"Robert Wallis" may refer to:

*Robert Wallis (engraver)

*Robert Wallis (footballer)

*Robert Wallis (MP)

*Bob Wallis, jazz musician

More Robert Wallis on Wikipedia.

Commodity producers were particularly hard hit after falls in base metal prices over recent days.

It is our hope to begin a smooth and orderly process that will create as little disruption as possible for Elian, ... We wish to add no further trauma to that which this innocent child has already endured.

Like the family, we are monitoring developments concerning the possible arrival of Juan Miguel Gonzalez in the United States. The Department of Justice and the INS have approached these discussions in good faith, and we hope to continue to move forward on Monday.

The message to this community has to be loud and clear, ... The next step is to send a letter to the family asking, directing, giving instructions about how to comply.

We have made it very clear that the door is still open.

Weaker openings are expected across Europe this morning, Friday's sell-off in the U.S. happened in earnest towards the end of their trading day which to an extent protected the European cash markets (as they had already closed). Their negative reaction is anticipated this morning.

But transfer of parole care does not mean that the child will be immediately removed from the home of the great- uncle.

The opportunity for ensuring this orderly process rests squarely with the relatives in Miami. We urge everyone to put the well being of Elian before all else in this process.

We still hope for an orderly process. ... The opportunity to ensure this orderly process rests squarely with the relatives in Miami.