We had 298 evacuees in the four shelters, but we're down to 120 today. Our numbers are continuing to fall as people find family members to stay with or return closer to home down south.

[Urban Foresters arborist Jack Richardson, of Ann Arbor, takes another bit in the climbing rope with his feet during the secured footlock event at the Michigan Tree Climbing Championship held at Emerson Park on Saturday.] It's quiet and you're in your own little world, ... tree climber wanted.

If someone is going to be removed, it's going to have to be for cause, and a bill of particulars is going to have to be presented establishing good reason why that action should take place.

It's most likely under the concrete. We still don't know exactly what route was followed.

It was a needed force, and we will be reimbursed for the overtime hours, ... The rate will be based on the officer's regular overtime pay.

It's important that each individual knows this can happen and knows how to take care of themselves because when a large earthquake happens there will not be enough response people to take care of it. An earthquake is not going to telegraph itself like that hurricane did. It's gonna happen and you're gonna know it.

We've got an epidemic up here of underage kids getting booze.

I figured if he (Fletcher) was really serious about it, he would have probably sent a representative there Saturday. But no one was there.