It's an important moment for this franchise to recognize one of the greatest players in the history of this league, and as you know, a very impressive human being.

Jeffrey Lurie

An aerial IED would be another indication of the enemy's innovation and creativity. Clearly they recognize that the publicity that surrounds a destroyed or damaged aircraft is significantly greater than the publicity that surrounds a destroyed or damaged vehicle.

Genjohn Keane

Phil always knew how to recognize trends and he knew how to recognize talent within those trends.

Chuck Leavell

Somebody is going to recognize that. They're going to tie that up with a four-door, blue Mercedes with tan interior, with maybe someone that they know that fits the description of the suspect. They may walk in a similar fashion as the suspect.

Officer Heidi Ruiz

They are a family. The question is whether the law will recognize that reality . . . or create a fiction and treat them as strangers.

David Roach

We've done a great job. We just don't seek publicity and recognition for it. We hope members of the Florida Retirement System recognize it.

Coleman Stipanovich

Knowledge is what we get when an observer, preferably a scientifically trained observer, provides us with a copy of reality that we can all recognize.

Christopher Lasch

We have to be realistic and recognize that we don't have as many people traveling to the city this year because of the weather and because of rising gas prices.

Tony Mason

The life insurance industry squandered its leadership. It failed to recognize fundamental changes in the marketplace.

Bob Macdonald

In one instance this quarter, a number of Level 3 customers and Cogent customers were hurt, ... I apologize to both sets of customers...We recognize that we have an obligation to customers of the Internet and, in this instance, we contributed to letting them down.

Kevin O'hara

Both teams had their moments where they had to fight from behind, and it was decided by a good, clean goal in overtime. It's very easy to recognize the will of the players on both teams to play with everything in the tank.

Bob Gainey

We recognize that some process improvements will result in some workforce reductions. We will communicate openly and honestly when the process is finalized.

Lorie Kessler

We've got two offenses that can really strike and put points on the board. You can't change your philosophy, you have to be aggressive and do those things and obviously we haven't looked ahead, but we certainly recognize the challenges we have.

Jeff Fisher

We found, especially here in Calgary, it's so far removed from ISA headquarters, sometimes our Membership doesn't see recognition like they should. It lets them know there's a group of people locally that recognize them for being involved in industry groups.

Ryan Brooks

The thing is, as a receiver and a quarterback, we both have to recognize where the big play might be, and then apply it to what we had called, ... We can adjust it just by looking at each other. We'll both see the same hole in the defense, and he'll tell me, 'OK, I'm coming your way' in his way.' .

Marvin Harrison

Those experiences made me aware of the grief process and helped me to recognize how important that is for the families that are left behind.

James Kramer

The justices clearly exercised admirable judicial restraint. They recognize that the Legislature has the proper authority to make the decisions regarding marriage. I wouldn't want to predict what the Court of Appeals would do.

Dennis Poust

It is probably not love that makes the world go around, but rather those mutually supportive alliances through which partners recognize their dependence on each other for the achievement of shared and private goals.

Fred Allen

It's obvious, if you just look at the substance of the legislation that's been offered, we're in the cross hairs of a lot of what's going on in Washington. This industry has got to recognize that pretty quickly, or we're going to be in bad shape.

Bruce Hahn

You will recognize, my boy, the first sign of age: it is when you go out into the streets of London and realize for the first time how young the policemen look.

Seymour Hicks

He who is reluctant to recognize me opposes me.

Frantz Fanon

Will this confront the horror that took place? And will it also recognize the transformation that has occurred? If not, it's a waste of time.

William Doyle

I'm not saying that there's anything better than mated bliss at its best, but I'm saying that living alone is as good in its own way. But we haven't quite given ourselves permission to recognize that.

Barbara Feldon

The issue of race has shifted with this generation. Young people recognize that when it comes to race a more enlightened perspective should increasingly be part of the national discourse.

Bakari Kitwana

Trees are a vital part of the infrastructure in our cities and towns, and provide environmental and economical benefits. A community, and its citizens, that recognize these benefits and provide needed care for its trees deserve recognition and thanks.

John Rosenow

Management has been very slow to recognize there's a problem and do anything about it.

Richard Windsor

I see the flawless fusion of on and off-line branding as the success to any marketing campaign. This will allow the potential customer not only to have an experience but also to recognize the brand in any medium of the marketing mix.

Jose Sena

The agriculture industry and the fast food industry and McDonald's need to recognize we workers are human beings and adults. They need to stop treating us like children who can be just pushed off to the side.

Lucas Benitez

I was disappointed that the chamber didn't recognize that members do vote their consciences.

Sen. Evelyn Lynn

Sometimes you end up doing things you didn't anticipate and you have to be open to it. Sometimes it's meant to be. One of the things you have to recognize at that point is that it's no longer a hobby, it's now a business.

Dianne Trinque

We recognize what everybody else does, that this is a huge, growing, influential part of our audience. You have to make your decisions based on a good business plan, and as we look at the census numbers throughout the North Bay, the growth is significant.

John Burgess

I'm very energized but, I also recognize the enormity of our challenge.

James Adamson

It's dealing with the neighborhood. I live here. I walk out my front door -- that's where the towers were. But we recognize the global importance of what we're doing.

Frederic Schwartz

People will recognize the boat anywhere.

Fred Fisher

Marietta was playing a 1-2-2 zone and we had trouble adjusting to it. They did a great job. We just didn't recognize it. They threw some things at us that we didn't recognize.

Randy Mcclure

It's a way for us to recognize them and show others what kind of people they were. And it helps us feel a little better about the situation.

Allison Sharp

There is no criminal statute that says you can't put your hand in a certain position, ... We just try to recognize gang membership at its early stages.

Robert Sherwood

Teams keying on me just drives me to work even harder, and makes you an overall better player. It excites me to know that people recognize what I do on the court because there are so many great players in Tennessee. It's a great feeling to know that working hard has paid off.

Dawn Evans

Little will be done to stop these things if public figures consider themselves beholden to some overarching efficient markets principle and do not even recognize over-speculation as a real phenomenon.

Robert J. Shiller

As we continue to learn about the impact of the Hispanic market in the U.S., we also recognize the influence of America's eating patterns on Hispanics.

Ann Hanson

I would love to go for higher, but I think 15 percent will be a high enough jump that the student body will recognize it.

Joe Franco

As the Web enters its second decade as an integral part of everyday life, our expanded categories recognize those who are pushing the Web in new directions.

Tiffany Shlain

It's like trying to read some of the writing in medieval manuscripts or handwriting from the 1500s. Even though it is our same writing system we don't recognize it.

David Stuart

We are moving toward a dictatorship of relativism which does not recognize anything as for certain and which has as its highest goal one's own ego and one's own desires.

Cardinal Ratzinger

We recognize and celebrate our viewers' passion for gaming and are excited to be working with Microsoft to launch such a significant entertainment product.

John Shea

It really surprised me that ... Mexican justice can recognize when there is no reason to convict somebody, and you've got to have balls to do that.

Gloria Trevi

Yes, there's been some controversy of late, but it doesn't change the fact that we recognize the importance of the airport to the vitality of any economic development efforts we make on either side of the Montreal.

Gene Cisewski

We all recognize that investors need to know certain key facts and concepts. But it may be even more important to their long-term financial security that investors learn the behavioral process of investing.

Don Blandin

I could give you some names of Workshop participants who are as good as many who are being published but haven't had the right editor recognize their merit or have not been adequately published.

James Gunn

Employers recognize that the value in tying awards to performance, as opposed to the holidays, better connects employees to the company's goals and objectives, eliminates 'entitlement' issues, and leads to increased productivity and improved business results.

Ken Abosch

Hopefully, this will become an annual event for our Belleville schools. This isn't about competition among schools to see what has the best peace ball; this is to draw attention and to recognize and support and give positive feedback to kids who are being peaceful. From what I've seen, I feel pretty good about peace here in Belleville winning over conflict.

Matt Klosterman

The Federal Highway Administration should essentially recognize that later-year funding in the program will be subject to state legislative action, and that happens in many states.

Brendan Gill

If you are not a player in a company where politics are important, you may have to recognize you are out of the loop.

Ron Krannich

The governor continues to recognize the importance of transit.

Dennis Veraldi

I hope that they recognize that Susan was trying to defend herself. There was no malice in what was going on.

Helen Bolling

We would hope that physicians would recognize that clinical skills and communications skills are very important to maintaining one's competency as a physician.

Nancy Achin Audesse

I implore everyone concerned to recognize that we are facing a humanitarian challenge of historic dimensions. We must all pull together if we are to avoid extraordinary suffering and loss of life.

Francois Fall

We really recognize how well they're playing the game defensively. They have some very good players at linebacker. They don't do a lot of things, but are very well coached on the defensive side of the ball.

Jack Cosgrove

I wish we didn't have to recognize dead children. There's such a pain in my heart.

Rita Wiley

You're not prepared to put a mirror in front of your face and recognize your own inadequacies. Perhaps you may get a more sympathetic hearing if you had a willingness to confess your own sins in this.

Norm Coleman

The biggest challenge is to recognize the identity of Muslims as Europeans. We are aiming for integration, to learn the national languages, to participate in society on every level.

Mouddar Khouja

It gives you an opportunity to... recognize when you are letting stress get the best of you. You can take yoga out of yoga studio... and live so much more peacefully and comfortably.

Alison Donley

We would prefer our students not consume alcohol at any point - obviously that's something that's a longstanding tradition among Baptists. We recognize it is available in other places around Abilene and the right of Lawrence Bros. to conduct legal business.

Craig Turner

It's a tribute to the effort and collaboration with the border to come together as a border community. I think they recognize the work we've done here.

Becky Brooks

We are not in anything that I can recognize as a closing zone.

Crawford Falconer

The idea is to build a model system that can be adopted by health systems across the country. It's vital that we find ways to improve communication between clinicians and public health personnel to more quickly recognize actual and potential problems that affect large numbers of people.

Richard Platt

We recognize these cancellations will significantly impact passengers intending to travel to or from Alaska.

Bill Mackay

It was so well received, and people have really such a strong memory of that movie. As people have begun to see Dreamer, they recognize how different they are but how great they both fit together in a way.

John Gatins

We wanted to get a picture of a larger sense of success. The assembly served to recognize our success in athletics, academics and art.

Christina Roux

So this has been a battle of ideas, ... This has been a battle of institutions. We recognize that there are certain fundamental things that you have to do collectively through government. But it is through the free market that the ingenuity of individual creators and enterprises flourishes.

Lewis Uhler

This is just a time to recognize them for their faithfulness to the church and to the Lord, and they always need to feel special.

Judy Felkins

People recognize him everywhere we go. We'll be somewhere eating and someone will notice his face or his voice and come and just love on him.

Lee Harris

The purpose is to create an identity for downtown that people will recognize wherever they go.

Barbara Hughes

Men recognize marriage is going to be a roller coaster. But they're willing to ride it out because they like the company.

Neil Chethik

You don't need an explanation for everything, Recognize that there are such things as miracles -- events for which there are no ready explanations. Later knowledge may explain those events quite easily.

Harry Browne

Somebody out there knows this man. I know his face is covered, but if it were my husband and I saw him, I would still recognize his movements and his body.

Susan Horton

Essentially, we've completed the things we agreed that we would. Also, we're looking into the installation of a pump in the basement or the elevator shaft. The continued rains, if we get some, could be a problem and we recognize that. This wouldn't be a permanent one for the building, but it would be sufficient enough to keep the water out.

Dennis Molock

Just on paper, without seeing him play you would know he's a good player. When you watch him play, it's clear that he's a good player. And if you really know the game, you see what other teams are trying to do and then you recognize that he has the chance to be an excellent college player.

Bill Whitehead

At this stage, I'm not aware of any change in our acquisition plan. Our relationship with the Kazakh government has always been well maintained. They recognize us as a good partner and any form of cooperation is possible.

Liu Weijiang

I've been in other relationships since Paul. He's been a big part of my life, and he's a very good friend now. But the songs are informed by all my relationships. There are certain lines that are directly about one person or situation, so directly that I'm sure those people recognize it. And that may be why I do this, to get my point across — though not in a mean way.

Paul Thomas Anderson

We all recognize and appreciate the courage it takes. He is willing to take on elements of his party who are going to demagogue this.

Randel Johnson

We recognize the impact the sacrifices they are making will have on them and their families, ... In exchange for their participation, we have committed that this will be a labor-friendly Chapter 11 reorganization, in which we will honor new agreements that have been ratified, and provide labor a voice in the company's governance.

David Siegel

Today's indictment was not the end of what we have done. It's chapter one of this investigation. We recognize the community of Appalachia is a very good community. The citizens want Appalachia to become the best community possible.

Tim Mcafee

It was to recognize the profession, the many individuals that do a good job.

Becky Wilson

It's fashion driven. Manufacturers recognize that consumers want their outdoor spaces as stylish and fashionable as their indoor spaces.

Pat Bowling

We're trying to establish our program and build up some tradition, and what better way to do that than to recognize those guys who have built it to this point.

David Staniger

Middle age is when your old classmates are so grey and wrinkled and bald they don't recognize you.

Bennett Cerf

We certainly support the basic American value of free speech, and we recognize the need for public discussion on this important matter.

Julie Deyoung

It's important for police to recognize the trends.

Sharon Rainey

We do not need a new Fourth Amendment for cyberspace. But we need to recognize that people are conducting more of their lives online. The price tag for this technology should not include a loss of privacy.

James Dempsey

We have it narrowed down to five people. But we didn't recognize who it was.

Mick Mandl

Neighboring is one of the biggest concepts in America. People want connections. And as good community developers, we should recognize what it means to create community.

Brooke Warrick

I think they've got their head in the sand, failing to recognize their market share is deteriorating and will continue to deteriorate much faster than they or anyone else anticipated a few years ago.

Chris Mecray

We go in with eyes wide open and recognize there will be a lot of hard work involved. But we anticipate having success. We feel like we have assembled a great group of people. If we were going to do it any other way, we would have made an announcement a long time ago. We were very diligent.

Troy Aikman

If we win the legislative elections , we will never recognize the state of Israel.

Mahmoud Abbas

I think our defense is clearly ahead of where our offense is right now. We recognize that we have a veteran setter who we think will help us catch up in a hurry.

Dave Shondell

Instead of saying hello, we say, 'I see you' because it means that I see you as a person, I recognize you, and I care that you're here. It's more in-depth.

David Mayer

All the studies show that those people in high-pressure jobs are more inclined to have problems with substance abuse. We recognize that that is a reality of high-stress positions, and the legal profession's no different.

Robert Ingram

We recognize database (software) is proprietary, but in an effort to assist division in responding to the Democratic party, we decided to consent to the release of the database files. This allows the division of elections to do with their files what they want to do.

David Bear

Sends a powerful message that it is the official policy of this state not to recognize or respect this nation's immigration laws.

Tom Mcclintock

We recognize the problem in Rocky Mountain National Park.

Mark Armstrong

We're sensitive to consumers, we recognize there's more out of people's pocketbooks.

Tim Hearn

He's such a sweet guy and such a great guy to be around. He's always been so affable and pleasant. He'd always introduce his friends in the audience at every show. He's a great showman. Who doesn't like going into a club and having the band recognize them?

Malcolm White

The need is definitely there. We recognize this as a very, very valuable method of providing this crucial training.

Roy Costa

It was an attempt to alter her appearance. She didn't want anyone to recognize her ... her hair was uneven. It did not appear as if it was professionally done.

Bill Elwell

These things are important to me, these things I write. I recognize and embrace the notion of collaboration - and other people should, too.

Charlie Kaufman

I enjoy being a part of it all. They recognize me.

Diane Schmidt

I didn't recognize a single company. That's why I don't remember the names. None of them were local companies.

Russell Kelly

I look at the list of headliners and I don't even recognize most of these names.

Jeffrey Vasser

This just goes to show you that what you want is a lot of people looking for stuff. You want them to be able to recognize important finds or have the people who can do it.

Van Turner

Everybody was overwhelmed, and I recognize the magnitude of the situation. But, it really got beyond where we could give reasonable input at the shelter.

Ron Matthews

They definitely recognize where he is on the field.

Derrick Burroughs

When corporate America comes in, they put their money where their mouth is. When they are here, that's a powerful message. It's not a charitable thing that they're doing, it's in their best interest. And it's in all of our best interests to recognize exactly what diversity is and what it means.

Ron Prince

The potential that exists, quite frankly, for CRP to go away is there in 2007. In the wildlife world, we recognize it as the best conservation program there's ever been.

Dan Hare

Silence increases the power of an oppressor. My job as a parent is to recognize oppression. I want my children to know whenever something is not right.

Susan Geise

In quiet moments when you think about it, you recognize what is critically important in life and what isn't. Be wise and don't let good things crowd out those that are essential.

Elder Richard G. Scott

A picture is the expression of an impression. If the beautiful were not in us, how would we ever recognize it?

Ernst Haas

It's a real hunt. I think hunters recognize that and are interested in participating.

Tom G. Palmer

It's the unattended consequences that I'm most worried about. The problem with personal responsibility is that it doesn't recognize economic barriers that may deter people from getting the kind of health care they need.

Lori Berry

I recognize that there was work people did before we got here, and I have respect for that.

Dave Fisher

As caregivers, we recognize that prescription drugs are an important part of treating illness and enhancing wellness. But before we expand benefits -- and make new promises -- to Medicare beneficiaries, it is essential that we keep our current promises.

Dick Davidson

That patient is currently in a nursing home completely demented, tied to a chair drooling on herself and doesn't recognize anybody, ... She was in pretty nearly that condition at the time she filed that complaint.

Terry Bennett

The union, as a union, has got to recognize it's got to stop holding New York hostage.

Michael Cardozo

These barrier islands and wetlands are our first line of defense from hurricanes. This needs to be treated as an emergency. We need everyone to recognize that restoration efforts must begin immediately.

Sidney Coffee

We are pleased to be acknowledged as a national leader in this area. Over the years, people have worked very hard to make things happen. You're never done. It's an ongoing process. But we think we've made progress and its' nice to have an external entity recognize the progress.

Vince Sweeney

We might as well recognize it. If we didn't have the beach ... the people wouldn't come.

Tom Padgett

We recognize that such a public apology is not an easy thing for anyone to do. We know also that Robertson is a friend and a strong supporter of Israel.

Ido Hartuv

It's a challenge we have before us. We recognize that. We go in with eyes wide open and recognize there will be a lot of hard work involved. But we anticipate having success.

Troy Aikman

Sometimes these kids that are well-rounded don't get enough credit. We want to recognize the true scholar-athlete.

Ennis Proctor

We don't have celebrities like you do in the States. But for a period of time people will recognize her on the streets and say, 'Hello, we saw you on TV.' That's what she told me happened after Nagano.

Eline Andersen

Teams are going to key on her. And that's fine, if they want to put five girls on her, that means that four other girls are open and she needs to be able to recognize what's going on and pass it off.

Ellen Bridgewater

As these young adults will graduate and bring their attitudes and behaviors into the workplace and society, we must recognize that this is an issue for all of us.

Elena Silva

We felt like we should recognize them. I especially want to thank Station No. 9 and the Shift B paramedics who were there that night and helped me.

Ed Duda

We recognize that people use different methods for communication and certainly most of the time the people are using the method that they can avoid detection most.

Ed Cogswell

Every child is a thought in the mind of God, and our task is to recognize this thought and help it toward completion.

Eberhard Arnold

The new government after the elections would do well to recognize that the high public deficit is unsustainable and could lead to serious economic consequences.

Zoltan Torok

It's just so great that they would recognize me because I'm from a smaller school. Basically everyone else was from a bigger school and bigger conference.

Zane Teilane

Who Dressed You Like a Foreigner? ... Everything we want in life is near us, and we can't recognize it because it doesn't appear to us the way we thought it should be. Who dressed you like a foreigner? I can't recognize that you, my love that I was seeking, were right in front of me.

Zakir Hussain

We were discussing Coretta Scott King [who died in January] and how we as individuals should be picking up the torch, and also how we should recognize people's contributions while they're here. These are people who are continuing to serve the community and keeping the dream alive.

Eva Mcleod

This is an idea project for church youth groups and other civic groups. We want to recognize every soldier. What better way to do it that with flying a flag.

Eugene Wingfield

If there is a message at all, it's probably that we have to recognize in ourselves how we feel morally about certain things and make sure we follow that up with our actions.

Estee Lauder

It is solely for the reason that this government has legalized the murder of children that I have no allegiance to nor do I recognize the legitimacy of this particular government in Washington.

Eric Rudolph

The pictures are really interesting, ... As you look at them, you recognize areas, yet you don't recognize them. There are mature trees in one area or the building of new structure in another area.

Eric Hansen

We recognize the first thing we want to do is get neighborhood input first before we go off and do anything.

Eric Hallman

The Liberal Party didn't even recognize the existence of the fiscal imbalance, even though they created it.

Eric Girard

You'd have your head in the sand if you didn't recognize that there are students who come here from countries that sponsor terrorism.

Eric Fehrnstrom