The community outpouring and the donation of clubs has been phenomenal. I bet I get a phone call a day. Our mantra is we don't turn anything down.

Rusty Petrea

I have one highly paid associate who's been on the phone for three hours now, just chasing down identification numbers.

Bill Hewitt

All those same services will still be available by phone. People can call the FEMA help line, go to the agency's Web site or contact the U.S. Small Business Administration for help with their applications.

Michael Bolch

Read the fine print and just really do research. Prior to doing anything to buy a phone, do your research.

David Dunworth

It's been totally different dealing with all the phone calls and attention. It's a little surreal and we haven't dealt with all of this before. It's interesting and amazing how word filters out.

Matt Vaughn

We aim to start mobile phone service by end of 2007.

Masayoshi Son

What's interesting is that phone records have never been a top 10 search. Not even now.

Noah Wieder

Every time you do well in a tournament you get a phone call from Nancy.

Natalie Gulbis

He's a throwback kid. These days, every kid has a cell phone, but he doesn't.

Chris Metzger

If my phone rings, I'll be happy. All I want is the opportunity. That's all I can ask for.

Jeff Mroz

I thought he was just outside smoking and talking on the phone like he normally does. He probably just lost his balance and fell overboard.

Jeff Kish

For many lonely people, it's not as simple as picking up the phone.

Chris Segrin

They saw we had an opening. I made the phone call out of courtesy, assuming they would want us to go out there and play. They said they'd like to come to Madison as part of a two-for-one deal.

John Chadima

I don't think there's any actual loyalty in the marketplace. I think it comes down to cost and what kind of phone you can get.

Ben Rogers

VOIP will even further change the equation here. The phone conversation, which used to be ephemeral, can now be like e-mail.

Jim Dempsey

They won't talk to you. After I sent them a letter, they wouldn't even take a phone call.

Richard Higgins

Many young people have told me how a boyfriend or girlfriend will grab the phone when they are not around and go through the 'Recent Call' list. Or in some cases, pry it from hands and demand they explain who that was.

James Katz

I'm very happy about the UMA phone. I believe it's in the operators' interest.

Hannu Rauhala

It gives me some down time without phone calls and interruptions in the late morning and early evening.

Dennis Buckley

The timing is right for Mobile Box Office(TM). We believe that we're building a bridge between the growth in Internet-enabled mobile phone use and consumers' rapidly growing use of the web for browsing movies and buying tickets.

Tom Beals

Cell phone-based marketing could be the silver bullet we've been looking for in advertising for a long time.

Laura Marriott

Having the phone around telling me where I need to go keeps me on track.

Bryan Batchelder

We'll get it sorted out over the phone over the next few days hopefully.

Warren Mcdonnell

I'm happy Pat Riley is giving him a chance, that he didn't give me, to live his legacy out and play one more year. I'm waiting for that phone call just to do that.

Tim Hardaway

As a matter of fact, we at Palomar were called in – and I know it was during my working hours – to be chewed out royally because we did not have 50 people in the designated area to do the phone banking.

Jaime Mercado

None of us were there. Only she knows what she dialed. And she can be real adamant. But then again, if you look at a phone book, there might be six or seven ticket companies all in a row.

Bonnie Poindexter

You can change your phone every day like you change your clothes every day.

Rebecca Morgan

Certainly, if the Palestinians pick up the phone.

Chaim Ramon

We've been so busy. We've been working Saturdays and Sundays to get caught up. I'm turning down lots of phone calls now.

Walter Johnson

I read it over the phone to her and the avalanche started almost immediately.

Sarah Doukas

We're trying to get our point across gently. The amount of cell phone use in the dining room was getting out of hand.

Rob Katz

The uniqueness here is that it is a medium-priced phone.

Ton Van Kampen

The phone call inspired them to give a brilliant performance at the Battle of the Bands. It was just overwhelming.

Julian White

It's a week to get away from your car and your cell phone and physically experience Florida.

Linda Crider

We have computers to help us with the returns, but no way would we ever have a computer answer the phone. It's rude and it aggravates people.

Lee Densmore

The minimal cost to cell phone users is worth the saving of a life.

Tim Wheeler

I don't know much about them. I've made a few phone calls and not had much luck. But we have to worry about us. If we take care of ourselves, that is all that matters.

Keith Lucky

I had phone calls from him numerous times asking me does she still love him. I told him if it was meant to be it was in God's time, not his.

Marsha Jones

My cell phone is the only one that really works since none of the 504 numbers are really working, so I am acting as the middleman for my family and everyone is communicating through me.

Katie Kramer

You know, he's afraid to answer the phone sometimes. It's like, 'What's next? The best thing for him is being back in the rink. He's comfortable again.

Rick Tocchet

Being a phone company has been a nightmare over the past few years.

Robert Rosenberg

We already have one family set up in emergency housing, ... and my office has received a lot of phone calls from others. There is no doubt that more and more people will be showing up.

Joe Robinson

We completed our digital mapping a year ago; we are the only county to have that done in Montana, ... If you have a GPS chip in your phone, which most new phones do, the 9-1-1 dispatcher can identify where you are calling from.

Bob Jones

This deal allows ESPN and the NHL to further extend the game to fans whether they are watching television, logging onto their computer or flipping open their mobile phone.

John Skipper

I don't think it's something that should be happening. Even if you're friends, you know the cell phone is for board business.

Mary Brown

Communism is like one big phone company.

Lenny Bruce

I use a phone and a computer every day, taking advantage of what humans before me created. I could not have created those tools on my own.

Carel Van Schaik

In a few months, we would like to see one cellular phone for every two Colombians.

Carlos Slim Helu

We just talked to him on the phone. He told us he's excited to come to Sacramento, and just hearing him say that, we were convinced he was sincere.

Joe Maloof

We know that many of our customers enjoy the convenience of their mobile phones when they're out and about -- but switch to using a landline phone when they arrive back home to save money or because they have little or no mobile coverage.

Brian Livingston

Some of it is just, 'I can't talk to you on the phone anymore,' and some of it is, 'I think I better lay low for a while.'

Bill Keller

Reliance Communication is among the largest players and there is definitely space for at least three big players in the booming mobile-phone industry. The listing will certainly give us more choice.

Navneet Munot

I made a few phone calls to friends, and they hooked me up. I used my professional contacts.

Alex Perez

We want to connect to the three screens of [consumers'] lives: the mobile phone you always have with you, the big screen [TV] and the PC screen you have in the office.

Marco Boerries

It's a Catch-22 situation. The only option I know is for her not to have a phone at all.

Anne Mitchell

He's back in Iraq now for a second time, but apparently information got out. There's these phone banks and they can use phone cards.

Sue Wilson

If they have questions, they should not wait. We can't help them if they don't pick up the phone.

Amanda Bicknell

I basically lost everything. By the time we knew we had to get out, there was no time. I brought my laptop, my cell phone, a change of clothes and a pair of shoes and some of my boots.

Robert Wilson

They have not picked up the phone and reached out to us. For them not to call us, that is ludicrous. You are a business and it is your job to be marketing your services and goods.

Tom Fron

If we ran out of cable on a copper bundle, or a new building was opened, we would go in with the data network and drop in an IP phone.

Simon Furber

She wanted a cell phone I was adamant against it. But once I was in a few jams, I was like, yeah, she should have a cell phone. We caved in.

Mike Coleman

In three years there are likely to be three major distribution channels - OEM, aftermarket and cell phone operators.

David Bank

It's a little surprising when you look in the phone book. You think you are in Germany.

Dieter Hermsmeier

There's just no phone service in or out of this impacted area, so we're just getting sporadic communication from our employees who have evacuated.

Mickey Driver

We were getting an awful lot of phone calls; I must have had 15 calls myself. Some reports gave names of specific players, including big stars.

Pat Courtney

The volume of phone inquiries (to the chamber) is up 46 percent to date this year.

Dan Lennon

Mobile Box Office(TM) speaks to people who live the mobile lifestyle. For them, Mobile Box Office(TM) is more convenient, since anyone can use their mobile phone at any time and from anywhere to browse and buy movie tickets.

Tom Beals

We will be a very efficient lunch operation. They can fax me or phone in the order before they arrive. As soon as they sit down, their food is ready. It saves them waiting time.

Man Wong

Every one of us wants to be in the big leagues, ... Hopefully, that phone call comes tonight (Thursday night).

Andy Green

Clothing, baggage, laptop, computer, phone, personal items -- everything.

Jerry Levy

On July 18, the phone rang. It was someone claiming to be Mr. Green in the UK and asked where the remainder of the money was. I told him Pauline wasn't here and he gave a phone number where she could reach him.

Tom G. Palmer

We weren't getting any phone calls, ... The smoke was going up and out over the Cascades at a very high altitude. That continued to about 4:30 - and then started to go south, literally.

John Byers

People return your phone calls and your e-mails, and they speak to you and speak to you nicely.

Paul Fitzpatrick

This merger will mean a real choice and lower prices in local phone service, faster Internet access and better cable TV.

C. Michael Armstrong

Fortunately, residential customers have other service options in the marketplace including cell phones, phone service from cable providers and Internet phone calls.

Bill Wordley

The agents who dealt with these phone calls were very familiar with her and took everything with a grain of salt.

Beth Anne Steele

I would hope that most people would know that you shouldn't be talking on a cell phone in class.

Lane Crothers

One week later the people who were told he was a jerk remembered a higher bill -- from 10 percent to 25 percent more than the bill actually was. Those who were told he had an emergency phone call remembered a slightly lower-than-actual bill.

David Pizarro

Every day our phone rings, with people asking if we do tattoos yet? We answer no, it's not legal yet, but now it's finally getting closer and we're really excited about it.

George Nelson

On the phone people will say, 'You must be 200, 300 pounds - how do you get on elevators? I just put it off to good genes.

Arnold Carbone

We're not after the narrow music-player market. V Cast Music will not only revolutionize your wireless phone, it will revolutionize music.

Denny Strigl

Jones is a player we admire and like and we have been making lots of phone calls concerning him.

Billy Davies

She's been calling her mother periodically to let her know she's OK, but she doesn't answer the phone when we try to call her. We don't think she's in any danger. She's been telling her mother she's all right, but she just doesn't want to come home.

Carol Rees

I still tell him he owes me money for my phone bill.

Dan Goldberg

Chuck [Ruckel] had taken a satellite phone with him, ... I had been talking to Chuck off and on. I could get a hold of Chuck on his phone. I just couldn't get Daddy.

Phyllis Cole

People might not have shoes but they have a cell phone. We can turn that phone into a bank in your pocket.

Brian Richardson

I believe the Cricket Committee will be conducting their discussions over the phone. But I expect, within three days, we'll have an answer to who will be the new West Indies captain.

Joey Carew

The cell phone is what we hold closest to our bodies; we hold it all day. Having the cell phone identify with you in some way is becoming more important. It's a part of your own sense of style, like your shoes, your clothes and the way you do your hair.

Jonathan Schreiber

My phone never stops ringing, and every time I look at it, it's a 504 area code calling.

Mike Carroll

It's absolutely essential to develop these relationships with each other so they can pick up the phone and contact somebody when they need to.

Louis Reigel

The infrared option also lets customers use their phone as a modem to transfer business information and other data through their PC.

Keith Nowak

I was most interested in my son having a phone for safety reasons, ... We thought about a camera phone. But he was very reasonable. We didn't see the need for it.

Steven Anderson

We suggest to our clients, customers need to be proactive and make those phone calls.

Chris Ball

If I have questions, I can pick up the phone or e-mail.

David Britt

If anything happens to anybody here — volunteer or career — Darrell is on the phone with them. He's a really good listener and easy to talk to, like another family member coming to see you.

Todd Gary

T-Mobile was the only one that had a plan then. We had no idea how traumatic it would all be. He was the only one with a phone, so he shared it with everyone. He just couldn't say no. T-Mobile was nice enough to give us a half-price deal.

Sue Wilson

I've probably got 20 phone messages from my buddies back home. They were probably getting drunk at 7 a.m.

Carter Trevisani

It's easy. The only pain is the phone call and going into the office and signing the papers. It's a time cost. It's a very easy way to save money.

Tom Kane

We will use the money raised to purchase phone cards so these injured soldiers who are stranded in hospital can call home.

Tim Nichols

If you are not hyper vigilant, if you look away just to look at your coffee or your radio, it's only a matter of time before you hit someone. God forbid that you are talking on your cell phone.

Dan Moser

I think the best gift we are giving them are the phone cards. Our staff donated those.

Darla Myers

You don't (always) have your broker on the phone with you, (which means) the price of trading can only come down. It's already coming down.

Adam Schoenfeld

Part of it is just breaking the routine of life, getting away for 14 days. We're not worrying about paying bills or answering phone calls. Being in New Zealand is like living in the 1950s.

Gene Strusz

It?s a specially written application for us. All the features on the phone are tied into the application.

Michael Cupo

Judicial candidates cannot even anonymously participate in a phone bank, though they can publicly buy tickets to, and attend, political party functions.

Richard Emery

To make multiple phone calls is not only a burden, it is financially stressful.

Lori Todaro

They did very well on their own. There were just a couple of calls to my cell phone.

Katy Tobler

This is why the Internet-phone industry is probably going to replace entirely what we might call loosely the analog method of phone calls over a period of years.

James Gattuso

I told him I'd take him home. But he knew his grandmother's name and phone number.

Bill Summee

Imagine a bunch of vibrating elements like in a pager or cell phone.

Conrad Wall

We need things like that here, ... We need the cell phone to stop just looking good.

Robert Burgoyne

My cell phone rang 10 times on the way down here. But our place is OK. As long as everyone's OK that's the main thing.

Larry Rosen

If you don't respond to the email, at some point the customer is going to pick up the phone and call. When [companies] don't respond they're generating calls or, worse, they're just losing customers.

Donna Fluss

Plus, it always bugged me to see how my dad became unable to use the phone when the computers started taking over. So part of my motivation for this fight is in his name.

Paul English

My phone has been ringing off the hook for new technology that is coming in such as a fuel additives and new catalytic converters, ... We are open to any new technology.

Don Ross

Catherine Boyd: I need to call a phone. Can I use your cab? Ed Walters: There's a cab in the office.

Adeel Iqbal

I had my house phone always forwarding to my cell phone, anyway, ... I thought: Eliminate the middle man, which is my house phone.

Aaron Brooks

I had to continue with my job, but I lost my mobile phone, forgot appointments, and couldn't remember when I was meeting people. By Week 3, depression set in. The alcohol was affecting my brain chemistry. I had no motivation.

Nicky Taylor

You can take your phone with you. Even if you're in China, your phone calls are local.

Jeff Browning

We monitor it at home from our computers. If something breaks down, we get a phone call, log on, and we can figure out what the problem is.

George Ferguson

I dropped the phone and returned fire.

Michael Montgomery

But at least you know someone on your premises has an infected phone.

Mikko Hypponen

The IP address is like the phone number of a computer. The companies usually keep the user's physical address bound to each IP address.

Peter Wayner

People may say, 'My phone bill or cable bill is higher,' but they're getting a lot more than just basic service.

Craig Knutson

I think it's going to keep getting bigger. I don't now how the phone companies are going to react. It doesn't make any sense for consumers to pay for something they can get for free.

John Pavlik

In such emerging markets, we have to provide consumers affordable models to help them with their first phone experience. The brand and quality are consumers' top consideration in the market.

Soren Petersen

[Not even close.] The defensive playbook is the size of a phone book, ... We didn't even get through the first letter of the alphabet.

Channing Crowder

Is that really a phone people want to have? For just a little bit more, people can have a lot more.

Bill Krenik

The station never corroborated that immigration was there. We had phone calls on the air cautioning people that immigration was in Bridgeton and Vineland.

Alberto Gonzalez

I tried calling him back, but he never answered the phone.

Victoria Pino

We've got some options. We're making a lot of phone calls. We're working towards it. We have a list of guys we're going after. We're going after them hard. We're very confident we'll have a very good center fielder in 2006.

Jed Hoyer

I know I was inexperienced on things, and every time you make a phone call you get charged. The same holds true with the new town manager.

Barbara Woodall

The Firefly was a favorite among our kid testers. It carries 22 phone numbers in its address book and has two buttons right on top. One is for mom and and one is for dad.

Stacy Genovese

Anthony grew up in Sister Lakes, which is just a short distance from here. Last fall, we got a phone call from his dad, asking if we might be interested in hearing a CD.

Lee Delorme

Half the people in the world have never made a phone call... half.

William Esrey

We found what looked like a beaver dam, and Logan and (Dakota) said they saw a beaver. I fell in the mud, and water splashed my cell phone. It didn't work after that.

Tyler Parker

The mobile-phone marketplace for semiconductor products is one of the best opportunities out there today. It's not suffering from the same malaise as the PC market.

Donald Macleod

It's frustrating. The phone does not stop ringing.

Tara High

I no longer talk to you and you must never phone me again.

George Charamba

He said he had a check for $12,000 and asked that she cash it and send back $7,600 to his car hiring agency, ... He wanted her legal name and address, and a phone number and asked her to please remember that the integrity of his agency was involved.

Bruce Mckay

We move sometimes. We send messages to each other. We talk on the phone. Tell me, what can we do?

Walid Jumblatt

You should never release your personal information, credit card or bank account information, or any other financial information over the phone to unknown callers.

Lt. Nancy Gillon

This is not a phone business. This is the smallest video camera, it's the smallest computer, smallest TV.

Canning Fok

All phone calls are obscene.

Karen Elizabeth Gordon

He asked about me and got my phone number. It was like two months later when he called.

Joy Williamson

We'll never be successful until we think of this as a new medium. No one would think of putting a newspaper on television. Why would you just put television on a cell phone?

Cyriac Roeding

Now they're calling me, wanting to set up booths. I don't have to make those phone calls anymore. It's nice.

Connie Wrin

It's about not having to run wires into every room. It's about being able to bring in a little device that you attach to your phone line that basically takes your Internet access and makes it available to every room in your house without wires.

Carl Howe

When my dad divorced my mom it was kind of like him leaving me also. I just really didn't understand why he wasn't returning my phone calls, or why I couldn't see him whenever I wanted to. That was the most hurtful thing to me.

Nicole Richie

It's killing him. It's been a process that he hasn't particularly enjoyed a whole lot, and the hardest part for him is when he's going to have to pick up the phone and tell somebody that he's not coming.

Teddy Dyess

Our digital phone service exceeded expectations by 33 percent, and it's continuing to grow.

Dan Ballister

Most mobile consumers are no long on their first phone. So they are going to have a higher standard, as they know the mobile is going to be visible to people around them.

Michelle De Lussanet

The majority of Muslims, while they're writing letters, while they're making phone calls to those papers, while they're boycotting, they're not inflicting violence on people who have nothing to do with this.

Aziz Junejo

I look at what the phone company does and do the opposite.

Craig Newmark

Most of the calls we take, we can manage over the phone ? they don't require a hospital.

Tammy Noble

I don't own a cell phone or a pager. I just hang around everyone I know, all the time. If someone wants to get a hold of me, they just say 'Mitch,' and I say 'what?' and turn my head slightly.

Mitch Hedberg

The phone time is tremendous, it's just a waste of everyone's time and money.

Tony Quaid

A lot of times the e-mails and phone calls that come in will shape how he votes on an issue.

Jennifer Hall

With the high attendance, we're encouraging people to make advance reservations online or by phone for this popular, once-in-a-lifetime exhibition.

Dan Finley

If she can't get them on the phone, she'll drive to their house.

Terry Thompson

Fixed-mobile convergence prospects look good. We found massive interest in the ability to call from home on your cell phone at landline rates, something both cellular operators and fixed-mobile operators can offer.

David Kerr

You did? You did? ... Damn you guys. You don't share anything. You bugged my phone?

Debbie Rowe

If there's a phone call to be made, I make it.

Paul Sorvino

A drunken idiot loses her cell phone and because she is a cop two innocent people get arrested.

Rob Serafinowicz

All we want to say is Sen. Ensign received a phone call from Sen. Reid and he accepted his apology.

Jack Finn

People that want to use the phone a lot.

Andrew Sukawaty

The phone would not stop ringing.

Amy Bouchard

We see this as an important step in our efforts to work cooperatively with the [mobile-phone] industry.

Bob Muglia

My latest comedy, Bellwether, let me go after everything that bugs me: meetings, Barbie, trendy coffeehouses, those incompetent clerks who refuse to get off the phone to talk to you, and bread pudding.

Connie Willis

We've had people eat their meals in their sleep; prepare meals in their sleep. We've had people have phone conversations in their sleep. We've had people drive long distances in their sleep.

Mark Mahowald

Big media companies give away tons of content over the Web. We've partnered with them so they can sell it to mobile phone users.

Sean Mallon

He'd phone call maybe once a week, message at least once a day if not twice a day. So we were always in constant communication.

John Flynn

That philosophy is extremely dangerous. I'm hearing it day in and day out and getting phone call after phone call.

Mayor Bobby Ralph

He would listen and he would pick the phone up. Even if he couldn't get the problem solved, people could see that he cared.

Brian Shepard

We've discussed it and we've gotten some phone calls and e-mails from residents supporting it.

Chuck Buck

The cost of using your mobile phone abroad is hard to believe.

Viviane Reding

All I can say is I've heard he was on the phone with the boy at the time of the crash. Now whether that means exactly when he crashed, I don't know.

Brent Brown

Customers were pretty understanding. All the carts are marked with names and phone numbers.

Nate Bubb

One phone call can save a lot of money.

Bob Webster

The disorder got in my mind and said, you know, things like 'If she hangs up the phone one more time, I'm going to break something,' ... and so, to me, it all seemed perfectly logical.

Doug Ferrari

We're getting phone calls asking for teams to rescue people still trapped in their homes.

George Hood

Machines are not judgmental. Some people feel like they are being judged when they phone call centers. That doesn't happen with a machine.

David Nahamoo

It's not unheard of, in certain developing countries, for people to pay up to 20 percent of their yearly income in order to have a cell phone.

Alan Nogee

Even an hour on the phone with them, the level of frustration is amazing.

Ryan Carlson

I don't think it changes the landscape, ... It gives [broadband] a higher profile, and maybe it pushes phone companies to be more aggressive in building their networks.

Bruce Smith

I know from doing it myself once or twice, that I'm looking at the phone to dial the number and then I look up and I'm in another lane.

Ron Shaffer

In 2008, Nokia expects that 3 billion people will be owning a mobile phone, with much of this growth coming from markets like China, India, South-East Asia and Africa, where penetration levels are still relatively low.

Soren Petersen

They pulled the Jefferson Parish phone numbers along with the Jefferson Davis Parish numbers. Once they realized their mistake, they stopped the calls in Jefferson.

Denise Bottcher

I have a much higher level of comfort knowing that Jack is in my corner. He's just a phone call away, and that's been great.

Susan Ingram

We had a great sale. Bidding on e-Bay was very strong as were phone bids. We were busy all weekend.

David Arnold

I don't tend to use my cell phone for things like that (downloading games and applications). Plus, I'm far too addicted to my computer.

Stephanie Green

It was definitely one of our primary communication devices after the hurricane. Many people had no Internet or electricity but had their cell phone or landline working. We would not just use it for anything. It's for emergencies and after emergencies. So please do not disregard it; we do not overuse the system.

Denise Barrett

We get to see each other throughout the day. We e-mail each other, talk on the phone occasionally, and sometimes, when Mike gets time, he stops by my desk.

Sara Hirth

When people drive, they can avoid following too close by not speeding, and eliminating distractions such as phone calls, eating and putting on makeup.

Lee Perry

You don't have your own phone for anyone to call you back. People see your address is a homeless shelter and they assume you're a drug addict or something, and they won't call you back anyway.

Todd Jenkins

We actually might get a lot of letters and phone calls from normal society.

Adam Goldberg

You can do it 24/7 for 10 years, and you can sit down to answer the phone and your loved one's gone. That's the way it is. You don't know.

Sue King

Kids don't want a walkie-talkie that looks like a cell phone, ... They want a cell phone.

Sean Mcgowan

We contacted prime support customers by phone and e-mail.

Sal Viveros

In a phone interview, I told them I loved to wakeboard, and I think that's why they hired me. They paid me to wakeboard.

Ben Hudson