[His speech amounts to a painful poke in the eye for Democrats, according to Greenfield.] Oh, it's a real poke, ... It's a way of embodying the idea that Republicans have done better than the Democrats, because even prominent members of their own party are supporting the other side.

Jeff Greenfield

We are supporting three reasonable people who are clearly different from the three candidates we are opposing.

Tim Welch

I like supporting local performing arts whenever I can. I want to create a venue where community theater can come in. I want community bands to have an outlet.

Nancy Davis

The MPC meeting minutes due next Wednesday will provide additional direction here, but anything that reinforces the need for a quick reduction is yields on cash deposits could again offer further support for stocks.

Matthew Buckland

I'm really happy for the loyalty and continued support of my fans.

Tyler Perry

We had great crowd support. I think that it definitely had something to do with it.

Rasual Butler

Catamount has been developing competitive skiers and snowboarders for decades. It's part of our heritage, and the U.S. Team has never been stronger than it is this year. Supporting their efforts is the right thing to do, and we hope that skiers will come enjoy a great day of skiing while supporting the Team.

Bill Gilbert

The radio strategy we have is it is going to grow organically as the buzz grows. Places that want to play it will support it.

Lee Stimmel

Estate agents have consistently reported increased buyer interest over the last few months, which should help to support the market going forward.

Fionnuala Earley

Coach Casey's been very supportive, ... We talked in depth about my past and my situation and some of my challenges over the years. He gave me nothing but support. ... When a coach does something like that, it commands your respect.

Michael Olowokandi

We are all good friends with her and she is good friends with everybody and we will all support her through this it will be tough for her.

Alex Olson

We've hired an outside firm to do all our tech support. They are going to put a filter in so no one can visit [illegal Web sites]. That was at the advice of detectives.

Sky Blaylock

We're not taking away their freedom of speech. We're letting people know that Hyatt is supporting these people.

Tariq Khan

We support reforms that enhance the interests of the U.S. capital markets, which is especially important to the growth companies and growth investors who we serve.

Thomas Weisel

Wal-Mart has a long history supporting our troops and their families. We are proud to be a part of a program that will provide important resources to the children of our servicemen and servicewomen who bravely serve our country and defend our freedom.

Betsy Reithemeyer

We want to provide the support for the family and also let the community know that, even though six months have passed, we still are behind the issue. We want to make the city and the Sheriff's Department responsible for what they promised in the beginning.

Yesenia Balcazar

We will not leave Iraq alone. We will continue to support the unity of Iraq's people and its territory.

Adnan Badran

The support is due to the Peruvian people's support of my father.

Keiko Fujimori

But the development that government will support is that which is transparent and adheres to the laid down procedures and not one which inconveniences other sectors of the nation or raises serious suspicions.

Vernon Mwaanga

I think that from this political situation, new reality will emerge. And I think that Quebecers will be able to realize sovereignty and do it with the support we need from foreign countries.

André Boisclair

We expected what we are seeing in the third quarter data, which is a moderating of appreciation that, over time, is likely to bring prices back into line with the economic fundamentals that support them, particularly incomes.

Mark Milner

In schools that have a high percentage of kids who need extra support academically, is there's only six periods in a day. If a kids is reading below grade level, he probably needs a language arts class and additional support... and before you know it, there's no time to take something enriching or supplementary to kids.

Andy Kelly

It's a real show of their support to make downtown a vibrant, livable, attractive city. They understand those things (alcohol) are important to people, certainly not important to them. It shows a lot of tolerance.

Scott Beck

Hopefully, other communities start to see that they have soldiers in similar situations in their towns, and that they can do the same thing. We need to show our troops that we support what they have sacrificed.

Mike Conklin

What you see is major Democratic elected officials in the state of California supporting this Republican governor.

Diane Feinstein

It is clear after today anyone still supporting legislation to dissolve the Second Injury Fund is not acting in the best interests of small businesses.

Frank Knapp

The petition is in no way signing away to one particular mascot. The petition is only to show support for getting a mascot. We are trying to get at least half of the student body [to sign] so that we can show the alumni and the Board of Managers that there is a want on campus.

Kyle White

When we surveyed students about their interests and needs, they expressed a lot of support for the upcoming changes, but the educational climate we have is very important to them. We absolutely need to retain our commitment to providing a small-college experience. I don't pretend to say this won't be challenging, though.

Doug Garrison

We understand the gang element here has automatic weapons, but we're ready for that. And these New Orleans police have been pressed to the wall. They need and deserve support.

Larry Black

Since Wal-Mart and other large corporations refuse to act responsibly when it comes to their employees' health insurance, Wake Up Wal-Mart is coordinating a nationwide effort to gain support for additional states to adopt legislation modeled after Maryland's 'Fair Share Health Care' bill.

Victoria Collins

It's not just for seniors. Lots of people experience pain getting in and out of their vehicles... people with physical challenges, sports injuries, surgery recoveries, chronic conditions, pregnancy...they all like having extra support handle to help get in and out of the car.

Webster Thompson

The insinuation was that, if you don't support us, you have a room of people, who, from a political standpoint are going to sink you.

Joe Jaynes

I think it is a whitewash group and nothing will come of it, except that they may concoct some reason for the US to stay the course in Iraq, with perhaps a little more international support, like Germany and Canada.

Wayne Madsen

After the city lost all of its recreational supplies and equipment in the storm, at one point we were uncertain if we were going to be able to hold our annual summer camp. But thanks to the tremendous outpouring of support, it looks like we will be in great shape and we are looking forward to another exciting summer for our campers.

Sean Campbell

In our research, there was no one perfect model that worked better than another. Frankly, any configuration can be made to work, as long as there is community support for it or enthusiasm for it.

Sarah Jerome

No, I see my role as very much being a support. But I won't have any formal role with the side.

Rod Macqueen

We need to do everything we can to help in those families with parenting skills, with community support.

Carolyn Bennett

Before, growth was reliant on the life support of external demand. Japan is moving back to a more normal economy, where domestic demand is the biggest driver.

Stefan Worrall

While they may not have seen a person like myself in a FEMA shirt, they may have seen other disaster workers and again in the very beginning the volunteer agencies were providing support and that is the way the system is designed.

Gene Romano

He has opposed similar efforts in the past. I can't see him supporting a tax increase of any kind. He believes Missourians are taxed enough.

Spence Jackson

I promised the White House that if I am satisfied with the hearings, I'll support her.

Paul Weyrich

That's great news. The governor welcomes his support. We hope and, ultimately, believe it's indicative of the level of support Gov. Sanford will receive from the larger business community.

Joel Sawyer

We're obviously very happy to be able announce a second increase in our purses at this meet. Despite a couple of weeks of inclement weather which really impacted our turf program, horsemen have continued to support the entry box, which has enabled us to maintain our field size and this has continued to fuel increased handle.

Ron Charles

There is nothing worse than not knowing. Knowledge really is power, and the Living Cities investors, by supporting the portal, are enabling the residents of Louisiana to rebuild their communities.

Reese Fayde

They're calling this a technical vote. We call it another chance for members of Congress to take a stand in support of their constituents' needs and America's priorities … or be on record against them.

Toby Chaudhuri

To see the devastation on the countries and on the peoples' faces. Sometimes people kind of take life for granted. Anytime you get the opportunity to give support, I think people should help out.

Jermaine O'neal

We?re here tonight thinking about Cindy Sheehan and how she needs support. Perhaps the president can come out at some point and explain to her how come her son died.

John Shanley

The entire community has been supportive of our program and you need that support to win championships. We have built something here, but we can't be satisfied with what we have done in the past. It's just that, the past.

Jeff Caldwell

We are very pleased that the majority of the students in the university support UMCA's call, as we believe that Gwynfor Evans' name should be honoured as he did so much for our nation and beyond.

Stephen Hughes

We want to support and raise funds for the 452nd.

Gloria Hartze

We believe there's evidence that a few unionized inspectors are expressing support for the UFCW local 401 by staying away from the plant to keep it from operating.

Gary Mickelson

This results in an enormous spending gap in our community's support for education. Currently, Northwest is spending $1,600 less on each child than the Hamilton County average.

Bob Cox

It was unique and different designing the infrastructure to support facilities where sensitive equipment goes.

Clyde Hutchison

Some legislators are in favor of this bill, because supporting this tax cut will sound good on the campaign trail next year.

Deryk Parker

The healthy global economy is supporting export growth, as is the yen, which has been weaker than last year.

Koji Kobayashi

When the promotion of democracy is associated with the US or Mr. Bush, European support plummets. Europeans want to be active participants in furthering the cause of liberty but they want to do it on their terms and not as passive followers of US policy.

Craig Kennedy

The blazing speed of our new machines provides a significant performance boost to all Universal applications running natively. We're delighted that Mark/Space will continue to deliver outstanding Palm support for Mac users with a Universal version of their software.

Ron Okamoto

It was incredible. Before the kickoff, we had a moment of silence and then played seven or eight games. There were so many people there to show their support.

Rick George

I was really nervous. I just wanted to thank the fans for all their support. It's something I felt I should do. It was something that got a lot more hype than I thought it was going to. I just wanted to salute them and thank them for the four great years I had here.

Mike Prpich

He has decided to interrupt his vacation to take stock of progress towards the 2005 world summit, and to support the president of the General Assembly in his efforts to ensure a successful summit.

Marie Okabe

The opening of this new intra-Pacific bank branch is consistent with Hawaii's historic role as a base of support for our Pacific island neighbors' business activities.

Nick Griffin

We want to support our community even though we are not illegal, but we come from an immigrant community.

Carmen Garcia

The roof had heating elements in it because of the snow and ice build up, ... Rain and melted snow and ice would run down drainage pipes inside the (support) columns into an underground drainage system.

Don Green

He who can not support himself, can not take his own decision.

Gamal Abdel Nasser

We went there to support her, so that she would feel that her family was there supporting her win or lose.

Lourdes Elizalde

It's been weird. You're used to seeing 10,000 people or 17,000 people every night, but we know our fans still support us. We've just got to win (tonight) to maybe see a lot of our fans in Bridgeport.

Kalana Greene

I did it because I love it, I did it because it's part of me and I did it because I had the greatest support. I didn't come (to the U.S.) to play soccer, I came here for a new life. ... Soccer is in my blood. My family is in my heart.

Fernando Clavijo

We are pleased with the confidence Citibank, Texas has exhibited in working with us to renew this credit facility. Their ongoing banking services and support of our business model through challenging times during space shuttle flight delays have been of great value.

Brian Harrington

We're not going to support anything and everything wrapped around war funding.

Rep. Lynn Westmoreland

Its impossible for a couple guys to pull something like this off. We appreciate the fans and the support they gave, as well as the players on the field.

Dan Sundstrom

We'll be here selling books and, if you support us, we'll be here for another 50 years.

Clark Kepler

President Clinton is enormously popular and obviously we are gratified to have the support of people who were and are close to him. Bill Clinton found a path to the White House and did it starting in New Hampshire, and we'd like to emulate that.

Matt Bennett

Building a forest with financial support from Guangdong will improve the ecological environment along the river's upper reaches and it should become an effective way in the long term to fight against salt tides.

Chen Kaizhi

We're working in support of the other effort. They had a stronger coalition. We felt they had a much better chance of success.

Bob Schwartz

For the first time a major sports property has largely migrated from network to cable, where the dual revenue streams of subscriber fees and advertising can support the escalating costs of broadcast sports rights, ... In the future, it will become almost impossible for broadcast television sports to match the power of those 'sub' fees, which are unique to the cable world.

Dick Ebersol

Here's about 30 signatures from a Sunday school class at Emmanuel Baptist Church. The outpouring of support has meant a lot.

Karl Turner

We're really at the beginning of the movement. We need to establish statewide policies that support parents in teaching their children to make the right choices, rather than continuing to allow the financial interests of soda and fast-food companies to win out over the health of our children.

Harold Goldstein

I know that Carl's main concern is that he wants to go to an organization that's committed to winning, ... He is going to want to meet the personnel. He's going to evaluate the defense and the run support he would have on a particular team.

Scott Shapiro

Just the support that they get while doing something they love is awesome.

Monte Tucker

People are homeless, without jobs, they umm, they have no place to go, ... So we hope to give them some moral and spiritual support as well just by being there.

Pat Patterson

The fan support is extremely important for a team. The connection the players make with fans and vice-versa serves as inspiration. It lifts the team, knowing that there is people cheering them on.

Israel Collazo

There have been many worthy product drives and funds created, but we wanted to offer an additional, enjoyable means for our guests and local residents who are dining on property to feel further involved in their support of these lead agencies taking care of the needs of victims and their families.

Klaus Mennekes

Today's $101 million achievement is a powerful indication of the broad support to build the World Trade Center memorial.

Gretchen Dykstra

We appreciate all the support we get from the community. We're thankful for all of the buyers as well as all of the sponsors who helped us put this successful event together.

Claudia Williams

Cape Canaveral long has been an important location for the Navy's FBM program. By centralizing our Florida staff, we are achieving greater cost effectiveness while ensuring continued close support to our Navy customers.

Tom Marsh

Over the next five months, we will focus our efforts on assuring a smooth transition. Our primary goals are to avoid any business disruption and ensure our efforts fully support the company's global operations.

Ralph Szygenda

Supporting Day Kimball Hospital is very easy for the bank, ... The hospital is the central healthcare facility for Northeastern Connecticut and serves the medical needs of the 13 towns. Helping the golf tournament is one way we feel we contribute to the overall operation.

David Conrad

Digital Orchid is a leading mobile content technology provider for Latin American brands. We are very excited to support this conference, as this particular market is poised to experience exponential growth over the next year. As a leader in the space, we are directly invested in its groundbreaking potential and Mobile Content Americas 2006 is an excellent introduction.

Chris Duggan

The only candidate with a history of supporting the crime fighters in our city.

Harry Roberts

Support of substantial people whose opinion matters.

Mikhail Khodorkovsky

The Indiana Northeast Development has a base of support and a credible voice in the region. We hope to be able to build on the IND history.

John Sampson

Bookings outpaced even our strong sales growth during the fourth quarter driven by a combination of broad end market demand and longer lead times. In addition to higher order rates for products supporting notebook and desktop applications, bookings for products serving the display end market increased significantly.

Mark Thompson

The government cannot support everybody who needs help. The churches and civic organizations are where a lot of the help has got to be. People have got to know they have got to help each other.

Jerry Bonner

The First Lady set this up as a nonprofit organization to raise money for the collection of antique furniture in the mansion. It's one of the premier collections in the country _ it belongs to the people of Georgia and is falling apart. She didn't go to the Legislature and ask for public dollars. People wanted to support the arts and the mansion.

Dan Mclagan

We appreciate all our sponsors who support us here at the center.

Carolyn Coates

The project should support and broaden the current retail function, be conducive to reinstating the office and residential function of the area, and is expected to be a catalyst for increased private sector investment in the area.

Pierre Voges

We get a lot of support from all three schools and it's great to see them all pulling together like this. What a difference a winning streak makes. These kids are just flying in practice.

Sal Follo

We had no idea that we would get that much support. And there seems to be an energy that has never really quite been there before.

Pam Johnson

We forget a very important part of this thing is the multiplier effect it will have just by its presence here, ... And that is hotels, restaurants, homes and the entire support system needed to accommodate 4 million tourists per year. It all makes for a real win for Utah.

Jon Huntsman

We are pleased to be one of the few companies to support this platform. This will give our customers a simpler, more powerful way to create, deploy, manage and use enterprise data and analytical applications.

William Gregorian

It does, however, paint a challenging picture for our local authorities and it is clear that they need more support to translate willingness into action.

Philip Sellwood

In addition, BigHand has been configured in such a way that secretaries can work from home. This contributes greatly to our firm's policy of supporting a positive work-life balance, and has been met with great enthusiasm by our staff.

Kevin Fox

When you're visiting the page of an enterprise software vendor and you want to call their support number, that phone number will be highlighted and you'll instantly be connected.

Saul Klein

I am getting behind on probation fees and child support bills. It's stressful. If I would have known then what I know now … .

Shawanna Reid

We're deeply saddened that the Uniformed Firefighters Association would withdraw their support for the memorial to honor all those lost on 9/11, including the sacrifice of the firefighters.

Lynn Rasic

I think the community support is crucial to this project.

Dana Brown

We will do everything in our power to support both them and their daughter in the challenges ahead.

Alan Rodger

I also know he cannot lead troops to victory in a war when he has made it perfectly clear that he does not support the cause.

Tommy Franks

We can't say to young people in this city that we support them and want to ensure their successful transition to adulthood and, on the other hand, undermine their ability to go to school and obtain employment by opening up confidential records.

Liz Ryan

We provided engineering design support, software and operator training. It's the most modern hockey arena in the world.

Dave Janke

Internet services are ingrained in Windows 2000 from the ground up: The integrated browser and Web server, XML, Active Server Page support, transaction support -- from soup to nuts, client and server.

Craig Beilinson

As a leader in home entertainment and a pioneer in DVD technology, we are very excited to introduce our first HD DVD players for U.S. consumers. With the support of some of the hottest films, we can confidently say that Toshiba's HD DVD players will come to market with important industry backing in time to meet the HDTV transition.

Jodi Sally

It's a critical part of our effort to support the war fighter and we want to be an industry leader.

George Ellis

The state used race not only to protect an incumbent but to give the false impression of Latino support for that incumbent.

Nina Perales

BP will support any legislation that includes notification and compensation of surface owners, provided that there will be some means to ensure that we get a permit.

Dan Larson

The only way I would support a property tax is if the city was going to declare Chapter 9 municipal bankruptcy. We're not there yet.

David Molina

The participation of an observer mission in Palestine's legislative elections is a reflection of the strong support of the South African government for the democratic process in Palestine.

Ronnie Mamoepa

[WHY:] Elliot Spitzer is one of the greatest Attorney General's in the history of this nation, ... He has shown leadership and a courage of his convictions that is all too rare in politics. He stands up for what he believes in, and we are thrilled to have the opportunity to stand up with him and support his effort to do even more for the State of New York as our Governor.

Bruce Raynor

I support development and deployment of a limited national missile defense. Few if any of our duties surpass our obligation to provide for the common defense of our nation.

Joseph Lieberman

We are now just oversight and support.

Jim Oliver

The businesses in this area are very good about supporting our efforts because it benefits them as well as us. Their contributions are very important because our annual operating costs are between $100,000 and $150,000.

David Hull

The athletic department is launching a fundraiser on a scale that I don't believe has ever been attempted here before. We're serious about raising money that provides scholarships for student athletes, and we believe this campaign will set a foundation to where we can provide scholarship support on an annual basis.

Jack Bishop

It is my pleasure to support a candidate who truly reflects our values and highest ideals.

Martin Sheen

While we fully support reasonable and effective security measures, we believe this program marks a dramatic and unjustified erosion of the privacy rights of the American public.

Christopher Dunn

I believe and support the more vigorous standards, I think it's a good idea to challenge students to achieve more and place higher expectations on them so they get the best education possible.

Dawn Allstetter

While the storm that hit this region was overwhelming, so has been the outpouring prayer and support from people around the country for those in need.

John Tyson

It's going to be happy but melancholy at the same time. I've dealt with a lot of things, but having the guys' support has always meant so much to me. They're like my brothers.

Ricky Morgan

I welcome their demonstration. I support the First Amendment to the constitution. Everyone in this country has the right to assembly and freedom of speech.

Alejandro Aviles

It has to be self-sustaining. We don't have a large amount of support from the government.

Gabriel Brisbois

With advancements in future space launch vehicles, some of us -- see our state supporting potential military launch and landings for defense, homeland security and remote sensing.

William Hoffman

We're struggling to get some public help to rebuild our AAA stadium, let alone to build something of that magnitude. I don't know if Charlotte can support three major-league sports franchises right now.

Jeff Beaver

Essentially, it came down to a 'he said, she said. The alleged event took place behind closed doors without any independent witnesses or evidence to support the charge.

Mike Edmondson

Their costs for hiring and contracting services is clearly rising faster than their revenue. They are going to have to get a handle on that because the industry is just not growing fast enough to support that.

Felipe Cunha

The movies are there to support the core businesses of toys, licensing, video games and publishing. Each of these titles is meant to be a franchise.

Avi Arad

They should start at the very top when assessing what went wrong in England. Cricket Australia executives, the coach, the manager, the captain and support staff must be all held accountable for this disaster.

Dennis Lillee

Interest in the hospital has grown in the community. They are proud of the hospital and see a bright future for it. Without their support we wouldn't exist.

Cliff Corbett

I will support this project until after the referendum, but if the people decide against it, I will go with the people.

Wayne Gray

The encouraging data from our clinical programs validate the support our investors have shown. We are very pleased to fortify our outstanding investor syndicate with new investors of the highest quality.

Peter Hecht

I am confident that we are going to get the funding to support this initiative.

Claudia Rodriguez

It's important for our nation that our military and our society be close together. That's important for democracy. And it's important for recruiting. It's important for retention. It's important for building support for our engagements overseas.

Anthony J. Principi

PREJUDICE, n. A vagrant opinion without visible means of support.

Ambrose Bierce

We don?t have that kind of state support.

Andrea Morgan

Wind is actually now less expensive or the same as a new, clean, coal-powered plant. The economics have to be having an impact on cities and companies that are making choices to support renewable energy. The price of coal tends to loosely follow the price of gas. Those prices are volatile. That's what makes wind so interesting. The fuel is free, stable and predictable.

Peter Mastic

Some of the critics are seeing a connection where none is intended. People are perfectly within their rights to oppose the policy of war, but this is about supporting the troops.

Victoria Clarke

[Few small e-commerce software makers have been able to turn a profit in the small-business market. Bock says that with an ISP's sales channel, those small companies can change their fortunes.] The tools makers are lining up to dance with the ISPs, ... Tool vendors have to have an elegant way to interface with potential clients: supporting a tool through an ISP is like a hot knife through butter.

Geoffrey Bock

I told the kids we could have lost by 30. We didn't lose. They beat us. We were 20-5. It's kind of hard to reflect. We won the ACL, we got two homes (in the tournament) and got great support. We all wanted to go to Boston Saturday.

Paul Lundberg

Mark's perspective and knowledge will enhance our capacity to provide the high level of support required to operate and grow one of the nation's leading brokerage organizations, and a core business of Wachovia Corporation.

Martin Davis

We're particularly conscious of the need to help spouses. Usually the diplomats will be able to speak the language, whereas spouses might not. So it can be a very isolating experience. So we do try to give a lot of support through what we call community liaison officers.

David Powell

The guys played really well. They gave me some goal support, which I'm not really used to playing in Lowell.

Kevin Nastiuk

Just as teachers put together report cards for their students at the end of the term, so do we at the end of the legislative session. We're willing to support any candidate who will stand up for kids and education.

Linda Nelson

The goal is to give respite and support to the care givers, and to be able to keep people in their homes for as long as possible.

Carol Duncan

We are in desperate need of immigration reform. I hope the House has seen all the rallies and protests around the nation and remembers the issue is very important and people support a fair immigration reform.

Iliana Holguin

I'm just going to take these last couple games off and just take care of some personal business. But I'll be there supporting and cheering for the team. I won't practice or play, but I'll be around, working out.

Jeremy Fears

In Cody, it's almost impossible to support a family. We need to make it so (teachers) can survive and have some stability.

Tom Cook

A petition of a group, and get the town to support homeowners.

Bob Brill

He has a strong record when it comes to supporting our troops. He believes we should continue to give our troops the resources they need to finish the job in Iraq, so we can bring them home as soon as possible.

Mark Kelly

It applies to Red Hat distributions only. It will attract those who want Red Hat as their primary service and support vendor. In the data center, however, it may not be that attractive for exclusive open-source software stacks vs. hybrid commercial and open-source software stacks.

George Weiss

We come here for meals and to see the people we've met from the different areas of New Orleans. We watch TV and we talk and we see how everybody else is doing. It's like a support group here.

Ava Sevin

The Congress Government is doing all these things to get the minority support during the coming Assembly election.

Dilip Saikia

The executive committee voted and I support their decision. We have 26,000 young people to serve in seven counties and we're trying to put out the best programs we can.

Gary Hampton

We are grateful for the support given by the governor and our Legislature for our salary increases. And we are confident this is the beginning of a renewal of support for higher education.

Tom Meredith

The Fed is not done hiking rates, and that should favor the dollar. Given the housing data we're getting today, that's supporting our view.

Niels From

I went after my dream. We all have dreams. We need to respect the dreams of others and support one another in the pursuit of that dream.

Pam Dreyer

I am always looking for a new challenge. Syracuse had everything I expected - great water, great facilities and excellent alumni support. It was a great foundation.

Dave Reischman

He's done great work over the past years in public education and conservation for sharks. We support his effort and he should continue. He is hard working, very knowledgeable about his issue and fisheries in general.

Mark Berman

Life isn't easy. We've all had situations where we needed emotional support from a friend. Consider if you did not have a friend to hold your hand when times got tough.

Kay Vandervort

It's always easy to convert industrial to housing because the rewards to a developer for housing are significant enough to pay for the change of use. But when you insert artists . . . typically they are not able to support the kind of prices the housing developers can. That will make implementation there a bit more challenging.

John Weis

The auditors have raised questions about the support and the documentation rather than questioning the fact that we have incurred the costs, ... Therefore, it would be completely wrong to say or imply that any of these costs that were incurred at the client's direction for its benefit are 'overcharges.' .

Cathy Mann

Can we buy support for liberal trade policy? If that is the criteria, [TAA] doesn't work. Does it help workers? A lot couldn't do without it.

Howard Rosen

We are providing the tools to train partners to deliver the people-ready message and supporting them with compelling evidence about why customers who invest in this outperform customers who don't. We want them to know how to live and breathe this message and successfully sell their offerings to customers.

Allison Watson

This president should be glad he's not running for re-election. But the president is clearly holding his base. It's very important for him to keep the base support in terms of getting things done.

Karlyn Bowman

It's disingenuous to say that you support the troops and you don't support their mission — that's who the troops are.

William Greene

As the baby boom ages, you'll have significant numbers of retirees in your area, more so than other areas. We're especially finding that growth in dental offices. Although dentist numbers aren't growing, their support staffs are growing substantially.

Rebecca Rust

At no point during the proceedings were we given a chance to explain ourselves. As soon as our attorney started reading a letter of support from Good Samaritan Hospital, 250 people in the courtroom began booing. It was something you would see on a TV show. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It didn't feel like America. It just didn't.

Leah Goldstein

Ronald had the lead role, but Nancy had an important supporting role. Everything she did was in support of him.

James Benze

The industrial shutdown targets small automakers that can't maintain production or sustain market demand and who don't have enough research and development capability to support future development.

Jia Xinguang

Building the program at Collingwood, we've had a lot of the younger students come out to support us. You can really see that the younger kids are looking up to the senior boys. They've become role models within the school, which is great to see.

Gerald Cole

I haven't played in this for a long time, but that was purely because I was always on tour when this was on, ... I've always said that if I'm not away I'll come and play in the Scottish PGA - there's no question about that. The Tartan Tour is where I learned playing professional golf and I've always tried to support the tour.

Paul Lawrie

Now there are thousands of people with those names that wouldn't exist if it hadn't been for them. This generation of parents is looking to get away from cookie-cutter stuff, and our culture of celebrities is supporting that.

Pamela Redmond Satran

Propelled by good economic figures, investors are more and more expecting the BOJ to move up the schedule for the end of its zero-rate policy. That's supporting the yen.

Teruhisa Tsuji

I feel we can still follow the plan, and I do not support unitary status at this time.

Rickey Hardy

The earnings outlook for financial companies remains positive as the domestic economy recovers and that is supporting their shares.

Jeon Jeong Woo

From a regional standpoint, these guys support Sacramento on a year-round basis.

David Elliott

No doubt about it, this feels better than the other ones. To be the head coach and build something and see the effort by the kids and support we have received from the community, parents and school has been special.

Steve Schibi

People in Chinatown won't support you publicly but do it privately because they are afraid.

Huy Lu

I think this is really great, the support that the state is showing us here.

Dave Baglee

The explosive growth of the Internet and e-business requires faster deployment of high-bandwidth equipment and greater flexibility to support emerging Internet technologies and new services within the network.

Mark Christensen

The bottom line is, Katherine Harris's support is so low that she is down to just about the bottom of what you'd expect a Republican to get in Florida.

Clay F. Richards

It's a way for the president to deliver some support to states that are battleground states during an election.

Russell Sobel

The state needs to improve the support for the existing hurricane centers. Saving lives and saving property. That's our position. They need to expand on that.

Marc Levitan

We made a conscious decision to become more involved politically. It's kind of been an evolution of the process in which we recognized that not necessarily to get a seat at the table but to get someone's ear, to be able to be an influencer, if you would, to support candidates that support our objectives for our customers, that we were going to have to be more involved.

Kerry Spees

The company considered several attractive sites in other countries and chose Ireland due to its thriving biotechnology community, infrastructure to support biologics manufacturing, emphasis on education, and attractive business climate, as well as the support we received from the Irish Government and IDA Ireland.

Fabrizio Bonanni

Our live answer rate is now 95 percent, higher than it ever was. This is a way of improving our support, not [hurting] it. We're not preventing more people from getting in. As Tech Data grows and evolves, tech support has to grow and evolve around that.

Barb Miller

We could count on their support.

Michael Wilson

We're in the process of supporting the mayor's plan for re-entry.

Thad Allen

The good news is that many of the property owners have been approached preliminarily and most have expressed support for the trail, ... Not all, but most.

Doug Bennett

I felt like all spring I have done pretty well. This was just a good ending to spring. Now it's time to get ready for the fall. I just relied on my teammates. That's the thing about Texas; everyone is going to make good plays. When you have such a great supporting cast, it is much easier to be successful.

Jevan Snead

These funds may be awarded to applicants of U. S. military families who are in need of assistance with housing, utilities, medical expenses, groceries, clothing, school supplies and other expenses deemed necessary in order to provide them with some support and alleviate their need.

Rebecca Campbell

I think a lot of people are joining the mission and getting involved ? it's been different in getting more citizen support. Unfortunately the two highlights are the day labor site and overcrowding.

Dave Kirby

I'm an advocate of the death penalty, I've had a number of capital cases. I have talked with the lieutenant governor about his position on that, he's assured me he'll follow the law, I know him to be a man of his word, and as a result of that I'm going to support him.

Paul Ebert