What we do at this point . . . because it's not a pending election, is that we have asked the people involved to provide their response (to the complaints).

Karen Osborne

Our understanding is that MSN and AOL have complied with the government's request, that Yahoo has provided some information in response but that information wasn't completely satisfactory (according to) the government.

Aden Fine

We could not be more pleased with the response. We will have people coming from at least 23 different states on Saturday, and we're set to break our all-time record with more than 1,300 attendees. All despite the controversy stirred up by opposition groups in St. Louis.

Mike Haley

If the response is good, we will be open seven days (a week).

Joann Woroner

Reno sits or lays down at the area where the drugs are located. A dog who has been trained for aggressive response will scratch at the location, which often leaves marks on vehicles.

Mike Bloomer

Clients engage with us because of our predictive public relations model. Refined over a period of time, in response to clients' demands for precise, accurate and measurable PR, predictive PR enables clients to see what media coverage they can anticipate based on their business requirements and available, identified media opportunities.

Frances Wright

What to do is not so simple, and we are not even close to having a solid response yet.

Marc Otte

We were in position at the half. We couldn't stop them. They're a good team and they stepped it up. We didn't have a good response.

John Brackett

We have written letters to the principal, Dr Claude Packer, followed by petitions, meetings and silent protests, and they promised to discuss it in board meetings, two years now, but no response.

Dwayne Howell

The telescope was designed to be very sensitive and have a very clean response to signals from the sky.

Timothy Robishaw

But given the initiatives we've committed ourselves to, it's going to be very difficult, even if we get more money than the county initially earmarked. The initial signs show we are getting a positive response. We'll see what the upshot is.

John Alewynse

Positive response from some of our exporters and holders of free funds in response to some of the turnaround initiatives ... in particular the favourable exchange rate policies.

Gideon Gono

It will be interesting to see if an online retailer can come into this market and get a good response. Everyone's heard of them but the question is whether they'll get the attention of the Street.

Corey Ostman

The response by our government has been late, it has been inadequate, and it has been a failure for far too many.

Robert Menendez

I think this issue, Katrina and our government's response to it, should be looked at by an independent commission.

Richard Falkenrath

I don't think (China) will present a response tomorrow that will settle everything at the talks.

Toshihiro Nikai

What we are seeing here is the very natural and logical response of this industry to the pricing signals coming from the worldwide market. There is strong demand for their products: oil and gas.

Geoff Kieburtz

I think the real fascination of fishing to me is certainly more than just fish. It's something to do with the whole world... of your reaction to, your response to water and things living in water, the fascination of flowing water and living things coming up out of it - to grab at you and be grabbed.

Ted Hughes

The first word I told her was that I love her and I miss her. I didn't get the response I wanted. ... When I first saw her, I just didn't get the vibes.

Carl Dodd

It could be that it's the quickest response to coal reform in the state's history.

Robert Rupp

The response was very limited, and that was a clear message. Those top donors - and I called many of them - they just felt tapped out.

Fred Berkenkamp

We intend to disclose to users when information has been removed from our search results in response to local laws and regulations.

Andrew Mclaughlin

South Africa is screaming out for a broad-based policy response to deal with these obstacles.

Kevin Lings

We found that people with depression who have increased activity in one area of the brain and decreased activity in another in response to emotional stimuli are more likely to respond to a specific treatment -- cognitive therapy.

Greg J. Siegle

From the very beginning, '60 Minutes' was clear that the only response they would take to this story was from President Clinton. . . . They could not have been more vague about the actual allegations.

Jay Carson

The immune system didn't evolve for allergy. Why in a hundred billion years of evolution would we evolve a response for allergy?

Joel Weinstock

Yes, I'm worried ... they're a country that's trying to become a market economy and we need them to take a proper response.

Shoichi Nakagawa

We got a real good response from merchants and people.

Lt. Jack Saint

The FDA has formed a rapid response team.

Andrew Von Eschenbach

The response to finding a name for my puppy has been phenomenal. People have submitted about 1,500 names, and we're still getting letters.

Tim Farmer

The expected increase in network investment is in response to higher demand for cell phone usage.

Vikrom Sriprataks

We are always adding programs all the time in response to members' need. We are looking into a martial arts program because the community needs it.

Debbie Metzger

We've had a good response, amazing response.

Annette Pang

The response is going well.

Larry Altose

The overwhelming response has been positive. People are very excited and they're very happy and they know, especially people that know us, that these children will have a great home.

Michael Meehan

They're the ones drawing a line in the sand as to what the absolutes are. We've already brought in consultants to help with some of this stuff. Once (the investigators) give their response, once we have a more defined conversation with DCFS, we'll be in a better position to make that decision.

Colleen Dolan

All they've asked is for us to give a response.

Tim Fox

We like the response we've seen. We're tapping into a different segment of our own market.

John Faulkner

There is no state law which determines the exact level of response to an action of a suspect. The officer has to use his judgment.

Charles Ellis

Although they had announced March 2 as the closing date, I think -- not only in response to us and the courts, but frankly, because they've been listening closer to the Congress -- I think that deal will not close until tomorrow or Monday.

Robert Kimmitt

We're waiting for their response so we can get cracking before Easter.

Mary Thompson

We need to know the species identities in order to understand how freshwater communities are changing over time, as a response to climate change, pollution or invasive species. We're hoping that by studying the biology of the rare males, we can learn more about species diversity and freshwater ecosystem changes.

Derek J. Taylor

With the aircraft on jacks, small excitation forces will be applied to the airframe. Measurements of the structural response for a range of excitation frequencies will be made using accelerometers.

Mark Cousin

The kids who have weapons in the community - we want to have an appropriate response. We want them to know it's not OK to carry them around in the community.

Fritz Reese

Giving for the tsunami was literally off the charts. There may be an issue of donor fatigue, it's too early to tell, but it looks like giving for the Pakistan earthquake is more typical of the historical response by U.S. donors to international emergencies.

Patrick Rooney

The response was exceptional, especially from people active in AIDS programs in the field. This has encouraged us to think of another course soon.

Bakul Dholakia

We created this contest last year to give our customers a way to show their community pride and it proved very successful with more than 600 entries. Because of the overwhelming response to the contest, we've decided to do it again this year and I know we'll be amazed by the creativity of our customers.

Brian Huff

Some of the treatment wasn't very good. Some of it was quite natural -- that people didn't plan for this kind of tragedy. So when the tragedy occurred the response was often on an ad hoc basis, and the response often had gaps in it.

Peter Goelz

Based on recent literature, freeze, flight, fight, fright, faint provides a more complete description of the human acute stress response sequence than current descriptions.

Merle Friedman

The response to Hurricane Katrina was a sharp indictment of America's emergency-response capabilities. This report provides further evidence of the major gap between response 'plans' and 'realities.' We need to get real in our planning for health emergencies.

Lowell Weicker

We're waiting on their (Highland's) response.

Darren Kecskes

There are some key issues where we've not received a response that is what the governor wants to hear.

Chuck Logsdon

Our response has been terrible.

Jack Miller

We've had a very, very positive response. Everybody really likes it, and we've actually had to limit some of the times of workout because people want to get in.

Steve Newport

We?re just blown away by the response.

Terry Defelice

You can't control the uncle who drives you crazy, for example, but you can control your response to him.

Joanne Herman

What is that? That's usually the first response.

Heidi Smith

It is essential that donors respond accordingly by maintaining an emergency culture in their decision-making and response.

Kuntoro Mangkusubroto

And that's a healthy response. If you are hyper-vigilant all the time, you are not paying attention to your life.

Maryann Gregory

The directors felt like they should get feedback from residents before making a commitment to contribute. I don't think we anticipated getting this sort of response. It was a pleasant surprise.

Jim Stinson

My basic response is that I'm tickled pink to be included. Everyone I know has been congratulating me.

Michael Warner

The humanitarian emergency response by the UN country team, including UNHCR, has gradually shifted from emergency response to recovery and rehabilitation and, where feasible, towards development.

Ivana Unluova

We never know how things are going to go, and the response is somewhere between the sublime and the ridiculous. But it's always a lot of fun.

Lynne Koplitz

This was, I think, a very appropriate response by this hospital to say to the community, 'We are here for you. We will have doctors for you whether you have insurance or not,' .

Joel Seligman

We're going to hear of a thousand more acts of heroism. But the bottom line is that having a response plan that relies on heroism is not tenable.

Joe Cappiello

The cliché is a hackneyed idiom that hopes that it can still palm itself off as a fresh response.

John Gross

In response to Katrina, SAMHSA has activated its disaster response plan for the Lifeline to ensure all calls are answered. In addition, information on the Lifeline is being distributed in the impacted areas through established national, state and local networks to help make the number widely available and accessible to those in need.

Charles Curie

There ain't going to be no response from me. That fine's too heavy and I'm not trying to get suspended. So they don't have to worry about it. I'm going to tell my guys to back off.

Antonio Pierce

Things break. You can't really plan for an individual pipe where it's going to break, when it's going to break, if it's going to break. What we do plan for is our response to repair.

Greg Wyatt

We know this is on the early side of the response. We think of ourselves as in this with you. This is going to be a long-haul ordeal. Our thoughts are with you.

Laura Lewis

We are looking now at a disaster above any magnitude that we've seen in the United States. We've been saying that the response is going to be the largest Red Cross response in the history of the organization.

Peter Teahen

Our response will include church members, their neighbors and adjacent communities, ... It will be up to the state coordinator and local pastors to decide on any expansions based on available resources.

David Harding

When you lose someone who is such an influential player in the team as Paul Leeman, you should have a response from the rest of the them.

Roy Coyle

The response that I've had from it tells me that it's worthy of a life after me. I think that it transcends generations.

Kevin Moriarty

As bad as the government response was, the regulatory response was wonderful.

Guy Williams

Anything that impairs our ability to communicate with members is something we don't take lightly ? our members are likely to have a very negative reaction to this as well. If AOL actually pulls the trigger on this plan, a boycott would be our response.

Larry Pratt

But we're getting a good response from Berkeley homeowners, so we'll see how it goes. We'll experiment, perhaps in the Fruitvale area in Oakland, or Vacaville. We want to see if it's more fruitful, if you will, to spend our efforts there.

Joni Diserens

I'm pleased with the governor's response, ... We're on the same page there. But it's not a matter of me being pleased or the governor being pleased, it's the public.

Mike Hall

The most overwhelming response we've had has been from the college coaches because they will be in a feeding frenzy. The Final Four will be over. Signing day is over. Now they will be focusing on who they can sign in the fall of 2006.

Ron Crawford

In response to higher electric costs, many customers have asked us to switch to monthly billing. We think monthly billing will especially help those on fixed incomes.

Dave Andrew

The more detailed and specialized and clear they can be, the better their response will be.

Don Long

A positive response has occurred and we hope to continue to work together with the community to have a nicer place to live.

Danny Saenz

If we don't generate a response, the bags won't be as full at the pantry.

Linda Lovelace

Our response is until he is cleared medically, any type of conjecture is premature.

Duane Lewis

This is a grass roots initiative that will potentially expand nationwide. The registry will expedite response efforts for emergencies affecting the health and wellness of citizens.

Janet Olszewski

The response of the federal government is bewildering and deplorable. We know how to deliver quality affordable housing in the United States -- we just need the will and leadership to do it.

Bruce Katz

Boys are usually detained as a response to public safety issues, whereas girls are more often detained because of problems in the home.

Stephen Gavazzi

Companies often mention more muted volatility on the NYSE as another reason to list there, but the most common response we have received when discussing listing choices with company CEOs is the brand recognition.

Michael Vinciquerra

Delegates calmed the situation down by noting that the gesture from the Government was appreciated while it was the Board's response that was infuriating. The unveiling of the alternative credit card was somewhat overshadowed by the events.

Martin Cooney

I many no longer depend on pleasant impulses to bring me before the Lord. I must rather response to principles I know to be right, whether I feel them to be enjoyable or not.

Jim Elliot

By and large people are pretty satisfied with the level of service and the response of city services, so they don't see the need to form a neighborhood association.

Clyde Evans

A blue ribbon commission, by its very nature, is temporary, intended to focus attention on an issue. This is a long-term problem, and I felt we needed a long-term response.

James Cronin

I wouldn't call it a large response at this point. But it's been increasing.

Jack Murphy

Very few of the responses will have a post-attack impact, ... In the last two weeks people have ... been very distracted. Filling out response cards to consumer confidence surveys has not really been their number one priority.

Gail Fosler

We're totally thrilled. You couldn't get two more different cities, yet we had a fantastic audience response in both, proving this film plays well in big cities and in the heartland.

Chris Sheridan

We'll determine how to best proceed in light of Mr. Mollohan's response.

Jo Maney

We have several units including an all-terrain fire response vehicle.

Liz Calzadilla

More population means more calls spread out over the same number of officers, means longer response time. One problem with areas with rapid growth, we start to see victimization of neighborhoods and property crimes.

Tim Bedwell

Since the terrorist attacks are so fresh and our country's response is not yet known, it is premature to make definitive judgments about the economy. We can only speculate based upon what we think the administration will do and how consumers will respond.

Rosalind Wells

The crew responded with a trained response that they do to keep people from getting on the ship. They managed to evade them, repel them and keep them off the ship.

Bruce Good

We've gotten a really great response.

Fayanne Hayes

The ethics committee exercised its responsibility, what was the Republican response? Fire them. Intimidate them.

Steny Hoyer

Now I have received an invoice for the whole period from 2003 to date. Again my email was not answered until I chased, and then the reply was incorrect. It finally took an hour on the phone to get a sensible response, but the revised invoice hasn't arrived.

Alan Wright

What brings in the active-duty military is the fact that the disaster has overcome the state response, when the state is getting overwhelmed.

Sean Kelly

It certainly required us to do more in terms of discussing him with other coaches and with the NCAA. It also required us to talk to Bob and ask him some tough questions. His response showed he was eager for this opportunity.

Tim Weiser

It was a Godsend that the freezer was ready to go just a month before the hurricanes. I was so pleased with the food bank's response.

Robert Bush

If probation believes a person has been molesting an 11-year-old, there has to be a response, and there will be. The state's not going to put itself in a position of knowing a crime's being committed and doing nothing.

Richard Klein

Playing live for a good cause is something I like to do. I like the response of the Indian people, I like their depth and the way they look beyond the surface of things.

Jeremy Spencer

Democratic and Republican commissioners got heavy pressure this week from members of Congress, and in response they chose to ignore the campaign finance laws.

Fred Wertheimer

We lack some of the basic emergency response capabilities, fire and such.

Scott Wade

Champion mares like Worldly Beauty and Bunny Lake are being sent here to be bred to him. He's getting a tremendous response.

Robert Marks

It provides a sensory response that hey, you're crossing over the yellow line. It's not required but we decided let's do this and for a small cost, maybe we can reap a large benefit.

Mark Phelan

It is Europe's response to the end of the Cold War and an opportunity to heal the wounds of the past, wounds of war and dictatorship.

Guenter Verheugen

I am skeptical that their decision is a response to new information, as opposed to legal developments in the case.

Mark Berman

Considering the very serious nature of the allegations, Europe's response should go beyond political statements and inquiries.

Terry Davis

The problem is your capabilities deteriorate. The response would be much more efficient if the money was given on a more consistent basis, so you can have the training and expertise to be ready before things happen.

Adam Hughes

I am very intellectual about things so music is mostly a response to life and my ideas and the way things are versus the way things potentially or should be.

Chase Westfall

Why the measured, slow, and wimpy response? Has the editorial board gone vegetarian ?

Jack Shafer

The response to the competition was excellent. At the meeting we will discuss the different methods used, and identify the ones that have proven the most promising.

Dario Izzo

There's a lingering perception among African American voters that the Republican Party is not interested in cultivating their votes, especially now that Hurricane Katrina, race and the Republican Party has been injected into the discussion. But this [slow government response] was not racially driven.

Alvin Williams

The outbreak response team is also providing members of her family with prophylactic treatment.

Sizwe Kupelo

Given the linear dose-response relation between alcohol intake and risk of cancer, control of heavy drinking remains the main target for cancer control.

Dr Paolo Boffetta

The response has been so good, a little frightening, I must say. I'm a little humbled. The album is out of sync with everything that's happening today and people say wow! It's different.

Andy Partridge

We conceived of it as a response to the fact that evolution was not being taught in schools and that museums now have to take up the banner.

Judy Diamond

The Hotel Sheraton Maria Isabel expresses its great surprise in response to this action. At this moment our lawyers are evaluating the legal, administrative and business implications of this measure.

Laura Canepa

The response was unbelievable. People's nerves are still on edge.

Peter Anastos

We've been careful to stay true to the Bible. We didn't want to alter its message in any way and we never abbreviated any names. The response has been amazing.

George Rodriguez

For our cervical cancer vaccine we pursued the objective of inducing a strong immune response and protection that lasts. We are encouraged by a sustained enhanced antibody response we saw with an HPV vaccine formulated with our novel adjuvant.

Gary Dubin

Our members and many of our newer members are having trouble finding adequate housing. This is in response to that.

David Riley

There has been a lot of interest in Software Assurance, but customers have said they want more time to plan and budget. Our response has been to extend the transition period.

Simon Hughes

We received a tremendous response, so many good-hearted people reaching out. We have hundreds of others that still need homes.

Richard Gentles

The draft was addressed to countries that have opened offices or sections in Israel in response to progress in the peace process.

Amr Moussa

America's response to the early stages of the slaughter of European Jews was largely one of indifference.

Stuart Eizenstat

It's important that each individual knows this can happen and knows how to take care of themselves because when a large earthquake happens there will not be enough response people to take care of it. An earthquake is not going to telegraph itself like that hurricane did. It's gonna happen and you're gonna know it.

Jack Richardson

The response from the restaurant community has been awesome. We are just overwhelmed and very grateful that 30 restaurants have agreed to participate. We hope this is the first of many.

Florence Kawoczka

Bob Clarke and our entire hockey office have done an incredible job of putting together a top-notch lineup for the upcoming season. The response has been overwhelming and we can't wait to drop the puck.

Ron Ryan

This will not be the last request for the response to the disaster there. We anticipate that there will be a need for additional supplemental spending, especially in the process of recovery there in the Gulf area.

Josh Bolten

Cost growth peaked during the year and there is clear evidence of positive client response to our expanded product capabilities.

John Bond

The movement declares an end to its operations from the Gaza Strip against the Israeli occupation, which came . . . in response to the assaults by the enemy.

Mahmoud Zahar

They repeated this process several times over a 10 minute period but the drill crew heard no response.

Ben Hatfield

It'll take time to go through these pages and then we'll give a response. It'll not be to accept this overtime [offer].

John Findlay

One thing we tell our client countries is to have clear institutional arrangements in place for having rapid response and effective coordination.

Margaret Arnold

What are your priorities now? We are looking at no food and water, these horrific security issues, all of these tens of thousands of people that need to be evacuated. Where is the priority? There seems to be an inadequate response in all areas.

Hannah Storm

Well, our response is for the negotiating team, during negotiations.

Jeff Friedman

When I asked him (the juvenile) why he did it his response was I didn't want my friends to hate me.

Jimmy Logsdon

Nissan is a company that manages its operations with flexibility and in response to customer demand. As we begin launching the wave of 2007 models this summer, we're confident that normal production schedules will resume.

Dan Gaudette

He wanted to see how the people [feel] about democracy and the war in Iraq. When he heard my negative response, he decided to take things in his own hands, I guess.

Shatha Atiya

We want the response that America had for the tsunami.

Deion Sanders

Right now the inflow of donations has been matching the outgo, ... People are really extending themselves. It's not just a faith community response – although that has been monumental. It's just a human response as well.

Michael Fleisher

We are not just selling real estate. We are selling a way of life, and the response has been overwhelming. It's the ultimate luxury: an effortless, carefree way of living in a modern, complex, hectic city.

Ian Schrager

We found that, in response to these requests, department employees, with one exception, recognized that this was a state matter and did not provide any assistance to the search for the Texas legislators.

Glenn Fine

It's been on the fast track. I think you're seeing participation and response in the town of Chesterfield.

James Ward

We don't have any response right now.

Shelly Broderick

We've made several efforts to get more money, but the response has been limited. The college can't continue to fund it. The funds just aren't there.

Vance Wolverton

We've gotten a fairly good response. I'd be hesitant to say what percentage.

Brandon Jones

Fifteen counties were impacted, we're still in the response mode, and our objective now is to ensure the health and safety of our citizens.

Jack Colley

So far, Washington has done little and New Orleans' response has been less than satisfying.

Adam Cohen

Much of today's security measures are little more than a panicked response to terrorism and not likely to ever go away because Americans are coming to accept it as normal.

Walter Williams

I'm amazed by the response.

Jessica White

It's a great show with excellent audience response and constant music and dancing.

Jackie Peterson

The response from the community has been overwhelming. There's a huge sense of pride that there are two African-American women doing a project like this.

Gail Richards

We are urging our citizens to limit calls to just those that involve law enforcement response.

James Hartman

They came over right away. They had a good response time for Tiverton.

Don Wagner

Comes out of pain and difficult times, and the humiliations and the way people get through them and band together as a family in response.

Joe Keenan

There is a certain distancing that history gives us from certain kinds of artifacts. If you had called me and said these are books from Nazi Germany, I would have a very different response.

Paul Wolpe

Things are going extremely well. We got a great deal of response from individuals right after the ads ran and we continue to still get responses for the position.

Alberto Pimentel

What we've seen over the last few years in response to this case is the culture of cover up and denial that continues to this very day.

Adrian Dix

We spent a lot of time going around all the camps checking them out and gearing up the population to start clearing channels and the response was quite good.

Morgan Morris

During deep sleep early in the night, ... the response is short-lived and doesn't propagate at all.

Giulio Tononi

Should we be doing better? Yes. But a 91 percent response rate might very well be a step in progress. One wouldn't get that from reading the report.

Patrick Libbey

We had such a good response the first year, we made it annual and continue doing it year after year. It seems to get more popular every year. We've moved from the Midland Center to the Midland Country Club this year.

Megan Dorfner

That would have been a big plus for the president. You get the blame when you're the top dog. And in this case, I think there is no doubt that we had inadequate preparation and we've had inadequate response.

Norman Ornstein

Most of the people focused on addressing these issues are equipment manufacturers. Our best response is technological fixes.

Linda Scott

We support the six-month flexible ticket option because it was developed in response to feedback from wholesalers, retailers and guests. And we know HK Disneyland is looking at options to be better able to meet high guest demand.

Joseph Tung

You can say whatever you want about the federal response, but they've always said they won't be there for 72 to 96 hours.

Christopher Cannon

We have a hundred response vehicles either in the Baton Rouge area or en route.

Kay Wilkins

Donat/Wald truly is a unique hybrid agency -- it combines the best of brand advertising and direct response, for a level of accountability we didn't see in any other firm. They designed a campaign that focuses on building our brand, while driving response.

Jim Ramo

If you can get 50 consumers or any number of consumers to write in to a cell phone company as a group and say, 'nobody's meeting our needs,' you'll see great response from these companies.

Morgan Jindrich

This vital east-west corridor is aging as traffic volumes are increasing, mandating a proactive response to projected future needs.

Mike Westbay

Interest and advocacy groups' response to the purchasing of older animals has been very limited. Now more than ever, we need stewards from the ranching community and other supporters who care about public lands to step up and purchase these horses.

Mike Byrne

What I've most commonly heard from our campuses and other public universities and what I've seen is that there is not as much of a response to the program as some people would have expected and some people would have alleged or feared, depending on what side of the issue you're on.

Travis Reindl

We've approached a few of the other businesses in this area and had a very positive response.

Dan Abrams

Our programs generally have emergency response components to them.

Steve Lyle

Mr. Gretzky is very capable of dealing with this story on his own accord and we see nothing in this story that requires any Olympic response at this time.

Michael Chambers

Our response continued because the Earth of course didn't saturate. The Earth is much too large a detector to saturate.

Professor Umran Inan

I am not going to budge as long as there is no response from the United States. We have already made a generous offer.

Manuel Chiriboga

We were floored by the response.

William Brandt

We emphasize placing people in safe and affordable housing as an immediate response to their crisis and then ensure that the necessary supports are in place to sustain their housing so they don't become homeless again.

Tim West

Through this program we aspire to give youth a comprehensive picture of the magnitude of this crisis and to provide a forum in which this disease can be discussed frankly, openly and honestly, ... We hope this forms a basis of a pro-active youth response to the crisis.

Kate Roberts

That's one of the reasons why we exercise. Anything can happen. And if nothing else, it tests our response to a real life situation.

Jack Stewart

The Penn State family wants to be actively involved in helping the people of the Gulf Coast. Many people have contacted us and we expect a good response from our loyal fans.

Tim Curley

It really is heartwarming to see the response.

Ted O'connell

We're delighted with the response and we hope that local people will come out in force to support the runners and make it a wonderful experience.

John Reynolds

The response of the market was immediate.

John Bencomo

I don't think passion is the appropriate response, ... I think careful, deliberate thought about how the law should be executed is the way we should approach this.

Janet Reno

It's not surprising that there's been no response.

William Levada

We did not anticipate this volume of response. The process ... hasn't been as well-organized as it should have been.

Adele Fasano

What we are hoping for is that they keep their promise, ... still be in a position to provide necessary response force.

Brad May

He's repeatedly acknowledged the inadequacy of our response to the situation. We're improving it to see that this type of inadequate response doesn't happen again.

Jim Dwyer

Amtrak must respond to increased costs of operation which have risen for a variety of reasons, including higher energy costs. We periodically adjust fares upward in response to market conditions and we try to set fares at a level that will produce the most revenue.

Cliff Black