Our world is changing and the same old, same old isn't working.

If there's nothing going on, they ain't coming. You don't see many patrols -- nothing going on they aren't going to come.

If the kids won't eat carrots cooked, we'll give them raw carrots and dip. If you trick them into eating yogurt and cottage cheese then they'll get their calcium.

I'm the voice for those children who do not have a voice - no matter what race they are.

My hands loosen up. My hands use to be so stiff. They loosen up. He's very good.

It's pretty bad, they've been shooting a lot.

I don't think it's something that should be happening. Even if you're friends, you know the cell phone is for board business.

Sure, it's a concern. It's a concern everywhere with the crime. I mean, they move from area to area, so, I don't know. It's bad that you have to walk around feeling unsafe. So, I just come in and do my job and I leave.

I think this is going to work.