There was a national evaluation that showed it just wasn't producing the results we wanted. Also, it didn't leave flexibility. During a time of budget tightness we discontinued it.

Rich Pruitt

Consumer electronics demand was stellar but we do think some of this translated into PC purchases and that the PC vendors overall will post good results.

Rebecca Runkle

We are seeing some very positive results in patients, including those at this center.

Marc Schlosser

How to save resources and achieve the best possible results for the least cost and least use of resources is the important task facing us.

Li Jinhua

He says he reserves the right to do that again. The question is will he do it now or will he wait to see the results of the run-off.

Ryan Chilcote

I think the group has a little bit of a bounce today on what looks to be very solid results from one of the group's bellwethers.

Patrick Hojlo

We are really pleased with our results and 69% of students received A to C grade passes.

Sean Hayes

I will look at the results and keep an open mind.

Kevin Faulconer

Earlier, if you were to look at corporate results, in one out of 10 firms there would be a slowdown. But now it is four out of 10 firms.

Amit Tandon

We're not ready to write an exercise prescription for Alzheimer's or dementia yet. But the results are extremely exciting.

Carl Cotman

We think this interest, coupled with our solid fiscal 2005 results and compelling growth opportunities, makes this an ideal time to explore our options.

Bradley J. Wechsler

Nobody gets results like this in the financial world consistently and over the long term.

Thomas Ferguson

I was very excited about the fact we did some good things. We created some good chances. No complaints about the final results. 1-0 Mexico is fine by me.

Anson Dorrance

We are ready to form a coalition, and open for dialogue with any [party] represented in the parliament. Public and closed discussions will be held at the second stage, to bring concrete results.

Yevgeniy Kushnarev

Dozens of samples from poultry had been collected after the first outbreak. The results of those are coming out in phases.

Bijay Kumar

The results speak to an opportunity for Democrats to take back the high road on an issue they've been playing defense on for 20 years.

Geoff Garin

It's different facing hitters. I just wanted to see some results and gain confidence in as close to game situation as I could.

Matt Morris

It is high stakes. This is the big test of the year. The results will help to determine the school's adequate yearly progress.

Patrick Robinson

Critical Mention has become a valuable daily tool to monitor and measure the results of our public relations efforts.

Bernadette Mansur

Results from these areas more than offset revenue declines in some other segments, most notably our consumer PC business.

Louis Gerstner

The software market remains highly competitive and our fourth quarter results were mixed by geography. We saw double-digit growth in the Americas, where we believe we gained market share in both the fourth quarter and full year. This was partially offset by weaker results in Europe.

Mark Loughridge

While we are pleased that we were able to reach a tentative pilot contract, the financial implications of the agreement, coupled with the higher price of jet fuel, will further impact our results. Therefore, we expect to post a loss in the third quarter and probably in the fourth quarter as well.

James Goodwin

By any measure, our fourth quarter and 2005 results were tremendous. The robust license growth and profitability achieved in the quarter emphasizes the success of Business Objects XI in the market.

John Schwartz

The results are simply stunning.

Gabriel Hortobagyi

We think this is an excellent set of results.

Charles Owens

Interest rate uncertainty and the fact that major blue chips have already announced results force a new correction on the market.

Ben Kwong

Results for Winnebago Industries' fourth quarter were negatively impacted by lower sales volume and a shift in product mix to lower priced motor homes, particularly Class C's, offset in part by lower incentive compensation expenses.

Bruce Hertzke

We do not see enough in the strategy outlook to offset the slightly disappointing results.

Gordon Gray

You have clear alternatives. This is new. The question is how far will the candidates go to win, and will the losers accept the results?

Sergio Aguayo

Given the fact that results didn't go the punters way, it is a very good turnover figure as punters weren't able to recycle their winnings like they might do usually.

Damian Walker

Due to a variety of recent factors, we expect to report stronger than anticipated first quarter results and with this in mind are increasing our full year expectations. We are completing our normal closing process and expect to provide more detail on May 4, 2006, our previously scheduled earnings release date.

Kevin Cameron

The leaders are holding people to these results.

Karen Evans

The kids have been working really hard. They have a lot of energy and are real fast. We press other teams. Hopefully, we'll get some positive results this weekend.

Johnny Gonzales

The results of these surveys will let the EDC, local business volunteers and city and county governments know if the events center is something the public truly wants to move forward with.

Liana Wallace

There's a lot of evidence that some of those fears are coming to pass. The theory that new technology results in error seems to be borne out early in the process.

Doug Chapin

The biggest thing [Frida] brought into my life was this peacefulness. I still get passionate about things, but my passion is not so scattered and it's not needy. It's a lot more powerful because it comes with this groundedness and peacefulness. That it's about the process, not about the results.

Salma Hayek

Overall, we achieved solid results in 2005, with strong income growth in our tobacco businesses partially offset by weaker results in food.

Louis Camilleri

Without taking every opportunity we have to make a difference, we lose. There's no one answer. ... This is a problem with many results.

Greg Carico

We are an inappropriate target for this type of proposal given that we pay for performance. You know that we have always managed this company for the benefit of our shareholders, and our results show that commitment.

Jerry Grundhofer

We are already seeing such good results that I think this will convince other cities to take a look at this.

Peggy Kennelly

We say that if our team plays with intensity, we are a tough team. When we turned it on, we saw the results. We cut an 18-point deficit into an overtime game.

Sandy Botham

The results are very strong. We are particularly encouraged by the private banking results and especially by the net new money inflow, which was very strong.

Vasco Moreno

My sincere view is that the commitment of our forces to this fight was done with a casualness and swagger that are the special province of those who have never had to execute these missions ? or bury the results.

Gregory Newbold

We find little in these results to indicate that the group is addressing the dearth of late-stage pipeline products right now and suspect that the risk of opting for quick fixes does not come risk-free.

Jeremy Batstone

We earn exactly the same regardless of the supplier. Our recommendations are completely unbiased, with the results listed strictly in price order.

Karen Darby

Following the results of the referendum, it has become necessary for me, as the President of the Republic, to reorganize my government to make it more cohesive and better able to serve the people of Kenya.

Mwai Kibaki

Using PSA alone results in millions of dollars being spent on prostate biopsies due to false positive results.

Sudhir Srivastava

It seemed almost impossible that he would leave that clinic alive, ... But with Diego you never know if within 15 minutes some enormous scandal will appear with catastrophic results.

Carlos Gardel

Our balanced, broad-based businesses delivered strong results once again in 2005, in line with our expectations.

Miles White

The arena project was one of the most exciting I was involved in. I am proud of my involvement and the results for the community.

Lisa Baker

We are developing the electoral component of the immigrant movement, and we will all see the results at the local, state and national elections.

Juan Ruiz

The company's results have demonstrated that its strategy has stagnated.

Jerry Levin

Moderate strategies in the past had moderate results.

Marc Johnson

Operating results were below our expectations.

Jon Langenfeld

I'm not trying (to hit home runs). I promise I'm just not trying to do too much, and it's yielded some pretty good results. When I go up there and try to swing hard, if I do hit it, I'll hook it foul.

Todd Helton

We are confident that Tony will have an immediate impact on the Museum and NHRA as a whole. NHRA is dedicated to improving our future by remembering our past - and the Museum is the perfect way to see that resolve. We are looking forward to seeing the positive results his ideas are sure to bring.

Peter Clifford

Some of the harmonics of seismic events will reveal some surprising results.

Alan Justad

The search engines all return roughly the same results.

Peter Watkins

Private banking is a great machine. Every quarter UBS comes out with good results. They don't disappoint investors.

Andrea Solari

[Commenting on the results of the poll, Calderón declared,] This proves that there will be a run-off, and I will be in that run-off. ... an overwhelming lead.

Santiago Creel

It was a huge win. The hope is that this propels our season and that we take this momentum from this game and we get the results we need during these last few games and go into the playoffs. We fought together when we had our backs against the wall.

Michael Bradley

It's very small, but this kind of consistent information would suggest the same with girls in writing and language. These minor results perpetuate the myths.

Lisa Battaglino

I think we can get results from the child that don't damage the relationship, just like in domestic violence, hitting one another doesn't improve their relationship.

Martin Sauer

It's not so much that they're expecting miracles [from technology] as much as they're expecting serious contribution and significant results. We see companies that are looking to grow fast coming back to recognizing that there's an investment in technology that they need to make.

Mark Mcdonald

All day long we have called for caution and prudence. We have to wait for real results.

Sandro Bondi

Successful men are influenced by the desire for pleasing results. Failures are influenced by the desire for pleasing methods and are inclined to be satisfied with such results as can be obtained by doing things they like to do.

Albert Gray

A stronger Canadian dollar, seasonally weak coated pricing, and higher labor related expenses affected first-quarter results.

Arnold Nemirow

Our goal was to do better than last year, and we raised $12,000 last year, so we're thrilled with the results. We're so small that the money will go toward keeping us in business.

Karen Hill

A light bulb can exist for only so long before the filament burns out. Sometimes it's good to bring some new blood in when you're tired of the same old results.

Al Alston

We look at our season and so far it's been good, we've had good results. We're pleased with where we are, but we have a lot of season left.

Brad Jackson

I intend to leave after my death a large fund for the promotion of the peace idea, but I am skeptical as to its results.

Alfred Bernhard Nobel

I think that accepting things on faith without any proof can be cool, but it can also lead to damage. Sometimes religion can be a crutch, and sometimes it can help people. As the Bible says, 'By their fruits ye shall know them.' If the results are good, fine. But if a religion results in people getting hurt, I have a problem with it.

Daniel Roselle

The North American operations are the driver of the results. Business is great this year, and the mix is very rich -- they're selling lots of trucks.

John Casesa

We do not have to look very far to see the results of family deterioration.

Todd Akin

I wouldn't say that we're satisfied with any of the results. But if you look at where we came from, there are signs that the turnaround is working.

Fritz Henderson

They are so close that we will have to wait for the final results.

Nader Said

From what I have observed from the meetings of the leaders and their attitudes, we have reason to believe that the meeting will be held as scheduled and will achieve positive results with all parties' efforts.

Wang Jiarui

Knowledge, like energy, expands; it is not weakened when it is expended between people. The force of creation that results is ever increasing in its power, its magnificence, and in its impact.

Linda Chandler

While numerous challenges remain, results set a positive tone for today's restructuring announcement.

Rob Hinchliffe

We are getting better. The great thing is they work very hard. They work hard and it's great to see them get some results.

Mackenzie Curl

It would be a mistake to interpret these results as anything but what they are: a single set of findings on an important topic that's attracting more and more scientific attention each day.

John Potter

We are very pleased with our first quarter results. The company's strong performance demonstrates the benefits of our continued diversification and enhanced operational focus. This past quarter we had particularly strong results in Retail Banking and Card Services.

Kerry Killinger

Results for the quarter and year are better than good; superb execution is the reason.

Barry Diller

We had another year of record results and exceeded all of our 2005 targets.

Rick Waugh

The better-than-expected results are mainly attributable to market-share gains in the LCD TV business and enhanced manufacturing capability.

Max Cheng

We've put these very different plans into this model, and we got some results. And I guess the bottom line is that neither plan tanks the economy. In fact, both plans keep the economic growth moving forward.

William Beach

Continued traffic growth, customer base expansion and the scalability inherent in our pay-for-performance business model contributed to strong financial results for the quarter.

Shawn Wang

Since August we have been able to install additional monitoring wells and feel we now have reached the delineation of the plume. You can never be 100 percent certain, but this is the best knowledge we have to date based on sampling results.

Gail Rymer

This is not something made up, like in a science-fiction movie. We have confidence that these results are the real deal, that we have the true gravitational fingerprint predicted by Einstein for the black hole merger.

Joan Centrella

You don't see the choices, ... What you see are the results of a winnowing process.

Duncan Hunter

Advice is judged by results, not by intentions.


By and large, (bad results) are not happening with dermatologists and plastic surgeons. But we now have podiatrists doing this.

David Goldberg

Despite the Asian economic crisis, we continued to find opportunities in the Far East, ... We attribute the record results for the quarter and the fiscal year to strength in all of the firm's core businesses.

James Cayne

Ericsson's results for the fourth quarter were acceptable. Sales growth was stronger than anticipated but margins weaker. This is not likely to move the shares.

Greger Johansson

We're pleased to see improvements in all segments, ... The company's stations group had record operating results with each of the divisions - radio, outdoor and television - contributing to the results.

Mel Karmazin

Financial and operating results are not where they need to be, but we believe we have turned the corner on profitability.

Dick Davidson

The results were actually rather meager, ... and yet all the powers put enormous resources into intelligence in the Far East.

Bernard Wasserstein

There's no question things are stinky at Gap, but to say fourth-quarter results will be so bad as to cause them to violate their debt covenant is a huge stretch of the imagination.

Richard Jaffe

We are very discouraged by the results of this test.

Ben Hatfield

The poll gives immigrants the first chance to participate in the debate rather than be targets of the debate. The country's top dozen ethnic media dailies -- along with the major in-language broadcast network -- published the results simultaneously on Monday, Mar. 27 in a coordinated effort to ensure that these key voices are part of the national discourse.

Sandy Close

Raising money sends the message that you have support and that you are a credible candidate. It results in more people giving you money and builds momentum.

Jim Kane

We are seeing some cheap buying after yesterday's decline which was a bit overdone. Some good U.S. earnings results has also encouraged some people.

Antony Mak

These are excellent results in a challenging broadcasting environment. The impact of weaker television advertising has been offset by cost savings.

Lorna Tilbian

This is vintage Charlie Rangel. He's adept at distortion and his proposed draft isn't meant to improve the military but to create a Vietnam era military of draftees. Anyone who knows anything about the military knows that conscription brings about negative results.

Sid Francis

The results have not been acceptable.

Paul Sanders

Everybody's going to play, and I think the results were that guys were fresh in the fourth quarter when we needed to make plays. A lot of guys made them across the board.

La'roi Glover

Based on the fact that we have yet to see the results of a forensic investigation of the contents of the backpacks.

Antonietta Sonnessa

It really is about being comfortable. Last year in Triple-A, I decided to just be aggressive and not worry about results so much. I got more confident, which led to throwing free and easy. I'm repeating my delivery and really feel good.

Jeremy Guthrie

The commission discussed all the violations, ... and now we are going to take necessary decisions concerning any of these violations, and we will inform the Iraqi people about the results of this investigation.

Safwat Rashid

Overall results indicate continued solid execution in a tough environment where Canon continues to outpace its competitors.

Raj Sharma

Had we done in April what we did now, the results would've been the same.

Richard Natonski

The basis for recognizing Dr. Hwang was his reported landmark achievement in the creation of patient-matched stem cell lines. However, the results of an investigation by Seoul National University have shown that Hwang's results were largely fabricated.

Bernard Siegel

There were a few technical imperfections during the elections, but no violations that could have changed the results of the vote.

Sergei Baburin

Results were mixed at best. The only thing they really concluded was that they could reduce the prevalence of the disease but not eradicate it.

Michael Seraphin

Television has spread the habit of instant reaction and stimulated the hope of instant results.

Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.

I think (the results) are in line with what people were expecting, but guidance is less than what people were expecting.

Steve Weinstein

When we look back at the results, we need to show improvement on our finishes, starts, relays and that kind of thing. We're going back to the drawing board.

Ray Looze

Our results reflect the same business model and disciplined investment process that we've had for years and will continue to have.

Henry Hubble

According to the results of our experience, unfortunately I cannot confirm that Skibbereen is the luckiest town. It was absolutely no different to Dublin.

Richard Wiseman

Assuming the survey results are accurate, this indicates that many companies do not yet recognize e-mail as an important mode of communication. Responding to an e-mail within one to five days is reasonable. Anything longer should be considered excessive and a sign that the company is not truly open for business on the Web.

Mark Levitt

The results indicate that the more exercise you do over your lifetime, the greater your reduction in breast cancer risk will be. In general, I think you need to do 3 to 4 hours of exercise per week to see a strong protective effect.

Leslie Bernstein

We are very encouraged by the positive results from this study in patients with HSPC and are pleased to have our results meet the scientific standards for presentation at this important congress.

David Allan

We continue to deliver on the promise we made when we began our turnaround in 1997 of achieving annual double digit earnings growth, ... Our results this quarter were again driven by strong growth in the U.S., where prescription sales increased 28 percent.

Fred Hassan

Schools rely on these results. It has tremendous consequences for hundreds of our schools.

Randy Dunn

The results of the initial test were zero. No trace whatsoever.

Fred Wright

You can't say based upon tonight's results that the City of Jefferson wants a Wal-Mart.

David Olsen

They can be long and expensive, especially bringing in outside consultants. And some of the districts have not been happy with the results in the past.

Stan Johnson

We delivered on our commitments in 2005. We are pleased with this performance, but clearly are not yet satisfied. We are focusing on a number of initiatives to enhance operating results and grow revenues in 2006 and beyond.

Michel Mayer

The speed at which the ship sank and the fact there were not enough life rafts on board confirm that there was a (safety) problem but we cannot anticipate the results of the investigation.

Suleiman Awad

A terror attack in New Orleans . . . would have yielded exactly the same results. You wouldn't have had the wind, but you would have had the flooding, and you would have had the loss of life.

John Gannon

While we knew the first quarter would be weak, the results are worse than we anticipated.

Claire Babrowski

Although our earnings were down compared to last year, first quarter results from most businesses exceeded our expectations. Overall current market conditions remain very good, and we are optimistic that 2006 will be another solid year for the company.

Rick Holley

Looking ahead, I'm confident that our well-received new offerings, fueled by consistent product flow and a focussed gift assortment, will ensure continued superior financial results through the important holiday quarter and into calendar 2003.

Lew Frankfort

Gnutella was once seen as dead so may be off the radar ... It's proof that legal pressure from industry groups results in the mass migration of file sharers to an alternative network, whether old or new. This cat and mouse game will continue.

Andrew Parker

We continue to believe that most of the communications [chip] companies will either have to preannounce disappointing results, or lower expectations during the June quarter reporting season.

Mark Lipacis

The Internet search engines are becoming a crucial way for dealers to connect with in-market car buyers. That's why we felt it was important to sponsor this market research. We're delighted to share these results with the auto industry, to help promote greater awareness of an exciting new Internet advertising medium.

Sir John Holt

Dirk combines great leadership skills and a results orientation with the international experience that is required for this position. His depth of knowledge will serve him well as we continue to strengthen our European operations and further leverage our leading position in the marketplace.

Steve Odland

In light of our financial results, the actions taken today, while painful, are necessary to recalibrate the business and move forward with our strategic direction.

Carol Bartz

But this race is simply too close to call, and until the recount is concluded and the results in Florida become official, our campaign continues.

William Daley

I have to admit there are some problems within the team, ... I don't want to go into details, but I will put it like this: good results may come only if there's a unity between players and coach. I can't say that this unity exists in the Belarus team at the moment.

Alexander Hleb

Auction results showed people are feeling safe to buy debt. Results were stronger than I had expected.

Tomohiko Katsu

It is likely that the results of special inspections of banks will be available by March 31.

Heizo Takenaka

We intend to disclose to users when information has been removed from our search results in response to local laws and regulations.

Andrew Mclaughlin

The results of the probe are disturbing, but they are not surprising.

Brian Jenkins

The best result that China achieved in this event is fifth and our women's team is strong at present. We hope for better results than at the last Games.

Wang Yitao

These results suggest that body condition score plays a very important role in the performance of cooled cows after calving.

Alvaro Garcia

The market has been moving up quite steadily, supported by expectations of better corporate results.

Oliver Plana

Good corporate results have boosted the market today but there is still an open-ended question whether we are just seeing a bull rally in a bear market.

Alia Baig

We don't need to talk about catching Chelsea at the moment. We have to look after our own results first. It's difficult to see them dropping too many points but you never know.

Xabi Alonso

The family is really happy about the results. It's reassuring the majority of voters could see through all the misinformation that was being spread around.

Allan Moore

We're not against spending the money on the kids, we're against the spending of money on everything but the kids. We want to see results.

Herb Levine

We are excited to have Marion on our team. Adding a talented and experienced professional such as Marion to our already deep team not only increases our overall capabilities as an investment management firm, but allows us to continue to provide top results to our investors.

Tom Hughes

He does not run the company . . . and so far as we know he does not have to take responsibility for the silly results that that silly action would bring about if he decides to guide the company in that direction.

Sir Roy Trotman

We're going to take a good look at the results and decide if it's better to go with a league next year or come back with a bigger tournament.

Stan Papulkas

We reject these results announced by the commission.

Adnan Dulaimi

The results were in line. The chemicals cycle is humming right now. The high dividend is not surprising, seeing the growth in profit.

Silke Stegemann

Research about possible future climate change is useless unless institutions actually use the results to guide long-range planning.

Philip Mote

He does remain committed to getting changes and results as quickly as humanly possible.

Kelley Heck

You've got good solid operating results in this quarter.

Bruce Rohde

The buzzword in the industry is that average recommendations for average conditions provide average results. Our motto is to apply what is necessary, where and when it's necessary, depending on the crop and the product used.

Sid Parks

Our third-quarter results clearly demonstrate the need for Northwest to restructure expeditiously.

Doug Steenland

The survey results clearly show the uncertainty that exists among the UK population when it comes to the growing prowess of India and China.

David Owen

We refuse to accept the results from these so-called elections.

Krishna Sitaula

The government and armed forces have promised to respect the electoral results. That respect will be sacrosanct, ... At the same we demand that the results be accepted in peace.

Rafael Caldera

We're excited that our distributor, Electrograph, will now offer the JVC Professional Products line to us. As a residential integrator, we're experiencing increased demand from our clients for the highest quality products that last. We feel the JVC products fit our market and that our clients will be thrilled with the results.

Jim Coates

Undoubtedly, there are many shortcomings in the constitution. I was among those who had reservations on the draft constitution.... Nonetheless, I believe that Iraq has to complete the political process soon so as to achieve positive results in the upcoming elections.


We are currently finishing up research that is looking at the causes of increases in jet contrail coverage beyond simply increased number of flights. These results are currently in review and will hopefully be published later this year.

David Travis

I'm happy and relieved to say that the injury isn't as serious as we might have feared Tuesday night. We're encouraged with the MRI results and looking forward to the rehab process and getting back on the court.

Jeff Horner

THUNDER FACTORY offers a unique, integrated approach to marketing and public relations. They understand that the successful launch of is not just about building a brand and generating awareness, but that the campaign must also deliver measurable business results.

Kristin Kelly

I think it's been demonstrated by the recent travesty we've had and the horrible results of the tremendous damages that are going on right now, so I'm really re-evaluating our approach, because the thing has gotten so bad. There's no apparent desire to change. We're going to have to go to war.

James Jeffords

On the application side, we are making it easier to manipulate the process and visualize the exam results.

Michael Reitermann

We've been disappointing against the Swiss, who will be on a high because they've had good results against us recently. I'm sure they will be looking to knock us out again, but the feeling is we definitely do owe them.

Richard Dunne

Investors were disappointed with in line results and were expecting a strong to blowout quarter.

Robert Mccarthy

To live for results would be to sentence myself to continuous frustration. My only sure reward is in my actions and not from them.

Hugh Prather

The full results are not a surprise. But it is a big achievement that the return of 25 percent has been reached. These are positive figures.

Konrad Becker

The Minden prospect originated this past summer through a large acreage acquisition from a major oil company and Cabot now controls 3,500 acres over the area. We are pleased with our initial results and will remain active in this area throughout 2006. On forty-acre spacing, the prospect has the potential for 80 plus locations.

Dan O. Dinges

I wouldn't even call it a title defense. Nobody can take the title away. I just look at it as a new journey by a new team, and hopefully we can get the same results we got last year.

David Noel

We just started. The crowds aren't too heavy yet, but through the weekend we expect better results.

Beth Anderson

It's unbelievable the way the trainers here built me up. Little by little I could feel the results. To be honest, they turned my career around.

Angel Espada

Since I've been here, the kids have made a commitment to getting better. The kids worked hard all year long, and they're seeing the results. It's creating some excitement within the program.

Ryan Duft

I'm concerned that they don't know how to get this job done. We're not seeing the results we need to see in order to keep kids safe.

Susan Lambiase

We feel that results of our tests represent an important first step understanding the complex relationships between aging, brain structure and cognitive performance. The brain can be very plastic in how it re-directs pathways and functions in response to circumstances.

David Madden

The (Silicon) Valley is about results, and that's what's exciting about this.

Lezlee Westine

The currency impact is what I expected, ... Currencies can give you a headwind or a tailwind, but the new products are the driver behind its improving results.

Carl Sibilski

These results are great - I feel we've won. People are definitely supportive of the issue. I'm going to carry on - with the Minuteman Project and we'll be supporting candidates for Congress.

Jim Gilchrist

The portals want to give good results and the little companies want to be up there with the big guys. After all, everyone and their brother wants to get higher ratings.

Paul Hagen

Caffeine acts as a stimulant in our body. For many people, ingesting caffeine results in a boost of energy. However, when the caffeine wears off, people often feel more fatigued than prior to ingesting the coffee.

Bradly Jacobs

It's true. The preliminary results we have do indicate that the projected growth will cause this PWRCA to go further north.

Barbara Vergara

We have assembled an extraordinary lineup of executive management in Chicago driven to produce outstanding results for CBS Radio. This new structure is designed to capitalize on each individual's unique talent and role in the evolution of the radio landscape in the market.

Les Hollander

We have sent samples to a lab within Europe and also to labs across the Atlantic Ocean that claim to have vast experience, and they came up with the results.

Michael Zimpfer

Though we were originally planning to set up a spin-off company to exploit the project results, we're now looking to collaborate with other firms to introduce our technology into existing products and others that are still in development.

Xavier Serra

Victims of bullying are not the only ones to suffer greatly from these practices, it often results in increased absenteeism and lost productivity.

Hernan Daguerre

It is apparent from the January MLS (multiple listing service) results that we started the same way we finished 2005.

Walter Boni

The focus today will be the service sector confidence numbers and Cisco's results released after hours.

Rupert Thompson

We didn't want to complicate Friday with this announcement. This was a very difficult decision. It was very difficult on Dan, who gave of himself totally here. He tried very, very hard. The results haven't materialized yet and I just wanted my own person.

Bob Castellini

We've already begun to talk about regime change in North Korea. It is the clearest way for us to come to the assistance of people who are being repressed and it is the only way of getting lasting non-proliferation results.

Henry Sokolski

Don't let politicians manipulate you to make disorder. The final results will come.

Rosemond Pradel

Of all the factors leading to the favorable results, our decision to dramatically boost automation in our broker-dealer operations mid-2005 had the greatest impact on profitability.

Thomas Joyce

The company failed to increase our comfort zone after reporting weaker-than-expected results.

Rene Pimentel

This results in store cardholders who take up credit, and associated insurance, paying more than they would in a fully competitive market.

Christopher Clarke