She wasn't sure what to do early.

Greg Bennett

They need moisture desperately, especially those (crops) that were planted early.

John Beasley

It could accelerate early bud break.

Nick Frey

If you don't get to him early, you don't get to him. His competitiveness, his desire to win (are) just tremendous. A lot of times he just threw it by them.

Jim Smith

He was struggling early. I made the change to slow the game down.

Rick Tocchet

Believe it or not, we had users in the early days.

David Joseph

They do a lot of stand-up, walking around, try to confuse you early.

Bob Connelly

We held them off. We got to them early, but then their pitcher settled down.

Phil Amelio

So don't make plans on early rumors, demos, and public announcements.

Tom Austin

I'm very, very disappointed. But it's early in the year and hopefully things will get better.

Akiko Morigami

It's going to be an early Christmas.

Chris Bostic

People who are right out of high school, in their early 20s – it amazes me what they eat.

Josh Taylor

There's been a lot of download activity from what's known as the early adopters.

Russ Crupnick

We all got spring fever a little early.

Julie Ross

If we had scored those goals early, we would have finished them early.

Bob Clague

Early must I rise. Leave now you must!

Frank Oz

It was a good test for us. We got down early, but we were able to work our way back.

Brian Meneely

Going to bed early doesn't mean you're going to get more sleep.

Susan Rubman

We were hoping that consumers would get refunds as early as March. It's not clear that will happen.

Jennifer Hoyle

It's really comprehensive. I wasn't familiar with early science fiction. It's cool to see the roots of sci-fi.

Brian Anderson

Those early races really set the scene for the year.

Pat Symonds

We had a chance to get to (Hall) early, but we didn't. He got a little better as the game went on. To his credit, he gutted it out.

Curt Ditzenberger

We established the midfield early and played very well.

Tom Basel

We were playing so tentative early on. I don't know if it was nerves or what.

Linda Kilpatrick

We have no idea of what it might have been at this early stage.

Peter Gibson

They are just starting their September campaign early.

Mayor Mary Manross

I think I'm a lot more patient. I think I was more a drill sergeant in the early years.

Tony Chapman

One of the worst things that can happen in life is to win a bet on a horse at an early age.

Danny Mcgoorty

We jumped on Washington with pressure and our pressure was the difference early. We got a lot of transition buckets early and that put it away early.

Jeff Boogaart

It's a great way to beat cabin fever in the early spring.

Margi Huber

These are early days.

Peter Hain

The fact of the matter is that it's much too early to anoint anyone yet.

Basil Smikle

He arrives early and talks to people, getting a sense of Americana.

Alfred E. Newman

We expect him to be back into full training by early December.

Paul Armstrong

I only drink wine, and it's a bit early for that.

Ann Armstrong

This is great news and a bonus for London to have Paula confirmed early.

David Bedford

We jumped on them early ... we caused turnovers got some baskets and protected the ball well.

Jeff Tarkowski

I think we played a good defense, and got a lot of pressure on the ball early.

David Pickard

We have to do a better job of rebounding. We didn't get match them in attacking the glass early and that really hurt.

Becky Brown

It's a bit early for that sort of talk, I think.

Chris Judd

A game like this really helps us, because after we get up early we can find some time for everybody.

Sarah Petersen

They left campus early. They hurt the team.

Mike Parsons

We are early enough to get the people in the area that we need to get.

Paul Slavin

I think we caught it early.

David Dodson

It's too early to say what the free-float is going to be.

Anne Dunn

I believe he's a Division-I player. He has a lot of interest (from D-I programs) and it's still early.

Mike Spisto

It is simply too early to tell.

Stephen Koukoulas

The biggest single lesson was an early one, and that was that what appeared to be a lifeless landscape was anything but.

Peter Frenzen

I had checked swings at a couple of pitches early. I got myself behind.

Preston Wilson

And if I came early, I had to help him eat. He just always insisted that I have something.

Marjorie Belka

They're bigger than us. So we figured we'd beat them down the court, get some easy buckets and jump on them early.

Curtis White

We are very hopeful that come early next week, it'll be back.

Peggy Sell

Early in the game we got them in our pace, and our pressure was effective.

Brady Wells

Early morning cheerfulness can be extremely obnoxious.

William Feather

When you have got an early lead like that, you don't want to back off at all.

Wade Redden

Believing: it means believing in our own lies. And I can say that I am grateful that I got this lesson very early.

Gunther Grass

Getting back to what made us successful early on.

Chris Gratton

That was the only game where we allowed anyone to score on us. They scored early in the game and converted it, for a score of 0-7.

Jack Beardmore

We did well early in the game.

Brevin Knight

This will be a lot from the '60s, with a little from the late '50s and early '70s. It will have the Motown sound, the British invasion.

David E. Johnson

Samba's early goal relieved us off pressure.

Robert Muller

We're in the very early marketing stages.

Keith Harris

Our goal early is to get ready for later.

Bob Myerhoff

Our rescue teams have been working since early this morning.

Gordon Miller

They looked strong early.

Tony Grant

It's very unusual for us to get this amount of rain this early in the season.

Chris Dagenais

There's starting to be a real need. It's something that we identified early and need to address.

Chris Bonura

I haven't seen anything yet. It is really too early to evaluate the case.

Fernando Mancias

It may be too early to gauge. We think it's had success.

Stephen Mcdonald

We communicated all the way around (early in the game). Everyone was talking, but we weren't doing that at the end.

Ben Shea

It looked so good last night. Up 4-0 early. ...

Crystal Smith

I was there every day except when I went on vacation. I'd get there early and stay until the afternoon.

Kevin Barry

Peter was not looked upon as an unmitigated blessing in the early '80s.

Bob Zelnick

Pressure them early. That's what we're all about. We believe in pressure.

Lawton Williams

It's early in the investigation. Not everybody that we need to speak to has been contacted yet.

Nathalie Deschenes

It's too early to tell if there will be any impact from these rains on the 2006 crop in southern Africa.

Mike Huggins

We started talking with them in early 2003 about what a facility would need to have.

Joseph O'neill

While it remains early days, change is in the air and in the results at WMT.

Adrianne Shapira

It's always something we do well. We always count on our defense more than our offense. It's one of those things that if you get it going early, it's going to be a good night.

Aanika Dobbins

I was a 'kid' kid. Even though I experimented with performing at an early age my parents never thought I'd be an actress.

Shelley Long

We went too early with a look that was too overtly Christmas.

Anthony Hebron

Simons got into some trouble early but he made some adjustments and pitched well.

Joe Mikulik

To do as well as we've done early, it's nice because we haven't hit our stride yet.

Tim Gower

Early in the season, we weren't getting the hits when we needed them.

Lauren Clark

Diagnostics are key to assessing your health. Early intervention can solve a lot of problems.

Raj Chhibber

With China now back in the market after the New Year, there was some catching up in early trading on Monday.

William Adams

I thought that we came with some energy early.

Josh Mcpherson

We had some early fund buying this morning. And we had some midday trade buying.

Dave Meger

Early this morning, I signed my death warrant.

Michael Collins

It appeared he was depressed. He had been weaned from his mom too early and was lonely. I couldn't bear to see him so upset.

Megan Burder

Carver did a nice job on the offensive boards early.

Dexter Irvin

I want to run fast, but I won't be upset if I don't break my PR (16:02), ... You don't want to set the standard too high too early.

Brian Dennis

It's much too early to start talking about targets for developing countries.

Marthinus Van Schalkwyk

If they make a couple of their shots early, it could be a different game.

Doug Stiverson

If you get them early enough it becomes a mindset.

Jill Gaudelli

It's still too early to say when the stadium will be open.

Michael Cunnah

They're trying to make me lose all my hair early.

Mark Lundgren

We don?t reveal a lot of intricate details early in an investigation.

Mike Winters

We dug ourselves too big of a hole early on.

Chancellor Steve Ballard

I made a decision early on that it's worth the money.

Adam Spence

We were talking about the long run. It's way too early to tell.

Rick Mcallister

It is too early to tell from the data, but it will be interesting to watch in coming years.

Chris Hurt

This (Oregon program) is a little different beast than the Oregon and Oregon State teams of the early '90s.

Bobby Hauck

Then we will bring that back to the public in late May or early June.

Peter Herzog

My probation officer released me early ... because I complied with everything that he asked me to do.

Karyn Hopkins

This early forecast has put us in good shape.

Randy Smith

That is a change of the original All Black schedule. Canterbury's players are choosing to come back early.

Chris Boyd

We need to start talking early.

Robin Day

I wanted to go after their hitters early and let my defense do the work.

David Poutier

They have nothing to lose. They're young. We'll really have to bring it early. If we don't, we'll be in for another tough one tomorrow.

Brent Norberg

We believe there will be an AMD/Dell deal announced very soon; more specifically, we believe it will come as early as March.

Doug Freedman

He shouldn't even have to say that, it's so early in the season. They lost? Whatever. It's early. I was there when we were 1-3 (in 2001) and won the Super Bowl. You can't go by that.

Tebucky Jones

A lot of early firewall products did a lot of damage to voice.

Lawrence Byrd

In terms of our ultimate success, it's too early to tell.

John Katz

It was like the April showers came early in the area.

David Humphrey

I struggled a lot early. The more pitches you see, the better you're going to get.

Bishop John Shelby Spong

He is in a critical condition. The doctors are trying their level best. We are all praying for his early recovery.

Harsh Vardhan

A double cast with a 60-person chorus is a big endeavor for so early in the year.

Robert Larsen

It's way too early to say anything has been decided. We have to determine what we want and what [baseball officials] want and what makes sense.

Vince Morris

We have to see where we are early on to prepare ourselves for that challenge. We have to build on that so that we can go farther this year.

Michelle Davis

It's like it was back in the early '90s when we were coming to camp with a chance to win a championship every year.

Craig Patrick

I think they got us back on our heels a little early. The crowd and the intensity really had an effect on us.

Mallorie Winn

It's too early to say what the state would do if we get to that point.

Jenny Nash

We definitely wanted to get out of the blocks fast. It was nice to get the early lead.

Shawn Woodward

It's something he could not rule out in the future, but it's very early days for the organization.

Jennifer Stephens

Then we'll be bringing our draft recommendations to council and the Port Authority by early fall.

Dave Reid

Instead of a big-bang release, what we're trying to do is give customers access to the code early.

Karl Freund

We did a fantastic job. It was a really good win. We executed and did a lot of good things. Cloverleaf did well early, but then we did what we needed to do.

Dana Addis

At state, we can't be doing that. We got to come out early.

Chris Gasseling

I modeled my early life after her.

Lindsay Moran

I'd rather start early and get out early.

Cherrelle Denwiddie

We're just too early in this to be tipping our hand to our rivals.

Jeff Weber

We came out with the offense early. That was nice; it's always nice to get some run support.

Stephen Faris

I never doubted these girls, even early in the year when we were struggling.

Mark Sovers

I am looking forward to working with him when he arrives in the UK in early December.

Tony Smith

It is my sense that we have not yet reached bottom, or at the least it is too early to declare we have reached bottom.

Roger Ferguson

We come here early every Saturday for the veggies and the flowers.

John Bauer

By the early 1970s, we knew the diagnostics of how the system was changing.

Robert Twilley

It's too early to say yet, but it will have to be a big name.

Peter Mckenna

It's all about early detection. If you find the cancer early enough, you can give patients options.

Nicholas Broffman

We also saw this in the early '80s and mid-'90s.

Dave Davis

There were a lot of headaches during the early stages of the program.

Jenny Kocian

Early speed is the key to her success but she has some bottom. In Grade AA it may be harder for her to come from behind.

Rodney Cooley

Early on, the morale and vigor at the DEP was restored.

David Pringle

The bake sale things go fast, so if you want bake sale things, you should get there early in the day.

Marianne Gennis

It's never too early to begin your career search.

Brandon Bute

That's way beyond anything you could possible attribute to early adopters.

Paul Goode

He was lobbing along beautifully, but when he put down at that early fence it ruined the race for us.

Tony Dobbin

It's too early to kind of distinguish one style of music for the band.

Bryan Mcfadden

If you're here for inspiration, you're too late. If you're here for the funeral, you're too early.

Will & Grace

We haven't been close. It's been a while, but it's still early.

Coleman Smith

We wanted to get the lead early and put pressure on them.

Spence Chitwood

It's far too early to be contemplating those kinds of partnerships.

Barry West

It's early. We've still got Atlantic and Leonard, so that could change pretty quick.

Terry Gough

It's very much the early adopter phase.

Raja Khanna

It's too early to tell. It could wind up being the New Deal on steroids.

Mike Franc

It's too early to tell on some of this stuff.

Doug Bradley

We gave up too much, too early. But we'll be there in the end. We'll see them for the money when it counts.

Jim Reynolds

I thought about it, but it's a very small college, and I thought I would have a better chance if I went for early decision.

Julissa Ventura

Start early and begin raising the bar throughout the day.

Bruce Jenner

We knew with their crowd here that we had to come up with the hustle plays early to take them out.

Jonathan Wallace

We came up with some big plays and those fumbles really hurt them early.

Charlie Mcfall

We start early every day, and we make everything from scratch. We don't use anything processed.

Sonnie Bentley

(The visit) will take place early in March and the date will be announced soon.

Dino Patti Djalal

It is still too early to know if (Merck) will be able to win cases on a consistent basis.

Albert Rauch

The guys adapted well early on, when it did a little bit, and overall it was a good day for us.

Brian Bell

The device will surely have its early adopters.

Tim Scannell

They hang their hat on the fact that they were able to re-establish the run. That's something that we'll come out and try to stop early.

Hunter Hillenmeyer

The most famous example is probably early on in the Harper government.

David Akin

From early on, I have been making movies with my friends.

Brandon Miller

It's really to early to tell (how the mall is doing).

Bob Gold

The paddling is very good, especially for being so early in the season.

Brian Wright

It's never too early to get them thinking about their future.

Olga Muoz

To play a match of this caliber this early in the season is very beneficial.

Billy Chadwick

We considered several issues and came up with a common stand on kicking off early.

Bernard Bainamani

We did not catch it nearly as early as we should have.

John Britton

Overall, I'm happy. A win is a win. We got ahead early and probably got a little content.

Tom Inman

To say, 'Hey, that's a certain position that should be drafted,' I think it's too early, at least right now, to comment on.

Sean Payton

We got up early on them, and then they hit some shots. They hang around. They're a well-coached team and are a lot better than their record.

Andy Werner

Sometimes the easiest thing to do is cancel early, but that's not the best thing for the customer.

Mark Moran

It's very early stages, it's idea-creation stage.

Roger Burrows

I was struggling a bit early on but the eagle on the 13th really got me going again.

Anthony Wall

It's in the early stages at the moment.

Ian Millward

I thought we set the tone early defensively.

Rob Schimmoeller

It was the least expensive way to end the war as early as possible.

Van Kirk

We announced that we would delay the IPO until early this year and we're sticking to that, ... We plan to complete the IPO this year.

Jim Gerace

He carried us early on when we were struggling.

Brad Chasteen

We're looking for an early trial -- sometime in June.

Paul Bergman

When you go into the first grade you have to get up early.

Jack Reed

He started breaking better and was getting into his races early.

Ron Otto

He was arrested in Borno state, at the Cameroon border, in the early hours of this morning. He's in the custody of security agencies in Borno.

Haz Iwendi

We struggled early in the year, and we're playing good basketball now. This is a lot of fun.

Craig Lorenz

We set the tone early with our defense. Byrnes made a few runs at us, but we were able to keep our composure.

Paula Blackwell

The doctors are not going to let him start early. The problem is raising your arm.

Joseph Volpe

We were picking up their hitters early and closing in on the block.

Brian Doyon

Early this afternoon, the National Police have detained five people.

Angel Acebes

Take the time, start early, and read the booklet. It's not that difficult.

Jay Safier

It's still alive. It was quite a surprise. I wasn't expecting it so early.

Lars Hanson

March is starting with an early taste of autumn.

Bob Mcdavitt

We kicked the ball around early in the top of the fourth and gave 'em a big inning.

Scot Meeker