We seem to have different standards when we deal with these issues from different communities.

Massoud Shadjareh

Real estate growth and real estate boom seem to be happening all over the country and [property-tax revolt] is an inevitable consequence.

Roger Sherman

If we have learned one thing from the history of invention and discovery, it is that, in the long run - and often in the short one - the most daring prophecies seem laughably conservative.

Arthur C. Clarke

They seem to tune into anything that's [high-tech].

Celeste Beck

About 100 firefighters every year die in the line of duty and another 100,000 suffer lost-time injuries. Despite better equipment and training, that overall rate doesn't seem to drop.

John Tippett

Goldstein said. ''There does seem to be some lessons learned. Whether they are economic lessons or political lessons, or some combination of the two, I don't know.

Larry Goldstein

The market is expanding rapidly, with all kinds of brand-new product lines for little kids. But the research hasn't advanced much. There really isn't any outcomes-based research on these kinds of products and their effects on young children, and there doesn't seem to be any theoretical basis for saying that kids under 2 can learn from media.

Vicky Rideout

But I kept thinking it didn't seem to matter. I had talented guys around him. It seemed as though our fans were pretty forgiving, and they were just happy he was there.

Dean Torrence

Anytime you can come out and jump on somebody, that kind of puts you in the driver's seat. You're looser, you're not as tight, you're not forcing things as much. When we jump out on that lead, we seem to play pretty good with that.

Brian Brandtner

We have traditionally had inspectors who really know a lot about the business. They seem to be getting the job done. And while we've seen some improvement in permits, we're still a long way from where we should be.

John Bryan

They seem to be, so far, committed to preserving a portion of the parcel for the benefit of the neighborhood.

Jim Fox

That's a pretty high standard to meet, but I guess because this group is a little fresher in my mind they seem extra special.

Jim Tressel

It's what we do. We seem to have size on most of the teams we play in SCISAA, so we expect to do that.

Josh Mcpherson

It's an equity issue, and we understand if we are to receive a portion of the money. It doesn't seem unfair.

Kevin Gilmore

It's too soon to say but we seem to have dodged the bullet.

Chuck Dunlap

HE4 appears to be on its own to be as sensitive as CA125 for identifying ovarian cancer, but does not seem to make very many mistakes in a benign ovarian disease.

Dr. Marty Mcintosh

It's like fire and ice. One moment, you seem so down and it seems like everything just isn't right. When you come out today, everything just seemed to be going right. We came out and played excellent today and it was a lot of fun.

Torrell Martin

So many of our DREAMS at first seem Impossible, then they seem Improbable, and then when we Summon the Will, they soon become Inevitable.

Christopher Reeve

It's always helpful to learn from your mistakes because then your mistakes seem worthwhile.

Garry Marshall

We have built new cars and improved on the performance of our engines, and we still seem to be lacking somewhere, ... We need answers on how to get better so we decided to put someone else in the car to get feedback from his perspective and go from there.

Larry Mcclure

If we could have gotten a couple of shots to go down, it might have made a difference. Suddenly their defense wouldn't seem so overbearing. We just needed to make our shots.

Mike Friedel

No one enjoys war at all. There is no good thing about war. It happens. Unfortunately, the people that seem to suffer the most in a war zone are the civilians, the people who should be protected.

Robert Gray

In the last five years, lyrics have resembled diaries of those who write them. I think the fans like the records that seem closer to life.

Jermaine Dupri

We want them to get back their jobs and as long as these charges are pending, there's no possibility at all. Which doesn't seem fair.

Gloria Fletcher

Shoppers seem to be gaining confidence in online merchants' ability to ship products quickly.

Steve Loyola

As strange as it may seem, government at all levels does business with vendors who are delinquent on their taxes.

Mark Everson

These don't even seem like real matches. And they're counterproductive for whoever sells the Champions League product as a whole.

Giacinto Facchetti

Given all that has happened to the people down there, most seem upbeat about the whole situation.

Jim Cox

The people in Park City seem to have what I call Midwestern values - they are warm; they are very welcoming.

Sharon Thompson

The amount of units taken off the rental market is not as much as it would seem.

Marvin Rose

The first thought was nobody was hurt. There didn't seem to be a lot of damage. There was water in the house, but not a lot.

Michael Hofmann

I'm pleased with the way we played the past three or four games. We seem to be peaking at the right time.

Mark Javens

It just happens sometimes I guess. Guys kinda tease me on the team that I make the hard play look pretty easy and easy play sometimes seem more difficult.

Jason Donald

Seven people (council members) and the mayor (Tom Leighton) seem to disregard the will of the people, ... When is (council's) vote going to take place ... 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010? Is it ever going to take place?

Stephen Urban

We seem to be having a lot more interest on the part of the construction community. We have our fingers crossed.

Henry Nutbrown

It did seem weird at first because I had never been worked that hard. We were all questioning why we were doing it, but we found out.

Vini Dawson

We seem to have escaped any real danger, and even maybe now the flood danger we were looking at has passed by the looks of it.

Tom Day

They seem to be, in terms of actions and policies, taking a lot more seriously the concerns of the cattle industry than the concerns of consumers. It's really hard to know what it takes to get this administration to take action to protect the public.

Jean Halloran

We seem to have inherited our own Loch Ness monster in terms of being able to find this monitoring.

Jon Adler

No matter how much the cats fight, there always seem to be plenty of kittens.

Abraham Lincoln

I didn't want to have my dad gone for (perhaps) my last high school hockey game. That didn't seem right.

Dan Schachte Sr

Ours is a big country and we are a people possessing a multitude of different origins. If composers will increasingly strive to perfect themselves in the art of music and will follow only paths of expression that would seem to take them the true way, the matter of a national school will take care of itself.

Walter Piston

Hiring intentions seem to have gone up a little bit and confidence is edging up. It's right to assume that the ECB will raise rates in March.

Dario Perkins

He seems happy. You can joke and talk about it. He says he's ready to die. Doesn't seem to bother him.

Timothy Mcveigh

We seem to be made to suffer. It's our lot in life.

Anthony Daniels

You've got to sit back and take it in and understand there's a reason why he is the way he is. All the good ones seem to be that way. It might be harsh, it might not be the best thing to take as a player, but all in all, these coaches, their best interest is for you to succeed.

Joe Salave'a

We seem to be finding it more and more difficult to identify our common ground, as if we have lost sight of what connects us at the deepest level.

Jan Peter Balkenende

Last year, we had a concern about people in nursing homes who were at high risk and decided to allocate some of our vaccine to them, ... This year, the nursing homes seem to be in very good shape.

Gary Crum

He has earned a reputation as a great wrestler and now people seem to root for his opponent who is almost always the underdog. The gym was quite loud on Friday in Dayton when he failed to pin his opponents, even though both of those wins were very lopsided. I guess it just goes with the territory.

Jeremy Reichert

No matter how much cats fight there always seem to be plenty of Kittens.

Abraham Lincoln

They played us tough. We couldn't seem to get a spark.

James Forni

At this point, there doesn't seem to be a sense of urgency, but there's a lot to look at and a lot to review.

Linda Holmes

Now you can win without a quad, and that doesn't seem right.

Brian Joubert

Even though there are so many Indian touches, this opera is very deeply rooted in French operatic traditions. For instance, in one scene I describe Shiva as being a blonde woman. That might seem ridiculous to you and me, but it's how Bizet perceived it back in the 19th century.

Francis Wacziarg

I'm representing myself in this case because I can't afford to hire an attorney. It doesn't seem right somehow that I'm paying the salaries of the lawyers on the other side, too.

Bob Reeder

When you have a chance to work on something that's live and the audience is breathing the same air as the performers, it makes the work seem more immediate and more alive than if we were watching it through a screen or a filter or a box. I love that.

Kenny Leon

There was a lot of stretching going on to make it seem like there was any religion involved with it. It's a one-minute statement with nothing religious in it. But the perception of the voters is what counts.

Jim Cashman

No doubt that portends an upcoming price reduction or processor enhancement for the original model, but it does seem strange right now.

Gene Steinberg

We don't seem to play well in the opening game of doubleheaders. Our destiny is in our hands. If we win, we still have a chance to win the district championship.

Brian Ainsworth

It doesn't seem to have worked so far, ... It just means somebody else is open.

Mark Francis

Those are the kinds of cases that raise questions, even if they don't seem that serious.

David Diaz

The additional six-month penalty may seem harsh, but that's the penalty for three violations. Two independent labs confirmed the three positives, which happened on Jan. 27, Jan. 29 and Jan. 31, and the stewards issued their ruling (on Thursday).

Peter Berube

People seem to love nudity, and I'm sure there's a lot of nudity to choose from in [the] museum.

Stacy King

Those movies seem to be rarer these days. They're the exception to the rule. This festival seems to represent more of a classic tradition.

David Hunt

Poetry has the virtue of being able to say twice as much as prose in half the time, and the drawback, if you do not give it your full attention, of seeming to say half as much in twice the time.

Christopher Fry

Whoever is winning at the moment will always seem to be invincible.

George Orwell

It's great to see the wheels of justice seem to be catching up with them.

Frank Mckibben

For me, it put a lot things in perspective. There are so many things that we take for granted. Seeing how people live over there makes all our worries seem very trivial.

Sarah Bunting

We need to get mad before the game. When we get a few people irritated and frustrated, we seem to play hard.

Leslie Verslues

We see what's going on in the market, ... There does seem to be a shift toward the performance end of it. We obviously have to be competitive, but the No. 1 priority for any of these programs we're setting up is fuel economy and emissions.

Ann Wright

The juxtaposition of that photo with the other photos makes it seem like there was a team event that drinking was happening at. I'm very confident the pictures are being misinterpreted.

Pi'i Aiu

Sugary beverages have no nutritional value and seem to make a huge contribution to weight gain.

Cara Ebbeling

They're a very good team and so are we. This is going to be a real exciting week for La Crosse football. We've been in these kinds of games a lot and we seem to respond well.

Larry Terry

What birds are out there seem to be scattered because there's a lot of feed. They're not concentrated like it would be if it were a drier spring.

Doug Bowman

After Billy Wagner, I'd say Kyle and B. J. Ryan seem to be the overwhelming choice of a lot of teams.

Barry Meister

I don't know what it is. They just can't seem to get it together. I think there's just too many kids trying to impress the parents. I think there's a lot of pressure from the parents, and they try and do it all by themselves.

Grant Sutherland

If one of our kids was having a bad night, somebody else picked us up. It didn't seem to matter who scored the most points. There was no selfishness or anything that really bothered any of the kids.

Jim Hogan

This whole sectional, there have been a lot of fouls committed. The officiating has been good, but it could be the three-man crew. They seem to catch a lot more.

Mark Horvath

The thing that concerns me is you're relying on traffic jams to slow traffic and that doesn't seem very safe to me.

Jon Smith

The songs seem like they are continuing to evolve, they seem like they're continuing to be written.

Graham Colton

Because we're limited to 1,200 positions and there does not seem to be much demand for keno, the casinos have elected to use those positions for other type games.

Tom Swoik

It sucks and it hurts, too. We seem to back down to the better teams in the conference.

Kareem Lloyd

I think what they're doing for College for Kids is magnificent. These retired football players, baseball players and all these athletes seem to be getting into this.

Wilson Pickett

The nation wants him to act. We cannot sweep these things under the carpet. These issues are complex and they seem to be the consequence of a certain mindset prevalent within the religious bureaucracy.

Chandra Muzaffar

This may seem like common sense to most folks, but there's really been no literature or science where researchers tried to quantify and verify the effect.

Len Lichtenfeld

They seem to like us so we go over there and play. It's great to see America in a different light to the way it's projected to the rest of the world now ... there's actually a really nice part of America as well.

Nick Mccarthy

All indications I have is, the projects we are quoting seem to be real and have time frames on them. And they?re good-sized projects.

Thomas Allen

While Europeans remain cautious overall, many consumers seem to think economic confidence has either hit a plateau or increased slightly.

Frank Martell

I am a great believer in luck. The harder I work the more of it I seem to have.

Coleman Cox

Regrettably, two different types of products seem set to hit the market. But this is the kind of technology that will be around for five or 10 years. Efforts should be made continuously to make unification happen.

Atsutoshi Nishida

We were able to put more pressure on their guards. We didn't seem to have that extra jump in our step at the beginning of the game tonight and it showed. But give Lowellville credit, they got after it.

Jeff Rasile

We seem to be observing an emerging mind-set where many Canadians do not see the need to retire their debt before they themselves retire from work.

Dave Richardson

The other stores don't seem to be hit like they are -- there was an attempted break just a week ago, ... I'm not sure if what they sell is more attractive.

Joseph Massey

Personally, I don't think it's needed, ... It doesn't seem necessary to put that added expense on everyone to get it down to 10 part per billion.

Larry Wilson

A nice blend of prediction and surprise seem to be at the heart of the best art.

Wendy Carlos

We're interested in compliance, which is what the neighbors seem to want. Some want punishment, but that's not always the best thing.

Charlie Duggan

It doesn't seem credible that they got P2 design information and it sat on a shelf.

Corey Hinderstein

We have played at home and it doesn't seem to be a hindrance to us, but it does for the other teams. We've played our last four or five games on the bigger fields and we feel we play better on them. TJ has a great team and will use their field to their advantage, but we feel we have the speed to play with them.

Bo Williams

We always seem to get teams on the brink of desperation. They haven't won yet, it's a home game for them, and it's on turf, so we have a whole new set of challenges.

Pete Vagenas

I am very impressed to see that people at the end of the show seem very moved and have some 'rain' in their eyes.

Daniele Finzi Pasca

It doesn't seem that it's an issue that would mobilize social conservatives nationally.

Tom Minnery

Often it does seem a pity that Noah and his party did not miss the boat.

Mark Twain

More and more people are taking advantage of these plans. They seem to be growing quite rapidly in popularity, mainly because people are just now finding out about them. You still find a lot of people who just don't know much about them.

Joseph Hurley

Parents seem to like soccer because it's 60 minutes. Little League is maybe two hours. Nowadays, you try to plan a schedule and soccer games in an hour is more convenient for the modern family.

Chris Macmillan

The second quarter was obviously a setback. But they seem to be headed overall in the right direction in terms of getting their costs in line.

Jim Milliot

They seem to really respond to it.

Troy Erickson

The Supreme Court's basic take is that when Congress has said something specific, the president's authority to take action beyond that is at its lowest ebb. This would seem to be right up against that wall. Congress has acted. The president seems to be circumventing it. And that raises an enormous constitutional question.

Deborah Pearlstein

It's going to seem idiotic to say this, but I think that at a given moment we all need a place to ourselves where we can refuge ourselves and cut ourselves off from the world.

Milla Jovovich

If it's a tournament with all different kinds of games, that would seem to fit in well with my style of play.

Ted Forrest

They are a band of brothers, and they all seem to want it this year.

Matt Young

It doesn't seem like very long ago that we were the new kids on the block, and really tried to claw our way up from the rear of the pack, so it's a very exciting feeling for us to come in and be as confident as we are.

Ben Agosto

Most businesses seem to have some type of grease trap. But some of them don't maintain them properly.

Paul Leary

I think that maybe it's not as complicated as it might seem. I'm not a medical expert, but I think anyone with a reasonable amount of skill could probably accomplish this.

Todd Graves

There seems to be some legs under (the market) today. They seem to be shopping for bargains.

Michael Sprung

It might seem extreme, but it would allow the LDP to retain the balance of power.

Richard Gibbs

We just can?t seem to get the one big hit we need.

Dave Miley

For myself I am an optimist - it does not seem to be much use being anything else.

Sir Winston Churchill

In the current cycle, there would seem to be a risk of a particularly large decline in the market, given that, by many conventional metrics, we experienced a speculative bubble of extraordinary proportions.

Michael Prell

In the past, of course, when we had these kind of church burnings in Alabama, they seemed to be racially motivated. At least here, that doesn't seem to be the case, which is something.

Jerry Wilkins

It doesn't seem reasonable for them to get life sentences and someone who committed three murders to get the death penalty.

Doug Honig

It's like a horse race. You can't push that horse all the way from the gate. Our philosophy is simple. The regular season is an audition for the playoffs. If you win state, who cares about the record? We just seem to have a knack for playing well in the playoffs.

Raul Hernandez

We're excited about what we're doing, and what we're going to do ... Students definitely seem excited about it. Most students walk in in awe at the size of it.

David Burke

The universe contains vastly more order than Earth-life could ever demand. All those distant galaxies, irrelevant for our existence, seem as equally well ordered as our own.

Paul Davies

People are being great. If you give them something to drink and a little information, they seem to be OK.

David Hebert

For various reasons, education is being driven towards an increasing concentration on the technical and the commercial, to a point at which any more reflective enquiry may come to seem unnecessary and archaic, something that at best is preserved as part of the heritage industry.

Bernard Williams

To be extremely troubling. They seem to reflect the work of a deeply committed ideologue.

Wade Henderson

They've always been tough to beat at home. You have to play well against them because they get into this rhythm running their offense and set a ton of screens. Once they get on a roll, they seem to have more energy on defense.

Jana Francis

He did not say how people are going to change the technocrats who seem to be running French politics, who have alienated the people and who have gained Le Pen his temporary success.

Robin Oakley

There does seem to be a bit of complacency in the market ... but maybe that's because these developments are expected to be temporary.

Naomi Fink

This winter makes global warming seem more real.

Bud Gehring

Obviously, they wouldn't have had that run (in the second quarter) with Audra in there, but to get other girls contributing is what we want to do. The girls always seem to get better toward the end of the year, anyway.

Joseph Garcia

We are 45 minutes from an airport and four hours from L.A.. We've got a good-natured FedEx driver who doesn't seem to mind the hike.

Kamren Colson

We were down, but we didn't seem to act like we were down. Even though we lost, we had fun swimming.

Miguel Molina

Things seem to want to quiet down at this point. We have had a heck of a run the past two weeks with very strong gains. It is only to be expected to ease off a little.

Michael Lyons

The mayor won't listen to citizens. So we seem to be left with nothing but the process of recall.

Bill Long

It would seem at this point there was no coordination with police officers in the field.

Marius Corpus

The Iranian situation is making us all very nervous... We don't seem to be getting anywhere on the diplomatic solutions.

Deborah White

I expect the market to open higher after Wall Street's gains, and it will mainly be led by property stocks as interest rate worries seem to be easing after the release of the US Fed minutes.

Francis Lun

Somehow liberals have been unable to acquire from life what conservatives seem to be endowed with at birth: namely, a healthy skepticism of the powers of government agencies to do good.

Daniel P. Moynihan

About the only thing they share is the same life experiences. They have all done their own thing, and now they seem to be settling down.

Julie Thornton

I heard that they showed a picture of them and that negotiations seem to be moving forward.

Dwight Landry

Even with encouragement for healthy alternatives, some parents seem to like traditional treats.

Laura Mccarthy

The unemployment rate is given a little too much primacy as an indicator of overall economic health. All of our data seem to indicate the quality is not there.

Rich Templin

They seem to be on top of it and there doesn't seem to be a need for Congress to get involved.

Sharyn Stein

There doesn't seem to be any evidence that inflation is accelerating. In terms of when the bank can cut interest rates, we are still looking at sometime in the second half of the year.

Darren Gibbs

The erosion of privacy tends to happen incrementally. While no one intrusion may seem that big, over the course of the next decade or two, you might end up in a place as a society where you never thought you would be.

Paul Schiff Berman

I'm pretty sure he enjoys it. It might not seem like it at times, but he does.

Nick Watney

There at the end when we had to foul, boy it didn't seem like a rebound could come our way. We blocked out well, and I can't fault the kids because they blocked out. Some of those long bounces ... what can you say?

Jason Wallace

We've played four road games, and won two of them in hostile environments. We seem to play better in those circumstances.

Mick Durham

They are functional accessories that are a safe way for men to dress up without seeming like he's going overboard.

David Peck

We had ten shots in the first half of the game. We just couldn't seem to finish off our goals.

Cindy Solic

That never seemed to manifest, either. Our customers seem pretty loyal. I can't speak for other restaurants, but for us, it wasn't nearly as detrimental as it might be.

Lance Skidmore

I welcome the investigation to hopefully put the issue to rest once and for all, but it doesn't seem likely that something will be found.

David Dismukes

As fragile as this market is, that could have really hurt. This doesn't seem bad at all.

Bob Basel

It doesn't seem to be having a negative impact.

Nick Knight

We've had a lot of one-goal games this season. We don't seem to hit panic buttons. We have a lot of confidence we can come back.

Chad Burckhard

I want to know what our record is when the opponents score first because we seem to be coming back a lot. That's just going to help us down the road to play tight and win close games.

Tim Walton

We seem to make that turnover and don't get that bucket when we need it. ... It was a basketball game right down to the end.

Dave Byers

Just knowing you have Khabibulan, that confidence in the great goaltending, you seem to just play better.

Adrian Aucoin

Drumming seems to ease barriers. Whatever the differences are, they seem to melt away.

Neil Stone

It does seem that there's good public support, and it seems that the administration has done a good job.

Joy Smolnisky

It's not part of our case, but the variety of available options ought to include gay adoption, in my opinion. Florida and Alabama are the only two states who don't allow it. That doesn't seem right.

Michael Dale

Simplicity, clarity, singleness: These are the attributes that give our lives power and vividness and joy as they are also the marks of great art. They seem to be the purpose of God for his whole creation.

Richard Holloway

As a boy I remember how terribly real the statues of the saints would seem at 7 o'clock Mass-before I'd had breakfast. From that I learned always to conduct hungry.

Leopold Stokowski

This may seem like little. But add it all up and it saves the contractor a lot of money, allowing him to undercut others.

Jeff Ponting

The injuries worry me because they all seem to be long term.

Bobby Charlton

They seem to be a little stunned. It's interesting to see the kids react to our new record and it's fun playing new stuff and breathing new life back into the show.

Andrew Jordan

The size might seem overwhelming at first, but that site cries out for mass because that's what it was when Bethlehem Steel was there ? massive. It's exactly the scale that site needs.

Tony Hanna

A lot has happened in the world and as a country we seem to have a short term memory loss.

Jane Rosenthal

We're unflappable on the road. We seem to be fearless right now.

Chris Drury

They seem to hand it to us every time we go down there.

Travis Whitaker

People seem to see no difference between an intimate conversation and a conversation at the water cooler.

Mike Farrell

So far there's very little evidence of excess inventory and 1Q 04 expectations seem reasonable to us relative to historical norms.

Pip Coburn

Tyco doesn't seem to be executing as it should be, ... People were looking for an upside surprise, and this is not it.

John Boland

Sixty per cent seems like a high threshold. But if it requires sixty per cent provincially, I'm not sure what the rationale is to say that if you can get it passing at sixty per cent of the districts with a threshold of fifty per cent plus one, there just doesn't seem to be a rationale that carries through. It may be somewhat confusing to the electorate.

Leonard Russell

Treasuries remain under pressure and only weaker-than-expected data seem likely to reverse the current mood.

Cyril Beuzit

It'd be different if he was staring somebody down with a loaded gun in his hand. But there doesn't seem to be any indications whatsoever that this man [Hussein] poses an immediate threat to anybody.

Richard Gere

I got into paying attention to cities and when I moved downtown I would go into stores that were more mom and pop, so I would get to meet the people and talk to them, ... A lot of them pushed me and said I should run for council. Also, a lot of my old bosses said I should get into politics because I seem like a person who would care enough to do what is right.

Robert Wilson

They seem to be liking us.

Kevin Harrington

In an information world where we all seem to have so much to say -- it is important to remember that sometimes we need to listen.

Robert Anthony

It may seem cliché, but honesty is the best policy. Eighty-five percent of hiring mangers say they are less likely to promote an employee who has lied to them or other members of the organization.

Rosemary Haefner

It is less artificial than his other comedies. The epigrams do not seem to have been added on like candied cherries on a cake.

Ted Morgan

Sometimes you don't seem real sure about your answers. I just want to make sure that what you've told us you are sure about.

David Bauer

The US Ambassador does not seem to understand how to behave as an ambassador in this country. An ambassador has to behave according to certain norms.

Prakash Karat

The bond market is still behind the inflation curve. The inflation story continues to chip away at our economy and it doesn't seem to be getting any weaker.

Jack Ablin

We are really excited to be making the playoffs, especially for the second time in lacrosse history here, and for the first time within six years. We are not really that nervous for the playoffs, but everyone is pulling for us, I even emailed some alumni, and they even seem excited.

Rich Lake

Incredible as it may seem, this is the first bill ever to comprehensively require the federal government to use the Internet to serve citizens.

Ari Schwartz

Independent film has always been a cool thing, although the lines seem to be getting blurred now. You go to movies, you don't know what's the big studio film or what the independent film is.

Gina Gershon

I think both teams had an awfully hard time getting into the flow of the game. There didn't seem to be any kind of rhythm to the game. Neither team played particularly well.

Kelly Everhart

We're excited and we are ready to go. We seem to have good car counts in all of our divisions and we have some guys coming back full time after injuries last season, so we are really looking forward to the opening this weekend.

Marty Beberwyk

We seem to always have guys who want to be in that situation and that's probably the most important thing. If you don't want to be in that situation, you're never going to make them.

Pete Liptrap

I don't know what it is about the second round, but we just seem to step it up. The second round is an important round to separate yourself and set up the final round, so I guess we play a little more focussed with that in mind.

Clay Ogden

A lot of good things seem to occur when he's out there on the ice. He's near the puck at all times and just makes things happen.

Randy Cunneyworth

I don't know if I can get more specific to the public than that. The signs don't seem to be doing it.

Jimmy Barros

Ultimately it seems to do well for me, I seem to do better so instead of me being my own worst enemy, I'm my own best enemy I guess.

Richard Marx

You all seem to forget that you work for me. This is a formality. I'm embarrassed to have you on my payroll, and offer a free steak dinner to anyone who thinks this tax won't pass.

Jamie King

I am surprised that folks in general seem a bit peeved that their minimum payment may soon be rising. I think it is a wonderful thing, frankly the first real pro-consumer move this industry has made in my adult lifetime.

Cherry Hill

You don't want to seem standoffish or come off as an outcast in the office. But it can become a burden. That money adds up.

Kelly Moore

For us, it's a big event and you can see how many stars came out. They all know what we are here for and they all know our goal. The first thing we let them know is that this is not about the individual, it's about the team. They all seem to understand that and it's a great start.

Stan Javier

We always seem to be on the same page.

Marvin Harrison