The high level committee, appointed to study the two countries' proposals, have prepared a report to be presented to the Heads of States to make the final decision.

John Koech

I hope we can join eighteen other states in saying that $5.15 an hour is not enough.

Doug Jackson

In the rush to rebuild in the southern states, Americans should pause to think more deeply about what it would take to create more equitable and healthier communities in New Orleans and throughout the affected area.

David Atkins

The problem is, each state has its own sovereignty. In other words, it's the states' rights.

Paul Wallace

The sensitivity [to the United States] is going to be highest for equity markets and lowest for currencies, but even then you're going to get some sort of divergence happening.

James Malcolm

Just because I won last year doesn't mean anything. You can't overlook anybody at this level because everyone is trying to do what they can to win. That's the only pressure I feel. The only thing that matters at this point of the season is to go out and beat the guy across from you and move on to the next match. I really want to place at states this year, and that's the only way I can do it.

Justin Rivera

Hawaii is one of the very worst states in the treatment of working poor.

Jason Levitis

I call it an accelerator into deep, clear, focused states of consciousness. As a spiritual seeker, it gave me more focus and passion and drive.

Phil Jones

Foreign rightwing fundamentalists attacked the United States. Domestic rightwing fundamentalists took the spotlight. And everywhere, progressives, liberals, and moderates either fell in behind them, or retreated into the shadows . . . We have seen the consequences.

Ben Manski

Only the deployment of sufficient numbers of troops with logistical support by UN member states will provide the protection that the civilians so desperately need.

Dr. William F. Schulz

I support the offshore oil and gas leasing moratoriums that the Bush Administration has continued off coastal states including California and Florida. Now I want to ask the coastal states, the Bush Administration, and Congress to support leasing moratoriums for some ecologically sensitive onshore areas, as well.

Bill Richardson

It makes sense that some Latin American countries are trying to lead by example. They are hoping the United States will make some sense out these immigration laws.

Josh Bernstein

By the majority resolution, we will be disenfranchising every voter who went to the polls in the state of Florida. This does nothing but jeopardize the process... and (we) declare ourselves the paramount authority just as the United States Supreme Court considers these very same issues.

Dan Gelber

The intelligence agencies of the United States say they have a five-year plan - that we must develop new sources of human intelligence and infrastructure inside Iraq, before we can do anything about the regime. That's a long process. Essentially, they say, don't do anything now.

Ahmed Chalabi

A lot depends on the United States.

Stanley Fischer

It is a new century, and the United States is in a renaissance of coin design, ... This is a very historic moment. It marks the first time in 65 years that Americans will reach into their pockets and pull out newly designed nickels.

Henrietta Holsman

The state is being more aggressive than other states, and that's a good thing.

Adrienne Esposito

The Chinese are definitely concerned about the tendency of this Australian government to align itself with the United States.

Bob Hawke

Japanese food has been going up like a rocket, while Chinese, which was overwhelmingly the most prominent Asian cuisine in the States in 1990, has stalled in the past 15 years.

Tim Zagat

We understand that graduates are eager to find a job, but the country's labor law states that employees should be paid according to their performance.

Lu Tingfei

One can't sign every contract no matter how bad it may be for the state's budgets.

Hartmut Moellring

Like the family, we are monitoring developments concerning the possible arrival of Juan Miguel Gonzalez in the United States. The Department of Justice and the INS have approached these discussions in good faith, and we hope to continue to move forward on Monday.

Robert Wallis

This really is a nationwide phenomenon. We found the presence of day labor in every region of the United States.

Nik Theodore

More die in the United States of too much food than of too little.

John Kenneth Galbraith

The state's abilities in terms of content control online -- through a mixture of methods -- should not be underestimated.

John Palfrey

The people of the United States, perhaps more than any other nation in history, love to abase themselves and proclaim their unworthiness, and seem to find refreshment in doing so... That is a dark frivolity, but still frivolity.

Robertson Davies

Anytime states work together, I think that's great.

Roy Brown

Every year, flooding causes more than $2 billion of property damage in the United States. Yet thousands who experienced flooding had no flood insurance because they thought they would never need it.

Diana Herrera

And business leaders continue to value and invest in what they consider to be one of the state's most important assets, Connecticut's skilled work force.

Carl Johnson

Colorado has become a battleground state for both liberal and conservative forces. It's one of the states in play.

Floyd Ciruli

This was tried once before in America, when the liberty and happiness rights of the slaveholder were put over the life and liberty rights of the slave. But unlike abortion today, in most states even the slaveholder did not have unlimited right to kill his slave.

Rick Santorum

Other states have been very aggressive. They've approached the studio, and said, 'Here's why you should shoot here.' Florida approached us, New Mexico, Louisiana.

Michael Costigan

We've had over 45 inquiries from 35 states in three weeks of being live with the web.

Brad Bayne

We're here to offer a public witness against a state-mandated undermining of the institution of marriage. Oct. 1 is a tragic day because it's the first day a law goes into effect that states a legislative belief that children don't need both a mom and a dad.

Peter Wolfgang

The emerging markets and the European markets are a bit behind the U.S. in the phase of correction at the moment. From this point on, it's my view that emerging markets will have the sharpest correction from current levels. European markets the next sharpest correction, and Japan will be little affected by interest-rate trends in the United States.

Ron Chapman

This gift represents the true friendship that the people of Kuwait feel for the people of the United States.

Jack Mcguire

The indictment of the vice president's chief of staff for perjury and obstruction of justice is an occasion to consider just how damaging the long public career of Richard Cheney has been to the United States.

James Carroll

Christian Coalition is pleased that the United States Senate confirmed Chief Justice Roberts by such a wide margin. We believe that Chief Justice Roberts is in the mold of Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas and will respect the U.S. Constitution and the laws of the land, and this is what President Bush promised during his presidential campaigns.

Roberta Combs

Japan is our third-biggest market, providing us with 10 percent of our visitors, behind Britain and the United States.

Ashley Jones

The United States welcomes today the completion of Israel 's disengagement from Gaza.

Adam Ereli

...Remember, the most damaging evidence about Mr. Bolton came from 15 members of the Bush administration. You've got 102 former ambassadors, many of them Republicans, coming out of the Reagan and Bush years, that urged us not to confirm Mr. Bolton. This chief of staff of Colin Powell said he'd make a horrible ambassador for the United States.

Chris Dodd

We've been accused of being one of the easiest states where anybody can come and get a driver's license, illegal or whatever.

David Hoyle

You could make a very strong and persuasive argument that Katherine Harris is responsible for George Bush being the president of the United States. That argument being made, it would seem to me her IOU list would be infinitely long.

Tom Slade

Right now, U.S. stocks are at multi-year highs, so I get the feeling that global money is starting to move away from Japan and into the United States.

Takashi Ushio

I strongly believe that a federal structure based on administrative and geographic lines with strong powers for the federated states will be the best solution for Iraq.

Ahmed Chalabi

We already receive oil from Venezuela, which has been very profitable, though that's a country that the United States also hasn't been getting along with.

Ruben Bonilla

Click Commerce customers include six of the top 10 National Institute of Health-funded academic medical centers in the country. Our work with these institutions gives us a unique perspective and enables us to share creative ideas and best practices. We look forward to playing a larger leadership role in shaping the future of clinical research in the United States.

Nancy Koenig

A catastrophic earthquake in the central United States along the New Madrid Seismic Zone could pose unprecedented problems and challenges.

Michel Pawlowski

States are grappling with how to handle this. Many are going from one extreme to the other, and I think what we've done is strike a balance. I can honestly say that what we've done could be model legislation.

Sen. Susan Garrett

We've taken numerous steps, from working with the states to identify people who are on both Medicaid and Medicare, to making sure that they will continue to get all of the drugs they need beginning on January 1.

Peter Ashkenaz

What we're really interested in doing is trying to figure out how we can help states and school districts infuse biotechnology concepts into teaching.

Scott May

When people ask if the United States can afford to place on trial the president, if the system can stand impeachment, my answer is, "Can we stand anything else?"

George Mcgovern

The United States, the Office of Independent Counsel was not on trial. Whatever larger picture .... it's a free country, (the defense) can make whatever larger picture they want.

Mark Barrett

This is an enormous problem for our democracy and it really is at a crisis point. More and more people are looking at this level of corruption in Washington, in their home states and they're saying why should I bother to vote.

Chellie Pingree

Their transparency and cooperation in resolving this matter is a strong example of how states should respond in complying with their obligations under the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Richard Boucher

I don't know of it being in this county, but I do know it's in the western United States.

Brian Hunt

We are very pleased with the state's response to the inappropriate use of taxpayer dollars to support discriminatory and religious teachings in public schools. Students deserve facts, not sexism, in their sex ed classes.

Steven Brown

This year we have two foursomes playing from different states. We have people vacationing from Texas and Arizona who are playing and we also have a lot of Incline locals who help support all of our fundraisers.

Norma Buller

(The federal government) is giving states the duty to monitor it, but the states are saying, 'We don't have the manpower. We don't have the resources'.... And the school districts are being told they can't regulate this — that it's up to the states.

Jack Jennings

Certainly we are gaining this very large market which actually will now be larger than the United States in terms of numbers of inhabitants.

Vaira Vike Freiberga

A lot of people on the team want to do this for Kenny. We'd like to win the states for him.

Alan Campbell

You take away the scoring and the coach doesn't have to (rely on certain athletes running multiple events). We had a lot of state's best times (for the season) today, and that's part of the reason.

Mike Holman

This would be significant if we were to lose even half our export sales. This would be a very debilitating development in the United States.

Philip Seng

I am kind of perplexed by their argument, ... You have a federally mandated program, created with federal dollars, but the states are issuing it. The states are not deciding anything, so I am not really sure how it is not a federal ID when the federal government makes all the decisions.

Chris Hoofnagle

The data is clear. These are very high-poverty districts that have been neglected for 50 years. And the last three or four years that we have been really working hard, there is substantial evidence that the state's investment is paying off for these kids.

David Sciarra

It was one of dozens of mining campuses and towns throughout central Nevada that recharged this state's mining activity, comparable only to the great Comstock era.

Terri Mcbride

The so-called right-to-life movement in the United States has expanded its agenda way beyond the original focus on abortion. Given the political power of religious conservatives, the impact a whole range of patient services could be in danger.

Lois Uttley

We have the unpleasant possibility that the cyclone could linger near the southeast United States through five days.

Richard Pasch

There are some European manufacturers who would love to build plants in the United States if they could only be assured there would be a market five years from now.

Bruce Bailey

European companies are flush with cash and they want to own market share in the United States, ... They want to own the 'new economy.'

David Gilmore

If Gov. Romney were the governor of South Dakota he would sign it. The governor believes that states should have the right to be pro-life if that is the will of the people.

Julie Teer

At the beginning of the year, the kids' goal was to win states.

Paul Taibi

Some nation states prohibit the police from collecting information on their own citizens. But they don't prohibit their own intelligence organizations from collecting information on their own citizens.

Bob Ayers

We were surprised by the narrowing of the approach to openness, ... There are many other different options that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has here that many other countries and states are doing.

Alan Yates

That didn't work very well for the administration of Fox. There is no question that Mexico was hoping for a lot more. It did not come away a winner from the United States over the past years.

Peter Hakim

He should be at about 95 percent for states.

John Rittenhouse

We compliment the elected officials in W. Virginia for having the wisdom to ban enforcement cameras, but we continue to receive increasing numbers of sales from motorists there who tell us they are concerned about cameras in nearby states.

Joe Scott

Pakistan test-fired its first cruise missile Thursday in a blatant attempt to intimidate India. It flies beneath radar. If they attacked India with a nuclear cruise missile it could wipe out the entire United States customer service industry.

Argus Hamilton

He was real excited. When you were that close (to making states before) you really want to get there.

Dave Studer

The African Union has to act in order to put an end to armed conflicts that undermine the continent, to fight against the devastation caused by AIDS and other contagious diseases, to promote sustainable development of its member states.

Omar Bongo

Energy cooperation is a key area of economic cooperation among SCO member states. The working group on energy issue will compose of experts in related areas from the six member states.

Zhang Deguang

The U.S. government recognized that the 1933 Double Eagle was in that collection, and they officially asked the Egyptian government to pull it from the sale and return it as stolen property of the United States.

David Redden

The United States has long stood for expansion of global trade and consolidating democracy.

Roger Noriega

Good relations between the United States and China are important to peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.

Yasuo Fukuda

Read 'People's History of the United States', that book will f***-n blow your mind.

Good Will Hunting

Multinationals are much more likely to have business interests in the United States, ... Even if what they might contemplate doing in Cuba does not fall foul of the Helms-Burton law, nevertheless, they are very sensitive to public opinion.

Gareth Jenkins

We would like to invite the United States to consider acceding to the TAC, ... Such a step would indeed serve as a symbol of political commitment to the region by the United States.

Abdullah Ahmad Badawi

The 14th Amendment of the Constitution protects the rights of everyone standing on United States' ground. There is a difference in culture, but family and love and death all mean the same things whether you're in the U.S. or Honduras.

Richard Summers

There's relief that there hasn't been any particularly bad news out of the United States, but the focus remains on earnings, both there and in Europe.

David Thwaites

We really don't have the fundamental support that we had several weeks ago, (as) added moisture continues to come across the Plains states, and even in the Midwest. Soil moisture has improved dramatically for the soft wheat crop.

Shawn Mccambridge

Some argue that recognition of the genocide has become even more problematic now, when the world is at war with terrorism and the United States cannot afford to offend the sensibility of our Turkish ally.

Adam Schiff

We hope the U.S. Department of Education will listen to the concerns of the states.

Pat Hamamoto

We have also observed that just like in the other parts of the world as well as in the United States (monetary policy transmission) has not had much effect on the longer term rates.

Rakesh Mohan

If the United States launches a surprise attack on our peaceful nuclear facilities, it will spark a full-scale war.

Rodong Sinmun

Any confrontation, such as a verbal one with the United States, would be harmful for everybody.

Alain Juppe

Legislative leaders are passing up a chance to reduce New York State's excessive debt burden - already one of the highest in the nation - and to achieve structural balance between revenues and spending.

Diana Fortuna

There has been poor performance so far this year in the North Sea. The United States certainly is not coming back as quickly as people thought it would and Russia has been very, very poor, partly due to the cold weather.

Kevin Norrish

The town goes into a lockdown form of protectiveness when 43's around, ... That is where Wolfeboro will see the major difference. It's going to be the protective walls that are necessary to be around the president of the United States.

Donald Fiske

The state Department of Education uses the district clusters to report disparities in performance and resources among the state's districts and to put performance into context.

Harriet Feldlaufer

There's something particularly resonant about that particular point in Roman history. Maybe particularly here in the United States.

Jonathan Stamp

That means we need only a quarter of the Democratic members, ... Eleven states have changed their eminent domain laws since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled. Why not Connecticut? Why do we need more than three months to study this issue?

Robert A. Ward

We're putting together possibly a preliminary injunction to ask the judge to enjoin the effective date of the law. And we're studying that right now. I've had four inquiries from other states about joining this suit or filing a separate lawsuit in coordinating efforts.

Jim Zeigler

We've done this in a lot of states, but we've never seen an area that has the kindness of heart of the people here. The people here have opened their arms to their neighbors.

Ken Geurink

His public record makes him the wrong choice to be attorney general of the United States.

Kate Michelman

Our goal now is to get all three to states. I think that's a realistic goal.

Jake Daum

The buffalo isn't as dangerous as everyone makes him out to be. Statistics prove that in the United States more Americans are killed in automobile accidents than are killed by buffalo.

Art Buchwald

There is so much competition from 52 schools (in Class AA) and four people go into each event. There are 220 girls and that is a lot of competitors. We have the largest swimming district in the United States and that includes Florida, Texas and California.

Mike Schneiderlochner

We felt we had to play a hard 40 minutes of perfect basketball to beat the United States. But in the end, we had to play 45 minutes to earn this tremendous victory.

Dave Crook

Every extra delay reduces the chances of a deal being done that will lift people out of poverty, ... Promises have been made repeatedly by rich countries to remove barriers to farm trade. But this rearguard action by the French and other EU member states is undermining even the minimal progress made.

Celine Charveriat

We need to be making contraception easy for women, but in many states we're actually making it harder. When effective contraceptive use rises, abortion rates go down.

Sharon Camp

(Pittsburgh) is a Democratic city, but it's in arguably the most swing of swing states out there. It's an important battleground state. That said, I don't know if that's part of the consideration.

Aaron Mclear

Connecticut closed their rivers in 2002 and Massachusetts last November. Rhode Island followed suit and we have reciprocal regulations with the other two states. This all happened over the last few months.

Phil Edwards

It seemed like in the States, you could make a cheap movie if it was a horror movie, and it could look crumby without production value and still be effective for a sale, the audience would still be frightened by it and they wouldn't react badly to its cheap quality. So that's why we made a horror movie.

Sam Raimi

I didn't know what English was all about. It was just our destiny to be chosen to come to the States. We applied to the U.N. They asked us where we wanted to go. I saw the American flag that came to get us from the border. I said that's where we want to go.

James Suong

My job is to protect student's rights. As was dictated to me by the University Interscholastic League (UIL), the UIL states that when school boards rezone, the students are given the opportunity to go to their newly zoned school or stay at their old school.

Joe Rodriguez

Thus the metric system did not really catch on in the States, unless you count the increasing popularity of the nine-millimeter bullet.

Dave Barry

Mr. Graham, your honor, stands on his presumption of innocence and rests, I decided the best way to keep the jury focused on the weakness of the state's case was to rest right behind them.

Dan Cogdell

The progress Mike Rogers bill is making in Congress is the closest we've ever been to letting states have a voice on foreign trash flow.

David Palsrok

As a result of these new conditions, the States, cities, and towns were welded together, and population and prosperity increased rapidly in those inland sections which had formerly languished because they had no means of easy and rapid communication.

John Moody

Is it too early? I don't think so. The citizens of the United States have forgotten what happened. It's definitely a moment I'll never forget.

Dan Stevens

In France, Germany, the United States and Japan, she is studied in schools. Here in Britain, she is not a set text.

Nicholas James

Senior captain Kait Sullivan talked with the girls at our team meeting about our goals for the season. Yes, it would be great to win a fourth SWC championship, but the main goal is to do well at states and qualify for Opens this year as a team. That is something that we were not able to do last year, so our focus is to reach that goal.

Doug Russell

After 20 controversial years as mayor of the state's largest city, Sharpe James leaves office unknown to a third of the state's electorate and unacceptable to another third.

Rick Thigpen

Just winning my first match at states feels really good because it relieves a lot of pressure. This makes everything a lot easier now. I'm more confident. I got all the anxiety out. Now tomorrow is just another day.

Aaron Wilcox

If the Democrats should win, it would be a pain for the United States because we'll probably see yet another ally on the long list of those who have pulled out.

Thomas Berger

In the absence of real action at the federal level, states, cities and other nations are stepping forward to address the serious issues presented by climate change.

Richard Opper

Kim is good at brinkmanship. From Kim's perspective, this missile is an important tool for gaining leverage, and he can use it to strike a deal with the United States.

Hajime Izumi

It's sort of well-known that anytime any catastrophe happens anywhere in the world, they can count on the United States for help.

Morgan Freeman

We fired the shot that will be heard around the nation. What we need to do is to say no to the federal government - and not just in New Hampshire, but in many other states.

Rep. Neal Kurk

It is always an honor to be invited to appear with the Vice President of the United States.

Morgan Dobbs

That will open the floodgates in two specific ways. It will allow other states and municipalities to go ahead with similar bills based on Maryland's success. Secondly, Maryland has a governor up for re-election. This is the first entry point to see if Wal-Mart is an election issue.

Tracy Sefl

The goal is to substantially expand federal efforts to save America's natural treasures and provide significant new resources to states and communities, to protect and restore farmland, city parks and open spaces.

Barry Toiv

What that trade pact does to our farmers is criminal. If I become president, I will change it in at least seven areas, otherwise there won't be a trade accord with the United States.

Otton Solis

It seems to me that states ought to be able to have laws to protect the citizens of their state. I don't see where the Coast Guard should have the right to say 'No, you can't'.

Gary Lewis

There's something particularly resonant about that particular point in Roman history, maybe particularly in the United States. [Rome] is wrestling with all the problems of whether or not it should expand, have an empire. If it does have an empire, how it should run that empire...?

Jonathan Stamp

Expectations-wise, we are fairly young and had some injuries. But we'd still like to make it to states.

Marcy Bruce

In the United States I have always believed that there was a big difference between Conservative and stupid. Boy is it getting harder to prove that one by the minute.

Rick Mercer

Mall culture in the United States may explain why online shopping has not reached European levels. The retailing environment in Europe makes it more difficult to purchase things.

Bhawani Singh

Personal saving rates are minimal, and the federal government is deeply in deficit. But the states are putting money back into their rainy-day funds.

Scott Pattison

This acquisition will enable us to move our board manufacturing closer to our customer base while increasing our presence in the United States, thereby further reducing our exposure to fluctuations in the exchange rate.

Alain Lemaire

Sprint is the first carrier in the United States to deliver what customers want most in a wireless store, the instant gratification of downloading and owning their own personal collection of high-quality songs on a device that is always with them.

Len Lauer

I think what we have here is a situation in which the president's personal behavior, inappropriate and offensive as it is, is being weighed by the American people and by members of Congress with his job performance as president of the United States, ... He has done a good job for this country.

David Bonior

He had booked a ticket to fly from Manchester to Amsterdam in preparation for an onward flight to the United States on which the explosive device would be initiated.

Richard Horwell

It was an interesting experience. We made a lot of progress last year and ended up winning states.

Jessica Haight

Frankly, in my opinion, it would be impossible to find unbiased jurors in the whole United States of America. I would have handled it differently.

Freda Black

Our number one goal is to always recruit Michigan first and we felt like we were able to get what we wanted from our home State. However, we were able to get into the Midwest a little more than in the past and bring in eight kids from bordering states.

Chuck Martin

The legislature seems to have included gay people in our entire social construct. In light of that, what is the state's legitimate objective in not allowing marriage?

Justice Barry Albin

One hundred fifty percent of the budget cuts that the EPA is getting will come from money transferred to states. So overall the EPA's personal budget is going up while the states' will be going down. This is nationally, not just specific to Region 8.

Richard Opper

The company has experience with lotteries in other states across the Southeast. So it's new for us — not for them.

Robert Kearly

I'll bring it (stone) back to the States.

George Brown

Unlike in the United States, where it feels like high prices are going to last forever, in the Middle East, the feeling is that it will not last. So how do you avoid the problems of the 1980s that followed the boom of the 1970s?

Rachel Bronson

I've been all around the United States researching, and in my opinion, Iowa is number one at school preservation. This is because of the preservation alliance and the rich history of education in Iowa.

Mark Dewalt

The whole situation is in a very, very critical juncture now. Something needs to happen, in terms of implementation of the road map, and the only party that can do that intervention is the United States, and I hope they will interfere immediately in order to give the road map the chance it deserves.

Saeb Erakat

Eric swam really well and is looking forward to swimming much better at states.

Cheryl Ciorra

Such frequent high-level contacts between China and the United States are really rare in the history of their relations.

Fu Mengzi

I think we (China and the United States) have an opportunity to put our relations back on a mutually beneficial level.

James Sasser

Congressional proposals that would roll back state laws are headed in the wrong direction. Our findings suggest that Congress should adopt the strongest state provisions and allow states to tailor other provisions to fit their individual needs.

Keith Ernst

In practice, probably member states, some of them if not all of them, will have to pass laws in national parliaments in order to move from one regime to the other and this can take a certain time.

Maria Assimakopoulou

There are roughly 2 million businesses in the United States with between 5 and 100 employees. It's an excellent market to operate in.

Kevin Laughlin

When the United States government tries to do things like expediting and making things easier for people, they create a pretext for letting in illegal immigrants.

Debra Burlingame

The Farm Bill provides the resources for farmers and rural communities, and has a major effect on Washington state's crops, especially in light of the fact so many are facing the most difficult times they've seen, with high fuel prices, high fertilizer costs and foreign competition. (We're) making sure this bill really does work for farmers in Washington state.

Alex Glass

Early childhood education has been stated to be the most effective economic development tool available to states. It's time to recognize that as we are seeing more buoyancy in our economy, it's time to address this, or we will fall further behind our neighboring states and our international competitors.

Richard Alexander

The genius of the United States is not best or most in its executives or legislatures, nor in its ambassadors or authors or colleges, or churches, or parlors, nor even in its newspapers or inventors, but always most in the common people.

Walt Whitman

There is a philosophical feeling that abolishing the leap second results in greater decoupling of the time scale from rotation of the Earth, and that this is not a good thing. But we put up with daylight-savings time in the United States, and China has one time zone for the entire country. My own feeling is that we all live with departures.

Dennis Mccarthy

It's not unusual for some states to be doing three or four searches at the same time.

Sheldon Steinbach

Some states in the rest of the nation have slipped, which made us go up in the rankings. We are seeing increased needs in our area, and we go by what our requests are and what we distribute.

Ron Hays

We did not agree on some issues. I made it clear that the United States supports civil society including NGOs (non-governmental organizations) around the world.

Daniel Fried

I don't think that a judge in one state is going to be able to tell everybody in all other states what to do. So I don't get too excited about what he said.

Paul Brooks

Further adding, 'Increased intakes of polyunsaturated fat also probably explain most of the major declines in coronary mortality in the United States, United Kingdom and Australia over several decades.

Walter Willett

Every scientific truth goes through three states: first, people say it conflicts with the Bible; next, they say it has been discovered before lastly, they say they always believed it.

Louis Agassiz

[Guglielmo] Marconi discovered global communication because of reflections from the ionosphere. Back at the turn of the century, he sent signals from England to the United States by reflecting them from the ionosphere.

Professor Umran Inan

In the past, there was less of a college-going culture. States like Alabama with a large rural population have been traditionally underrepresented.

Trevor Packer

It's a dramatic kind of change, and you see those numbers in other cities and other states.

Marion Orr

There's no physical border (between Canada and United States) when it comes to air.

James Connaughton

Many states are declaring a public health emergency because duals cannot get their medication.

Deane Beebe

The scientific community at large is very critical of the state's proposal because it is clearly the loss of habitat, not predators, that is responsible for the decline in the elk population in the Lolo area. There was so much opposition to this plan and this decision reveals that the true intention of the state is not to manage wolves, but to eradicate them by any means possible.

Suzanne Stone

There isn't enough money in the state's budget to bring the whole building up to current code. And if we're going to use the tax credits, we have to renovate the whole building.

Mac Mcarthur

This is the United States Congress stepping in and saying these victims cannot get any kind of relief, even though their claims have already been recognized to be valid.

Dennis Henigan

Recall that the United Nations commissioned Arab scholars and analysts to publish the Arab Human Development Report. What causes the backwardness, the scholars wondered, of 22 Arab states, covering nearly 300 million people? Their conclusion? Of all world regions, the Arab countries scored the lowest in freedom, media independence, civil liberties, political process and political rights.

Larry Elder

Disclosure is much less comprehensive in Japan than it is in the United States, so there are a lot more secrets floating around.

Hugh Patrick

New South Wales crews are on standby to support others states if needed.

Rebel Talbert

The return to the Organization of the United States of America, the bearers of a great and diversified democratic culture that has inspired many other peoples.

Carlo Azeglio Ciampi

If those four deals go through, there is every possibility the United Kingdom will for the second year running [top] the United States to the number one spot for global merger activity.

Stephen Barrett

We've met most of the requirements. We are currently out of compliance, but compared to other states, we're doing pretty well.

Anne Martens

The United States seems to be saying they can get a package of sanctions to get Iran to back down, but ... I don't see that coming. I don't anticipate [Iran] refreezing [its nuclear] program.

Ray Takeyh

We can't prevent member states from publishing the data. We do not foresee any communication embargo for each member state.

Barbara Helfferich

The continuation of cool weather in the United States is expected to bring big spikes in heating fuel demand.

Tobin Gorey

But what we argue, persuasively I hope, is that what we are doing with the money is stabilizing a building which is national historic landmark and which X number of tourists a year visit, not because of any religious interests but because it is a historic part of the state's culture.

Knox Mellon

Penn State's using (Williams) like we use Ted.

Donte Whitner

West Nile has gotten a lot of attention lately because it's a new disease to America, ... It appeared around 1998 and has rapidly spread throughout the lower 48 states.

John Sinnott

He promised serious support from the side of the United States.

Nino Burdzhanadze

The United States leads the world in the service and high-tech sectors, while China produces high-quality daily consumer goods with low labor cost.

Li Yushi

Airbus has made a substantial commitment within the United States, where we procure more than 46 percent of our aircraft parts and systems, and where we already have four other centers of excellence. This engineering center is further representation of that commitment.

Allan Mcartor

There is a good bit of misinformation out there. There are people who don't understand the basic tenets of the bill. Statistically, 80 percent of [people filing for bankruptcy] make less than their state's median income.

Laura Fisher

We're not going to solve this problem with a patchwork approach at the state level. It's a national problem, and the need is to repair the national system. We're not going to erect barriers between states.

Josh Bernstein

When they say plants are closing, they're going elsewhere. And it's not just China; it's Tennessee, Texas, more business-friendly states.

Vince Green

We are joining with other Midwest states to get over the fly-over syndrome that we suffer from. We are making it known that there are tremendous biotech resources in the region.

Greg Steinhoff

As electricity prices continue to rise in Wisconsin and the costs of renewable energy systems continue to fall, a growing number of the state's large farms are implementing anaerobic digestion to reduce their utility bills and improve the environmental performance on the farm.

Rod Nilsestuen

This is a piece of real evidence to back up the gut instinct many of us have that the denials of complicity we are hearing from E.U. member and candidate states cannot be relied upon.

Sarah Ludford

It's simple supply and demand. The supply of wireless companies you can buy in the United States has not changed. The number of companies interested in getting into the U.S. market seems to be going up every day.

Christopher Larsen