Of course all the growth came without the roads.

They are horrible. You only need half a dozen hours behind the wheel. I'm a big proponent of parents doing it themselves.

I would have them go off the road very slowly, to teach them not to over-correct and flip their vehicles. I would have them drive in the snow, on ice and at night.

Maryland does not want a road that will make it easier to to get to Dulles airport.

It was just born and not even dry yet. We were careful not to disturb it. I got up close, took a few shots and left.

When gas prices hit $5 a gallon, when there's ultimate gridlock, everyone will look to telecommuting.

It is Virginia law that you have to move out of the way of the overtaking vehicle, even if they are speeding. I don't think a lot of people know that.

I know from doing it myself once or twice, that I'm looking at the phone to dial the number and then I look up and I'm in another lane.