It's not a health hazard if a body decomposes. One guy who's unfortunate enough to drown in the river is not going to cause issues—it's not a lot of bacteria, and it doesn't take very long for it to decompose completely. Think of it this way: 650,000 gallons of water flow through the river every day. Just one individual is not a big deal.

Robert Zimmerman

If we don't do something this session, we don't have a program set up to deal with this long-term. And the counties are then going to be kind of just sitting there, saying, 'Boy, if this stuff starts ending up in the ditches, what do we do? Who's going to pay for that? So it ends up on property taxes.

Rep. Dennis Ozment

Somebody who's used to writing a sports column looks at the game a little bit differently, I suspect, than somebody who's used to playing the game. I just think it's a different set of eyes.

Tony Kornheiser

The same skills and drills have been taught to every boy who's ever tried to wrestle at Hartland for more than 30 years. The same hard work ethic, desire and passion is passed on to each class.

Kirk Evenson

Cursed be he above all others Who's enslaved by love of money. Money takes the place of brothers, Money takes the place of parents, Money brings us war and slaughter.


Hopefully, I want to be a guy who's a good hitter who will have power. I don't want necessarily to be a power hitter. I want to be a good hitter first. ... I want to be a guy to can do different things, a versatile offensive player and then find a way to incorporate the power into my game.

Matt Murton

But it still serves as a primer for everyone who's watching the trial.

Alex Gibney

This is a much more qualitative way of knowing who's coming to the museum. We really wanted to let people talk and think through things. We wanted people to frame a meaning for this as they leave.

Richard Rabinowitz

We are living in a society where a lot of things are being taken away from us for our own protection. But who's the good guy? Who's the bad guy?

Shaun Cassidy

It's interesting to be back in the States. I'll be curious to see who's going good and who's not going good. It's a wait-and-see for the first part of the race.

Chris Horner

He's just stupid, to be honest. He's got to learn. He's a young lad who's full of fun. That's the animal you get.

Billy Davies

He's an authoritarian, intolerant type who's sure he knows the right way to proceed. He's surrounded himself with 'yes' people. What his people are saying, because they know that's his inclination, is, 'Don't go into the debate,' instead of giving objective advice.

George Grayson

You heard things, and everyone has reputations and they might have rubbed some people the wrong way. Everyone has their own quirks, but you want to play with a guy who's competitive and will do what it takes to win games. He's definitely one of those guys.

Geoff Blum

I'm very, very proud of everyone who's wrestled before. All the alums here watching are part of this championship.

Matt Oney

[The employee volunteers realize they're not working for a money-making entity.] Maybe it's denial, ... One guy who's been coming in likened it to battered-wife syndrome: You refuse to leave because you believe you can salvage something.

Tim Winter

Another person who's smarter than I. What a relief to not have to be the smartest guy anymore.

Dave Winer

Washington will bring a lot of pressure, ... We have to be sound, no matter who's back there. In preseason games, [Orton] showed a lot of poise.

Fred Miller

Our red carpet is probably bigger than the Oscars red carpet because the photographers know that everyone will come to the party, and everyone who's anyone does come.

Beth Kseniak

She's parlayed that into a fan community that far exceeds what her actual work on the show would engender, if you thought about it. She's also been able to get lead roles on Sci Fi Channel movies because of that, ... I see how hard she has to work to do it. She's probably the one I would pick who's really taken what they had and realized that the sci-fi community will support you.

Chase Masterson

It lets us manage life in a less than completely planned way. We can coordinate the organization of the day in real time. A lot of BlackBerries are used this way not only at work but planning the family day. We can coordinate with our partner who's going to get the child and do it from anywhere. E-mail has this addictive property, even on our desktop.

Beki Grinter

I'm from the crime capital / And the air smells like death that eats everything that lives / If it was up to me / I would reunite every gang in the name of the fearless people that have fallen / I am a valiant man who's just asking you to stop spilling innocent blood.

Daddy Yankee

You have Dallas who's an All-American, you have an All-American closer in Gunderson, and you have Nickerson who pitched on the National team and is an All-American in his own right. With him going on Sunday you really feel like your guy, at least on paper, is better than their guy.

Dan Spencer

Somebody who doesn't have a lot of self-confidence, ... Somebody who feels the need to have some kind of pep talk, who's not self-motivated.

Joanne Ciulla

I really believe in the Freudian idea that every man wants a woman who's like his mother.

Ashton Kutcher

We need some tough love in the system. If you're a parent who's drug-addicted, you lose a great deal of your rights. If you're abusive, you lose all your rights. We need to honor foster parents.

Dave Nabity

We'll probably see him before the year is up. From what I've heard of him, he's comparable to Huston Street who's now with Oakland.

Brian Snitker

You don't apply CPR to someone who's breathing.

Kevin Doll

We will try to help someone who's trying to help themselves.

Rose Johnson

He typifies the kind of kids I've been coaching, someone who's a worker rather than someone who's gifted.

Bob Hurley

We had to work this year. Last year we had some pretty fast horses and any one of these athletes could win. But this year took more of a strategy, who?s gonna go when, who?s not. We need our best players at the end, but we also need them to be pressure ready.

Byron Knox

Man, you've just got to take advantage of any situation that favors you. There's no doubt the guy is talented or they wouldn't have taken him so high in the draft, but it don't matter who's trying to keep away from their quarterback. My job is to take down the quarterback, not to worry about the guy standing in my way.

Rod Coleman

It also captures anyone who's had a charge brought against them, though we only report those individuals who've been convicted, to allow for the mentality that people are innocent until proven guilty.

Tal Moise

It's good to have a new face [in the Senate] as opposed to someone who's already been around.

Don Stapley

Who's calling the shots? Where is the state's input?

Diane Winston

It's an honor to have a guy who's got [four] Gold Gloves on his shelf, and I look forward to learning everything I can from him.

Todd Greene

Everyone who's been to a Ringling Bros. event and thinks they've seen it all before are in for an amazing surprise.

Lara Toscani

These teams are playing killer schedules. But we won't even talk about the other teams. We don't look and see who's playing who. People get lost in that. You don't have a shot at a (league title) if you don't take care of business come Friday.

Jeff Steinberg

The whole point is, teams have had streaks like this, but a lot of it has to do with who's playing, and we know that.

Roger Holmes

You need to get in touch with your body ... do dance, movement, learn to be supple, or be someone who's coordinated, preferably. You have to study, train, and you don't have to go to school necessarily, you can teach yourself a lot of stuff.

Jacqueline Bisset

ABC has been nothing but supportive and wonderful. I think their point is that people are sick of seeing women who are size two (NZ size 8) on television, and it's time we had someone who's a size eight (NZ size 16) carrying a show.

Sara Rue

We have the same team that we did before. But the race is getting tougher and tougher. It's only January, but we're already looking at scores after the game to see who's losing and who's winning.

Bob Hartley

In a meeting designed for public comment, to have one person - who's not even a student - that's crap.

Derek Wallbank

He's a rubber stamp for the national Republican agenda. That's going to be the fundamental choice in this campaign: a person who's going to align themselves with President Bush or a man or woman who's going to represent Marylanders.

Derek Walker

When you see somebody who's got a complaining personality, it usually means that they had some vision of what things could be, and they're constantly disappointed by that. I think that would be the camp that I would fall into - constantly horrified by the things people do.

Daniel Clowes

Our focus for the future is OK; now we've improved the process -- minority candidates are in the room being interviewed. Our next question is, when the doors close, and the owner makes the decision, who's in that inner circle?

Cyrus Mehri

Abbott: Now, on the St. Louis team we have Who's on first, What's on second, I Don't Know is on third. Costello: That's what I want to find out.

Lou Costello

One of my goals as president of ASLMS is to try to establish some criteria for certification of who's qualified to do specific procedures, ... As you might guess, it's politically charged.

Richard Fitzpatrick

There were areas that we need to look at. We didn't (previously) look at how the officers in the courthouse would respond. Who's responsible to get everyone in their office and protected?

Gary Petersen

There's no other governor who's done that. There's governors who came and left, but he came and stayed. The miners I've talked to praise him for that.... He's the best governor we've ever had.

Donald Boylen

He's a guy in the Elite League who's been able to produce numbers. We'll see what training camp is like for him. You're always looking for that little extra piece in a trade and take a chance on somebody. We'll see what he can do.

Larry Pleau

I'd be thinking, short term, people want comedy, but who's to say where the public's mindset will be a few years from now. In the Cold War people couldn't get enough science fiction.

James Rocchi

For anyone who's read the books, it will be really fun to see the characters come alive. We believe we've captured the essence of those characters and the essence of those books.

George Nelson

Who's needs do you statisfy?


Everybody is contributing and we're just playing great team basketball right now. As long as we win I could care less who's taking the shots. All we care about is getting the victory.

Todd Jacobs

Almost anyone's who's in business. An amusement park in a summer that's enormously or unusually wet would most likely see gate revenues going down, so they may need to hedge against that.

Bradley Hoggatt

It will be a veritable who's who list of persons of influence in Creek County.

Clark Brewster

I'm looking for new silhouettes, crisp designs. I'm looking for something that could stand near an Armani that should make people say, 'Oh, that's new and fresh. Who's the designer?

Albert Morris

Who's going to do it? Who has the authority to kind of step into that role and speak for everybody?

Anthony Decurtis

I think we would certainly like to show our appreciation for anyone who's able to help us get it back. We have so many exciting things going on in the athletic department with our events. We would certainly make sure we put somebody rink-side, court-side.

Chris Mccabe

That game will go a long way in deciding who's still standing at the end of the year.

Kirk Herbstreit

I thought about him in Seize the Day and his cameo in Dead Again , so it wasn't a leap to see him as a guy who's damaged goods. I think he connected to that guy. I think when someone has the talent Robin has, it makes you a bit of an outsider.

Mark Romanek

We were wanting to play them. But you've got to come ready to play no matter who you play. You can't worry about who's next. You've got to be ready to go.

Clay Mccammon

Obviously, I think it's very important we find the right person for the job and there's some good candidates out there. I think we'll find the right person. I think anybody who's in ownership or even somebody who's from a club, it's a little bit of a long shot to get the others to go along that this is the right guy. That's another reason it's unlikely.

Art Rooney

We have tried to heighten the awareness of who's on the lot.

Tim Sutton

You don't want to throw a kid into gates who's still skiing in a big, wide wedge. You want them to be able to ski well before you introduce them to gates.

Dave Crosswhite

That's all we can do, watch what happens and see who is out there. It's going to be interesting to see who's left after the amnesty deadline. Then things progress from there.

John Hammond

You look at the other team and try to figure out who's capable of beating you. Obviously, we're not going to shut anyone down, but we tried to slow those guys down.

Barry Gebhart

Not only did he reach out to help a rookie who didn't know many people around here, but he helped out a guy who's not even on this team anymore, ... Obviously, it's because he's a great guy. It meant a lot to me to hear from him. He could relate to me. He was able to help me. I look forward to seeing him face to face (today).

Heath Miller

The Internet has opened a lot of doors. They (the pitches) fall into a gray area between someone who's selling snake oil and a really good business opportunity. You really can make money with a home-based Internet business, but most people won't.

Gene Fairbrother

That's just unselfishness. We really don't care who's scoring the points as long as somebody's doing it.

Cameron Bennerman

This is not the behavior of a government and a state that wants to assist the international community and the Lebanese people in finding out what happened, who's responsible.

Detlev Mehlis

The early matches will solidify our lineup. Finding the right doubles combinations will settle who's playing third singles. We have eight guys fighting for seven spots, and there's not a lot of drop-off. If we can come up with the right chemistry we'll be very competitive.

Keith Mullins

It's exciting, especially to beat a team like Steamboat who's so well-coached and has such a good team.

Dwight Rawlings

Even the most secure people in a strong marriage probably don't want a spouse to be establishing a new friendship, especially with someone who's very attractive.

Michael Monsour

We need to know in advance what's going to happen, who's going to be involved, and what the expectations are.

Robert Phillips

He's a veteran bat off the bench. He's a guy who can drive the ball, get the ball out of the ball park. It's nice to be able to have a guy who's a professional hitter, a guy who's been around the league and understands that role. We think he's going to help us.

Ruben Amaro Jr

Who's going to pay $150 for a Bluetooth card when it's not that inconvenient to pay much less and use a cord?

Peter Firstbrook

I believe if we want to go into the World Cup we've got to find a loose forward who's six foot four (1.93m) and can jump and also do all the things that our current crop have got, so it would be nice to find one of them so we can have a lineout that has three bullets rather than two.

Steve Hansen

I believe we should go as far as we can constitutionally go to protect our children. Who's (going) to complain?

David Simmons

You gotta show me good faith here. We're gonna try and help. You're not the big fish, you're a small player. I'm trying to build an argument for you that you're helping us. You gotta give me something. Who's one of your friends that went to camp?

Hamid Hayat

He's a kid who's a winner. He did great things at Perry.

Jerry Schmitt

She was just jumping and dancing. The tree's movement is usually consistent with that of someone who's had something to drink.

Sam Urmy

From a guy who's had a knee-to-knee hit, I understand the reasoning of the officials, ... You have to protect the players. But I saw the replay, and in this case, I think it was an incorrect call.

Michael Peca

Someone like me, with my height, my look, the sound of my voice, it's been great to play someone who's smart, ... She's one of the smartest people in the room, and the writers are writing for that.

Kristin Chenoweth

When I saw an article about this Christmas Box Angel, I thought it was quite a beautiful thing to do in memory of anybody who's died.

Sharon Fisher

I want to write a book about a schoolteacher who's murdered picking up someone when she's cruising a singles bar.

Judith Rossner

They're not organized. Nobody has any plans. We're depending upon them for food, water and shelter. Who's in charge?

Alan Curtis Green

We have so many weapons. It just depends on who's hot. Tonight I was feeling it.

Jaleesa Ross

It's not to say she's not the exceedingly curious perfectionist who's constantly learning another thing that she can become great at. But that's not all of her.

Susan Lyne

Waldrop, can you please go back in the office? I don't know how nice I should be to someone who's yelling at me.

Thomas Hutchinson

It's the greatest sound in college basketball. The crowd makes this noise, like ' oh no ' when a guy who's hot gets the ball and has an open look. Even before he shoots, before he makes it, the crowd reacts. It's so cool, and it's a testament to how smart these fans are. And it's fun for the shooters, too.

Bruce Pearl

Cheney, without a doubt, is this administration's best spokesperson on the issues ... They see him as an elder statesman, as someone who's older and mature, like a father figure.

Armstrong Williams

You sit at home and wonder who you're going to be paired with. What are the lines? Who's in net? We have no idea.

Chad Anderson

All that stuff about heavy metal and hard rock, I don't subscribe to any of that. It's all just music. I mean, the heavy metal from the Seventies sounds nothing like the stuff from the Eighties, and that sounds nothing like the stuff from the Nineties. Who's to say what is and isn't a certain type of music?

Ozzy Osbourne

We don't care who's in the trailers. Just tell us where they are.

Jim Matthews

Matt didn't turn the ball over today, and his completion percentage was ridiculous. He scrambled a couple of times and showed heart in taking some hits. I couldn't be happier with who's behind center right now.

Mike Hass

We were starting to get several requests from groups asking us to name different things after people. We started thinking about that thing: Who's really the valid person to name a facility after? It gets to be a naming contest if you encourage that. A no-naming policy is the best way to avoid conflicts.

Robert Belcher

She's been bugging me forever to do it. I had a friend who's a carpenter that gave me a design that would be sound structurally, and I had some kids help me put it together.

Scott Carroll

All of a sudden people were talking about the alligator. Neighbors were coming out and starting to get to know each other. People were growing affectionate and fond of this alligator who's been abandoned.

Steve Horowitz

They are in big trouble. Bush's speeches, even as late as December, managed to shore up public opinion a little bit. But what you can do with speeches at this point is pretty limited. It's not even clear who's listening.

Christopher Gelpi

He was a good dude before. He's an even better dude now. This is a guy who's been through a lot. He's one guy who knows how fragile life can be.

Lamar Odom

Let's say you fire your brother-in-law, ... Christmas dinner comes, and here he is at the table with you. And your mother looks at you like you're the guy who's screwing up the family.

Ronald Cohen

I'm the only candidate in this race who's pledged not to raise your taxes.

Rich Phillips

It's who's there for the right reasons.

Rick Dickinson

Nobody who's following (Steadman) even with cursory diligence would have stayed with the funds, ... No-Load Fund Investor.

Sheldon Jacobs

Who's got the power? We've got the power. Union power.

Alan R. Mulally

We put too many shots high. I told [the team], with a guy who's 6-foot-7, or whatever size he is, you don't want to put the ball in the air.

Barry Gorman

That was a huge play. Nash is a big-game receiver who's going to get open. I believed in him, and he got open.

Craig Whelihan

The things you need to do remain the same. You have to pay your bills on time and keep your debt level under control, regardless of who's keeping score.

Greg Mcbride

We think we will really be solid in the infield. Now in the outfield, we've got some new guys, we've got some young guys and we'll see. But we're bringing back three guys (in the infield) who've played there for three years and a guy who's a junior-college transfer who has experience at the college level.

Greg Appleton

I think anyone who's passionate about their hobby and interest would like to watch it on TV.

Charles Hirschhorn

I build myself up with confidence with aggression, and confidence to control the game. If you're the bowler and you've got the ball in your hand you're controlling the game, so you've got to make sure the batsmen knows who's boss.

Brett Lee

I was dreaming that this would be the way I'd find out - that she'd call me in the middle of the night like this. She sounded great. I just want to thank everyone who's prayed and given us support through this time, and we're obviously looking forward to some private time with Jill.

Katie Carroll

I was the head coach and he was the assistant. That's not a concern. We're both here for the same reason, we want to win football games. I've sat in that chair. I know who's the boss.

Bob Toledo

I had a who's who of [high school] recruits set to visit campus this fall. Now I've got a who's nobody. [But] I tell the players what the school president has been telling us. If we don't embrace this, we have no chance.

Sue Bower

I think it's Dr. Daniel who's really charting a course, and recruitment is very important to Dr. Daniel. In the tradition of recruiting the best and the brightest students to UTD and really getting the word out to new populations of students that quality legacy that already exists.

Bryan Bradford

There have to be some boundaries. The butt of the joke cannot be God or the prophet or the religion itself. I'm very careful about sacrilegious humor. I'm not a shock comic who's going to do something that will inflame Muslims.

Azhar Usman

He's a young man who's going to make his way.

Christian Gross

I'm wondering if we can please hear what the opinion is on Prince Edward Island not receiving any shrimp quota from the minister of fisheries, who's sleeping.

Robert Ghiz

I'd find it hard to argue against anyone who's on the list. But lists are fundamentally silly. It's never going to be to everybody's satisfaction.

Leonard Maltin

We're going up against a guy who's playing a superhuman brand of basketball. He's looked invincible.

Rick Carlisle

Anybody who's in a corporation, and who hasn't upgraded their defenses by now, pretty much deserves to get nailed.

David Kennedy

It's not an easy topic because it gets at some fairly delicate issues. The source of some of the smuggling, who's involved, means it is probably not that easy a topic to tackle.

William Ramsay

Bob is one guy who's realized it's not all about the money.

Jerry Mickelson

If we're going to pick somebody to defeat a Republican, we ought to pick somebody who's had success over the last four years in fighting and winning.

Gifford Miller

He?s a solid defensive player who?s doing a great job.

Kevin Mcqueen

I think we're going to be OK, but everybody is going to have to help out. We've got to move some guys around and do some other things, but we have confidence in this defense, no matter who's up and who's down.

Andre Carter

A domestic player who's playing in Europe.

John Weisbrod

They all claim they're great bowlers. There's a lot of trash-talking going on in the locker room about who's going to win. We're trying to keep it loose and have a lot of fun.

Will Brown

There's no need to panic, and this could actually make our team stronger in the long run. We have to look and see what's out there, but there's no need to get somebody who is going to take three to six weeks to catch up. We'll look at who's out there, but we're not going to do anything to hurt our team.

Otis Smith

It's hard to do it because you gotta look people in the eye and tell 'em they're irresponsible and lazy. And who's gonna wanna do that? Because that's what poverty is, ladies and gentlemen. In this country, you can succeed if you get educated and work hard. Period. Period.

Bill O'reilly

Any time your info is posted on a Web site, you never know who's using it and what they're using it for.

Ron Teixeira

It just means that the person who's born happy doesn't have to try as hard -- just like thin people don't have to work at it as much. You can make yourself happier using all kinds of strategies -- but you have to put some effort into it.

Sonja Lyubomirsky

Can I say 100 percent? I don't know anyone who's any more of a girly girl. I mean, she puts on makeup before every [class].

Suzi Fregosi

To me, a feminist belongs in the same category as a humanist or an advocate for human rights. I don't see why someone who's a feminist should be thought of differently.

Suzanne Vega

I do my workouts in the morning, throw, and do my lifting, and go to yoga, and then come back and give Allyson a break and now she can do some things. I have no problem with [changing diapers]. I have a sister who's 13 years younger. I've done it all before. It's no sweat.

Will Ohman

We can't ignore somebody who's obviously breaking the law.

Carolyn Beck

Glenn was starting in place of (Adrian) Moffett who's injured. He did a good job.

Larry Moffett

It's amazing to know that we have so many players with so much potential. The team's going to go a long way for a long time. It gives us great confidence, that if one of our starters gets hurt, we've got an amazing backup who's ready to stand in there and take over.

Christy Madison

Marco played very well against Stephen Maguire and anyone who's in the quarter-finals has a chance of winning the tournament.

Ken Doherty

But you don't want to make your spouse's battles yours. You might have opinions, but ultimately it's your spouse who's in charge of his or her working life . . . and it's his or her family.

David Gage

These guys are clubbing each other over the head. It's been an entertaining battle to watch and I'm not sure who's going to win.

Adam Thierer

He's a fantastic player who's done very well in Scotland and he's an absolute handful.

Rio Ferdinand

The fact that we have the ability to play together all summer allows us to start to figure out who's going to be where come the start of the (high school) season.

Jill Cook

It was an opportunity to acquire a linebacker who's a good player and fits our system. It wasn't anything that was too costly or too difficult to pull off.

Jack Del Rio

I'm the guy who's watching and not getting any. You have to be sociable in that kind of way.

Steve Minard

We will also test Caleb Ralph who's a bit tight, so he's potentially in doubt and we will look at both those guys in the morning before making a decision.

Robbie Deans

Everyone else seemed to think it was a gamble buying him but we didn't. He's got great technique, fantastic ability and he handles pressure. He's a wonderful player who's only going to get better and better.

Peter Grant

They help alleviate some of the problems, but the bottom line is you're asking someone work for nothing. There's a lot of work involved, and you can't necessarily ask someone who's not getting paid to do the things you ask someone you're paying.

Ralph Henning

We're so inconsistent. That's what's scary about us, I'm sure for anybody's who's playing us, but it's also scary for me because I don't know what team we're going to be tonight.

Cheryl Cole

I think he would appreciate someone on his team who isn't afraid to give a hard foul in the playoffs. It's different when someone's your teammate versus someone who's your opponent.

Jason Collins

The coaches were pleased with a lot of parts of that game. I hope it's steering us toward these important league games next week (McMinnville and Tigard). We've had a lot of bum luck so far with injuries, guys quitting, and we've got a guy who's out of the country, so we've been playing mostly with seven guys. That's been tough.

Joel Dunn

When he let it go, I knew it was good, he knew it was good and I think the whole entire Clemente Center knew it was good. As a senior, who's had four years of frustration, how can he ever finish his college career at home better than that?

Billy Mims

Phenomenal, man, 20 boards is a lot. He had 20 and 20. I've never played with a guy who's done that before. I'm proud of him. He's a beast on the boards.

Brandon Heath

It'll solidify him in western Pennsylvania. He gets to capitalize on the nostalgia for Pittsburgh and the Steelers. Anyone who's ever waved a Terrible Towel is a Lynn Swann voter.

Larry Ceisler

I would say 99 percent of the community members do not know who's on the ward committee, do not know when they meet. How would you feel if you lived in this community and you didn't know what was going on?

Cordelia Thorpe

Maybe this will help get us somebody who's more interested in neighborhood councils as a grass-roots effort, bottom up rather than top down.

Doug Epperhart

We're out of the playoff picture, so our role is to play spoiler and also build some momentum going into next season. We've put two in a together row and we've got Lee, who's already clinched the district race. Hopefully, they're looking past us and we could string four together if we can get some breaks.

Neal Raphael

At 9:30 that evening, her girls got scared and left, ... They went to stay with their grandma who's about 30 miles inland. They begged them to come along, but they didn't ... At 5:30 that morning, the girls were on the phone with them when the house started coming apart.

Debbie Johnson

I don't see a pitcher out there who's a complete standout, who can completely take over a game.

Kaylyn Bayly

He gives the impression of being a president who's been overtaken by events and is out of touch.

Dominique Moisi

It's easy to find kids who are good and everybody wants. What's difficult is to find a kid who's better than he appears and know to go after that kid. We used to go after 6-(foot)-4, 6-5 post men we knew the big schools wouldn't go after. We would get good athletes at the post position and we always had a lot guards.

Jerry Stone

[But while missteps still occur, there seems to be progress.] Elected officials and other entities are becoming more savvy about Asian Americans, ... and the fact that there's no one descriptor that can be applied to everybody who's Asian American, and even within the different ethnic groups there are some nuances.

John Liu

It's funny. He's talking to a guy who's got a recorder on him.

Dominic Gentile

I see it as something that's going to expand the pie. It's going to cause somebody who's 3,000 (or) 4,000 miles away to look hard at spending the weekend in Kansas City. ... Ideally, it will combine with existing tourist possibilities and cause people to extend their stay for three or four days.

Bob Marcusse

We have some young kids who are good. It's just a matter of who's going to play where and who's going to come to battle.

Colleen Parker

We're not Indiana or Illinois, where people go no matter who's playing. Here, attendance is determined by who is playing in the event and what kind of following that team has.

Jack Watford

He's one of the guys who's capable of making a quick comeback. He's a perfect technician on the hill, and ski jumping is 99 percent technique. ... It was a knee problem, but it was mostly a mental problem - mostly just burnout.

Luke Bodensteiner

Everybody who's been there loves it, ... People are impressed with the bridge and pleased by the route and happy to have the white blazes off Route 15.

Ben Rose

If I wanted to make a similar product, it tells me who's capable of producing it, something that otherwise would have taken a long time to put together.

Robert Aaron

The 'inside the beltway' gang is looking for various kinds of signals about who's doing well and who's not doing well.

John Geer

Guys know that if they want to play, they have to earn it in practice. It doesn't matter so much who starts for me but who's playing well.

Todd Taylor

It makes the Greek system look really bad and it's already looked down on. It's weird why she didn't go to the police. If it happened to other people I think they would file a report. It sounds like a prank, maybe by someone who's anti-Greek.

Juan Martinez

This was our first game playing without Travis, and he's a double-double guy. He's a kid who's very athletic and would have helped us down the stretch. He played a big role in our five wins.

Dan Mahurin

I know who's going to win. The girl from Riverside is pretty good. Her name is Kayla.

Keith Hart

I feel like I would identify more with someone who's a little shady, because I'm more guarded than either Temple or Derek. To an extent, I would understand a villain, the guy who's standing on the corner, watching and plotting what he wants to do, as opposed to being everybody's hero. But it all interests me, bad guys and good guys.

Sean Patrick Thomas

[For East Coast viewers needing enticements to stay tuned, there'll be a] Guess Who's Coming to Monday Night? ... major, major sports figure coming off a big weekend. ... In today's day and age, you have to stay current or you're not relevant.

Fred Gaudelli

If you examine anyone's contributions, you find they receive contributions from the people they know and they work with. People know that Tom Gallagher has a record of fighting for consumers in this state and he's the only candidate who's announced a plan to deal with rising insurance rates.

Albert Martinez

Nick is 22-2 and he's having a great season. All of those guys are juniors except for Alex Saunders, who's also doing well as a freshman, so that bodes well for the future if they can have that much success as underclassmen.

Mike Graham

I'm not going to play games about who's going to call who, but clearly these guys walked out. They have to walk back in.

Jon Austin

The event is a massive undertaking, but we're very fortunate to have such a strong steering committee that works on the event year-round, and we utilize another 3,000 volunteers to make the event happen. Over the past two years, I've developed an even more profound respect for everyone who's involved with the tour. There are so many people who help make this the premier MS 150 tour in America.

Doug Suggitt

[Alfre Woodard, who's a new regular, plays a housewife with a dark secret.] Her character was a concert pianist, ... She's going to be involved in something pretty gothic on the show ? pretty dark and spooky.

Marc Cherry

We're going on as planned, sort of. I'm not sure exactly who's coming in that night, but I know it's going to be really special.

Charlie Epps

Golf takes me out of the crap of a sick world. Golfers are genuinely courteous in a discourteous world. Show me a guest on The Jerry Springer Show who's a golfer.

James Woods

You can't discount any of the teams, because it's such a tough (area). It's all about who's going to show up, wrestle best, who's healthy and the top two teams will come out of there and they'll represent our (area) in the state.

Jim Haskin

We like a person who's an academic risk-taker, someone who seeks challenges and rises to meet them, ... We'd rather see a B in an AP class than an A in a regular class.

Michael Mckeon

It's like managing an all-star team. Not everybody gets in as many innings, but the quality of the play is better. This place has always been competitive. They all want to get on the air so they're making their stories better. Who's that bad for besides the competition?

Jeff Fager

Who?s going to pitch in relief? That?s our biggest question right now. We?re auditioning.

Mike Daboul

[You should know that Weisz, who's a darker and more enigmatic version of Kate Winslet , is taken. She was accompanied to the party by] Requiem for a Dream ... The Fountain.

Darren Aronofsky

Regardless of any unpleasantness in my life, I still get up every morning and look for positive things to do, ... Who's In Charge.

Wally Amos

You can't help but sympathize with an employer who's trying to improve the bottom line, but allowing employers to take over everyone's private life to improve the bottom line is just not legitimate.

Lewis Maltby

Oh, big impact. He's pretty much up to speed already. He's going to be great for us. We have a shutdown corner on one side and David Barrett on the other, who's basically a shutdown corner as well. So it's going to be good.

Jonathan Vilma

That cuts the amount of time researching. You no longer have to worry about who's starting, who's hurt -- all the questions that, honestly, people don't have time to follow.

Gregg Klayman

There's been a lot of movement. Obviously, getting in the locker room before games, you're going to have to look at the lineup to see who's your side.

Pierre Turgeon

We do a bit of research and try to match ourselves up with someone we feel comfortable with, someone who's going to look the part with the Ford brand.

Marty Collins

Who's going to take any action against her? ... There are five bosses in this county, and she is one of them. No county employee is going to confront her and risk their job.

Susan Shaw

I really don't know, ... nor can I really worry about it. One thing we know from last year is there's no telling who's going to play. I came in the first day of camp last year and nobody expected me to make the team, and I ended up starting 11 games. No matter who we put out there, he's going to be ready to play.

Ryan Clark

When you get to a game like this, it's who's playing, who's on a roll. The teams are close enough that either one could win the game. They beat us by six points the last time, and we had them beat. We let them out. Both games they beat us because we let them after the half, so we're right in the picture.

Louie Golden

I create tension on the elastic band by moving away from the person who's holding it, and I maintain that tension while jumping up to head the ball. It works my legs and core while also working on balance. You feel it helping on the field when you're going up for a header or when an opponent is pulling or pushing to gain position.

Brandi Chastain

The majority of the people who are fascinated with this race and following it are just interested in the very idea of what's transpiring out there. It's not just a focus on who's getting to Nome first.

Stan Hooley