Wal-Mart is the 800-pound gorilla. You're going to want to do more things for a customer who is growing as fast as Wal-Mart is.

Ted Taft

We're entering a new marketplace and will grow very fast.

Larry Singer

We've built a brand and a platform that can grow through to profitability. We have a great strategy in place. We just have to execute, execute, execute, execute.

Toby Lenk

Maybe some energy and effort should be used to grow other areas.

Brad Lail

Meridian is open for business and it's open to this automotive industry that's growing in the southeast and along this I-20 corridor.

Wade Jones

In a growing market, they still have execution and expertise.

Scott Sutherland

What it comes down to is it's still fashionable to dislike McDonald's. McDonald's is still growing and consumers are spending more money [to eat there]. I'll bet some of those who said they dislike it are still customers.

Byron Paulson

The only group growing faster than millionaires these days is the uninsured.

James Lardner

As time goes by, and more and more people grow up that way, that is an issue.

Harvey Blomberg

If he'd been away at college, I probably wouldn't have let him bring them home. But since he's been to Iraq . . . and he always wanted to be a herpetologist when he was growing up.

Judy Webster

The important thing is to not be static. We want to actively grow the collection.

Chris Reid

By making it even more affordable, we want to continue to grow and enlarge the market.

Greg Joswiak

Some grow fast, some grow slow.

Jose Perez

As the community continues to grow, whether the best buy would locate down here or some other place in the community, that competition is probably going to exist anyway.

Ron Fehr

The developing world wants to eat meat. And there's only one way to produce it--grow more animals.

Max Rothschild

It's a positive for the Red Cross in getting the young children of the community reading so they can grow up to be conscious young adults.

Jeff Pacheco

Some things were not talked about when I was growing up. You found out later in life, but we're making it explicit through these four days.

Derek Williams

It takes time to get foundations established, but you can't grow an oak tree without planting an acorn.

Kirk Hayes

We're trying to figure out a way to have Bigfork grow so that it maintains its integrity.

Shelly Gonzales

Friendship may, and often does, grow into love, but love never subsides into friendship.

Lord Byron

It's much weaker, but the size of the storm tends to grow. Even a category 3 could cause $25 billion in damage.

Jayanta Guin

We have been steadily growing, but it's starting to go off the charts.

Brian Carr

We expect that number to grow dramatically.

Ronnie Garner

Because they're not growing as fast as they used to, carriers are having to differentiate plans to stand out.

Weston Henderek

What's interesting now is we're seeing a period where dividends are growing faster then earnings.

Jeff Kleintop

Curtiss-Wright is a good neighbor and a company that has the ability to keep these doors open and grow.

John Painter

It's a big deal. There will be guys that were my idols when I was growing up. You can always learn being around those guys.

Mikko Koivu

Eloping, as we define it as anything other than the TBW, is really growing fast.

Scott Shaw

That's something I think is growing on me as I get older: happy endings.

Alice Munro

For one thing, we have an aging population that's going to need health care and a growing population as well.

Roger Hunt

To combat the growing devastation caused by the crimes associated with illegal immigration.

Janet Napolitano

They're in 1A now, but they'll probably move to 2A in the next two years because they're growing so fast.

Stan Humphries

'This is what you should grow,' he told me. 'I paid $4 a pound for this stuff.

Rich Collins

When we grow this fish, there is no adverse impact on the environment.

Karol Rzepkowski

It?s sort of gratifying to really see the families that have come through our program and their children as they are growing up. It brings to light everything we do, on a grander scale.

Nancy Hudgins

This is still a very new area will that continue to grow. At some point, we won't differentiate between these drugs.

Denise Anderson

We've seen a marked increase from New Jersey. . . . It is growing.

Carolyn Mccormick

The students built on that. I feel that it's growing, getting better, and it's a sign that we're moving in the right direction.

Dana Landry

We expected the licensing fee to increase but we have not seen it grow as much as we wanted.

Tor Odland

This is an opportunity to grow the city to a stature that we've never seen before.

Walter Clark

Nobody ever dreamed we would grow into that $2 cap.

Kris Taylor

The desire for less fuel consumption is growing everywhere, whether it's influenced by environmental or economic concerns, due to booming oil prices.

Patrick Blain

Then, hopefully their family and friends will support the team, and it will grow from there.

Dave Cohen

China's market is the most compelling case for fuel cells. No one needs it more than China. Its auto industry is growing at a very hot pace.

Dennis Campbell

It's clearly growing. It's become a proven, mainstream model.

Paul Hamerman

We believe there are tremendous opportunities to continue to grow the business of all our vehicle brands here.

Till Becker

That's why this is so important. There's a big need for this here, and the kids really grow from it.

Amber Glenzel

You definitely do a lot of growing up. It's a big thing for a 17-year-old to go through.

Pat Devlin

The bullseye on our chest is growing, we are getting everyone's best shot. We are stepping up to the challenge.

Garrick Phillips

Very few fighters get the consideration of racehorses, which are put out to pasture to grow old with dignity and comfort when they haven't got it anymore.

Budd Schulberg

Thank you for helping me grow.

Wendy Kaminer

We publish for eight of the 10 fastest-growing professions in the U.S., because of the explosion in health-care workers.

Randy Charles

We feel it's a growing area. And we always try to go someplace different.

Clint Roswell

When I was growing up, kids wouldn't come out to my place because I was too far out in the country.

Dave Black

It's a young man's book, all about the perils and pitfalls of growing up.

Ian Rankin

That is the hardest part, getting good people; if they're not good, you're not going to grow.

Amy Veltri

There is a growing backlash against compliance. While the big boys may be able to afford it, the majority can't. To them, the risk of deleting it is far less than the price of complying.

Fred Moore

They are the kind of company we are trying to grow.

Nancy Engel

The ones that work are the ones that grow out of character.

Jonathan Prince

She always cooked her famous fried chicken for us growing up. She's been a great grandmother to us, loving and warm.

Jessica Lauer

If I want to build wealth to transfer to the next generation, I can let it grow on a tax-free basis.

John Nersesian

If they get things right, the park will grow and grow and then they will show a profit. If not, the dinosaurs die and the park goes bankrupt.

Debbie Murry

They (operating companies) are better financed, better able to grow, and they don't need to continually access external capital to complete acquisition plans.

Mike Winer

This will be an entertainment-driven area and a fast-growing community. At the end of the day there will be 25,000 residents and 5,000 students, all with differing beliefs.

Blake Gable

If I didn't enjoy it, the days would get really long. I enjoy watching the competitiveness and watching the kids grow.

Shawn Randel

Aaron, you are growing on me. You are starting to make a fabulous name for big men everywhere.

Sass Jordan

You don't stop laughing because you grow older. You grow older because you stop laughing.

Maurice Chevalier

We have more kids than we can handle most of the time. And the area's growing so much.

Pat Lippold

Joy does not face many competitors and demand is growing from emerging markets.

Jim Margard

We didn't grow the portfolio fast enough, and now we've got the opportunity to grow it in a big way.

Jill Lajdziak

I am pleased to be a part of this thriving and growing corporation.

Brian Olsen

The number is growing.

Richard Lee

This provides some conviction that China's economy is still growing very fast.

Milton Ezrati

The growing complexity of our customers' environments has imposed an artificial ceiling on their growth potential.

Joe Tucci

That nickname dates from when he was little. That was one of the only things he would drink while growing up.

Shawn Mccallister

The supply of oil has been growing all these years in approximate consonance with demand.

Michael Klare

I needed to grow as an artist and a writer.

Warren Woodberry

People live in their homes. People are still buying. Families are still growing.

Wayne Norris

Taunton is going through growing pains.

John Mccaul

As we grow older, our bodies get shorter and our anecdotes longer.

Robert Quillen

Asset allocation is not that different from what mom told us growing up: don't put all your eggs in one basket.

David I. Lampe

We certainly didn't grow up where we had family jams or anything.

Matthew Barber

We expect a poor product mix, with growing price competition in branded PCs to continue depressing its margins in 2006.

Tony Tseng

Spain is one of Europe's fastest-growing mobile markets.

Chris Gent

As human beings we do change, grow, adapt, perhaps even learn and become wiser.

Wendy Carlos

It's kind of fun being the cute, little one. In fact, I'm finding it hard to grow out of that.

Katie Holmes

I think that our fundamental belief is that for us growth is a way of life and we have to grow at all times.

Mukesh Ambani

It just continues to grow.

Perry Hunter

It was a lot of constant eating in college, ... I'm growing into my body more, so it's not as bad. I eat what normal people eat - just more, and more often.

Kristin Haynie

You never grow old until you've lost all your marvels.

Merry Browne

Knitting is one of the fastest growing crafts in the business.

Kristin Degnan

Hey - how can I find a head of wild lettuce? Where does it grow?

Joey Santiago

They want their character to grow from opening night to closing night and find new things. We don't want to find that in a fight.

Jason Armit

We would then have to create offices in every one of these cities … and ultimately grow with that system.

Steve Higdon

In 1992, 8 percent of the market share was with the top 10 percent of builders. In 2004 it was more than 21 percent and it is growing.

Gopal Ahluwalia

The economic data in the U.S. is still better than it is in Europe, Asia or anywhere else. The U.S. economy continues to grow, and the Fed is going to have to keep raising rates.

Hugh Walsh

I feel I had to grow up fast. When I was younger, my mom would go out and leave me by myself. When I was 11, she kicked me out.

Danielle Jones

This is a great place for them to chill out, eat as much as they need, and grow.

Holly Hall

Our language is disappearing. I hope [it] survives so my grandchildren and great-grandchildren will grow up to it.

Jacque Sequichie

If you're a little boy growing up in Texas, football is something you're going to do. Even if you don't have much talent, you play as long as you can.

Tim Crowder

It's growing more and more and people are getting more and more interested.

Alberto Perez

We needed to bring suppliers into the Wal-Mart environment and let them tell us how to grow.

Linda Dillman

I know this area is growing. I'm sure they have to expand their facilities.

John Vogel

With the way the area is growing, we hope we can mix a little bit of the old with the new. The old being our tradition and success and the new being the amount of talent that we hope to get.

Ricky Jones

Some dogs just don't grow. Must be the same with people.

Tommy Allain

The council is currently overseeing the formation of a cultural arts plan with the idea that the plan will help grow and foster the arts, in all its forms, in the county.

Art Keeble

It has been a good building for our system until we started to grow. As our system has grown, we've had growing pains, and there's no place to grow.

Connie Jones

Everybody would sign up for it. And if they did that, it would create a huge demand that would grow green energy on its own.

Carmine Vasile

The middle class is growing — that's the reality that nobody can stop.

Li Fan

Being a good psychoanalyst, in short, has the same disadvantage as being a good parent: The children desert one as they grow up.

Morton Hunt

After growing wildly for years, the field of computing appears to be reaching its infancy.

John Pierce

He's not a world-class competitor. But he's doing the right thing by getting started growing facial hair.

Bruce Roe

Our business is growing, but the best way for us to expand is under the same footprint.

Donna Curran

The demand for oil is going to continue growing, especially in China and the United States.

Michel Alaby

The place is growing very rapidly and the banking sector is growing as a multiple of that.

Bryan Sanderson

It's been the road they traveled to get here that was the special thing. They'll see that as they grow up.

Bill Hartley

There is a growing body of concern about the lack of any coherent strategy for arranging roadside furniture.

Mark Young

We have our hands full as of now, as Standard Chartered is doing well, growing organically, and making acquisitions.

Sreeram Iyer

The gap between value systems and high-performance systems will grow.

Richard Russell

We don't have to wait for a 110-foot-tree to grow perfectly straight.

Frank Poirot

We don't grow older, we grow riper.

Pablo Picasso

I really hesitate to cut technology. It is pretty much expected of them now, whereas we didn't have to deal with that growing up.

Janine Gracy

Germany is the fastest growing market.

Mike Chapman

You have a weak government or no government or several factions claiming to be government. You have a vacuum which is very favorable ground on which drugs and terrorism will grow.

Lakhdar Brahimi

Should reflect with courage and ambition a growing demand regarding this issue by the international community.

Jorge Sampaio

It's a growing town. It has a lot of our same demographic.

Pat O'connell

I wanted Andre to grow up and be the man God wanted him to be.

Karen Hill

This event is right up there with anything in the Bay. It's going to grow and grow because there's a real place for it.

Brian Mclay

Worldwide markets for advanced, grain-oriented electrical steels continue to grow.

James Wainscott

How often do you find a technology company growing at this rate.

John Fitzgibbon

Forty is not bad. It means you are still growing.

Skip Rimer

I think the managed accounts business is going to grow faster than the mutual fund industry.

Pete Kight

There is certainly a gender gap, and the demographics are not going to change. We can't grow 75-year-old men overnight.

Constance Swank

She just has a lot of growing up to do ? and lose the tiara.

Picabo Street

Interest in the festival is growing every year. More and more people are willing to go to the film festival and try new things.

Shane Danielsen

All of these things are in line with helping Copeland Park grow.

Chris Goodell

This earnings increase is the highest we have seen since 1999. It has been growing much faster than inflation.

Andrew Walker

We're in the game now. Obviously we don't want to tip off our competitors, but yes, the season will grow more promotional as we get further along.

Chris Brathwaite

I see the kiosk network growing and sucking up a lot of the customers because we can get to the consumer now.

Peter Rowan

This is yet another exciting new chapter in ESPN's growing relationship with MLB and the MLB Players Association.

Len Deluca

We're growing by leaps and bounds now and it's just all working, outstanding.

Bob Cabana

The employment base is not projected to grow very much over the 20 years.

Lillian Hames

Korean dry cleaners need Korean media to grow their businesses.

Sandy Close

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Sextus Propertius

Most of the plants growing at this point will be given away at Earth Day forum April 22.

Freya Holm

If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.

John McCrae

We are always looking for graduates to join. Besides, the only way we're going to be able to continue to grow is with the help of graduates.

Pam Bryant

Have started to grow at a rate faster than our business can support.

Martin Grass

Burn down your cities and leave our farms, and your cities will spring up again as if by magic; but destroy our farms and the grass will grow in the streets of every city in the country.

William Jennings Bryan

I expect to grow that business. There should be planes added to the fleet as we move forward, I hope.

John Denison

You have to grow and change. You have to become more tolerant.

Maxine Iceman

On her hair: 'I've been trying to grow it, but someone came up to me and asked if I was Enya. I was so shocked, I shaved all my hair off.' .

Sinead O'connor

If you just be safe about the choices you make, you don't grow.

Heath Ledger

We have five (volunteers) and need more. We are growing and do have a need for more.

Jeanna Stewart

The prospects for (Borders) growing tremendously are not there.

Jim Milliot

The De Beers brand will be at the heart of our growing jewelry activities.

Bernard Arnault

I let it grow every winter and get it cut in April or May. I'm too lazy in the off-season to get it cut.

A.j. Pierzynski

We're quietly and steadily growing.

Bill Dillon

R.A.D. for women is designed for women as an educational program for them to grow emotionally and physically against their attacker.

Amy Davis

It's critical for us to have a China center. China is a fast-growing, emerging market for North Carolina. The numbers are proof.

Peter Cunningham

In the Czech Republic, competition is so fierce that there is no way of growing margins. You can only grow volume.

Matthias Siller

Whatever we put our attention on will grow stronger in our life.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

It's people like her why you grow up wanting to be a coach and get to this level.

Melanie Balcomb

You only grow when you are alone.

Paul Newman

These children are growing up with entertainment, not art. When I teach them I try to mix in a little of both, but I also teach them to be committed to an ideal.

Regie Gibson

We're growing up, and we've got growing pains.

Bruce Kennedy

They're not thinking that the baby is going to grow up.

Trish Sullivan

As we mature spiritually, we exhibit a growing capacity to care for and appreciate one another in the body of Christ, regardless of our differences.

Joseph Stowell

To really see a change in people's health, these programs must grow significantly.

Parris Glendening

The difference between a man and a boy is, a boy wants to grow up to be a fireman, but a man wants to grow up to be a giant monster fireman.

Jack Handy

It's fun to be outside growing things. This is the longest job I've ever had.

Maria Gonzales

Change is needed in any growing company. I will be here to assure a smooth and seamless transition.

Robert Walter

May you grow in dignity and with grace.

Tim Shea

Taxes are not fun. If this is what being an adult is, then I don't want to grow up.

Arnold Serapilio

We will continue to add people as we grow.

Randy Ferreira

As I grow older and older, And totter toward the tomb, I find that I care less and less, Who goes to bed with whom.

Dorothy L. Sayers

It's about forgiveness and growing up and finding yourself and finding your place in the world and in the community and family and all that.

Larry Yando

Democracy means that anyone can grow up to be president, and anyone who doesn't grow up can be vice president.

Johnny Carson

Parents are frustrated. We ask them to bear with our growing pains. All the spaces are filled.

Marilyn King

With all the rest of the tournaments, that should grow to between $75,000 and $100,000.

Jay Tigner

When you're growing that fast, it is a strain on time and resources, and the temptation exists not to devote the time.

Gary Keep

More flexibility could help create employment in several sectors, especially for small companies for which it is difficult to grow.

Laure Maillard

The MMO gaming audience is already growing beyond the 18 to 34 year old male gamer. More wives and girlfriends are playing these games.

Bill Turpin

We have about 100 members who remained, a nice base, and it continues to grow.

Dan Hathaway

These are good growth stocks and we think the earnings are going to continue to keep growing.

Don Hodges

As the numbers grow, our scholarships grow, too. Without the grant, we could not do it.

Cindy Smith

The U.S. is certainly behind as far as licensing and growing industrial hemp.

Keith Watson

It's more like the specialty vegetable crops than it's like growing a big commodity like corn or soybeans.

Blake Brown

We need more people around here and we need to grow. We are 25 years behind Victorville.

Bill Whyde

We're not growing our reserves in proportion to our company. That's what drives (rate increases).

Mark Stinneford

It will grow back.

Jennifer Dunn

We have membership in all of the surrounding counties. Our participation is growing.

Wayne Mccants

A commissioner said something tonight about another commissioner who does not have a chance to defend [himself]. Grow up John, grow up.

John Lucas

The Latino demographic is an audience that is growing in terms of populations and disposable income.

Robert Routh

There will be some cost savings that come out of this, but the focus is not on cost savings. It's on setting the right structure to grow the business.

John O'neil

You'll see the economy grow, ... People are going to come here and play golf. How do we know? We have done our homework.

Debbie Moore

The reason is a growing need for bandwidth.

Lawrence Gasman

Maybe 60 to 70 percent of them are new or start-up companies. These numbers continue to grow.

Bob Vetere

Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is growing up.

James Baldwin

Give the children an opportunity to make garden. Let them grow what they will. It matters less that they grow good plants than that they try for themselves.

Liberty Hyde Bailey