Though some local governments have published their own regional administrative maps before, quite a number of regional borderlines are vague and the place names are not in compliance with government standards.

Dai Junliang

I think we'll find ways to win. I think we'll be a typical high school football team. That may not be good enough by Skyline standards, but we'll find out.

Kevin Evans

Our office of professional standards is investigating this matter just as we do any time allegations of misconduct are made against district employees. The employee is on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation.

John Bowen

This experience is a prime example of the inadequate and inconsistent interpretation of NBA standards presently being experienced by NBA referees.

Lamell Mcmorris

One difference between this plan and the others is that our standards and the state tests are much better aligned. We are in a much better position to teach kids what will be measured on the tests.

Janet Walsh

I will absolutely not live with those standards, ... We don't just answer to the court. We have to answer to the public. They have a right to basic information.

William Mccarthy

Entrepreneurship drives innovation. Innovation drives productivity. Productivity drives higher wages and higher standards of living.

Sandy K. Baruah

All professional players have responsibilities ... It's very critical that players live up to the standards that are expected and it is disappointing.

Gary Flowers

I?m concerned we will lose high standards for kids.

Phil Long

There's is no watchdog over the industry creating standards of transparency for which they can be held accountable.

Crystal Wright

Anyone who thinks Alabama will be safer by this legislation will soon find homicides will escalate and that gunfire will be more indiscriminately used by people who have no training in firearm safety because Alabama has no minimal standards for anyone possessing a firearm.

Ronald Jackson

On the margins, Adobe might lose some customers depending how Microsoft's pricing strategy. But Adobe and Macromedia benefit from being the industry standards.

Karen Haus

The Commonwealth standards from Manchester has continued an upward rise.

Michael Turtur

We've always had zero tolerance for inappropriate practices. Where we've found mistakes, we've worked hard to fix them. We're now putting in place even more stringent standards and institutional safeguards to ensure our practices meet or exceed our customers' expectations.

Aseem Mital

To meet production-level quality standards before we ramp the chip into volume production.

William E. Giles

In fact, there are always solutions for the schools' concerns, but they never think about it. For example, the academic performance of disabled children can be evaluated based on a set of different standards. The parents can accompany their children to help their physical inconvenience.

Shi Yanxia

That was one of their big concerns the last time, that we don't have the money to bring the zoo up to standards. I am feeling like we're pretty ready. ... We have been working really hard, and we seem to have things in order.

Shari Rainwater

The choice occurs at the applications that you use-- it's really critical. You don't really want lots of standards underneath. The goal is to have one really good one and then we want a choice of different implementations on different platforms.

Bob Sutor

As the unsung heroes of New York City, security officers should be rewarded, not penalized for keeping our buildings secure, our neighborhoods protected and everyone safe. As one of the signature landmarks in New York City, the Empire State Building should be a leader in setting standards for the private security industry.

Christine Quinn

That would be a disaster because there would be no pressure on anyone to move forward. In the absence of broadly defined and accepted standards, we have to find a way to interconnect systems while at the same time continuing to refine and define standards.

Randy Thomas

This was a solid quarter for Dell. But by their unique standards, it's not a home run.

Kurt King

There were great moments very early on, great moments in the middle and great moments at the end, ... What I'm proudest of is that we've maintained high standards from beginning to end. I don't think we ever let down standards.

Ted Koppel

It will be very powerful if it measures restaurants according to dining standards here, and doesn't just judge the wall sconces.

Clark Wolf

I feel compelled to say that this decision will send shock waves through college athletics programs around the country. Playing college football, especially at a school like Georgia Tech, is a privilege, not a right. We must be able to set standards of conduct for our student-athletes, and we must be able to enforce and maintain discipline.

Dave Braine

This finding, if it's true, still doesn't change the basic argument we're having about the standards under which Carnivore should be used.

Alan Davidson

In several important aspects, international standards for genuine democratic elections were not met.

Ana Gomes

I'm not talking about lowering hiring standards; I'm talking about rethinking those standards.

Howard Rubin

Conducted with rigor and in full accord with the standards of [the accounting] profession.

Arthur Andersen

We were drawn to the Colts organization because their leadership has the same high standards we embrace. As a worldwide company, we see Lucas Oil Stadium as an exciting investment that also makes good business sense.

Forrest Lucas

This will be a pretty cool period by our standards.

Tom Warner

Britain needs an education system that is appropriate to both society and the individual - and it is wrong to pretend that watering down academic standards in pursuit of universal achievement will do that.

Liam Fox

Since we didn't have a lot of our policies, procedures and standards documented, we needed to come up with a basic framework that we could use to get started.

Ron Duchesneau

This inaugural class will set the tone with high academic standards, a deep commitment to public service and a resolve not to fail. The main theme of the presentation will be to encourage students to set high goals and make every effort to exceed them.

Charles Ogletree

We've never seen anything like Katrina. We have to consider the data and look at whether we need to update our standards.

Tim Sampson

Letting your customers set your standards is a dangerous game, because the race to the bottom is pretty easy to win. Setting your own standards--and living up to them--is a better way to profit. Not to mention a better way to make your day worth all the effort you put into it.

Seth Godin

What we hear from our business partners and customers is that everyone wants to have alternatives to Microsoft's proprietary strategy. The open standards ball continues to roll and we are continuing to support it as best we can.

Todd Chase

We have a large underclass in Britain, and a fairly low standard of education. Our best universities are extremely good, but a very significant proportion of the British population that comes out of compulsory schooling with very low standards of education.

Nigel Short

All have met stringent environmental and human health standards in product design achievement.

William McDonough

If we didn't have those programs, we would have an additional 80-plus people at any given time housed in custody, which would put us well into the 300s, and we can only hold 305, ... This year we have an average of 275 inmates a day. If we didn't have these programs, we would have 80 more people on top of that average. The Corrections Standards Authority rate of capacity of the facility is 296.

Tim Pearce

ISPs themselves will be given the first opportunity to draft a code of conduct. The code of conduct would then be submitted to regulators for approval, who would modify it to meet standards of best practice.

Susan Schorr

It is a concern to us as we are heading into the direction of increasing graduation standards. We want to make sure students have the foundation for that.

Martin Ackley

I do not believe there is anybody in the state interested in lowering standards.

Kathy Sullivan

I can be pretty nasty. Not 'mean' nasty, but nasty by your parents' standards. But not by my parents' standards, because my parents were nasty for their day.

Bridget Fonda

Health Net Federal Services should be commended for meeting strict quality standards. It is critically important for health care organizations to make a commitment to quality and accountability. URAC accreditation is a demonstration of that commitment.

Charles Stellar

Both companies believe open standards are critical to provide rapid growth in digital entertainment.

Susan Wojcicki

With this organization, we have an opportunity to set standards.

Dave Opton

Is whether those standards need changing.

Neal Sonnett

The key to sustained growth and rising standards of living will be the ability of developing countries to create vital export industries to compete in a free and open global marketplace. We should help these countries help themselves by opening the U.S. market to their exports.

Senator Dianne Feinstein

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries America supports the report's main finding that MU-2 aircraft operators need to be trained according to the manufacturer's flight manual procedures which have been in place for decades to maintain safety standards.

Scott Sobel

We're capable of playing better than that, but it's a big confidence-booster to know you can play below your standards and still win.

Doug Gordin

We set the standards high because we set 98 percent accuracy for our goal. Everyone had to be able to qualify to that level.

Patty Nataro

As recently as 2003 . . . the Supreme Court of the United States said it is not unconstitutional to apply community standards.

Daniel Weiss

You can either hold yourself up to the unrealistic standards of others, or ignore them and concentrate on being happy with yourself as you are.

Jeph Jacques

We see this expanded initiative as a way of working together with other leading suppliers and service providers to define the standards and architecture that will enable the infrastructure for the global network economy of the future.

Andy Green

The VR-1 is our first entry into the semi-rugged market, so we set out to make the best laptop in terms of durability, published standards, and sheer computing performance.

Thomas Turner

Tom DeLay conducts himself consistent with the highest standards of conduct and he mandated the same for his staff.

Richard Cullen

They wouldn't meet our standards for what we publish in the paper. We have standards about language, religious sensitivity, racial sensitivity and general good taste.

Leonard Downie

So that a French ship that's going to be decontaminated in India will be done according to the same standards used in the homeland.

Martin Besieux

It was probably worth it just to find out that we are fully compliant [with health and safety standards] but the way it was brought upon was scary. There are a million things that run through your head.

Tim Alibozek

The situations have different issues. Here we're seeing a bending and stretching of the rules. Over there the rules are totally crushed. ...We have an accounting standards board and a fairly strict set of standards. Yes, we're seeing some problems. But by comparison they are nothing like the problems in Japan.

Bob Brusca

We will be able to keep the network fresh and able to meet the latest standards. Our intent and goal is to keep it state-of-the-art.

Dianah Neff

The new standards will provide these growing firms with continued access to SBA's small business development assistance, helping them succeed and serve their customers into the 21st century.

Aida Alvarez

She has the personality and physical makeup for Broadway. In ballet, there are standards that must be met if you want a career in it. You should be small boned and have a 180 degree rotation in your hips.

Carolyn Clark

Once it is submitted, we'll take a look to see that it meets our standards.

Steve Spraker

The U.S. has violated certain standards in its fight against terror. We need to draw a clear line between us and the U.S., even though the U.S. is an ally.

Gregor Gysi

We believe it has the potential to establish ethical and scientific safeguards and uniform standards to protect research subjects and improve the risk assessment process.

Jay Vroom

I will personally overview the inquiry and ensure that it meets the highest standards of investigation and evidence gathering.

Lord Stevens

Greatness, in the last analysis, is largely bravery - courage in escaping from old ideas and old standards and respectable ways of doing things.

James Robinson

People are stepping up and holding their own. We still have high standards. There's a certain level these kids expect from themselves.

Michael Groves

There's a balancing act between efficient vegetation management along the right-of-way and community standards for the character of the roadway.

Michael Donovan

States are not moral agents, people are, and can impose moral standards on powerful institutions."

Avram Noam Chomsky

By historical standards, that's a good rate, but we're used to 5 and 6 (percent growth) now, so it's going to feel bad. Perspective gets skewed by prosperity.

William Dunkelberg

People can see those standards; the content is very clear. But what they don't know is how often they get items right and how often they miss them.

Mark Davison

The U.S. case is more important because of the economic implications, ... a nice psychological boost but you can't extrapolate the U.S. ruling from this because of the different legal standards.

Catherine Arnold

Being able to use the Michigan Merit Exam for more than one purpose is a plus, ... It will be used as a students' college entrance exam as well as for the state exam. We will also be able to use it to meet Adequate Yearly Progress standards.

Mike Bender

The Internet beat TV and print to this story, and ultimately forced it on them, for one simple reason: lower standards.

Michael Kinsley

Because we found no safe level of ozone, any reduction in ozone has a benefit for human health. Even if [areas] meet the standards, if they lower the ozone levels there will be health benefits.

Michelle Bell

What we have here is a group of silicon companies who want to try to force the standard to be what they are already trying to build. We don't think that's in the interest of standards process or consumer.

Greg Raleigh

People were reacting not only to the Danish newspaper drawings - there is something inside the people. They tried to express their anger against something else - Western double standards in dealing with democracy, the economic situation - and they took it out on the embassies in Damascus.

Marwan Kabalan

Regulatory modernization would keep states in charge of regulating insurance, but create a set of federal standards that would eliminate price controls and controls over policy forms.

Joseph Annotti

They're in violation of the standards for basic equipment. Some are immediate electrical hazards. Some of them (have) no plumbing. There's a little bit of everything.

Bill Burgess

Families of vaccine-injured children have witnessed the emotional, physical, and financial devastation caused by the pharmaceutical industry?s reckless disregard for safety standards. Now, the misplaced priorities of Senate leadership have sacrificed public health and basic civil rights to the greed of an industry willing to overlook safety concerns for the sake of profit.

Wendy Fournier

It might not change the result in the case -- it could be that the proper standards are applied and Napster still loses, ... We're totally neutral on the issue of how this applies to Napster.

Jonathan Band

That's one of the things the Tempts have always been, experimental. We decided ... to sit down and come up with using some great songs from the famous Motown catalog and put our spin on some iconic kind of songs that have turned out to be such monster standards in their own right.

Otis Williams

We are confident that the authorities will fully comply with the regulations and standards of treaties governing cross border investment activities in Korea and the investigations will be conducted in a professional manner befitting the 10th largest economy in the world.

Tami Overby

Human rights and the rule of law are central components of our relationship with Iraq and are key areas for US involvement and support. These are allegations of abuses by Iraqis against Iraqi in Iraqi facilities ... we want to see them make progress and see them reach the standards that we hold other countries to. We're counting on the Iraqis to conduct a thorough investigation.

Justin Higgins

We have wasted an insane amount of money. Health care is being starved to keep the postal system, the roads and bridges around. In a country with a shrinking, aging population, this system is going to lower living standards.

Robert Feldman

I'm all about high standards and high expectations, but I'm also about practicality and reality.

Jack Fisher

South Africa at the time was becoming more and more unlivable both socially and politically. We had always dreamt of going overseas. We always wanted to meet American and European musicians and interact with them. We thought that we might have a chance to meet the same standards of playing as those musicians did if we had the same opportunities.

Hugh Masekela

The key thing is the integrated approach. Designing for the environment becomes part of the company's standards. This is not something for an environmental department.

Timo Jaatinen

Making sure curriculum is researched based to ensure it isn't a fad is very important when working toward meeting state standards. Curriculum needs to be well-rounded, and I would hate to see programs cut at the expense of something else.

Julie Nielsen

His highest marks were in the area of values and ethics of leadership. His respect for each individual shows he is a man who cares deeply about the district and the students we serve. The example he sets is living proof of the high standards he holds for all employees.

Cameron Beckman

Our plan isn't to threaten them, but we want to address raising the standards on how their programs are administered and managed so that these kinds of incidents are true to what we say -- that it is a small number of coaches involved and the vast majority of guys are doing it well.

Jim Haney

The administration does not believe the standards for intervening under Taft-Hartley have been met at this time.

Barry Toiv

The proposal to establish new fuel economy standards for light trucks is just one component of the administration's comprehensive approach to improving vehicle fuel economy.

Jeffrey Runge

Clearly to make something residential could cost a lot more than to clean up to industrial standards.

Gary Chandler

We have certain standards that are mandated that students have to reach certain levels of achievement to go on to the next grade.

Dianne Johnson

RYA courses and certificates are renowned throughout the world and indicate that the bearer has been trained and examined to the highest standards.

James Stevens

The meet this past weekend really marked a point where we set new standards for our team at Hopkins.

Ivan Allen

We think the system we set up has allowed us to keep our journalistic standards as well as perform a public service.

David Corvo

Anything that would reduce standards, we would have a serious concern about. We certainly don't want to reduce the qualifications it takes to become a police officer.

Bob Baker

I haven't had the best of series, particularly for the standards that I set for myself and a few of the race officials have been ribbing me about not being up on the stage very often.

David Mckenzie

To have a former governor on trial is a big deal even for Illinois. It just reinforces what is a very cynical attitude among Illinois citizens about politics and politicians. Our expectations and our standards are pretty low. Our politicians try very hard to live up to those low standards.

Kent Redfield

He was a big, strong offensive and defensive tackle. He had high standards and a great work ethic.

Bill Ball

It is not right for the EU to impose its domestic standards, which are only recommended rules, on Chinese shoemakers.

Wei Yafei

The new architecture provides us a more unified, efficient IT platform to support our core business applications that keep our company up and running. We selected HP as our provider of infrastructure and production technologies because of the company's great products, commitment to innovation and its broad technical expertise that all continually meet and exceed our high standards.

Abe Wong

When the world becomes standard, I will start caring about standards.

Rasmus Lerdorf

This is the first time that these two giants in the industry have gotten behind advances in technology and standards in a big way.

Ian Cameron

If I spent all of my time worrying about how I was going to live up to their standards, I don't think I'd be focused on the important things.

Cynthia Hinckley

I think this year is about setting standards for what Oklahoma basketball is going to be about from now on. I hope that our program turns into one where we expect these things. That's what we're working for.

Courtney Paris

From our point of view, the important thing is that the emerging Internet TV landscape still has the potential to be free, non-commercial, and built on open standards. We're working to ensure that Internet TV is open and accessible, just like blogging and podcasting are.

David J. Moore

It's the employers responsibility to make sure when using this kind of equipment, that they observe all the safety standards related to this equipment. They have to make sure all the employees are trained for putting these things up, dismantling them.

John Chavez

It seems very unfair. They're saying that you not only have to get the label approvals, but you have to meet all these standards we set for you, as to typeface, spacing ... then they're going to punish us by putting a fee on the whole thing. Insult to injury, I guess is the old saying.

Tom Cottrell

Our kids gave it everything they had today. We won three state champ­ionships today, and that's a good performance by any standards. Memorial just had a little more than we did. Our kids had another outstanding season. There's nothing wrong finishing second at the state meet.

Bob Jenkyns

We have developed a detailed management and monitoring plan ... and it will continue for the long term. It contains strict limits on mortality, strict habitat standards, and a comprehensive monitoring system for the bears, bear habitat, and bear foods. The future of the Yellowstone grizzly bears is bright, and I say that as a grizzly bear biologist.

Chris Servheen

As the country's accession process progresses, it will be closer to modern standards.

Ali Babacan

It didn't vindicate Mr. Sancho. You basically follow these industry standards, and you don't have issues.

David Bear

Not everyone is qualified to join this team. To enlist you have to both meet our high standards and be motivated to serve your country — motivation or qualification alone is not enough.

Bryan Hilferty

Hold people accountable for implementing those standards.

Peter Browne

By getting its specification approved by a standards body that does not allow individual members is a strategy to make sure that Microsoft continues to control that standard and thus prevent it from becoming a baseline. At the same time, Microsoft is also trying to prevent a multilateral file format from being implemented.

Simon Phipps

Only one measure has ever stopped the growth of foreign oil imports and helped the Big Three auto makers stave off foreign competition: increased fuel efficiency standards for American-made cars.

Philip Clapp

Our fears have come true. To regain our trust, the U.S. must fundamentally review its safety standards.

Asahi Shimbun

We are very encouraged by the positive results from this study in patients with HSPC and are pleased to have our results meet the scientific standards for presentation at this important congress.

David Allan

At some point the sales of non-PC computing devices are going to exceed those of PCs, at least in terms of units, and no way is Intel going to have the kind of market dominance it has in the PC market--there are just so many different types of devices, standards, and vendors.

Linley Gwennap

We still have three-to-one disparity in per-pupil spending between the richest and the poorest districts, but all kids are expected to pass the same tests and meet the same standards by the third grade. This is nuts.

Tom Mooney

From my experience with Mike, he not only worked very hard on everything he did, he had very high standards.

Carl Reherman

Usually coming out of a recession, you get a real spurt in productivity, which we got, but now things are settling down to what by historical standards are still very strong gains in productivity.

David Wyss

The business plans we've seen when 3G was put together show it's very difficult to make a return on your investment unless you set up a business community where you are all putting services through the infrastructure. That makes it very important for everyone to be working to standards.

David Sharp

There has been no discussion on the ramifications on implementing those standards.

Susan Morgan

Well it's a drastic procedure by your standards and mine, but for the people who are living in desperation perhaps the best way to understand it is that it seems no more drastic to them than circumcision.

John Money

If you are a pilot going to an airport where you don?t traditionally fly and have a choice to deal with (fixed base operator) company A, B or C, you?re most likely choose the corporate brand you are used to, ... It?s like going on the Internet to find a hotel. You may not be sure what it looks like, but you know if you go to a Hilton, there are certain standards to which they are accountable.

Sandy Nelson

The new facility is being designed to state-of-the-art building and safety standards. Moreover, it must meet a high federal standard for safety and security before any work can be conducted there.

James Tracy

Let's not be confused. We all sit on the same side of the fence: all Java is good, all standards are good.

Scott Handy

We're violating all those standards.

Cathy Kelly

A makeup requirement must be seen in the context of the overall standards imposed on employees in a given workplace.

Judge Mary Schroeder

Nowadays, it's the kids who have the power. When they don't do the work and get lower grades, they scream and yell. Parents side with the kids who pressure teachers to lower standards.

Joel Kaplan

Alabama is considering strengthening its standards, which would be a good thing.

Jackie Savitz

It's going to be cold at least by our standards, 15 to 20 degrees below normal.

Robert Molleda

The high standards we have for our school and town services are the reasons why people want to live here and I believe that our residents want those standards maintained.

Maureen Mcclay

From her Broadway roles in Baby, Miss Saigon, Cats and many others, Liz brings her amazing voice to Provincetown for one performance only. An Evening with Liz Callaway features her hits and standards from Broadway ('Meadowlark,' 'The Story Goes On') to 1960's pop classics from her acclaimed CD, The Beat Goes On.

Liz Callaway

We would look to the state standards.

Linda Bridges

Broad based support is needed among manufacturing customer organizations to support standards development and deployment activities. The success of this effort and future development of standards based software components is dependent upon demonstrating a strong market need and customer commitment.

Gary Sullivan

I think the notable thing is the variety of schools on the list. We have the gamut, from urban schools to small schools in rural areas. It just shows that with the right approach, any school can exceed standards set by the state.

Karla Carruthers

It is going to be a piecemeal approach, people are not going to know what their regulatory commitments are from one state to another. And you are then going to have different product standards in different states. It just doesn't make sense. We need a federal policy and that is what we are trying to promote.

Vicki Arroyo

Exclude any double standards.

Boris Gryzlov

We seem to have different standards when we deal with these issues from different communities.

Massoud Shadjareh

If not a reasonable thing to do, at least it was an understandable thing to do. It's so easy to write we should have seen it coming, but you could have written that in 2004, 2003 or 2002 or 2001. He's an old player by baseball standards, and yet he was better than anyone else all of those years.

Peter Magowan

Microsoft does business in many countries around the world. While different countries have different standards, Microsoft and other multinational companies have to ensure that our products and services comply with local laws, norms and industry practices.

Brooke Richardson

Creating industry standards that provide real-world value is a collaborative effort involving experts and leaders from a broad cross-section of specialties.

James Bryce

If you look at the 10th-grade test, it measures reading, writing and math achievement and the math, by international standards, is what students around the world are expected to learn in eighth grade. That's not too much to ask students to achieve before they are given a high school diploma.

Marc Frazer

There are no standards for the handsets. There are 10 different kinds of transmissions, 20 operating systems and even more processors.

Dan Kranzler

I believe that the government that governs best is a government that governs least, and by these standards we have set up a fabulous government in Iraq.

Stephen Colbert

These mines can't operate unless they meet minimum standards.

Ruben Escudero

It seems through the years that the same standards have not applied to Garner schools as to the rest of the county.

Horace Tart

We may be surprised at the people we find in heaven. God has a soft spot for sinners. His standards are quite low.

Bishop Desmond Tutu

This election did not meet a considerable number of international standards for democratic elections.

Bruce George

It's urgent and necessary that we begin moving aggressively — and immediately — to restore New York as a leader in innovation, entrepreneurship and economic progress. Innovation will be the engine. Innovation will be what creates high-paying, high-skill jobs for New York and provides all of New York with rising standards of living.

Linda Sanford

We have concerns that growth is managed using proper standards.

Peggy Beltrone

This is a very good wake-up call for Chinese companies. They will now learn to adhere to international corporate governance practices and also accounting standards.

David Gerald

The only way we resolve these issues as an industry is we have to work together. We need collaboration and standards. We need to share information and knowledge.

Robin Saxby

The obvious conflict is the interest of the business over the interest of the patient. A doctor should not be owned by a corporation that can dictate the standards by which he practices. He is making decisions about your health and needs free rein to make the best choices for you.

Robert S. McNamara

The game of golf has evolved. The abilities of golfers and their equipment have evolved to new standards that didn't even exist at this time. There were no oversized drivers and graphite shafts and things of that nature.

Taber Anderson

Housing inventory levels improved in July, but they're still quite lean by historic standards.

Al Mansell

Bryce has been really, really good at times and sometimes not so good. He's been kind of inconsistent by his standards. Now, at the end of the season, he's starting to improve and play like he was last year.

Dennis Erlich

It's hard to lose when your standards are so low.

John A. Simone, Sr.

All of us are very good friends, ... It's neat for us to be a part of it … Some people came up and told me after the season, 'Wow, Shockey didn't have a very good year.' Well he caught 60 passes. It's amazing the standards they have now for the position.

Jason Witten

Once we have done that accreditation, it is a case of maintaining it. You are having to check that any tweak you are making to an existing product is not affecting Raising Standards.

Colin Bell

I read scripts from everywhere and I decide upon the content and the quality by my standards, as to whether I like it or not.

Franka Potente

The larger and more indiscriminate the audience, the greater the need to safeguard and purify standards of quality and taste.

Moses Hadas

Failure to immediately comply with human rights standards will deepen the human-induced tragedy already inflicted on the survivors of the tsunami.

Miloon Kothari

Upon closer inspection many of the allegedly negative implications of rising international trade and investment for jobs, wages and living standards are belied by the evidence.

Joaquin Almunia

If significant noncompliance with the standards is found, it may be necessary to perform additional analysis of the conditions.

Daniel Levinson

We provide a framework and standards-the architect oversees all of this.

Joan Zerkovich

Even by the standards of its bottom-feeding genre, 'Dirty Love' clings to the gutter like a rat in garbage.

Stephen Holden

Our clients require a high degree of certainty in trusting us with their sensitive data and an assurance that their provider meets the highest possible standards. US clients are virtually demanding SAS 70 certification or they are not willing to work with you.

Andrew Moore

These are absolutely great science standards. I have no doubt about it, positively no doubt whatsoever.

Steve Abrams

We play a variety of music from time-tested standards to contemporary, more recently written pieces.

Thomas Rohrer

This is a high level that encompasses many different types of transactions, including new transactions that weren't even thought of when older standards were developed.

Robert Usner

Students will obviously do better on the Content Standards Tests as they progress in English, as all of those tests are written in English.

Robert Bailey

We found that the airport was operating properly and up to standards, and that's still accurate today.

Jim Peters

Acceptance of prevailing standards often means we have no standards of our own.

Jean Toomer

Whose deep love of country constantly guided her work ethics as evidenced by the high standards of professionalism and toughness she exuded as a public servant.

Ramon Magsaysay

Let people try what they want in their states, providing it meets certain standards. It will mean diversity. It's also a way of building consensus over time of what needs to be done, something you can't do if you go nationally initially.

Stuart Butler

I have standards for performance, and I'm clearly not getting anywhere near them today. . . . I can play better than this.

Christine Todd Whitman

To say that there are different rules that would somehow apply, that the standards we use in other times are only 97 percent and now we're going for 100 percent, that's not a shading that I'm willing to participate in.

Paul Mason

He was the typical eccentric, eclectic, simple man. By a lot of society standards, he may not have been labeled a success. If you looked at his heart and his soul, he was successful in every sense of the word.

Roberta Bartholdi

The city had probably made some inadvertent technical mistakes in computing overtime, ... The city had paid firefighters about what the Fair Labor Standards Act would have mandated, but we paid EMT pay, Hazmat pay and longevity pay as a specific amount every pay period rather than including it as a pay component for overtime pay computation.

Kit Williams

The standards of our program are more important than winning any particular game.

Dennis Felton

Fiction supplies the only philosophy that may readers know; it establishes their ethical, social, and material standards; it confirms them in their prejudices or opens their minds to a wider world.

Dorothea Brande

We had to bring our underwriting standards up to a level equal to the rest of the state. We had to look at the loans to be sure we had no more major losses. We had to get our staff trained. We've buckled down and done what we needed to do.

Michael Townsend

Without these enforceable minimum standards, operators will be invited to cut corners and compromise fire safety.

Bob Crow

The fire marshals looked at the fire codes in O'Connell House, which didn't meet standards, and the event that year had to be canceled. In 2004 and 2005 the dance was held off-campus. This year it will be another high quality event, but different since it's back in O'Connell House. It's a way of looking back at our roots.

Jarret Izzo

Legal proceedings in progress in certain countries seemed to indicate that individuals had been abducted and transferred to other countries without respect for any legal standards.

Dick Marty

To be as close to those standards as humanly possible.

Robert Moore

The conflict by modern standards has been going on since 2003, when they saw a large rebel uprising. But this is still not correct. The first reports I heard of burned and bombed villages was in 1993 and massacres in 1998. This is not a new conflict; this is a slow conflict over time.

Brian Steidle

I was nervous about the change in the enrollment standards.

Crystal Smith

We have seen periodic exceeding. Standards are being violated occasionally.

Kevin Chambers

People have had it with all the annoyance and cost of going out when they can be in so much better control of what they see at home, and for cheaper. That means fewer and fewer want to put up with the hassle unless they know the movie will be outstanding. So they have higher standards and expectations.

Nancy Snow

We know the services has not been up to usual standards, but we're working on it.

Dave Lewin

The church has a right and a responsibility ... to impose mandatory standards on its ministers.

Stephen Taber