile game that will allow fans of the comic to interact with Dilbert and his corporate world.

Jean Sagendorph

After seeing the mother and child together, it became clear to me that they have a wonderful relationship. She's a great mother. Any attempt by anyone to interfere with that relationship . . . is wrong.

Tony Spencer

It's a very difficult thing losing a parent, but I think there's an added complication for me, because he was so well-loved and he had this very open charm that made people feel they had a personal relationship with him.

Kate Beckinsale

Children are our second chance to have a great parent-child relationship.

Dr. Laura Schlessinger

We certainly consider the financial aspect and amount of money offered, but we don't want everybody spending every dime in the club and having nothing on the backside. We consider the overall picture, financial structure, marketing, group partners and relationship with the community.

Pat Courtney

We are pleased to extend the positive working relationship with Starbucks Coffee International.

Chris Nichols

There was a time when the contractual relationship between the employer and the employee was supposed to be none of the public's business. That time has passed.

Frank Murphy

Any German chancellor has to have close relations with France, ... Merkel will have a close relationship with France as well.

Karsten Voigt

They're talking to everyone who had a relationship here. That was one of many questions they asked me.

Barry Morris

I can't overemphasize how important that relationship with the NBA will be to our league.

Todd Speer