Bulging waistlines are growing and it's going to cost taxpayers more dollars regardless of where you live.

Shelley Hearne

We've got a very enthusiastic board and we feel confident that the civic center is in a position to grow, serve the community and meet our mission.

John Morgan

DCF thinks children are more likely to grow up happy and healthy with their family.

Richard Wexler

These things are growing like a cancer on our city.

Bob Loy

We Latinos are in a growing stage in the NBA. It's all part of the international basketball boom.

Manu Ginobili

She's growing as a player and has an all-around game. She's very athletic and quick on the court.

Gerrick Nagata

The region is home to the fastest growing casino market.

Jonathan Galaviz

Hopefully, you'll watch this tree. As you grow, it'll grow.

James Hull

The polarization in Iran is clear and probably will grow. This is the kind of environment that can bring more tensions.

Shibley Telhami

The event is something that continues to grow as people count on it every year. We're expecting four to five hundred competitors.

Kathryn Johnson

We are growing significantly faster than the industry as a whole.

Bob Eaton

This was a legal grow for people who are authorized to receive medical cannabis, and it was not an excessive grow.

Steve Bailey

We expect revenues and earnings to grow considerably for the full fiscal year 2005.

Gunter Thielen

It will probably grow 1/2 inch a day. It needs to get to about 8 inches before it can be harvested.

Kevin Bouchey

Music is forever; music should grow and mature with you, following you right on up until you die.

Paul Simon

Trees, though they are cut and lopped, grow up again quickly, but if men are destroyed, it is not easy to get them again.


We're growing approximately 10 per cent a year.

Lars Frederiksen

The demand for charter schools is growing. If we are to continue to close the achievement gap in this country and create real opportunity for children, caps on charter schools must be lifted now.

Nelson Smith

We have children who grow up without ever seeing the Milky Way. It's sad.

Phil Cowell

We found 31 cannabis plants growing in a shed and, more disturbingly, we found a Taser stun gun.

Barry Lewis

Council tax bills are growing significantly faster than inflation.

Martin Ellis

If they want easy color, pansies are easy to take care of. They're pretty easy to grow.

Sherie Sinon

Sri Lanka has demonstrated a capacity to grow at no less than 4 percent and not more than 6 percent when conditions with respect to the conflict are not deteriorating sharply.

Peter Harrold

I started craving chocolate, I never ate candy as a kid growing up.

Larry Latham

There's only one thing that can keep growing without nourishment: the human ego.

Marshall Lumsden

The greatest penalty of evildoing - namely, to grow into the likeness of bad men.


It was about what I expected. We have some growing to do, but it was a nice start.

Mike Olson

The art of using deceit and cunning grow continually weaker and less effective to the user.

John Tillotson

We are now growing at a faster rate, and we feel it is due to the programming.

Jim Collins

I have been trying to help out in getting charity events and corporate events and try and grow the membership in any way I can.

John Congemi

We are going to be aggressive and grow the company.

Phil Baumgardner

What is becoming clear now is that the trees will not grow to the sky.

Konrad Becker

[It's] the fastest growing clinic they've ever had.

Carrie Perkins

I feel good about this team. We're young and going through some growing pains, but we're eager to learn and get better.

Frank Martinez

We have a growing crisis. We aren't looking at solutions to the crisis. We're looking at cutting back the very program that has cushioned the impact.

Kathleen Stoll

The growing perception is that Japan is falling back into a dark hole of recession again.

Carl B. Weinberg

It is realistic to assume the segment won't grow.

Robert Lutz

We need old friends to help us grow old and new friends to help us stay young.

Letty Cottin Pogrebin

We're expecting big things around here. It's definitely a growing market.

George Donoho

We are just continuing to develop our campaign and continuing to grow.

Tim Lennon

The whole notion of alternative payments is really growing as an industry.

Lauren Freedman

The Houston economy has not been booming. It's been growing, but gradually.

Barton Smith

Never grow a wishbone, daughter, where your backbone ought to be.

Clementine Paddleford

The propane market is definitely growing.

Jeff Eidson

It's great to be tested early because you can really grow from that. We know we have to make the most of every practice right now.

Jessica Nelthorpe

Here and there you'd see a tree that was budding or grass trying to grow. There was hope.

Carolyn Hunter

The yield-curve flattening has certainly been challenging for banks. The winners and losers will be decided on how well they can generate revenues faster than expenses are growing.

Mark Batty

To a growing degree, it is not governments, but rather quite different forces that decide the fate of humankind.

Georg Henrik Von Wright

It is well that war is so terrible - otherwise we would grow too fond of it.

Robert E. Lee

It was a great experience to grow up in the Depression. If one didn't work, one didn't have money. There was no welfare to fall back on.

Anthony Stasio

I don't think it's a film about dance, ... I think it's a film about going through your family and leaving your family and the bittersweet element of growing out and growing up and moving on.

Stephen Daldry

We'll do a fun one and then we'll do a serious one, to grow her in both ways. So when she gets older, she has that option.

Cindy Osbrink

Love's mysteries in souls do grow, But yet the body is his book.

John Donne

In the current environment people will see things in a sectarian light... and it may well lead to further expansion of growing sectarian animosities.

Joost Hiltermann

One reason we are here is because we hope the strategic relationship will continue to grow.

Lee Whitney

The visitors are an economic engine for Somerset County and the entire region. This facility is going to help our region grow.

Annie Urban

We'll end this year at 300 team members. We've been able to grow because we can retain excellent team members.

Trip Goodloe

Our customers down there are seeing their businesses expand and our opportunities are growing in the region.

Jane Johnson

The sky just exploded. It was debris everywhere. It moved across the road and then it just grew, it kept growing and growing and debris was just everywhere.

David Murray

It's a sign of the growing confidence in the improvement to the Argentinean economy.

Robert Atkinson

That's a positive. But it does present a challenge to us as we continue to grow.

Jamie Green

We've made it very clear we're focused on growing our business, and international growth in particular.

George Reyes

The Upstate of South Carolina has an excellent engineering resource base that will allow us to continue growing our business and meeting our customers' expectations.

Jay Alexander

This is definitely much more than a one-time event. We still think there's a lot of room for the company to grow.

Matt Collins

A lot of guys are growing up before our eyes — like Gomes and West.

Paul Pierce

Terry Fox was a hero to me when I was growing up.

Jason Cooper

Everybody sitting around and talking football is good for our area, and hopefully we can continue to make this thing grow and bring in some good speakers, because we've had some excellent ones here.

Walt Davis

This market has been long known as the fastest-growing in the country.

Dale Gibbons

This is really important to make sense of the experience and to grow from it.

Jeff Schaffer

Dreams grow holy put in action.

Adelaide Anne Procter

It will continue to grow because of the demand for nurses and caregivers. It may not be replicated, since it is already at its peak, but it will still be in double digits.

Diwa Guinigundo

The idea would be to grow this as a major track venue for Central California.

Carlo Prandini

Most men do not mature, they simply grow taller.

Leo Rosten

The fact of New York is that you have to grow up. You have to get over it.

Peter Marino

We think it's a growing trend and they're here to stay.

Jeff Tjornehoj

We had expected enrollment to grow.

Lori Price

The no. 1 domestic growth driver will be grocery. Wal-Mart has a lot of room to grow there. It's already the No. 1 grocer in Texas.

George Whalin

It was a great building to learn and grow in, but it is just so inefficient.

Louise Driver

We are still arresting people. This is a growing operation.

Dennis Gutierrez

You see how the economy is developing in your particular area -- retail is growing in this area -- then you have to get your foot in the door and work your way up.

Matthew Wilkins

I am now really looking forward to the season. And why not? Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Ben Cohen

My priority is to increase the endowment fund. I think we'll continue to grow.

David Stewart

We certainly encourage companies already here to grow and expand. They are investing heavily in our community.

Jim Wehmeier

Fountain Hills can be a destination. It can grow in a managed way.

Bruce Tominello

At the close of business last Friday, there were 400. On Tuesday there were 900. It's now approaching 2,300, ... It's growing astronomically. ... We can't keep up.

Louis Reigel

We concluded that these geese populations were growing out of control.

Bruce Batt

Online auctions, both B2C (business-to-consumer) and B2B, are one of the fastest-growing areas of the Internet.

David Wetherell

They're growing at three to four times the personal computer market.

Charles Wolf

It's kind of what we hoped and envisioned it could grow into.

Buddy Guillory

He's continually growing and putting on weight. That's a battle he's going to fight with. He's not very strong for the weight class, but he's very athletic.

Thomas Britt

Our aim in Europe is to grow organically. We're not considering any acquisitions.

Fred Goodwin

Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon.

Doug Larson

In all, we forecast that world lead production will grow by 5.5%-6.0% in 2006 and 4%-4.5% in 2007.

Stephen Briggs

If it is a first offense, you ground them and have a talk. The second offense would call for counseling. ... Growing Pains.

Alan Thicke

Catalog blow-ins are the fastest growing insert media.

Jeff Holland

This is a large, growing and successful orthopedic practice.

David Meeks

It was more and more challenging to get growth from that asset. We're replacing a slow-growing business that does not fit into our core franchise.

Gerald Hassell

Catfish started to grow, because row cropping became so unprofitable, and a lot of farmers quit row cropping and started catfish farming.

Jamey Clary

The economy continues to grow at a good pace but without much inflation.

Kevin Logan

It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.

E e cummings

We're not buying every bushel in that radius. Our customer base on the corn side is 280 producers and 30 grain dealers and growing every day.

Dan Wegner

It's important to me, they continue to do the work he was working on. But, it's also important the church continue to build and grow from what he's left behind.

Nicole Johnson

It's nice to see it grow.

Rice Powell

We're getting a lot less religious about the operating system to find the areas where we can grow.

Andy Bechtolsheim

The complexities of projects within companies continues to grow.

Robert Chapman

It begins with the growing realization that another ? the mother ? has it, she has control over it, and she's not you.

Mark Owens

The reality is that video is still nascent on the Web in general, but it's growing fast.

Jim Spanfeller

Our core business is healthy and continues to grow, as evidenced by our top line.

Peter Kellogg

The hoteliers were adding seed coral to let them grow for the tourists in glass-bottom boats.

Harinda Joseph Fernando

You're probably going to have to wait six months before you see a change as far as growing hair.

William Cox

Nobody can pinpoint when this process will come to an end. But it is very clear that it can't go on forever. Do you let this bubble grow, or do you do something about it?

Carlos Asilis

When the snowbirds come back, it'll grow, ... They don't know about it.

Tom Shaw

The defects of the understanding, like those of the face, grow worse as we grow old.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Earnings have been growing faster than stock prices. We've continued to have a cheaper and cheaper market.

Jim Paulsen

You don't grow much grass on anything labeled poor. It's very bad.

Carl Anderson

Out of difficulties grow miracles.

Jean De La Bruyere

He is growing up, maturing in front of everybody's eyes.

Mike Degory

The Cisco AVS and WAE are just the beginning of a growing family of products through which Cisco is redefining accelerated application delivery.

George Kurian

Moore County is going through growing pains.

Jerry Meek

Get this in mind early: We never grow up.

Richard Bach

We haven't made any decision about an expansion there or anywhere else. We're a growing company, so we're always looking. We don't discuss what we may or may not be considering.

Anne Crowley

What it amounts to is an outright attack on Manassas' growing Latino population.

Kent Willis

That's a neat, growing part of our ministry.

Mark Hogg

Dimas thinks way beyond himself. It has been great to watch him grow.

John Borden

When I was 30, I said 'enough of this. I decided it was time to grow up.

Andrew Kaufman

This is a growing community, but there's never enough in the budget for what we need to do.

Linda Mack

This mogul series has really made our kids challenge their abilities and grow in the competition arena.

Kirk Rawles

I come from a family of athletes so It was just natural growing up. Plus I come from a big family so there was always someone to play with.

Rudy Morrow

Frank III is growing up fast. He's had to. He's had to help out his mom.

John Kehoe

I was really hoping that I'd get to see my daughter go to kindergarten. Now I know I'll get to see her grow up.

Kristie Naines

We can always use more high- quality development, and this is a growing niche.

Stephen Owen

The market in the entire Asia/Pacific region is growing well, but it is extremely strong in China with the build-up to the Beijing Olympics.

Greg Buzek

People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built.

Eleanor Roosevelt

Growing Up Brady: I Was a Teenage Greg.

Barry Williams

I hope this was a sign of us growing up. We definitely needed this victory.

Leonard Hamilton

Very likely I did, ... I hope I grow wiser every year.

John Hunter

We are all broken and wounded in this world. Some choose to grow strong at the broken places.

Harold J. Duarte bernhardt

It will allow Friedman to grow their business.

Robert Mazzarella

We have a promise not to let our debt grow faster than our economy, ... I'm concerned. I'm taking action.

Carole Taylor

I want to grow old without facelifts. I want to have the courage to be loyal to the face I have made.

Marilyn Monroe

The pest control industry is continually growing as prevention has become the strategy of choice.

Cindy Mannes

Cache County is growing at a much slower pace than other counties in the state.

John Mathews

We need to grow as an industry.

Peter Moore

I think the face of competition will be growing.

Debra Popineau

The biggest thing we gain is good morale for our employees. They know that we are offering them the opportunities to grow their careers at Erickson.

Jean Turner

When these dairymen move, almost all of them grow because they reinvest the capital generated by the sale of the property into a bigger dairy.

Gary Korsmeier

I don't plan to grow old gracefully; I plan to have face-lifts until my ears meet.

Rita Rudner

There are no additional places to grow.

Brent Trout

There is an expanding market waiting for us if we will grow the stuff.

Dan Maltby

[And the company is not done growing.] We are relatively adolescent, ... We have a lot of growth ahead of us.

Walter Robb

It wasn't like growing up with Lou Costello. It was growing up with Dad.

Chris Costello

We grow old more through indolence, than through age.

Christina Of Sweden

Diversified businesses are growing at a faster rate than we thought.

John Lee

We expect the market to grow in steady fashion (in 2006).

Miles Flint

We fully expect this is a giant step in the direction of growing the company and all its Disney brands and businesses in this very populous region.

Robert Iger

The port is growing by leaps and bounds, and we have other port business.

Donald Goldberg

This is a great group of guys. We're coming together as a team, and we're all growing up together.

Sebastien Caron

Nobody can focus on a growing, widening net, ... We have to focus on those most likely to re-offend.

John Rees

There are growing concerns that oil companies are making too much in profits at the expense of consumers.

Pete Domenici

We need to go through this; this is all part of growing up.

Al Roberts

These other states, they don't let grass grow, so we've got to get it.

Bob Allen

It's so simple to grow, and nothing bothers it.

Janet Cangemi

The only way the company will grow is if the city of Nevada grows. That is the basic philosophy of the company.

Rick Hendricks

It is kind of a connection to Mattoon. I grew up there and I had a lot of friends and acquaintances there. I had a lot of good feelings about Mattoon. It was a great place to grow up.

John Mckleroy

That number is growing every year.

Frank Knapp

Without the college, we couldn't grow our own.

Kai Gerkey

We love identifying little companies. We're looking for those small acorns that are going to grow into big companies in the future.

Michael Nock Draws

There is a lot of horsetrading that goes on and sometimes you have to do these types of things to get programs like Growing Greener approved.

Connie Williams

The film's not just about love, but growing up as well.

Rosamund Pike

Things grow stronger when you integrate.

Daniel Wilson

We expect all of the business segments to grow.

Bill Aylesworth

Most of our new banking stores are located in fast-growing areas.

Gerrit Van Huisstede

Our members agree that the hospital should grow and thrive.

Chris Barton

College is about exchanging ideas and growing as a person effective. Clear and appropriate communication is an integral part of that.

Wade Robinson

It was amazing. You grow up playing outside and then to come here and see the crowd, it was an amazing sight to walk out to that.

Sean Collins

The flower of kindness will grow. Maybe not now, but it will some day. And in kind that kindness will flow, For kindness grows in this way.

Robert Alan

We're a fast-growing company and we love San Francisco. We're going to make sure we keep up with the needs of our growing employee base.

Bruce Francis

You're going to see it play out and grow in interest.

Guy Morse

I expect it to grow by a couple hundred.

Gary Kurokawa

The interesting thing is imported beer is growing.

Tom Cardella

We accentuate the positive and don't try to shock. I think there's a growing appetite for that. We're surrounded by shock.

Charles Osgood

He can grow into a statesman, as Reagan did. Or he can continue to be a caricature of himself.

Barbara O'connor

The federal government is going to continue to grow.

Marvin Hill

If you can make it, bake it or grow it.

Carolyn Bouchard

I had a lot of growing up to do. A lot of times, I learned the hard way.

Allen Iverson

I've been down there growing up. My grandfather had a condo in the Keys. I'd go down and get a feel for Miami. I've had a very good comfort level.

Nick Fanuzzi

The Japanese yen will become less of a driver for Asian foreign exchange and the influence of the yuan will grow.

Irene Cheung

Emerging markets are growing well for them, but not enough to compensate for slowing in the U.S..

Jason Maxwell

I'm 40, not married, and I don't have a dog. I grow up to be a loser!

The Others

I don't know that there's a lot of longevity with a lot of attractions. Maybe a little more time should be put into it to allow that to grow.

Paul Anka

Working with the kids and watching them grow is what I'm going to miss.

Russ Rosenbauer

There are no hard numbers, but it's a growing area.

David Kaplan

When you're green, your growing. When you're ripe, you rot.

Ray Kroc

You can grow this online without any disruption to your applications.

Dave Donatelli

We want her to grow with some knowledge of her culture.

Kevin Lewis

There was a connection right away. Everyone brought something different. We just needed to grow and we did.

Melissa Nafzger

This is a growing county, and they have talked about getting a second health officer.

Dr. Justin Denny

It's pretty stark. It's all I can say. It was green, it was growing - and now it's gone.

Dan Lynn

Growing older is not upsetting; being perceived as old is.

Kenny Rogers

What that lead us to do is grow our news department.

Gideon Yago