All the traffic coming through our state is flushed through [I-] 285 every day at rush hour.

John Stone

This vital east-west corridor is aging as traffic volumes are increasing, mandating a proactive response to projected future needs.

Mike Westbay

We have added our numbers onto the old ARPA and NSF statistics, and it shows that growth has been steady since the inception of the Internet. Traffic has more than doubled every year.

Dr. Lawrence Roberts

We have normal traffic today and the prospects for tomorrow are good too.

Siv Meisingseth

It would be one thing if it were only a matter of the youth teams playing until 9 p.m., but there are other concerns, of the lights and the traffic.

Doug Boulter

Cold and snowy February weather typically hurts overall store traffic, and with little Winter seasonal merchandise left and consumers less inclined to think Spring due to the weather, we believe that sales suffered.

Deborah Weinswig

We haven't made any decisions, but in my opinion the building is obsolete as it relates to the vision for the downtown development of Wickenburg. It has worked well in the past, but will probably be replaced with more suitable retail or office space that will better promote pedestrian traffic in the area.

Jeffrey Davis

Traffic right now is one of the focal points of about every interest group we talk to. We already hired our traffic consultants and the town is also concerned with the environment, including water supply, public safety and schools.

Steve Rafsky

You can't put 8- or 10-year-olds out on Loop 360. You need a spot where a coach can watch at close range, not in traffic.

Todd Reed

People coming from Lakeview Drive have trouble getting out at that intersection. I just came from there and seven cars were lined up waiting. This is the traffic situation in December. There are even longer waits in the summer.

Dennis Morley

Because there's no through traffic, it lowers our visibility somewhat. We have had some prospective tenants ask how long the road was going to be like that. It is a fairly major access point to downtown.

Greg Wilson

(Traffic calming) is going to make my driving experience a nightmare.

Nancy Alchediak

Traffic has become an issue as the city goes through many new developments and they should pay their fair share.

Anita Gallentine

The La Vista Police Department is receiving the funding assistance because they have identified a need and desire in reducing traffic crashes, injuries and fatalities at hazardous locations within the community.

Fred Zwonechek

I can't figure out what they were thinking. It's an insult to everyone who is stuck in traffic on the 405 every day. We should play this as a loop on our traffic station three times a day to let drivers know why there is no relief coming.

Jack Weiss

We believe a lot of people thought they were going to get a free tank full of gasoline, so it created a bit of a traffic mess out there.

Dick Roberts

The idea for the bypass was the brainchild of the Nine Nissan DAC. It's benefited the local economy by creating jobs, but also by improving the traffic flow in the area.

Kevin Farrell

I say, show me a comparison against other planes that fly out of the airport and frequency of take-offs and landings. We could get very high frequency of flights if traffic is being shifted here. Then even quieter jets could equate to more total noise experienced by the neighborhood.

Strat Sherman

The traffic around here is horrendous as it is.

Ralph Cook

Although the Disney site generates tons of traffic, it's a destination site, not a portal.

David Pakman

Parking was a little easier this summer. A lot of our traffic is RVs. When they're not around it's pretty noticeable.

Rod Proffitt

AT&T's basic business is transport, so to the extent that AOL would give them more traffic and to the extent that AT&T could limit AOL's involvement with its competitors . . . it's certainly something they need to look at.

Robert Wilkes

When the consultants complied the first draft for the traffic impact fee model, they used a larger city model which we felt was inappropriate for Red Bluff, ... The new proposed fees are a better fit for our community.

Susan Price

The volume of traffic to advertisers' Web sites really spikes before, during and after the game. There is no question the Internet is becoming increasingly important both as it relates to Super Bowl advertising and as it relates to advertising in general.

Peter Hershberg

Legislators and voters confirmed that they are willing to invest in highway improvements to help alleviate traffic bottlenecks and enhance safety.

Doug Macdonald

We determined that the safest thing to do was to stop all freight and passenger train traffic over the bridge until it could be repaired.

Meg Scheu

That means an aircraft operators use of air traffic control resources determines the amount owed to the FAA, whether the aircraft is carrying three or thirty or three-hundred passengers.

Jim May

There is less traffic going to Miami and some of the Florida airports, but the weather system that's operating along the whole East Coast is probably having a bigger impact on travel.

Laura Brown

We thought Rainier didn't have the traffic to support the store.

Paul Elam

My argument was at that time -- and it still is today -- I don't care if you put it at the back of a lot and it's beautiful or near the front and it's ugly as sin, what are you going to do with the traffic on Ohio 310?

Neil Ingle

Having a smaller set of documents…would ultimately streamline entry process and facilitate traffic.

Paul Rosenzweig

Traffic is just huge out there right now. The purchasing was so delayed first of all because of the extra two days before Christmas this year and secondly by weather, consumers don't have a choice now.

John Konarski

The traffic out there is really bad. It needs to be slowed down.

Linda Mack

Even if it eases traffic (congestion on U.S. 41) only a little, if you lived here you'd be happy with just a little bit more quiet as well.

Robert Merrill

I think we might lose the community character if every time you go out to the road, it's a traffic jam.

Keith Simpson

Noise traffic from automobiles will be louder than any noise they emit, if any.

David Nash

Generally, traffic tickets don't generate a revocation of a diversion. It all depends on the circumstances of what happened and the intent.

Jerry Little

The infected computer began generating parasitic traffic in very large quantities that led to an overload of the RTS network's base routers. As a result, the useful traffic _ the data entering the system and leaving it _ was not processed.

Dmitry Shatskoi

Since 1997, we have been trying to show the direct correlation between those who traffic in child pornography and those who actually molest kids.

Raymond Smith

At the time, the county planning commission strongly recommended that the township approve the rezoning so that the big retail center could be placed farther away from the roadway, so that we could work with the township and Wal-Mart to develop an access plan to minimize traffic congestion on 310. Realistically, now we have limited options available to develop appropriate access.

Jerry Brems

The pace of sales has started to show signs of softness as foot traffic at sales offices, unit reservations and the number of contracts are slowing. Experience, location and branding will be the key to success for specific projects.

Jeremy Aguero

It's true that it doesn't make sense straight off the bat that someone would shop for a Valentine's Day gift at Home Depot. But we do see a high volume of traffic just before the holiday.

John Simley

I think it's heavily used; evening traffic is high. The influx of people throughout the day is high, and we anticipate a large increase.

David Ricks

I have been charged with a traffic offense involving alcohol. I have cooperated fully with the police during the investigation. Since the charge is pending, my attorney and I are working together to resolve this situation. In the meantime, I do not have any further comment and I look forward to the matter being resolved soon.

Rashard Lewis

Dealerships spend thousands of dollars on advertising. When you can get that at the national level, it certainly helps us, ... It's driving traffic. It's getting people to come in.

Steve Wilson

I'm hoping for its strong performance as the country's No. 1 player in charge of our air traffic.

Kazuo Kitagawa

Before, it was not designed to make you feel safe stopping in the middle of the street. You might get to the middle and become a target, because the street was so wide. You were not in a safe situation in the middle of traffic.

Jim Lowe

They are spoiled ? that's not a bad word. They want not to be stuck in traffic. They can go anywhere, and they're leaving the place that isn't giving it to them.

Wayne Daltry

I submit to you that this development is a model for transit-oriented development. This type of development is a type of solution to the regional traffic problem.

Tim Sampson

We really beef up the manpower on the roads. We have traffic units out, we bring in guys, pay them some overtime and really saturate Lee County with deputies looking for impaired drivers.

Ileana Limarzi

We have very, very fine air traffic controllers, men and women. They do their job, they do a fine job, and there's no sense in our trying to bend to their culture.

Ike Skelton

Our air-traffic group is looking at the decision-making process and how they decided which runway to use and which ones not to use. We are also examining the responses between the pilots and the air-traffic controllers and what they viewed as the conditions of the runway.

Keith Holloway

So many of our problems are made much worse by this huge flow of illegal immigration. Overcrowded hospitals, underperforming schools, traffic congestion, and never-ending sprawl are all fueled by out-of-control immigration.

Diana Hull

Can you get better at finding what people are really looking for, based on either prior search traffic or something about their interests?

Mark Mahaney

If you look at the traffic we expect on Interstate 81 in the year 2035, and you took every truck off the interstate, we would still have Thanksgiving weekend conditions every day of the year.

Laura Bullock

Pedestrians take precedence over bicycles and automobiles in the campus core. We will remove parking along the side of the roads to create space for equal bike and automobile traffic.

Darrell Meyers

I was surprised that the gendarmes did not stop them. The kids knew how far to go. They'd step out (into traffic) and then back off.

Sara Steppe

Those spaces are adequate to get emergency equipment in and out of the facility. There is good visibility ... in the parking area. Overall, from a traffic safety point of view, parking safety point of view, emergency trucking point of view, I see no problem whatsoever. It meets the criteria for good design for a parking area, and consequently in total this is a very desirable use.

Abe Simoff

They have to recast what they're doing on the East Coast because it doesn't work any more, ... They have to shove more of their flights to feed their East to West traffic and less flights between North to South traffic.

Michael Boyd

The future for racing in this country is frightening, considering all the obstacles. There's traffic regulations, sponsorship and the like...and although safety is paramount, when people go over the top it makes it very difficult. The hierarchy of Australian cycling is oblivious to the obstacles in running a race.

John Craven

Recreation produces better economic benefits than barge traffic.

Scott Faber

In future, more than 90 percent of online traffic will come from demand for video services.

York Li

Seventy percent of the traffic to the hotel casino comes through that area.

Randal Pinkett

Slowing traffic down is harder than it seems because it's a state highway.

Karen Earley

We have taken all the measures to block any traffic through the Serb villages, in particular Albanian traffic, which could inflame the situation.

Peter Cameron

Our traffic management is substantial and works quite well.

Jeff Siegel

People think we're not here any more, but that's just not true. There are lots of ways to get in here, and traffic is very light on weekends. If people don't come back it's really going to hurt the little mom-and-pop businesses.

Charise Mchugh

We had an aggressive setup and were very quick in traffic. Once underway, the car was very, very good. This is a fun place to race and win and to take Sam's record is truly special.

Dan Wheldon

We need a place where workers can rest and get a hot meal and take a shower. Our goal is to provide a safe place for our workers to spend the night. And it will reduce traffic if they don't have to commute.

Doug Dennison

Other than that, we?re not really bothering the traffic.

Sid Norbash

One of the ideals of this City Council is to be the least dependent on cars in the country. It's very frustrating to have the kind of traffic we do, especially when you see so many commuters driving alone. If we could convince more people to take public transportation to work, that would be great for this city.

Rep. Presi Ortega

It was a tough year for all those families who lost loved ones and for the men and women out there doing traffic enforcement and emergency medical services.

Dennis Hughes

We don't get more business from the fair because of the traffic, ... Other businesses here get slowed just because University (Avenue) is so busy that people just want to go straight to the fair.


When the Blue Angels started their show cars just stopped in traffic. It was definitely a problem.

Robert Quigley

Our system monitors global e-mail traffic ... to figure out who the good guys are and who the bad guys are.

Paul Judge

We were seeing a huge spike in traffic.

Rob Bennett

Kmart's significant losses and sales decline in the first quarter reflect the many challenges the company faced in the period following our voluntary Chapter 11 filing, ... These challenges included reduced inventory levels as vendors withheld shipments in the early days of the reorganization and reduced store traffic arising from the bankruptcy filing.

James Adamson

It's a tight schedule. They would have to have the bridge open to traffic by next summer and there is always a punch list… They are allowed to close the bridge until Memorial Day. If they open it early they can earn a bonus.

Steve Palmer

Europe will have the most effective air traffic control infrastructure in the world.

Jacques Barrot

We see a tremendous amount of traffic going across the network to Hotmail, AOL and Yahoo.

Jeff Uslan

A stop light not a caution light but a traffic light where they have to stop and let people turn, go straight, whatever.

Sabrina Estes

We should be in this same mode for a good bit of next year. Traffic control-wise, you won't see anything different for the next 6 or 8 months probably.

Duane Moffat

It's not intended for cut-through-type traffic. If you look at the distance and the travel time, there wouldn't be an advantage for commuters on 278 to take that route.

Colin Kinton

In the event of an emergency, this is the main way of communicating with people about road closures, traffic problems, or shelter locations.

Assia Alexandrova

Sixty-five percent of our traffic comes in the northeast corner.

Rick Lelacheur

This [traffic stop] never happened. The government wants to write a chapter in Jimmy Roach's book of life that does not fit. Don't let them do that.

Nikki Pierce

Town residents are certainly going to come down Country Club Road, so it's going to increase the traffic. We'll have concerns like that.

Greg Brewer

The stretch from McDonald's to the next traffic light is a race track, ... They're training for Indianapolis most of the time. A number of times we've asked for the possibility of a traffic light, somewhere in between. Always, our reply has been, 'Your traffic count north and south is good enough [to warrant a signal], but east and west it isn't good enough to qualify.'

Donald Parker

In seven to 10 years video traffic on the Internet will exceed data and voice traffic combined.

Bob Metcalfe

We have to get more traffic, simple plays, with more pucks on the net. Simple shots can work sometimes.

Mariusz Czerkawski

Imagine the traffic jam you've got. We're talking about several miles of debris going down the interstates.

George Johnson

Eric worked hard. He likes traffic. He gives you the same thing every day - it doesn't matter what group he's in (whether against rookies or veterans).

Darryl Sutter

There will definitely be some traffic from this worm this evening. But I don't think there will be the widespread damage that's predicted. I could be wrong. But I don't think we're going to see anything like we've heard about.

David Perry

Normally, we consider waiting through more than a single change of a traffic light as a 'traffic jam.' But during the Rendezvous, it's common.

Diana Buehler

People don't know. They've become complacent with traffic deaths. They're outraged that 2,000 soldiers doing their jobs are getting killed. That is horrible; but there were 3,344 people killed just in Florida, just commuting.

Sgt. Jorge Delahoz

This partnership creates benefits that extend beyond the geographical scope of the Meridian Speedway. By adding rail capacity, we will strengthen the nation's transportation network for handling traffic growth efficiently and reliably.

Wick Moorman

As soon as the weather became brisker apparel sales went up. Jewelry is also popular because a lot of men purchase jewelry as a last minute gift. Expect a lot of traffic in that area.

Debbie Martinez

It did not take into account very well the background traffic.

Jeannie Willis

The search traffic that is generated for cars unveiled at the various auto shows is a good barometer of how well the car was received by consumers. It's too early to see how well the searches will translate into sales, but new introductions like the Toyota FJ Cruiser and Saturn Sky have already generated a significant number of consumer email leads to dealers.

Joe Wiesenfelder

What's happening is that more and more people are actually engaging in transactions online that would generate e-mail traffic that the scammers are copycatting.

Tatiana Platt

Economic development is a numbers game. (Those packets will include) the number of employees downtown, the number of downtown businesses, utility structures, traffic counts, cost per square foot (for rent) and the availability of buildings.

Mary Bearden

With that kind of foot traffic, our goal is to convert more guests into buyers. To be able to give information about the parks, about the movies, as well as sell Disney products is really important to the company as a whole. So we have a kind of halo-effect over the whole company.

Tom Park

This area has a high percentage of people walking, using public transit. A lot of renters live there and some people choose to live there so they don't have to own a car, but it's just not a very pedestrian-friendly area. It was designed for vehicular traffic.

John Whalen

We opened up the interchange to this particular traffic in the summer, and we immediately heard complaints about it.

Mike Goldman

The idea was to minimize impacts to weekday traffic. The idea would be to have everything reopened in time for the Monday commute.

Peter Graves

There has been a number of fatal car accidents and it needs to be controlled by a traffic signal.

Bob Hunter

You know how you feel when you're sitting in traffic on the freeway hours on end, and some guy just zips along on the shoulder and butts in front of everybody?

Dan Stein

With the air traffic controllers' contract negotiations pending, no date has been set for future deployments of ASDE-X.

Kathleen Bergen

The supervisor then takes into account the conditions of the roadway, this location, the time of day, traffic. All of those conditions are evaluated.

Stephanie Spell

That is going to bring a lot of traffic to a particular area and so therefore business is going to have an interest in that traffic pattern.

Dee Haussler

It was not a chain reaction from the fatality accident, but a result of traffic being backed up.

Sherrie Carruth

You'll have increased traffic, lots of light, increased pollution, and all of it 24 hours a day. All of that has to be looked at as a potential environmental consequence.

Richard Lippes

I strongly believe we're going to find that traffic is not a problem there, ... If there needs to be adjustments, adjustments will be made. Period.

George J. Mitchell

The contractor will notify adjacent neighbors what is happening so they can be up to speed. If it's necessary to disrupt service at any traffic signal, that work will be reserved for low-traffic times of day or for weekends or nights.

Casey Serr

More and more malicious code is appearing in web traffic as opposed to e-mail.

Mark Sunner

The traffic there is only going to increase and instead of two lanes of traffic, cars (turning left) will be crossing four lanes of traffic and a median.

Jeffrey Young

We didn't get any major accidents that backed up traffic for miles or anything like that. We couldn't have scripted it better.

Capt. Toby Mcswain

If the traffic is flowing across the Internet, you have no idea how many routers the traffic has gone through, which can impact the quality of the call, ... But if the traffic travels on your own network, you can control the quality. That could be reason enough to build a network.

Michael Howard

I thought our first 30 minutes was really good. We were physical, we were beating them to pucks and we had traffic in front of the net.

Mark Howell

That's why we are in such bad straits. The traffic has gotten much worse over time, and I think these figures tell some of that story.

Lon Anderson

We're pretty confident at this point that our trooper was simply executing a vehicle and traffic stop without knowing that the robbery just occurred moments before.

Major Steven White

The next big milestone we are heading for now is proving self-driving is possible in traffic. Our goal at Stanford is to be able, within the next two years, to drive from downtown San Francisco to downtown Los Angeles with 100 percent autonomy--without any human intervention whatsoever.

Sebastian Thrun

We've got all nonessential office personnel, people who normally work the desks, out working traffic accidents.

Wendell Brown

Anything to get out of L.A.. You come here and it's more perfect, not too much traffic and no gangsters, no shootings — you drive further, but you live better.

Mario Sanchez

They're dealing with weather delays, air traffic control delays and new security measures.

David Castelveter

We're pretty lucky sometimes, thanks to astute officers who noticed this was more than a traffic accident.

Sgt. Bryan Carlisle

My wife works down that way so she sees it, but I won't let her pay that extra money; she can sit in traffic.

Paul Mcdermott

We're open, and ready to process (vehicles). Traffic is just not coming through.

Brian Levin

After realizing that some of our biggest spikes in site traffic were immediately following the race, we, along with Jack Daniels, launched the call-in show and are absolutely pleased with last season's success.

Scott Bailey

It's been really smooth up to this point. We did see an increase in traffic, but nothing we can't handle.

Robert Lambert

What the FAA is doing is responding to a congressional request for performance-based air traffic operations. It affects air traffic management in regional offices and technical operations management in regional offices.

Tony Molinaro

Trucks are the main source of revenue on the Turnpike, and truck traffic was up.

Michael Lapolla

You know, if you're lucky enough to have two smash hit shows, the traffic of the world goes through your dressing room.

Carol Channing

Katrina is a catalyst for these discussions because of CSX's commitment to helping the Coast recover and because of the obvious need to resolve this question in the near-term. We're talking about another east-west thoroughfare for traffic. We've got to know whether that's viable in the near-term; we can't wait years.

Anthony Topazi

This sounds good now. But we're worried about that guy in traffic that's tailgating. What if I start tailgating him and he feels threatened? He could get angry and pull out a gun and shoot me.

Bill Burke

They project out from 2001 to the future based on what they expect future air traffic to be.

Julie Rodriguez

The main reason for (the fee) is to help cover some of the cost for umpires and have less traffic back there to reduce maintenance.

Doug Pummell

I love the growth and expansion. What I don't want to see is more trees popping up in memory of someone (at an accident site). It gets dangerous when you try to put city traffic on a country road that amounts to a little more than a goat trail.

Tim Norman

When we moved here, walk-in traffic went from about 35 to 50 [visitors] a day to almost nothing, and people had to find alternative places to find their information. We see that coming back, of course.

Mike Cully

With so much foot traffic, there wasn't much accumulation downtown. Crews would come behind us and put down salt. I think we managed to get everybody home safe and sound.

Jason Clark

Unlike some cities, our parking officers have to do a lot of other things as well, like direct traffic.

Maggie Lynch

It's problematic, and right now, all we can to maintain traffic and access to businesses. It's tough, but the end product is going to be a great end product for our community.

Alan Mosley

When the students are gone for the summer, you can zip through town. I have had to leave home at least 45 minutes to an hour early in order to get through Greenville Boulevard because traffic has picked up.

Mary Richardson

If we're going to open up downtown, open it up. With two-way streets, there's flexibility of traffic patterns. It creates an environment in the center city for renewal of retail.

Bill Blaydes

Prospect Park is an extraordinary development and creates a viable asset for the region. In addition to limiting traffic and reducing sprawl, this meticulously crafted development will become a vibrant community that attracts people and stimulates business.

Brandon Beach

But I'm concerned about boat traffic and safety, the erosion of the existing shoreline, and how this will set the stage for future developments.

Steve Hayes

I've now been adding some of the songs from 'The Last Great Traffic Jam, ... So I cannot possibly play (all) these songs in three hours but I do change the set up every night. We always enjoy playing.

Steve Winwood

Traffic, access, noise, residential protests are problems with outdoor amphitheatres, especially those like White River that are built in rural areas. The traffic issues have to be resolved because ultimately, it's the customer experience that determines whether White River is successful in the long term.

Gary Bongiovanni

The only way to do this properly is to have the state pass a law, and then have an independent agency or organization of some kind take the data collected by police at traffic stops and analyze it.

Kent Willis

Unfortunately, with all the publicity that's going on, there are a lot of residents who think we're already closed or we're going to close. So our foot traffic is down as a result. People are funny - they only hear what they want to hear.

Roger Beckenhauer

There's a lot of money in this bill, but bar none we consider the documentary the most egregious provision because it has absolutely nothing to do with alleviating the traffic problems in this nation.

Keith Ashdown

We've already voiced our concern (to the city and the developer) that we have a serious traffic problem. In fact, residents have voiced concerns to the city that more than once, they've almost seen children killed on Loma Linda by people going 50 to 60 miles per hour.

Greg Dunlap

We will probably be putting traffic back on U.S. 98.

Brandon Walker

Just the traffic volumes. It's something our bridge inspectors are taking a look at.

Bob Mckenzie

That morning, summer sulked and gathered darkly over Charlotte, and heat shimmered on pavement. Traffic teemed, people pushing forward to promise as they drove through new construction, and the past was bulldozed away.

Patricia Cornwell

Every year, electronic filing has become more popular, and that has had an effect on the amount of customer traffic on tax night. It doesn't warrant us to be open late.

Carl Walton

With an increase in human traffic comes an increase in the types of behaviors that humans exhibit.

Jill Haynes

The vignettes take a unique and different look at the Olympics from some of Bravo's most popular stars, while exposing them to the enormous traffic that will visit during the month of February.

Gary Zenkel

The deputy activated his emergency equipment to stop the vehicle for traffic violation and the suspect then decided to try to flee.

Bob Thomas

The one-way traffic is kind of a pain, but if it meant losing parking, I wouldn't like it.

Kathleen Clark

When I looked at the tanker, I saw gas pouring out onto the highway. I said, 'Oh my God.' The traffic was driving right through the gasoline.

George Andrews

We've been pleasantly surprised by traffic and how it came back. We decided we can take these two new planes a little earlier than planned.

Beth Harbin

I did the most lobbying for the city for traffic issues.

Brian Michaels

That's where we really have a traffic flow that the road cannot handle now. The sections in between, quite honestly, can handle the traffic flow -- don't need to have new capacity added.

Thomas Sharp

We all benefit from the economic growth of this community; that in part means more air traffic, so we should all focus and pay our fair share.

Kevin Rohrer

Hannah directs traffic and provides lots of cohesion for us on the defensive end. She has great vision seeing the entire field and knows the defensive scheme. She is a vocal leader and our players listen to her.

Rusty Brauner

They're pretty extensive repairs. I fully anticipate we should have those bridges reopened to traffic some time in October.

Rob Morosi

We are increasing trip-making at a far greater rate than we are adding capacity to the transportation system. Traffic congestion is a challenge for us, and it will be one in the future.

Andrew Chesley

I thought Dallas tonight played their best game so far. They came at it, they were moving the puck around, jamming the net and getting a lot of traffic in front of me.

Jose Theodore

There's been a few races where she was in traffic and just pushed her way through. She's not afraid of the other dogs. She hasn't had the best post positions either which makes her performances even more impressive.

Tom Engle

We can't afford to bottleneck our traffic in case there's a natural disaster, ... Just for the flow of traffic, I'd like to see them build the new bridge on the east side.

Henry Brown

People tend to drive at what they think is a reasonable speed. The sign put out there on the highway doesn't control it nearly as much as the perceived condition of the road - hills, curves, volume of traffic out there.

Jerry Pigman

When we opened the bridge, the traffic dropped by half. Now, it's back at the same level as before the bridge. That's only 10 years ago.

Don Deberry

You'll now be able to go to one area for pizza and another for grilled items, another for general concession items, as well as hot dogs, ice cream and pretzels. We think it will improve traffic and speed up service. It will also enable us to add more food items, such as kettle corn, funnel cakes, elephant ears and snow cones.

Dave Shaw

To create more traffic, we need to all work together.

Robin Bostrom

We're excited to have them locate here, ... It's good for the community and the mall. Hopefully it will draw others to locate there. Businesses feed on each other. It should create a higher volume of traffic.

Bill Scott

We're fortunate in that the City of Marietta and Georgia State Patrol are working with us to keep traffic moving.

Robert Quigley

You're just checking your mirrors constantly, watching your students, watching the traffic, all the kinds of things. It's just a constant, you know, visual.

Nanette Giaco

With the economy weak and fuel prices still relatively high, we and the rest of the industry were experiencing a very difficult financial quarter even before the September 11 attacks. But the attacks and their aftermath further weakened traffic and had a staggering effect on our overall financial performance.

Don Carty

Interstate 80 isn't able to handle the capacity of traffic that is heading up there.

Shelly Chernicki

As far as contests go, this is the last big event of the season. It's affects us greatly. Normally, we don't get as much walk-in traffic.

Chris Warren

It was just like mayhem trying to get things out of the road and trying to get traffic moving.

Terry Wilson

This Sober generated close to a 1,500 percent increase in virus-infected e-mail traffic in the past week.

Scott Petry

Our goal is to give pilots and air traffic controllers a day or two notice of a possible solar event.

Philip Scherrer

We're trying to keep traffic moving the best we can.

Steve Lawrence

It depends on the location, environmental issues and traffic concerns.

Jeff Rawls

It's very difficult to predict the effect on the network. But streaming media is about the most expensive traffic and uses the most bandwidth.

Mike Gallagher

I'd never seen anything like it. When our bus got close to the stadium, and there was a lot of traffic, we were like, What's going on here?

Robert Porcher

We hope that tens of thousands of people will take a look. It's also timed with the Video Music Awards, Jennifer Lopez is up for an award. It will help drive traffic, having auctions coordinated with these events.

Holly Macdonald korth

Most weren't hit very hard. A number of barges have broken loose or sunk. It's a matter of getting power back, getting barge traffic moving again so we can get to the elevator, and clearing the port.

Rick Tolman

We believe the December sales performance reflects not only our continued need to update the store base, but also a need to increase the average ticket and to drive more traffic, exposing a broader base of consumers to the new Circuit City.

Alan Mccollough

Yes, it is for our growth today, but we are building for the future. Ultimately, we will have a system that's capable of handling all the traffic that this valley is generating.

Allyn Waggle

It's bad enough when you have a lot of driveways created along a stretch of highway. It's worse to have driveways created at an intersection where it is known that traffic is on the increase. It's not good business.

Mayor Richard Mavis

That reduces you're capacity down to 24 vehicles. On a normal trip with no tractor trailer you can take around 32. Sometimes you're still going to have the problem with up there and not getting on. If there's tractor trailer traffic your chances of getting on are reduced somewhat.

William Bailey

There was a lot of traffic and a couple of accidents on the freeway. I have never seen so much traffic. I thought Atlanta traffic was bad. It got so tiring, I didn't want to drive anymore. I just wanted to relax.

Kenny Irons

Overall, the majority of [e-mail] traffic on the Internet is still spam-related content.

Scott Chasin

We?re not at any point to elaborate too much. We don?t think that the building is compatible and we think that they need to do a traffic study. (The commission) made a mistake before, and they made a mistake again. We hope that City Council will listen to the facts and not listen to the money.

Shareen Vogel

We talked about the importance of scoring playoff type goals. Creating traffic in front of the net, moving into the slot and finding the open area. Tonight it happened to be higher in the slot.

Brian Idalski

Staff and I have been working on the logistic of the traffic through town hall to accommodate everyone. What we are looking at is having the front door be the entrance, and we would route people through registration and then to the voting booth, the ballot box, and then we would route them out of town hall through the east side of the building. There will one entrance in and one out.

Paula Paschal

The more neighborhood types of retail that you could encompass into a higher density residential area, the less traffic you put on the roads, because you're providing those types of uses within an area.

Mark Priestner