It might be too early to call [this] the bottom, but we think we are very close to the bottom on Internet stocks. Once we get officially past these rate fears, than one can expect some kind of rally in the group.

Frederick Moran

This Texans for Good Leaders is a PAC funded by three trial attorneys, John Eddie Williams and John O'Quinn, both Democratic trial attorneys, who have both given money to my opponent in the past.

Patricia Harless

Lightning really does strike twice for some people, especially if you were found to owe large adjustments in the past.

Frederick Daily

These things have happened in the past, and we've committed to put on a show for the fans. We have a job.

Curtis Gray

That's the way this game has always gone. In the past, on paper, we seem like we're going to be the better team, (but) the game is always like a scrappy, dog-fight game. That's the way it's going to be.

Gary Larkins

Kristen has been hitting the ball phenomenally over the past two weeks and been making outstanding contact. So we were very comfortable with her leading off the inning.

Laura Fleming

We can't change the past, but we can do a lot about the future.

Michael Sheehan

Anytime you lose that many games, it's really tough. You just have to keep grinding it out and hopefully we learned from it. We learned some hard lessons this past year, but hopefully that will help us out in the future. (KC manager Buddy Bell) has made some changes and he's a good manager. I have a lot of respect for him.

Jimmy Gobble

The news out of the U.S. the past few weeks is clearly dollar positive.

James Mccormick

We don't need a repetition of what's happened in the past... clearly that is not where anybody wants to go.

Gilles Bisson

Clearly satellite companies are gaining momentum in the market, ... as indicated by our studies over the past four years.

Kirk Parsons

When I first got here, he was talking about games from two years ago and mistakes he had made. He's been hammered so hard. It's something that we had to repair and fix, for him to live in the now and forget about the past.

Brandon Doman

People can get past the technology with these devices. You don't have to worry about the tools, only the applications.

James Sachs

We must not deprive the future of the past.

Terry Belanger

The past CEO deserves a lot of credit for stepping into a difficult role, ... The simple fact is that Nortel needs a house cleaning and it needs more focus. And from all reports, Mike is the kind of guy to do all of those.

Steve Kamman

We have some exciting kids to watch. Overall we may not be as strong as we have been in the past.

Mike Flakus

In the past, our tradition was to rename parks only for an individual related to the life of the park.

Warner Johnston

I kind of knew there was a guy coming, so I had to shoot kind of quickly. A quick snap, a high shot, and I got it past him.

Brandon Bochenski

I don't think there is an undue amount of anxiety. On the one hand, we're all worried because of the past, the last entry. On the other hand, I'm less worried because of all the work we've done, and how careful we've been.

Nicholas Patrick

I don't know whether I would have gotten past Charles if he hadn't had the problems. I feel bad for him but good for me.

Katherine Legge

I think they've struggled ever since Cole has been out for them. He was key and he hurt Montreal in the past, and him not being there hurts them still.

Mathieu Dandenault

We'll have a lot more items than we've had in the past, probably 15 different vehicles and all kinds of other things, from A to Z.

Kelly Callahan

In that situation, just do what you have to do to get the first down, ... That's it, just get the first down. And everybody on the defense is up (on the line of scrimmage), so once you get past that first down, then you think touchdown. First down, touchdown.

Ron Dayne

I've never tried to hide who I am from anyone, but I'm a very private person and in the past I haven't felt the need to say anything about my sexuality.

Mark Feehily

It's interesting to go through the results from the past and see how we scored. We've been able to prepare and focus on the specifics.

Katherine Mowat

Existence is no more than the precarious attainment of relevance in an intensely mobile flux of past, present, and future.

Susan Sontag

Christmas is a bridge. We need bridges as the river of time flows past. Today's Christmas should mean creating happy hours for tomorrow and reliving those of yesterday.

Gladys Taber

The past is the past. I'm just here looking to compete and no matter who it's against, I go in to fight hard and do what I have to do.

Robbie Lawler

We've selected these buildings because of the age, the architecture and the past owners. Our goal is to maintain the integrity of this historic district.

Karen Mateyka

Beijing has been accusing the U.S. of hegemony over the past few days. But that rhetoric is targeted at a domestic audience, not the Americans.

Jin Zhong

He apparently made vague, veiled e-mail threats in the past, but nothing that would raise an alarm like this.

Linda Bowman

Green in the past has been ugly. Now, it's got more curb appeal.

John Schleimer

We've enhanced ZEUS over the past couple years and are still making improvements.

Charles Bower

The lessons of the past should steer us towards ensuring lasting legacies for generations yet to be born.

Hun Sen

Those who do remember it (the past) will find new ways to screw up.

Charles Wolfe

We believe management wanted to reset the guidance bar as low as possible following four downward earnings revisions in the past six months.

Bill Chappell

The past two games we've been a team funk. We just came alive in that first inning (Tuesday).

Stephanie Graham

We find active Super Massive Black Holes at the centers of massive galaxies. Our Galaxy also has its own black hole at its center measuring 2.6 million solar masses. Our black hole is not active today, but we presume it was active in the past.

Dr. Niel Brandt

The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us and we see nothing but sand; the angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone.

George Eliot

We could do the highways now, and it would be a boon to the city. It wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out; it's feasible. It's way past its time but it's feasible.

Walter Hayden

We are actually talking about the genocide as part of our past, but we are doing it in such a way that people can learn something.

Rosette Rugamba

We've strengthened communications, strengthened the processes. In effect, it's back to the future. We're looking at what made missions successes in the past.

Scott Hubbard

After the rapid rally in gold over the past few months a correction is almost inevitable at some point and this could be it.

John Reade

Ed wasn't going to let that happen to us again. He needed confidence in his knee to get past the injury, and the determination he showed that season was something special.

Jim Harrick

We have done the Shanghai Circus and the National Acrobats of China in the past. And each time the audiences have been amazed by the daring feats of the performers.

Thom Cooper

My goal is to relate history to the modern day, ... History can give you an advantage because if you control the past, you control the future.

Jeff Evans

I hope I can bring some of the things I've done in the past to a team that's been hurting at that position. I was one of the guys they wanted here from the first day to bring that leadership, that competitiveness. It feels good.

Sam Madison

I would like to have him back, but I am not optimistic. It could fall apart, but they are past the money and now working on terms that are easier to resolve.

Craig Angelos

We've been through so much over the past two years and we're ready now.

Oleg Vasiliev

All else being equal, past officeholders ought to have an advantage, but all things are rarely equal.

John Green

Forgiving does not erase the bitter past. A healed memory is not a deleted memory. Instead, forgiving what we cannot forget creates a new way to remember. We change the memory of our past into a hope for our future.

Lewis B. Smedes

He's asked questions in the past and helped teachers to develop Web pages. He seemed to be pretty helpful.

George Worthington

We forget cruelty and past betrayal, Heedless of where the next bright bolt may fall.

Robert Graves

It's about 14 million dollars worth of equipment installed over the past 2 years. It cleans up an admissions before it goes into the atmosphere.

Kent Brown

In the past I've made movies that were pretty universally liked. You can't really hate them. You can discard them, but you can't really hate them.

Ang Lee

My attitude is so different than in the past; I just want to be a part of this team.

Peter Boulware

I've never bothered much about the past, I'm always in the middle of the next step and so the past is really scattered.

Roy Harper

The music is beautiful, and Linda has done a wonderful job getting the students to bring out the emotion in the music. She has past experience with the show; she did it here almost a decade ago.

Shannon Mallrich

Both sides have been out and about looking for trouble and finding it for the past four months, and with increasing intensity in recent weeks.

William Walker

Held off the market indefinitely until we can get past this business.

Brian Sullivan

If the city can't make up its mind whether they want us here past 2010, then we have to look at all our options.

Wally Walker

It's past the point of being ridiculous. It's just hard to believe it's taken so long.

Paul Griffin

Most of your reactions are echoes from the past. You do not really live in the present.

Gaelic Proverb

I've been thinking of nothing else for the past year. It's incredible. I'm Olympic champion.

Antoine Deneriaz

She's gotten better as a hitter over the past year and she's really come into her own. She's put forth a lot more effort [in batting practice] and it's paid off for her this year.

Jim Huwar

If over the past few weeks, the Department of Justice has already been picking up individual cooperators, we could see a wave of indictments.

Stan Twardy

My plan was just to run past him. My hand just got caught into his and I fouled him. ... It was just a dumb foul. Just a mental mistake.

Justin Dentmon

Their past precedes them. They've had a great tradition, they've a very good team, hopefully we can do a great job.

Lorraine Moylan

They are looking hard for technology to get leverage with their conventional forces and to move more quickly than they have been able to in the past into the world of computers, electronics and so on.

James Woolsey

Thinking about the future and thinking about the past is really only a way of ignoring the present.

Billy Corgan

It's a past vendetta. Past hard feelings some people just won't let go.

Lee Pressler

In 2002 we gave out 42 bags of food. In 2005 we gave out 270. We had a 600 percent increase over the past four years. And we gave out 217 bags last month.

Heather Cavanagh

The flattening of the yield curve during the past year has made it challenging to increase net interest income.

Charles Dolezal

It was an extremely physical game and going in, we knew it would be a tough challenge. (Campbell-Savona) has a nice team with a lot of great athletes. We were definitely not looking past this team.

Matt Hill

It was a frustrating night. They play a defensive system, especially when they get the lead. You could see it. Guys were squeezing the sticks a little bit, and we couldn't get another one past their goalie.

Wade Flaherty

Is still trapped in the past.

Peter West

We can't move forward if we keep on looking in the past. Last year was last year, and it was a great year, but it's gone.

Abdul Hodge

I made some good passes, got past some people. I just went out there and raced and had fun.

Ben Callies

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

George Santayana

I just don't think anyone over 40 is up past midnight.

Phil Biston

Looking past this quarter, we generally anticipate that market conditions will progress favorably as we move into summer, which is traditionally the case for our industry.

O.b. Goolsby

There has been no case of government employees being partial in the past.

Jyoti Basu

Castillo has been huge for us, not only this year, but in the past. He's an asset on this team. He really keeps us in the games and keeps us advancing. Land O' Lakes is a good team. They always have a good program, so we weren't expecting anything easy coming up here.

Dennis Derflinger

We've watched her be abused in the past, and she's overcome, stood strong. We're not going to be absent or indifferent to the fact that she may be abused again.

Harry Belafonte

We have done well against some teams that have given us problems in the past. The bigger tests are coming after spring break. We need to eliminate the lapses.

Al Keckeisen

Our defense this year is much different than it's been in the past. We have more defenses than we've ever had and I think our defense is the best it's ever been.

Darci Lewis

When you see it after the fact that they actually had a machine-gun, and knowing what's happened at some other crossings in the past, there is a fear, a legitimate fear, and part of that is anger that nothing has been done, that nothing's taken place, and nothing has happened.

George Scott

We'll have our hands full there, ... They have a good ball club. I know them from having been in the district with them in the past. We'll go to work on Monday and get things taken care of.

Bob Barrett

We talked last night and asked everybody to try to feel what it would feel like to win. We wanted everybody to see that picture. ... The one thing different in the past was deep down, we didn't believe we could beat them. We felt we could this time.

Maria Rooth

What I have been seeing these past few days is nothing short of a national disgrace.

Joe Scarborough

We've basically been flat-lining those items over the past few years.

Roger Ferris

That was a breakthrough race for Steven. It was a direct result of the consistent miles he has put in over the past two years.

Sean Mcmahon

His biggest sin was to trust a producer whom he'd worked with very successfully in the past.

Les Moonves

All of these odds are from one-and-a-half to twice as high as the annual odds during the past century. This means there is an extremely high probability that 2006 will turn out to be another very challenging year.

Gregory Heidrich

By forgetting the past and by throwing myself into other interests, I forget to worry.

Jack Dempsey

That it is one that's definitely sparked some interest. It probably took us more time to discuss it and different aspects of it this year than any year in the past.

Rich Mckay

Our intolerance is a living antique […] a vestige of the past that hasn't figured out how to fall away yet.

Russell Atkinson

Westward the course of empire takes its way; / The four first acts already past, / A fifth shall close the drama with the day: / Time's noblest offspring is the last.

George Berkeley

In the past, the phone network was mostly for voice -- with the line open all the time between two callers -- but now everything, voice included, is being reduced to packets of data.

Steve Harmon

If we learn the art of yielding what must be yielded to the changing present, we can save the best of the past.

Dean Acheson

It's the most consistent company on the JSE over the past 11 years by a mile.

Peter Armitage

There have been times in the past when the whole thing would end up on my desk, and I would have to make the determinations. This is not my job, ... It's my job to make sure they handle it well.

Richard Bowen

In the past, I haven't been able to hit that sweet spot, ... I've been doing it so much that I've just been able to keep things going.

Paul Edinger

We may be through with the past, but the past ain't through with us.

Bergen Evans

I can't lift a dinner plate past my waist.

Norm Mansfield

Lorena really is the environmental candidate. She's somebody I've worked with on environmental issues for the past six years, on state and local issues, and she has proven her leadership.

Bruce Reznik

What both of them absolutely need is name recognition. Right now, they're known in their own cities. Anything they can do to increase their name recognition is probably what they're trying to get over the past week or two.

Ken Dautrich

This is the real story. This has always been about our community, our employees, and the loyal customers that have been so good to us over the past 20 years.

Betty Brady

[Platt's head football coach] Tom Ryan has had great success in the past and he does well with what he has.

Mark Welch

You are now at a crossroads. This is your opportunity to make the most important decision you will ever make. Forget your past. Who are you now? Who have you decided you really are now? Don't think about who you have been. Who are you now? Who have you decided to become? Make this decision consciously. Make it carefully. Make it powerfully.

Anthony Robbins

Our traffic is up significantly in the past two weeks.

Carl Brown

Hayward Field is hallowed ground in our sport and Eugene's vision for what they can do to connect track's past, present and future won the day.

Craig Masback

The very desire for guarantees that our values are eternal and secure in some objective heaven is perhaps only a craving for the certainties of childhood or the absolute values of our primitive past.

Isaiah Berlin

I have real concerns that he has murdered in the past and gone unpunished.

Colin Murray

It hasn't been as eventful as past years. It's different now, as far as frequency. But ever since I've been here, I've been told to be a better player, better skater, so it's gone down.

Jody Shelley

I like Lakeland a lot. We ran well there in the past. We ran well in the All Pro car before so I'm excited to go back there. That is a size of track we don't get to run very often.

Ryan Crane

Instead he made an announcement at five past six, saying: 'Stay inside, stay inside, we are under attack'.

Norman Fisher

New boat sales and boating participation have been flat for the past decade.

Kelly Kaylor

The headline is the growth percentage in the past two years.

Ruthie Reinert

They got fooled by that warm weather this past week.

Ross Thompson

People in the community have been disappointed with the way things have happened in the past.

Kristen Wood

So far in 2006 we've had 17 calls, most in the past three to four weeks.

Harlan Miller

I absolutely believe we are on a roll, ... Everyone is sort of jumping on the bandwagon. I think there's been a fundamental change, even in the past one year, in all the efforts in HIV.

Jim Kim

When you get new people constantly into an area, they are not sure of themselves. They don't know what the past is, and I don't think they care that much. They came here for the future.

Gladys Hansen

Our guys just tried too hard. The errors are something we can fix, but it's just a matter of time until we come around. We're a lot better than what we've showed the past couple of games.

Kevin Bowler

In the past, when we had the more difficult budget years, it was considered successful if we were able to retain $65 million in general fund money for the Centennial Highway Fund.

Carlos Braceras

She pitched a great game. As far as controlling the game and its pace and keeping batters guessing, she did as well as she ever has. The past couple of games, she's stepped it up a notch.

Dennis Day

I tend to live in the past because most of my life is there.

Herb Caen

Awareness is the main weapon to avert the spread and we are putting up hoardings, pasting posters and distributing leaflets.

Deep Mathur

To have no heroes is to have no aspiration, to live on the momentum of the past, to be thrown back upon routine, sensuality, and the narrow self.

Charles Horton Cooley

Wax was a very fast greyhound ... ungodly fast. To the first turn he could be beat, but he'd come after you from there. He'd spot dogs five, six, eight lengths and catch them. He'd zero in on them and then blow past them.

Ricardo Pacheco

I think anytime that you can combine history and a little bit of education, I think it's a great opportunity, ... I've been to exhibits like that many times in the past. I've enjoyed them.

Steve Abrams

There's nothing easy about winning a game in the National Football League, let alone winning a championship, things that we've done in the past. However, that's in the past.

Rodney Harrison

Man spends his life in reasoning on the past, in complaining of the present, in fearing future.

Antoine Rivarol

The past is only the present become invisible and mute; and because it is invisible and mute, its memorized glances and its murmurs are infinitely precious. We are tomorrow's past.

Mary Webb

If we're not willing to look back into the past to find out the truth about what happened, we really can't move into the future with any hope for healing.

James Talent

That pipe prevents debris from the eucalyptus trees from flowing past the culvert and causes the water to back up.

Bill Bookout

One of the things Bode is really exceptional at is bringing intensity to big events. They bring out his best. I think that's what you're going to see. He'll bring something special and extraordinary, based on what he's done in the past.

Jesse Hunt

We're past the era where denial of service simply happens because kids are looking for a good time.

Dan Kaminsky

We're much better off than we've been in the past, ... We're more experienced, and we know what we have to do. We're much further along with the offense than we've ever been. It's on the right track.

Bob Benson

This is my fifth time going to the tournament. I've placed fifth, fourth and third in the past, but I expect to win this time.

Randi Miller

Language is the armory of the human mind, and at once contains the trophies of its past and the weapons of its future conquests.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

An expert is someone who knows a lot about the past.

Tom Hopkins

The bowling here is sometimes ignored and the teams up north get the publicity. But I believe in this area. This area has made a lot of noise at state in the past, and I feel it can next week, too.

Jim Hedman

What we had seen primarily in the past was we'd have a bright flash of high-energy radiation and then it would just fade away gradually.

David Burrows

We have the numbers from the past. For many years, the Class A tournament was up in the 17,000 to 19,000 range, but in the last couple of years it's been down in the 12,000 to 13,000 range. When this year's tournament is over, we'll have those numbers to compare and we'll get a feel for it, but we'll certainly need two or three years before we'll have a more concrete comparison.

Dick Durost

All that pressure is not good for any lake, but based on what I've seen the past couple of weeks big Sam is clicking on all cylinders. If you know where to go the big bass are there to be caught.

Lonnie Stanley

Jeff is not looking past Robin Reid. Reid is the stiffest test Jeff Lacy will have faced in his 19-0 career.

Gary Shaw

I don't think of the past. The only thing that matters is the everlasting present.

W. Somerset Maugham

We want students to choose their campus based on their interest and the space available. We want to call them campuses so that students are not bound by the past.

Barry Qualls

It fits in with the values of his core constituency. It offers an opportunity for those people who had been with him in the past to be with him now.

Larry Gerston

You would have to show that your vote is diluted by recounting. That seems unlikely given all the recounting there has been in the past.

Douglas W. Kmiec

They have an offensive depth this year that they've never had before. They're a totally different team than what they've been in the past, and so they're hard to play against.

Sandra Hollander

We'll be led by four of the better captains I've had in the past few years. They have great work ethics, leadership and are good track athletes.

Dave Illnicki

Right now, all the mega-yachts go right past us to Seattle or Alaska. This will bring those people right here. Guys like Larry Ellison can back his 175-foot baby in here.

Simon Snellgrove

But in the overall scheme of things, we wouldn't be too far past what we are right now.

Bobby Johnson

You like people to pay attention to the past but look around at any time and know it's meaningful.

Kathy Corones

They recognize that the future won't look like the past and the hurricane models have to reflect that.

Andrew Logan

I want everyone who can, to come out and support us. This fundraiser is important to us. We have been successful in the past with the community giving up tremendous help.

Shawn Gilmer

We came to an agreement within the past hour.

Michael Barrack

We could care less about what we did in the past. This is the new Browns, man.

Chris Crocker

I am committing to play at the University of Kentucky. It's a beautiful place to play. They have great fans. It's a great atmosphere. I came up for my visit this past weekend, and I was really amazed how the fans really appreciate basketball.

Jodie Meeks

We've been hanging around the past few years and we're hoping this will be the year we make a move for our school's first Morris County championship.

John Trinity

This is definitely a departure from the classical musicals we've done in the past. I wanted to do something totally different and quirky and weird.

Scott Winter

Our number one goal is to always recruit Michigan first and we felt like we were able to get what we wanted from our home State. However, we were able to get into the Midwest a little more than in the past and bring in eight kids from bordering states.

Chuck Martin

It really has been a momentum-driven push to $60 over the past week. We've seen funds really pile in hard in an effort to push it over (that level).

Daniel Hynes

It sort of erases a part of the past. You no longer have that visual history.

David Preziosi

Based on our win-loss record this past season, changes needed to be made. This aspect of coaching college basketball is business. We have offered to assist those who are choosing to move on.

George Pfeifer

I think what you're seeing is a market that is clearly overpriced. Everyone knows it's overpriced. But we've been kind of whistling past the graveyard.

William Mattison

Ah tell me not that memory / Sheds gladness o'er the past; / What is recalled by faded flowers / Save that they did not last?

Letitia Landon

The past few games, we've controlled the ball a lot better. It's going to be important this weekend.

Greg Baudo

Drop the last year into the silent limbo of the past. Let it go, for it was imperfect, and thank God that it can go.

Brooks Atkinson

I'll be ready to go Friday. The past two days I've had full practices and no problems from it at all.

Taylor Harbin

I'm really looking for a big year from Brianna (Venable). Her swing has really improved over the past year, and I think she capable of having a better year than she has had since she's been here, and she had a good career here so far.

Jim Perrin

When we first got to know Coach this past summer, we could tell that he was a nice guy and that we would have fun playing for him.

Cassie Schrock

When we're not shooting the ball as well as we have, and we're not getting the looks like we have in the past couple of years, you look at what we're doing well right now. That's playing defense.

Lyndsey Medders

A lot of it is upgrading. People who bought a general admission package in the past may buy a (better) package (next year).

Bryon Carney

One faces the future with one's past.

Pearl S. Buck

We looked back and this was the best year in the past three or four years.

Andrea Koncz

This is not about the past. People are more focused on what you're going to do today or tomorrow than what you did last week.

Roy Spence

Obviously, we're approaching this differently than we have in the past, ... trying to deal with a broken system.

Richard Pombo

My school days were the happiest days of my life; which should give you some indication of the misery I've endured over the past twenty-five years.

Paul Merton

If the house is to be set in order, one cannot begin with the present; he must begin with the past.

John Hope Franklin

We are absolutely happy to have conversations with people about that (burying lines), however, we can all agree that it's appropriate for the customers who benefit from such a conversion to handle the expense. None of the communities we have talked with in the past about this have chosen to go forward with it.

Paige Sheehan

It's not going to be as wet as it was for the past week. We'll still have rain, but it won't be the big deluges that we saw this weekend.

Mark O'malley

When (Cohen) makes a statement it moves markets sometimes. People who have made statements in the past and have been incorrect don't have much impact.

Robert Stovall

It was important to us to involve others that had participated in past builds with the Northwest office. We want to celebrate the development of this unique community that will be a neighborhood of future and promise for the families and children who live here.

Rick Beets

The Russian early warning network has suffered false alarms in the recent past. It's deteriorating, it's on its last legs, and it can't afford any additional malfunction.

Bruce Blair

Events in the past may be roughly divided into those which probably never happened and those which do not matter.

William Ralph Inge

You've seen it coming the past couple weeks.

Stephen Alexander

We're an oil and gas company. In times past, when we tried to get into other businesses, we didn't do it well. We'd rather re-invest in what we know.

Dave Gardner

My dad is really into wrestling. My dad wrestled in the past and always talked about it and we tried it out one day and I fell in love with it.

Denny Linton

It's been great having my sister on the floor with me these past two years.

Amanda Gonsalves

In the past, you might have gotten away with putting people in certain classes during basketball season just to make sure they passed.

Kenny Donaldson

The audit shows that our department has reduced its expenditures in the areas of hospitality and travel by nearly 20 per cent over the past two years.

Geoff Regan

The stock markets have been doing reasonably well and there's been a big hike in merger activity over the past couple of years that created a huge amount of fee income. There's also been a move toward the higher fee earning elements.

Douglas Mcwilliams

In the past, I've never tried to discount or stop what people are saying because on some levels I find it interesting.

Crispin Glover

Serge has been contributing to our success for the past four years. He is a very important part of our success. Serge is a leader and is well deserving of this award. I am very proud of his efforts and accomplishments.

Terry Ruskowski

It's a tough place to play. We just have to get past their pressure and not throw the ball away.

Phillip Washington

We want them to see past ... the American way. There are other right ways to do things that are not our own.

Melanie Mccallon