Boyd Haley
FameRank: 4

"Boyd E. Haley" is a retired professor of chemistry at the University of Kentucky. The basic research interest of his laboratory centered on Biochemistry/biochemical and Biomedicine/biomedical problems involving control at the molecular level, particularly in biological systems regulated by protein–nucleotide interactions where the bioenergetics involved are expressed through site-specific nucleotide binding of high affinity or through protein substrate phosphorylation. He has also investigated the effect of Mercury (element)/mercury on tissues and published on similarities between these and some biochemical changes reported in nerve cells in Alzheimer's disease and autism. His views about mercury and dental amalgams go against the consensus held in the medical community.

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It doesn't seem to work with the older kids. These older kids are just lost.

Nothing has a higher affinity for mercury than elemental gold. They form bonds that are very tight.