Everyone recognizes that the only purpose of that (driver's licenses for immigrants) provision is to send a powerful message that it is the official policy of the state not to recognize, enforce or respect our nation's immigration law.

It was Lincoln who said that if you call a tail a leg, how many legs has a dog? The answer is four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it one. And calling a civil contract between consenting adults a marriage does not make it a marriage.

Can't you see that marriage is a fundamentally different institution? ... Marriage is the institution by which we propagate our species and inculcate our young.

If we repealed all the laws of the world, ... marriage would still exist.

Breaks the social compact that gives government its legitimacy. ... It used to be that if a widow didn't want to sell her home to a developer, she didn't have to. ... The government was there to protect her. Now government has become the thug.

You end up with people in the worst possible circumstances: without any job.

The reason marriage is fundamentally different from a civil contract is that marriage is formed for a fundamental purpose — that is to bring a new life into the world.

Sends a powerful message that it is the official policy of this state not to recognize or respect this nation's immigration laws.