It's a blessing, ... I can't thank them enough.

Two more will probably be gone by tomorrow.

Really excited about having Dr. Hord here at N.C. State.

Lowering drug prices is crucial, but it's one piece of a larger solution that we need ... we must have a massive mobilization of resources. The G-7, the lending institutions, will have to step up to the plate if we are going to make drug access a reality throughout the world.

We kind of took that as an insult. It was one thing to not be a part of our program. They wanted to play against us, and that kind of poured salt in the wound.

Day trading has a lot of problems. Their average losses were greater than their average gains. Now that's a surefire way of going broke.

Most of these people can't tell which way the market is going any better than a coin flip.

They're beautiful things to control risk.

This is a first for me. You always get one, maybe two. But four or five? Knee injuries?