For the amount of the investment at that point, they did not seem to be taking the best advantage of what they could have been doing.

Linda Fitzgerald

Here was someone who had a very true and affecting voice, who really did seem to be reporting from the front lines and doing it with the sort of guileless intensity of the talented innocent.

Joan Juliet Buck

She doesn't seem to have been the society type or one to flaunt her wealth, but she lived well.

Wendy Miller

It was nice to seem them bounce back after a tough loss. Our experience showed. They now know they have to play a lot harder to win. Before we weren't quite sure how to do it.

Dave Hall

We seem to be holding our own financially. There's a good core congregation here that works hard.

Brent Ellis

The effects that we saw over the initial six-month study seem to be maintained over one year.

Barry Reisberg

Things weren't clicking for some reason. It just didn't seem like we could get two plays strung together.

Nick Mangold

That may seem like a small number, but it makes a huge difference in ocean temperature and it has many consequences.

Judith Curry

If we're lucky. People don't come, but it is a place where you can have a voice. But people just don't want to seem to exercise that right.

Donald Mcdonald

It's a Nintendo-type number. You get on there, you make one of the top hitters on the game and you just seem to not get out. That's what going on right now.

Curtis Granderson

A lot of these guys are real quiet, so you have to go up and introduce yourself to them. They seem like good kids.

Brian Moehler

Fashion is the science of appearance, and it inspires one with the desire to seem rather than to be.

Henry Fielding

There are still a lot of mixed reactions. But, people seem to want to move quickly and in the right direction. A lot of great ideas have come up in the meetings. If half of them work it will be a great deal.

Matt Russell

The businesses don't seem to be overly concerned about it. Many businesses already have good grease removal systems. The ordinance should not cost them a lot of money. I'm sure we will get some people from the establishments at the public hearing. I intend to read the ordinance and Paul Marino will read the proposed regulations aloud.

Paul Leary

There are some negatives out there, but manufacturing and factory orders seem to be coming back and there will be a lot of rebuilding down in the Southeast. I think we've basically been too negative.

Michael Carty

Imports seem to have continued to grow rapidly, reflecting higher energy prices. The near-term outlook for exports remains positive.

Paul Sheard

This has been an ongoing issue with the town clerk. Things don't seem to be working.

Mark Christensen

I'm big on saving, but big institutions are not promoting savings. If one of the big money managers launched a savings fund with very low barriers, they'd have to be prepared to take a hit on profits and they don't seem ready to do that.

David Shapiro

We've done it like that all year long. We seem to find a way to get two, three or four runs at the first at-bat. Fortunately the first inning was enough, and once again, we found a way to win.

Jeff Eddleman

From what we're hearing, the infrastructure seems in such bad shape, it doesn't seem reasonable to start rebuilding on that particular site.

David Ramsay

Jim Dickinson is a musical shaman. He not only understands and knows music, he knows and understands the people who make it. It was kind of freaky sometimes, because he would seem to know what we were thinking musically before we played it, then he'd articulate it in a way that made more sense than how we envisioned it.

John Hiatt

It's hard to believe, but we're getting better. We're getting more settled, we're getting better chemistry. But we do have some mental breakdowns that seem to hurt us.

Tim Abney

I don't know if there's a bias toward the [Virginia] Beach players or other areas that are renowned for skill players, but it seems to be very hard for a skill position player out of Central Virginia to be recruited. I don't understand it, really. The linemen seem to be fine but not the skill players.

Brud Bicknell

In practice, they seem to be more open to abuse.

Ted Fitzgerald

I've tried to get out a few times, but I always seem to come back.

Jim Hardy

We just didn't seem to catch that break. But the girls have accomplished a lot more than winning games.

Julie Loehrke

We're getting people to shoot from the point and more importantly, they seem to be getting it into traffic in front. We're giving ourselves some chances. Earlier this season, we were not establishing control from the point.

Bryan Murray

We are very, very lucky, we have nice dirt and the riders seem to like it.

Tom Ahola

We had a chance to win the first game. We just can't seem to put a team away. We just need to keep working hard.

Kevin Cummins

Our guys struggled a little in the top doubles spots, but I'm not concerned because these guys always seem to bear down and win the key points when it counts.

Susan Reynolds

People don't ever seem to realize that doing what's right is no guarantee against misfortune.

William McFee

It doesn't seem to work with the older kids. These older kids are just lost.

Boyd Haley

So far, they seem to be working well and doing what they're supposed to.

Sue Christiansen

I'm not always fat, but when I'm thin, people don't seem to notice. I'm seen as a fat person no matter what shape I'm in.

Timothy Spall

It makes every consumer seem like a potential pirate. We have grave concerns; it seems a crime to disenfranchise so many consumers who have already bought these products in good faith.

Jeff Joseph

This does seem to be a convenient way for TV producers to cast a series and to have a person of color in the credits, even though they don't really contribute to the main story most weeks.

Matt Roush

No matter who you're talking to, they all seem to be saying that the sky is falling. That's why we think our policy paper is so important. It shows clearly the sky is not falling - and that there is really no justification to embrace the radical solutions being put forward by some employers.

Gil Mcgowan

Right now things seem to be going well at the plate. But the offensive thing comes and goes. You still have to pitch and play defense.

David York

They seem to be very intent on completing their rehabilitation and being productive citizens down the road.

Fred Ruby

The problem is authority. But these Vatican officials seem unable to understand authority except as authoritarianism.

David Tracy

They're going to face some significant issues in terms of the capacity of their Web site, but they seem to be addressing those scalability issues.

Ray Everett church

It does seem to make sense for both sides really -- this allows a more focused play for the UK in terms of Ladbrokes.

Nick Hodson

It's important to learn how to tell a story, ... It can be in a very direct way. It can be in a very poetic way. It can be very personal, and sometimes it can seem like it's very personal.

Lisa Loeb

We seem to find a way to make it interesting for everybody. That's not the way it should've went. The first two periods we should've scored more ... but we hung in there.

Rod Brind'amour

There does seem to be a statistical advantage, but the practical advantage is still an open question.

Donald Berry

We're always preaching score early and score often. The girls seem to relax when we can get out on top. We've been hitting well and in timely situations and that's something we didn't do that well last year.

Amy Evans

They seem to be more willing to work with her. We're hopeful that it's a long-term solution, but after this experience I just go day-to-day and hope that I don't get another call (from the nursing home).

Yara Bingham

The Republicans and the president seem to have come together on a number of issues to arrive at a consensus. The deepening division is now between the Democratic President Bill Clinton and the Democratic leader in the House, Dick Gephardt, and a lot of this is positioning for the year 2000.

Stuart Rothenberg

All human discoveries seem to be made only for the purpose of confirming more strongly the truths come from on high, and contained in the sacred writings.

William Herschel

I've seem them do a variety of things defensively. They feel comfortable with their scheme, and it shows.

John Wade

It just didn't seem like we were even going to be asked to be a part of it. So it made no sense in our minds to try and go back to a house that we had been driven out of.

Justin Horowitz

Our methods have been evaluated and seem to be the best protocol to follow to carry out a lethal injection. This has been the protocol used since 1982.

Michelle Lyons

She's very determined behind the plate. She's strong and she and Tiffany seem to work well together. They're a good combination.

Laura Patinella

We'll have no place to keep the concerts going. They seem very respective.

Tim Hart

She'll review it but with workers comp rates the seventh-lowest in the country, it sure doesn't seem like it's something we need here.

Nicole Corcoran

He has been working incredibly well. The horses have not been firing on all cylinders, but they seem to be coming back now.

Mark Bradstock

The average European does not seem to feel free until he succeeds in enslaving and oppressing others.

Bernard Berenson

In contrast to recent consumer confidence surveys, Canadians seem to show some strong resilience toward investing, even amid rising energy prices and energy-related impacts on equity markets in the past month.

Bruce S. Gordon

When he has the ball, good things seem to happen.

Larry Cunha

The turnout was tremendous, much more than we expected. We are happy with the questions that were asked, people seem to be engaged and we seem to be getting through to people.

Bill Todd

The urgent conditions seem to be seen quickly, while the wait is quite a bit longer for non-urgent cases.

Jennifer Zelmer

Does this explain the Kevin phenomenon? It might be behind the social ineptitude of early adolescents, the seeming inability to understand the two expressions that have this dip most strikingly - sadness and anger.

David Skuse

If a lens makes a penny or a nickel or a dime a day, it doesn't seem like much until there's a million of them.

Seth Godin

Obviously their New Year's resolution is to stay positive, and they seem to be doing that. But given the race is a statistical dead heat, there's no question we'll see the Liberals respond.

Jonathan Rose

It does wear one down. It does get incredibly difficult to keep it all moving and we seem to be moving all the time.

Toni Harris

They still seem satisfied that I'm looking at them. I would like another pair of eyes looking at them.

Jan Occhi

I got my feet on the ground and I don't go to sleep to dream, you got your head in the clouds you're not at all what you seem.

Fiona Apple

One of the reasons we never had a Website before was that we're such a tight community, everyone is closely related, through family or through business. There just didn't seem to be a need for one.

Mike Bush

I think when we really focus and dig down and pay attention, I think we can do some great things to teams. Then we seem to slack off. It's just a focus matter.

Marcus Williams

Outages just happen periodically, but we do seem to be having an inordinate number.

Carol Tucker

I don't know, but it seems to help me. If something bad happens, I have a good day. Any time I have a big race in the U.S., I seem to have mechanical (errors).

Fred Rodriguez

It feels like we have some driving force behind us. We want to keep it up. We seem to be in better shape, and we're able to stick it out.

Joey Borick

It wouldn't be the first thing you would test for if a dog came in with certain symptoms, ... (West Nile) would affect their central nervous system making the dog seem extremely disoriented.

Craig Kelly

We seem to play with a great sense of confidence when we play at home, where we have only lost twice all season. Against Midland, we won all the loose puck battles and our puck possession game was as good as it's been all season.

Wes Parent

Anthony always did things very mysteriously. ... It was an aura that he perfected to make his services seem extraordinarily effective.

Victor Sherman

EXISTENCE, n. A transient, horrible, fantastic dream, Wherein is nothing yet all things do seem: From which we're wakened by a friendly nudge Of our bedfellow Death, and cry: 'O fudge!'

Ambrose Bierce

I'm worried. We are just starting the year and already we seem to see a dead whale every day. Something is happening there and it needs to be investigated.

Homero Aridjis

They seem to be a little on the small side, but they looked used enough.

Brandon Bloomfield

She didn't seem to ever tire and got every rebound off us.

Andrea Dziekan

It's got a simple model, simple pricing, and many consumers seem to like that.

Raymond Neidl

I think they packed their zone in a little tighter in the second half and we had a little bit harder time getting it to him. We were attacking their zone with penetration and hitting the gaps inside (in the first half) and we just didn't seem to attack it as well in the second half.

Rick Ruffin

The first thing I thought about was how they could call holding on an inside run like that. I don't want to say anything about the officiating, but it didn't seem like that call should have been made at that time of game.

Robaire Smith

It's the politics of the Liberal party that they seem to get away with this kind of thing in Ontario and to some degree in Quebec. He'll likely form another government. Whether it's a minority or a majority, I don't know. But certainly he'll get votes out of Ontario.

Ralph Klein

One cannot legislate the maniacs off the street... these maniacs can only be shut down by an armed citizenry. Indeed bad things can happen in nations where the citizenry is armed, but not as bad as those which seem to be threatening our disarmed citizenry in this country at this time.

Jeff Cooper

He's gotten a bad rap. It just doesn't seem right because he's only done good.

Pat Hill

That didn't seem to be a practical business decision.

Paul Seibert

Women now don't want to be in the grind. The baby boomers made the grind seem unappealing.

Kate White

Even if you restart on Sunday, it's going to be two, three or four days before they are fully operational. Can we afford to have that much supply out of the market? It doesn't seem that we can.

Thomas Bentz

He really did seem to brighten every room that he ever walked in. He managed to get a smile over almost anyone. No matter how upset the adults were with him, they would end up cracking up.

John Donovan

It's the future for women to get involved in these kinds of things. It's a little non-traditional, and they certainly seem to have a knack for it.

Michele Bradley

I didn't know if anybody would come back the second half. That's very frustrating as a player. You're already hard on yourself and the coaches are hard on you and it just doesn't seem like anybody has your back.

Jeb Putzier

When you have the snow, you're going to have a pretty good year. People will gladly pay for great conditions, and never seem to mumble about price increases. When you don't have (snow), no amount of discounting, promotions and other price specials will ever make up for your lost business volumes.

Chip Vicary

Usually you'll find one group -- the line, the linebackers or the secondary -- that's better than another, but this defense is just as good in every area. It's the best defense I've ever coached against. I've been looking for weaknesses for several weeks and I can't seem to find one.

Jimbo Fisher

So far, his views about the long term seem rather nebulous.

Adauto Lima

What most people don't seem to realize is that there is just as much money to be made out of the wreckage of a civilization as from the up-building of one.

Margaret Mitchell

It just don't seem real. I can't accept it. I don't think I'll ever accept it and the circumstances of the way he died.

Helen Green

Hopefully the tabloid thing has peaked. It doesn't seem to be as big (to us) as what people might think it is. Maybe we are immune to all of it because of everything that's happened. Maybe in 10 years we'll realize what it is.

Alex Turner

If the council won't vote to take this off my bill, then tell me where to go. I am talking about my bill. It might not seem like a lot, but it is when you have a high gas bill.

John Baker

It is certainly not very clear. But the text does not seem to be as damaging to protecting music from piracy as what had been discussed along the way.

Olivia Regnier

It figures. We go through the entire year without one injury, and then they all seem to happen at once.

John Triplett

It's surprising that the private-equity funds seem to think there's upside. It seems quite a full price to pay.

Nick Bubb

When I read a book I seem to read it with my eyes only, but now and then I come across a passage, perhaps only a phrase, which has a meaning for me, and it becomes part of me.

W. Somerset Maugham

It does not seem that much different, ... it doesn't look like a few boys dotted about a number of girls - it's a good mix.

David Gregory

It doesn't seem like anything is making a huge dent in this problem.

Dean Roberts

We're seeing a lot more color in frames. And even though sunglasses seem to get larger, eyeglasses have gotten slightly smaller.

Sandy Seal

I see it as all pluses because they're working with the highest possible level of talent. When they go to less-skilled athletes, that game is going to seem slower to them and they're going to be able to call the plays better.

Bob Delaney

If you're a lawyer and you're not motivated by money, that would probably seem like the most important job there is.

Paul Hodgson

He does things comically that most people can't do. It's very hard to do what he does. He makes it seem effortless.

Stanley Tucci

We seem to do that, we're a rhythm team; a team of runs. In the beginning of the second quarter we didn't score forever (over five minutes) and then bang-bang-bang, we end up winning that quarter. It comes in bursts for us.

Dick Wilcox

We just collapsed over those last six holes. We started out poorly, played really well for a long stretch, then finished poorly. We seem to go through peaks and valleys as a team rather than just as individuals.

Jim Ott

Unfortunately, races seem to get more negative every year. I think the public is sick of it. People respond to positive campaigns.

Thomas H. Kean

We just can't seem to get enough quality shots on goal. It's been our nemesis all season.

Dave Lamarre

Toward the accomplishment of an aim, which in wantonness of atrocity would seem to partake of the insane, he will direct a cool judgement, sagacious and sound. These men are madmen, and of the most dangerous sort.

Herman Melville

The more languages you learn, the easier they seem to come.

Craig Watson

They are going for a politically expedient answer to the problem rather than thinking through and doing the heavy lifting. It doesn't seem to be a rational solution.

Brenda Talbert

Cameras in the courtroom will change what we have had for centuries and what the people of this country seem to think is a valuable service in the criminal justice system.

Catherine Crier

Anytime you are looking for a new home or apartment you always want to take a look to see whether the people who already live there seem happy. Can you talk to them? Do you feel free and comfortable doing that?

Whitney Redding

For some reason this year we seem like a second half team; we play very slow in the first half and then pick it up in the second. We pick it up when it counts.

Chris Simbliaris

It means people in Wyoming can exercise an unalienable right. An unalienable right to protect yourselves from the bad guys. And, although it may seem a little outdated, an unalienable right to protect yourselves from a government that a lot of people in Wyoming don't trust.

Rep. Becket Hinckley

At six and nine months of age it didn't seem to have an effect, but by 12 months of age, when most children are starting to walk and move around a lot more, that's when we saw the effect.

Lizanne Mulligan

The Liberal government doesn't seem to care.

John Duncan

We match up well with Collins, but it doesn't seem like we match up as well with Rocky. They are a powerhouse. They're just a very solid team and they beat us. But our confidence isn't shaken. We've played the best and we've beaten the best. And we know we can do it on any given day.

Nick Holley

They seem to have somewhat better buildings in the highlands, because it is cooler there. But much of Guatemala remains very primitive.

Anita Fremark

We can't seem to get a break on our shots. We're giving great effort and not quitting. We're getting some easy shots. We're just missing them.

Holly Treat

I don't know how to act right now. It doesn't seem real.

Aaron Smith

Residents seem to understand why we need it and that it is an investment in their homes. I think people will come to help us out. I think they see what's on the line for fire, police, recreation and DPW.

Mayor Jack Lloyd

I would have liked to see her include more of the local artists in events. It would have helped us get recognized and would have helped attendance at the museum. To me, it just didn't seem that the museum ever reached out to us. I would like the new director to invite all the local artists (to the museum) and get their ideas or suggestions. At least consider us.

Bob Adams

My concern is how we fit it in. Those minutes have to come from somewhere and that means we either take it away from instruction programs or lengthen the school day. I prefer not to do it, but that doesn't seem to make much difference.

Curt Johnston

There doesn't seem to be much we can do about it, so I try to keep it picked up.

Harry Hamilton

Americans seem sometimes to believe that if you are a thinker you must be a frowning bore, because thinking is so damn serious.

Jacques Maritain

Market pressures which would normally enable competition to bite don't seem to be working in this instance.

Kip Meek

In the gay (Catholic) community, it would seem, the maxim is: love the sin and love the sinner, but hate anyone who calls it a sin or him a sinner.

Richard John Neuhaus

When someone has been depressed for a long time and suddenly they seem elated - people around them feel relieved because they're out of their funk. But it's an incredibly important time, because it could be they've made the decision (to kill themselves) and they feel relieved.

Jeremy Jaramillo

Unanimously, the budget groups in Washington have been calling for offsets, ... But only a few members of Congress seem willing to do it.

Robert Bixby

Its oak paneling is rectory English; the marble in its bathrooms sometimes outdoes the tombstones of the Medici; and the salutes of the older bellhops seem imported from Windsor Castle.

Frederic Morton

We really seem at a stage where growth is happening in a fairly spectacular way.

Stacy Palmer

It does seem there is a meteorite dumping ground here now, and our expectation is if you spend time looking in this area, you should be able to find lots more meteorites.

Alan Hildebrand

Exit has never made a burning building seem like so much fun before. With its timed missions and obstacles like total blackouts, we're proud to bring yet another truly cutting-edge and exciting puzzle game to gamers.

Tony Kee

The flip side is that there are a lot of issues that are unresolved, such as overcrowding. But it doesn't seem as if the [Democratic] candidates have been able to put together a coherent, cogent and compelling critique of the mayor and a blueprint of what they would do differently.

Douglas Muzzio

We've tried to have a real dialogue with people like Fedorov, but they seem more interested in stirring up trouble.

Mikhail Manin

I'm impressed with the innovation of the students. They seem to always impress me with their understanding of scientific principles. There is a general love of science and discovery here.

Kurt Adams

Like a traveler encountering a succession of mountain ranges we found the scope of our project seeming to expand with every step we took.

David Redden

It doesn't seem like there's a rivalry here. I know our townspeople get up for it, but our kids don't. (The rivalry's) not there like it used to be. It's just a phenomenon I've never dealt with. I've been upset with the kids because they haven't been too excited about it.

Butch Ford

The married couples that seem to be successful in making love last are those that have a high regard and respect for each other. And they are intentional about nurturing the marital friendship.

Kathy T. Heustess

That may not seem like much of a change, but it could hamper our ability to get more service here because it causes pilots to lose opportunities to land.

Rick Griffith

People really seem to like the larger facility.

Carol Lewis

The issues seem to be the changing environment that we live in. There's much more access to in-home entertainment, there's much more competition with lots of different kinds of arts, and there's a lot more fear of the unknown.

Janet Allen

I just don't know why they have to do these things without communicating with the parents. Who made the decision? The board didn't vote on it. It doesn't quite seem right to me. I'm not real pleased with it.

Jeanette Woods

Duluth caught us at a bad time because we're fighting for a playoff spot and we're hungry. And we always seem to play well against Duluth.

Drew Stafford

It doesn't seem like it's going to be all that robust. But maybe we found a nice level.

Todd Clark

I think $26 became less attractive given the extra risks. They're running their negotiations as well as they seem to be operating their stores, which is pretty darn poorly.

David Dietze

The girls seem to work better as a team at this age.

Janice Smith

This is a novel study, and although the results seem disappointing to some, we see points of encouragement.

Dr. Ross Prentice

We were able to limit their leading scorer (Keene) from touching the ball. He still got 14 on us, but only two in the second half. The kids came back and two hard days of practice seem to have gotten the kinks out of the way.

Jason Scanlan

Why build a mega-high school when smaller configurations seem to foster a better academic environment?

Larry Lester

He doesn't seem like he's really motivated the Democratic voter, gotten anyone's juices up. He hasn't led any crusade, and that's what you've got to do if you're running against an incumbent.

John Maginnis

They out-rebounded us badly. They got a lot of offensive rebounds for easy shots. We have been struggling and we can't seem to get over the hump.

Lynn Ribolini

Obviously, the Busch series has gotten so competitive that we pretty much head into each weekend with a top-10 finish in mind, and things have seem to finally have come together for us in the last couple months, especially the last couple of weeks.

Johnny Sauter

Crude oil inventories increased once more, improving oil availability further. Another important factor is that above-normal temperatures in the U.S. seem to curb heating oil consumption.

Tobias Merath

Judging from recent remarks, Fed officials seem to see the impact from Katrina as one-off and not detrimental to its policy of measured increases in interest rates.

Kaoru Kondo

When I investigate and when I discover that the forces of the heavens and the planets are within ourselves, then truly I seem to be living among the gods.

Leon Battista Alberti

There's so much growth going on and there's doesn't seem to be any planning.

Darrell Fox

Unfortunately, races seem to get more negative every year.

Thomas H. Kean

Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.

James Arthur Baldwin

I feel a lot more comfortable with each game. Things seem to get easier and more natural for me.

Joe Ayoob

People that have had genuine abduction experiences that I've met that seem very genuine to me, but they're just confused about why it happened. I've met a lot of people like which I regard as being very genuine... but there's a lot of crazy people out there.

Dave Davies

It would seem to me that, regardless of the bottom line, there are (board members) who are going to vote for it no matter what the cost. I mean, the price went through the roof and it still passed.

Donna Williams

They seem to have these personalities that are very generic and so I can't really relate to them. I suppose I can't really relate to it on a personal level at all, because you never really understand where the personal comes into what they do.

Alison Goldfrapp

It would seem to me that now would be a good time to look at the whole thing and say what do we need to do.

Buddy Collins

The main thing I was happy about was that we had a nice distribution of scoring on our goals. You don't want to have to rely on just one line, and we seem to have nice balance on all our lines.

Wil Nichol

The second thing is that before game time, no matter who we were playing, we would build them up. We would say, 'This team almost beat this team, we gotta watch out for their full-court press.' We'd make them seem like the runner-up in league.

Julian Mancias

We have a solid team coming back. I was really impressed with our freshmen. They turned in some big scores at the OCC and at the district meet. Being a freshman at the district meet didn't seem to phase.

Marci Skeen

It looks like the larger majority of Hispanic businesses in Lynn will be closed. There is definitely a lot of division nationally on whether or not a strike is a good idea, but people on the North Shore seem very united about the strike.

Liz Jackson

We came in with the expectation of Colin being a region champ. District champ, region champ, state champ, those were our goals for him, and we seem to be on track. Colin's a class act guy, and we're real excited for him.

Joe Radun

Every great film should seem new every time you see it.

Roger Ebert

Celebrities don't seem to care as much about looking bad anymore. In the old era, people would be very careful endorsing any products making it look like they were out there to prostitute their name. Celebrities have a different M.O. these days, and there's nothing subtle or sophisticated about it.

Katrina Szish

It's really a human story and people just don't seem to tire of it.

Leigh Grinstead

It might seem a little far-fetched, but we'll do things like we'll have a calling tree to check on our families.

Dan Slavin

The French just seem reluctant to lay off anyone right now.

Tom Rowen

Always in campaign fundraising a candidate wants an upward trajectory and both candidates seem to show that right now.

Massie Ritsch

[About the only thing all players seem to agree on is that it's better than it was in the preseason, when refs were calling everything and some games turned into free-throw contests.] I really haven't noticed much difference, ... Sometimes they call it, and sometimes they don't. I'm just glad they're not calling [as many fouls as] they did in the preseason. Those games were taking forever.

Carlos Arroyo

The problems of the nation that are reflected in black music don't seem to be changing. The music is going to evolve, and it will still be with us many years from now.

Bill Ferris

I don't hurt or want for visibility, but people seem to forget pretty easily.

Gary Coleman

We're hitting one of those flat spells. Little mistakes seem to multiply on us right now.

Rich Griser

There's something for everyone. The three key areas that sleep products seem to be focusing on are coolness, scent, and sound.

Samantha Heller

The only people who seem to be all exercised about tax cuts are legislators. Voters want decent education, they want health care, they want clean air, they want transportation. They say it over and over again, but the Legislature is not listening.

Carol Kamin

The data was weak. The environment does seem quite positive for bonds. People are still asking if the upswing in data will continue.

Bernd Weidensteiner

That doesn't seem right. Those are my minutes. I paid for them. You can't just take them away.

Claudia Valas

PATRIOT, n. One to whom the interests of a part seem superior to those of the whole. The dupe of statesmen and the tool of conquerors.

Ambrose Bierce

The church is so subnormal that if it ever got back to the New Testament normal it would seem to people to be abnormal.

Vance Havner

I know in the midst of what's going on that today's results kind of seem to the public that we're not doing good under pressure. But that's not the case. We're doing great. We will bounce back next week.

Orvie Garrett

You can use allocations or strategies that will seem unproductive or even excessively volatile, but when you put them in the context of a larger portfolio, they play a smoothing role.

Tony Werley

It's risky just to sit back and wait for inflation to show up before we do something, ... One point arguing for monetary restraint is that we seem to have reached a stage where inflation is no longer falling.

Robert Parry

In India we do not seem to encourage innovation and reverence among young scientists. We do not seem to ask enough questions. Similarly, though we have so many engineers, there is inadequate focus on research and development.

Inder Verma

The market is just reeling from all the impediments ahead of it. There doesn't seem to be any meaningful reaction to any news on the earnings front or meetings that company's are offering to tell you that things are not as bad.

Barry Hyman

I don't know if beating them in the fourth overtime like that was necessarily a good thing for us. It made it seem like we had done it, when we actually hadn't.

Brandon Stephenson

It's tough not having them. We knew we had to step up. It's a weird thing. I just seem to play well with James. We're rolling and we just want to keep rolling.

Chris Blight

They seem to have this vision of people listening to a wire and stealing credit cards out of the ether, but that just doesn't happen.

Terry Jones

He was always there for me and kept encouraging me to just keep trying even when things did not seem to be going right. His encouragement kept me motivated to keep surging forward with the hopes this day would come.

Shawn Jones

Almost every day last week they were coming in. Children seem to be more susceptible.

Dr. Kenny Hines