We've been making a lot of investments in voice, but as we looked at continuing...we had that build or buy discussion. We decided that if we wanted to do things rapidly, Teleo was a good fit.

One of our goals is to unify the online experience for people so that, instead of living in all these little silos, it brings together all their experiences in a seamless manner, for communication and information in particular. If you want to unify that experience and give people great access, 'any time/anywhere' becomes critical. So, mobile becomes really important to us.

Microsoft and Yahoo share a commitment to deliver IM interoperability while keeping consumer security, safety and privacy top of mind.

Microsoft does business in many countries around the world. While different countries have different standards, Microsoft and other multinational companies have to ensure that our products and services comply with local laws, norms and industry practices.

Blogging is growing, but it is still a pretty niche thing. We wanted to introduce it to a more mainstream audience and show them it can be about more than just blogging.

Long term, Windows Live services have to reach beyond the PC. They have to move across devices. This (acquisition) just kind of kicks things into high gear.

When we operate in markets around the world we have to ensure that our service complies with global laws as well as local laws and norms.

This is a complex and difficult issue. We think it's better to be there with our services than not be there.