"John William Money" was a Psychology/psychologist, Sexology/sexologist and author, specializing in research into sexual identity and Sex determination and differentiation (human)/biology of gender. Money was one of the first scientists to study the psychology of sexual confusion and the societal constructs of “gender” affect an individual. His work has been both celebrated for its innovation and criticized, particularly in regard to his involvement with the sex-reassignment of David Reimer.

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It makes it very exciting don't you think to live in an age of, of discovery of human personality this way?

Well it's a drastic procedure by your standards and mine, but for the people who are living in desperation perhaps the best way to understand it is that it seems no more drastic to them than circumcision.

To be a boy is to be macho, to have weapons, to have fights, and to kill, at first in play, then maybe later in war. To be a boy is also to be powerful with a penis and to do things with it unmentionable to adults.

It costs $30,000 to $50,000 per year to send someone to jail. You don't have to pay so much to send someone to school at Johns Hopkins.