Reading is a wonderful way to bond with newborns, and encouraging early reading is the ultimate goal. We want to help people in our community develop a lifelong love of learning and, maybe in the process, we can contribute a little to family bonding.

We recognized a great opportunity here to encourage reading, and what a better time to do it than when they're newborns? It's a wonderful way to bond with newborns and to make reading a habit early.

We want everyone to feel that their library card is special, regardless of their age. We want them to know that, as soon as you get a library card, it becomes part of your life.

We are very hopeful that come early next week, it'll be back.

We started with the assumption that it was a software-related problem, but we are looking at both equipment and software, and we just can't pinpoint where it is.

We do apologize to the public for the inconvenience, but we're doing everything we can to get to the bottom of it. It's frustrating for us as well as the public. It's amazing how quickly you become dependent on Internet and e-mail services.