Some properties are going to be sold as companies consolidate. It was a great time to be a gaming lawyer in the 90s and it will continue to be good as long as gaming remains the economic lifeblood of the state.

Greg Giordano

Today, crude oil is sold at the price of the Urals brand, and in terms of quality we have been losing big money. Given the oil directly reaches the final buyer, all that money will stay in Russia.

Vagit Alekperov

You probably had accounts buying the stock ahead of this deal, hoping it would be more prolific and dynamic than what it was ... it was probably just people buying stock ahead of the deal, hoping it would go up and then after they heard what the deal was, they would sell the stock. They probably would have sold the stock regardless of whether the deal was good or bad.

Ty Carmichael

It was booming, I had to move because they sold my lot to KFC.

Fred Graves

I don't need somebody behind a desk to tell me what a marketing survey says is funny. I got 3 million miles and 70,000 tickets sold, telling me that I know how to make people laugh.

D.l. Hughley

We sold everything we had in Australia and invested it here. I want to rebuild but have to wait until I hear from the insurance company.

David Peterson

You have every mass competitor now selling groceries. In order for us to keep our market share as well, we need to have more variety of some of the products we traditionally haven't sold.

Tim Stupka

Portable, easy-to-eat foods are changing the way Americans eat. Pizza has long been a mealtime favorite, and its popularity continues to grow across all categories, when sold by the slice, for take-out or delivery, even frozen pizza sales are up.

Kathy Hasty

We took her around town and showed her different places where people get married. This house just sold and the new owner agreed to let us have the wedding on the front porch.

Bobby Mcdonald

The city isn't going to be the scapegoat for why this program went away. The local option sales tax was sold to us with the understanding that this money would be shared with the city and we have yet to see that happen.

Dale Swanson

The new stamps are already on sale. They have been for several weeks now and we have sold quite a few already.

Mike Engle

It is complete hypocrisy for governments to talk about encouraging aid to Africa at the same time as allowing the food and income they need to be stolen from their waters and sold in the markets of Europe. It is a pattern that is repeated globally and is the responsibility of all nations to act to make piracy history.

Helene Bours

The common-law title will set out the premises that are being conveyed. The particulars of the parties, that is, the vendor and the purchaser and the considerations for the property, which is the amount of money that the property is being sold for.

Joan Walker

Special places in other states are proposed to be sold so Oregon can get its pork.

Andy Stahl

It's as if the TV was sold to you at a loss and they're going to somehow make up the money on the programming. They'll be very anxious to make you watch only the certain kind of programming.

Dan Gillmor

We're being sold a brand-new idea of patriotism. It never occurred to me that patriotism had to be advertised. Patriotism is something you deeply felt. You didn't have to wear it on your lapel or show it in your window or on a bumper sticker. That kind of patriotism doesn't appeal to me at all.

Sam Shepard

We're switching tires on almost every Explorer we've sold. Customer confidence level on Firestone tires right now is very low.

Jerry Reynolds

We shifted because we didn't want them sold off individually. Then we could end up with absentee landlords.

Tony Johnson

If they sold their house today, they would still get more money than they paid for it. But they won't be able to buy as many goods and services as they could before.

Amy Cutts

The bottom line was that absolutely nothing sold.

Barbara Haskell

Money from the food sold at the concession stand was going toward a building fund to construct a two-story building on the park property.

Jeff Parrill

Clearly he's pandering to an extreme right wing, which was not how he got elected. He got elected with record numbers of lesbian and gay voters who had not previously voted for a Republican, and he sold us out.

Geoff Kors

There is a lot of antique jewelry being sold now, showing how the Victorian look is also coming back. There will be a lot of lacey, feminine, mature tops for girls to wear this spring.

Jennifer Bennett

You just can't put on something that costs $15,000 without a chance of making back that money. If we could have sold twice as many tickets and gotten a guarantee of $7,000 or maybe $8,000 from sponsorships, we could have continued this year too.

Bill Barnes

It's a special event. We are giving away all kinds of different things, and we decorated because it is a special event. It's a big day; we do a lot of business. We've sold over 1,000 wings already, and the game just started.

Mary Meyers

As a title is sold and moves to the customer, there will be an associated click charge, and Microsoft will share in it.

Mark Bayer

[For the peak days of Saturday and Sunday,] we?re projecting to sell out both days, ... We?re almost sold out now.

David Barnes

I think the most expensive thing I've ever sold was just under $400,000, maybe $350,000.

Barbara Howland

Because we own the relationship with our customers, we know who [the bad batteries] were sold to.

T.r. Reid

I thought she sold quite well. That was quite a bit over the reserve. We have one other filly here that may bring a bit more, but she was my favorite, so I thought she'd bring that.

Duncan Taylor

We've sold quite a few already this year.

John Breeding

Of all the bulls that were sold, we had 18 that stayed in the Routt County area. This evidently is meeting a need for cattle producers in our area.

Marsha Daughenbaugh

And they could have sold more.

Ray Daniels

It's not surprising on two fronts. One, that they sold it, and two, that it's not worth much.

David Hartley

I've sold, now I'm buying.

Darrel Cappel

I want them (the agencies) to have a way to raise awareness and funds, ... I lost my publicist and agent because this wasn't the Hollywood way. I could have sold it to a studio, who wanted to make it into a film starring Julia Roberts, but they would have been the ones making the money, not the people who need it.

Angela Shelton

We are now the greatest cheerleaders in the league for seeing that every building is sold out every night, ... If we're not right about this sport taking off again, if in fact the revenues go the other way, it's very risky.

Jay Feaster

We have a calendar raffle starting up, and we've sold cookie dough and had can drives. We're looking for business sponsors who'd like to place ads in our program.

Bill Brooks

The big raw material-type stocks tend to get sold off because the demand picture is less certain.

Jamie Spiteri

Tickets sold for both Thanksgiving and Christmas are ahead of where they were last year, so it looks like people have tried to book early to beat some of the price increases, ... A key message for customers would probably be to book now for the holidays and not delay to avoid further price increases as the airlines' inventory gets short.

Amy Ziff

There are cases of stocks being bought after beating market forecasts, but most companies that don't meet these inflated expectations are being sold.

Takashi Ushio

They're crossing a line for financial gain, and it's our Island heritage that's being sold on the international commodities market.

Scott Buchanan

Track clubs are a coming phenomenon. There is one in Chicago that is sold out. They are building one in Salt Lake City. There is no reason why New York shouldn't have one.

Michael Kaplan

He was retired, and he loved the lake. He had sold his boat, so he figured this was a way to be out on the lake and enjoying it.

Al Dardis

John Hammond persuaded Columbia to put it out as a single, and it was the only one I ever had that sold more than 20,000.

Pete Seeger

Chronicles, ... It?s big, but with ?Chronicles? we have sold close to half a million copies at this point.

David Rosenthal

You had good news on Philip Morris. We had a great move, but the market sold off.

Todd Leone

With the tournament sold out, great weather and a great field, it's not surprising that were experiencing some delay.

George Breed

The dead birds are being sent to market to be sold as meat... because people are not sure if the government will assist them.

Auwalu Haruna

People were coming back night after night. They were trying to sneak in the back door when we told them we were sold out. It was like a (Grateful) Dead show.

Lori Zook

It's come full circle. Now it's been fixed up, and I think it's actually ready to be sold on eBay.

Bruce Krall

We'll continue with [exhibit] openings every six to eight weeks. And as a piece is sold, we'll replace it so that our walls don't go bare.

Tony Gettner

You have the opportunity to at least double your money. I think God has blessed you with this property. Think about all the homeless, widows and orphans that could be helped if the land was sold.

Randy Halcomb

You've heard of 12 days of Christmas. This was 12 years of Christmas for Ryan, Ryan's friends and his family. In short, Ryan sold his office. He might as well have put a for sale sign on his office.

Dr. Joel Levine

Most likely the coat was sold for milk or bread or helped a neighbor.

Jody Williams

Once they sold the credit-card business, what was left was the store chain, which is not particularly impressive.

Gavin Graham

Is always sold-out, and it's always a lot of fun. There's always something different.

Darius Rucker

It's really the only industry in Wisconsin where the government prevents price competition, ... The industry argues that's good for the consumer. Yet everything else sold in that (gas station) is outside the minimum mark up law, which is a 9 percent minimum mark up. Each side can cite all sorts of studies, but prices will be lower.

Scott Jensen

Despite rising visitor arrivals and visitor days, the number of room nights sold have actually remained flat, with higher occupancy rates driven primarily by a reduction in supply due to conversions and out-of-service rooms that are currently under renovation or redevelopment.

Joseph Toy

In general, institutional investors aren't sold on the (stock) market going higher, even with the pullback in oil.

Michael James

She determined that some of these furnishings were just stuff and could be sold. Families and friends agreed.

Kelly Kimberly

The true percent is higher because a high number of packer-owned and packer-sold hogs are priced with a market formula.

Ron Plain

We located 118 marijuana plants and 54 root systems, which is an indication to us that those plants had already been harvested, dried out and sold.

Capt. Dominick Ferrante

We see this as just an expansion, ... A lot of hardware is sold sub-$149. We feel we already own that consumer. ... Our strategy is to attack the core gamer aggressively.

Brian Farrell

It seems to be working because we sold the series to France, Italy, Germany, the UK, Japan and Korea.

Chris Roland

If a consumer chooses to rely on the 'free' advice of a salesperson, then they should expect to be sold. However, while the mortgage practitioner is providing these advisory services the sales hat is removed. At that point they are acting solely on behalf of the homeowner as a true fiduciary mortgage advisor.

Leon Morris

It's really weird to have sold out shows along the west and east coast. We still have diehard fans in our hometown, but a lot of them are friends or someone who knows someone who knows us.

Joe Beck

If physical buyers think the run is overextended, they will sell. It looks like some of them have sold gold when it was trading around $575.

David Gornall

I've listed approximately 1,200 books online and of those 1200, I've sold almost 800.

Greg Jung

"Mr. Speaker, I would like to see the 6 million seals, or whatever number is out there, killed and sold, or destroyed and burned. I do not care what happens to them... the more they kill the better I will love it."

John Efford

It's devastating because of how kids were sold out today.

Claudia Vercellotti

I would say it was about a month ago and I had an offer in my pocket and I was ready to sell. If I had not been able to find a good parent team, I would have sold. Then we had a meeting with Carolina.

Walter Robb

We found people were mostly interested in the herbs, and more interested in anything we made from our own herbs, ... We found the products we made ourselves sold 10 times better than other companies' products.

Bill Varney

I didn't see anything that sold me that a tag had been made.

Derrick Reed

We could have sold a lot more.

Linda Kissam

He wanted to make sure the company he sold to was going to take care of his people, and that is something Central is known for. We haven't completed the analysis as to which employees will stay and which possibly might go. Our history is we retain management and employees.

Paul Warburg

Americans have a right to know what's in their food, and posting warning signs in grocery stores where these fish are sold is a simple, common-sense solution that fulfills that right.

Jackie Savitz

You sell premium wine by giving consumers a sense of place. It's best not sold as a commodity like wheat.

Kurt Gollnick

Brazil will be fantastic for the game. Potentially a billion viewers, 1000 media, a sold-out stadium ? and we are going to be a part of that. Yes, there will be pressure to perform and keep credibility intact, but who wouldn't want to be there.

Ricki Herbert

We are talking about the most prolific and damaging spy in U.S. history. Secrets sold, not only from the FBI where he worked, but also from the CIA, the White House, the Pentagon and the National Security Agency.

David Vise

I've just had my best six months in 27 years of real estate in Perth. I sold over 100 million dollars' worth of property.

Willie Porteous

We felt now was a good time to sell, and it was sold as a mobile home park and will continue to run as a mobile home park for an indefinite period of time. They may eventually develop it, but the new owners didn't confide in me so I don't know for sure.

Robert Bell

We sold off the securities to improve our margins, as well as absorb the other expenses, to better position ourselves for growth in 2006. We are focused on managing our balance sheet and slowing the growth of non-interest expenses.

Scott Bauer

Those blocks (E and D) housed the vendors who sold the most expensive items.

Ann Kelly

I have a very low advertising budget. We have been the featured new product in three different magazines. After an article ran in Farm Show magazine, we received calls from all around the world and sold about 10 to 15 products from one free article. That's cheap advertising!

Bob Wietharn

There's always that expectation that organic flowers might not be perfect. But we go out of our way to make sure that ours are. We don't even keep flowers longer than 48 hours; if we haven't sold them, we throw them away.

Gerald Prolman

If you examine the various features of policies sold to cover kids, ... none of them really make much sense. We think people ought to stay away from juvenile life insurance.

Jim Hunt

It had been iffy on and off for the past year. They had said last year that if they could not find a buyer they would shut down. It is still a shock because we were hoping it would be sold so that we would be open.

Joy Wright

I enjoy what I do very much, ... When I was a kid I helped my Dad with the cows on our farm. He was a school teacher, too. When I left home, for some reason he sold the cows we had always kept.

Dan Edwards

I could imagine it would be sold out very quickly. Even regular Dale Earnhardt Jr. special paint schemes seem to sell very quickly as it is. Something like that would have a very huge demand. It would probably sell out in pre-orders.

Dan Andrews

Actually we would be close to sold out (without the game), ... It was quite a challenge when the NFL asked us to switch weeks.

Sandy Shilstone

We sold our house in New Jersey that year for $112,000; it has since sold for more than $1 million.

Tom Horton

We were sold out prior to Ivan. Then four buyers dropped out, and we gave them back their money. And we've got some people who bought lots and don't know when they will build.

Jim Cronley

Children need most not trained, expert, professional care, but the passionate partiality of parental love. That love is not reproducible, just as to be a mother is not reproducible. Caring is. Mothering cannot be bought or sold, or reproduced by the marketplace. But caring can.

Robert Manne

A small number of IT vendors are at the moment putting customers at risk of unwittingly running illegal software. Microsoft will not tolerate illegal copies of its software being sold.

Michala Alexander

Tell your agent to give you a list of nearby properties that have sold recently, along with the final sum they yielded at closing. Then take that list, get in your car and drive by these homes, noting how they compare with your own. This should take no more than 30 to 60 minutes.

Robert Irwin

When DVD [players] was launched, there was an array of products sold from $500 to $1 000. Oddly enough, the product that was sold at $1 000 had over 35% market share, and the one that was $499 had about 5%.

Frank Simonis

The Web site (where the tickets are sold) was inadvertently live for a very brief period on Tuesday morning -- I mean less than an hour. Today we got three entries in the mail from people who had downloaded the form from the Web. And there was no publicity before this, obviously.

Kathy Shinkle

I don't sell anything. I don't need the money, and if I sold them, I'd miss them.

Lewis Yearout

We recognize the value of having Boeing planes sold. We recognize the value of (China?s) buying U.S. products. But we also need the Chinese to understand that more needs to be done.

Myron Brilliant

It's typical for Italians to do things at the last minute. We are also keeping back tickets to be sold on the spot.

Giuseppe Gattino

Probably the reason why '03 was lower than '02, and the reason that we don't think '04 will is necessarily going to be a blockbuster, is despite these good economic data coming in, we sold so many cars using incentives in '01 and '02, we didn't get the spring board effect you usually see.

George Pipas

We had been up about 500 tickets sold per performance and we were down Thursday night. The tornado watches hurt us. But overall I am pleased.

Billy Powell

We sold little oil today, since the buyers are waiting to see what will happen.

Wang Jian

For actors and writers who are being forced to shoehorn products into their work -- whether they fit or not -- there are critical issues of creative rights, consultation and fair compensation. For the public, there is the serious matter of disclosure. Consumers, parents and all viewers have the right to be told when we are being sold.

Patric M. Verrone

We're going to try to nip this in the bud right away instead of getting sold on something that's not realistic within our budget.

Matthew Mccaffery

The mulch that is sold at Lowe's comes from known sources, not storm wood or blown down timber.

Karen Cobb

We have been friends for 15, 20 years and he has been on and on about caddying for me and it has never worked out. When he finally sold his company, he became unemployed and I said I would employ him for a week.

Paul Mcginley

The fact that they didn't get all the fields sold is evidence that either the trust or the terms are not what (investors) are comfortable with.

William Edwards

Said Rademan. ''But these people with the four behind the bench were adamant. They said they loved Bill Guerin, but they were done. Well, Ralph told Billy, and asked if he'd call them. Sure enough, he got on the phone, called them, and that was it, they were sold.

Bill Guerin

It was sold out yesterday, ... I actually went to the grocery store and bought frozen apple pie (because) I wanted it so bad.

Paul Jennings

They were lined up into the street. We're a full-serve station, and the mechanics even had to come out and help pump gas. We sold 5,000 gallons of regular gas Thursday.

Daniel Rivera

They've sold a lot of T-shirts and I know there's a lot of excitement.

Bob Hilmer

The fact that it wasn't bad news was good news. If it was bad news, they certainly would have sold into it. But investors are nervous here. The money on the sidelines is coming in, but it's coming in slowly.

Michael Lyons

I really thought that was it in 2000 when I sold those first two publications. But then before you know it, I was doing more work than before.

Michael Gaffney

It used to be, if you sold your main residence, you had to either pay tax on the gain or buy another home that cost more than the home you sold. Because the rules have changed, you no longer have to worry about that gain.

Cindy Hockenberry

I had talked to Mr. Robinson about his interest in purchasing the space but he didn't have any money for it at the time. Community Bank decided to buy the other side and they had the money so we sold it to them.

Johnny White

They're sold to consumers as perfectly good used vehicles, when in fact they are badly damaged because of water exposure, and people are going to get ripped off.

Frank Scafidi

The company is not for sale. But having been the CEO of two other companies that were sold, it is always a possibility.

Glen Tullman

Some of the upscale retailers and those who sold electronics were way up - some 30 percent. Some of the traditional department stores and low-end department stores may not have even made 5 percent. The week before Christmas may have made the difference for us (in Georgia).

John Heavener

If I sold Dell every time people said to sell it, I wouldn't have made any money in the stock.

Jon Burnham

Shows have been sold out. It's overwhelming, you know. I had no idea what to expect with this new sound and everything and just to see so many people just come out and embrace it, it's overwhelming.

Vanilla Ice

The auction went smoothly. Government notes have been sold excessively recently and yields have probably factored in the impact of a policy shift.

Soichiro Kimura

The high levels of industrial capacity in use could force the Fed to keep inflation in check by raising rates, boosting the dollar. The dollar was sold a bit too much this week. Now is a good buying opportunity.

Teruhisa Tsuji

When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first things to be bought and sold are legislators.

P. J. O'Rourke

We can't wait for the 2006 Pirates baseball season to get started! Sales have been extremely strong this off-season. We've sold 10,000 season tickets to date and more and more fans continue to purchase each day.

Tim Schuldt

The community sold itself out for $60,000.

Greg Bell

Those foreign cars that are being used now will be sold at open auctions and replaced by domestic-made cars.

Boris Nemtsov

It'll be rocking. It's sold out. It'll be similar to playing in Grand Forks.

Tom Serratore

Parents tell us they'd like help in determining what products are sold in schools, and we're listening.

Dawn Hudson

We've been trying to make this movie since 1994 and the core (audience) has been waiting for it. The picture got sold as more of an event happening than a normal horror movie. It looked like a heavyweight fight. The date was great because we were away from everything that could have hurt us.

David Tuckerman

There are amazing similarities between Forest Danger and his sire, Forestry . Both horses were extremely fast and both were campaigned by Aaron and Marie Jones. Both are great-looking horses that sold for a lot of money. Forest Danger set a new track record while Forestry set a new stakes record and both were grade 1 winners.

Ben Taylor

Soda is the least-sold beverage in the schools. We will be able to replace whatever small portion we lose from soda through the sale of other drinks.

Paul Beckwith

We had a record-breaking weekend with nearly half of initial shipments sold, with many stores selling completely out of stock.

Craig Kornblau

Asset quality continued to improve during the quarter as we sold the only property categorized as Other Real Estate Owned (OREO) at a slight gain to its carrying value. Loan loss reserves increased in relationship to the growth in the loan portfolio.

Bob Bartlett

Early on, you sold everything. As the big boxes came in, it really squeezed us, all of us independents. We transitioned out of machines and began selling furniture. Now, our niche is narrowing. So far, we've managed to succeed.

Gary Machabee

With new cars, one thing you know going in is, you're going to take a depreciation. That's not true with collector cars. I've bought and sold a lot of them and only lost money on one, and that was my own stupid fault.

David Brownell

The fact that it is available over the Internet should in no way legitimize it. These forms of violent and abusive pornography go far beyond what we allow to be shown in films or even sold in licensed sex shops in the UK, so they should not be available online either.

Paul Goggins

People are too darn myopic about making money and they get disappointed fast. If they haven't sold enough flowers they say: 'I'm out of here.'

Larry Chase

We are on track to reach our goal of 220,000 units sold in 2000.

Robert Cosmai

We sold everything by three o'clock. Hundreds of hats and all the drums. We went into the concert and I saw hundreds of people dancing and having fun and wearing my hats.

Herald Alfredo Castillo

It's hurt our revenues and merchandising. We sold a lot more weather-related gear in the last month, but our sales are down.

Joe Goldman

We sold tens of thousands of them.

Vicki Velasco

They are usually snatched up before the first bit of ground has been turned. It is not unusual for an entire subdivision to be sold off of the designs.

Vernon Pearce

What turns me on is to walk into a sold-out venue. The audiences are so much the same as they were in the '60s. It's just an amazing thing. I can't explain it, but I hope it never stops.

Chubby Checker

We've kind of gotten a cult following at this point, so we sold out in an hour and thirty-six minutes this year, online and as you can see everybody's coming out anyway in spite of the nasty weather.

Katie Watts

The event was a big success, it sold out, we had almost 400 people attend.

Chris Hale

In context, those comments might have seemed fairly acceptable. But the market goes by headlines, and seeing that headline, the market sold the dollar.

Jane Foley

It is far less cumbersome to sell it at the gate and you have essentially no waste -- it's in a refrigerator, so anything unsold can be sold on the next flight. All the food put on the plane that isn't sold is waste. We also don't have any problems with running out of the meals passengers want -- we can just pull extra meals from the next gate.

Dan Garton

Last year our team sold $534.547 million in properties, and we have $780 million in properties currently listed.

Mary Sullivan

After my mother died in 1994, my brother and I were faced with the task of deciding what to do with her possessions, and after careful consideration, we sold some of them in 1996. In the intervening years, and the death of my brother, I found myself again with more houses and belongings than I could possibly use or enjoy.

Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg

He's in New York riding on a fire truck up there now. I've already sold two more to go to Ohio. He is one traveling dog.

Cindy Winstead

Everybody is too busy with their own lives to give a damn about your book, painting, screenplay etc, especially if you haven't sold it yet. And the ones that aren't, you don't want in your life anyway.

Hugh Macleod

In Brazil we expect to double the amount of notebooks sold in 2006, from 300,000 to 600,000.

Ricardo Corren Quiones

They are picking up better businesses than what they've sold.

Peter Klein

These huts were probably sold off as surplus and probably purchased by a single builder or developer and probably for no more that $100 to $200 each.

Chris Chiei

Bonds sold off too much. Yields, especially on five- and 10-year bonds, came to a level attractive enough to lure some buyers.

Soichiro Kimura

What's important to note here is that a lot of these amendments that have passed around the country the last few years, that they were sold to the public as strictly defining marriage. But many of the amendments don't do just that -- there are far-reaching affects.

Brad Luna

Their legal claims are of equal quality and they are equally entitled to the ball, ... The ball must be sold and divided equally between the parties.

Kevin Mccarthy

Before opening night those shows had sold 100,000 tickets. For Dirty Dancing 300,000 tickets were sold. We expect the show to run for at least three years here.

Kevin Jacobsen

I'm sold on getting them (students) to think like scientists through logic and problem-solving. These are really important thinking skills for their lives.

Deb Bogard

Cunningham's assets will be sold along with those seized from drug dealers and others involved in illicit activity.

Britney Sheehan

We sold one of the shop buildings, which was disassembled and will be put up again somewhere else.

Bob Garrett

I haven't sold my soul to conform to what anyone else wants, ... There is a nervousness and anticipation, but mainly I'm really proud of it.

Shannon Noll

Of course we've been watching not just the volume of our sales but the specific McDonald's products being sold and we've noticed no reduction in the beef product being purchased. We continue to monitor the situation closely.

Walt Riker

What we do costs an enormous amount of money: Iraq , Katrina, Rita. In order to pay for all that, we need to perform in the key demo. It's how we make our money. It's how the broadcasts are sold.

Jon Banner

In one company I looked at, printing problems would be solved by the receptionist. If it was too complicated for her, she would just ring up the company that sold it – IT staff would probably have done exactly the same.

Peter Cochrane

The more fundamental strategic review -- in particular as to whether any businesses get sold or not -- probably will happen, but not in the very short term.

Peter Cartwright

I come from a country in which human beings are still being bought and sold into slavery.

Simon Deng

We've sold about 1,400 balloons today.

Kathy Connolly

The Man Who Sold The World.

Jordis Unga

Going past the '70s and '80s there was a great reliance on the celebrity, the movie star and the person who sold a million records. People would argue that Ebony didn't become the journal to discuss substantive and thorny issues.

Lonnie Bunch

He sold Dr. Simons one of his dove mirrors that he had made for his office and gave me a hug. Later that day he called me back and asked me for a date, and I said yes.

Kay Vaughan

I've been working with the Texas Rice Growers Association to see about getting Texas rice sold to Iraq and to Cuba.

Ted Poe

It's going to be difficult to make sure that customer satisfaction remains high. That's because Amazon has no control over the merchandise being sold.

Chris Vroom

The number of people actually living in one, I can count on less than three hands. But that will change quite quickly. Several of the architects have sold dozens of homes.

Michael Sylvester

When transferring property by way of sale the land owner needs to state the price for which he is selling. If the land is not being sold, but is being given as a gift then the value of the property must also be disclosed.

Joan Walker

Hollywood sold its stars on good looks and personality buildups. We weren't really actresses in a true sense, we were just big names - the products of a good publicity department.

Ann Sothern

You have two clean-up guys who have both sold and purchased banks and have done very well for their shareholders.

Dan Hogan

I would have sold out for a birdie in a heartbeat. It's not important to lead the first day. I don't think it would have made much difference if I didn't make it.

Dana Quigley

Because of the sugar, no carbonated beverage, no soda can be sold to the kids. If the school chooses to have a soda machine, they can do that as long as the kids don't have access to it 30 minutes before the school day and 30 minutes after the school day.

Donnell Barton

There are many sellers who have contingent offers on properties that they're having to withdraw because they're not getting their homes sold.

Aaron Zapata

They sold a few buildings, but then nothing else happened. They had all that land they had to put infrastructure into, and they had run out of cash.

David Wynne

Earnings weigh a lot on investment judgment. Any companies with disappointing results are sold off immediately.

Tsuyoshi Nomaguchi

If the vehicles are stolen from Japan and sold with the knowledge of the Government of Dubai, then it is the one to blame and should compensate Kenyans who are innocent. This will spell doom for trade with Dubai.

Mutahi Kagwe

It was old and it was costing a lot of money to maintain it. So we sold it and put the money toward the Bobtail.

Cindy Zamora

It's not a surprise that the business was sold and it's not a surprise they didn't receive much for it. It was a total disaster moving into Brazil, we've always believed that, and it was a disaster getting out, and they're still not out because they have 15 per cent of the company.

David Hartley

China has agreed to more stringent screening and testing of fish sold to Hong Kong.

York Chow

I know someone who lives next door to what you would actually call a fairly modest house that just sold for $17 million. There are some very extreme housing price bubbles going on .

Charles Munger

I've discovered a lot more of the world. My seasonings are sold in 35 countries. I've been to them all, and I take cooking lessons wherever we go.

Paul Prudhomme

It's very disappointing to walk in and it's half empty. I can't believe this is the Olympics. It almost felt like a World Cup meet. The Olympics should be sold out.

Jennifer Rodriguez

In the last six months, there has been phenomenal interest. I'd say it's already too late -- everything has been sold.

Jonathan Jackson

Usually out of town, I was led to believe, you don't expect profits. You expect to lose money or break even, but word of mouth was so good every show pretty much sold out.

Bernie Taupin

One of the properties on the list last year sold. And there was another sale just of land that was listed at $75 million. There have been some major sales in Malibu as well. There's high demand and very little product.

Joyce Rey

This individual sold his blood and the Red Cross doesn't pay for blood, ... That's the first line of our safety program, to only take blood from volunteers.

Shawn Richardson

Since 1994, any herbal remedy sold as a dietary supplement -- no matter what their real purpose -- the FDA has no authority over them.

Marcia Angell

We've never sold it. We cut everything fresh and package it ourselves.

Jeff Golc

This facility is being sold to a foreign government. It's not being sold to a private company.

Denis Taylor

Cuellar has sold out on the people of the 28th District. Henry Cuellar has not been there for the people of our district.

Ciro Rodriguez

We have always sold out every year. The Banff people do such a great job of selecting films to tour with. They are international and high quality and bring human drama.

Rodney Ley