There's drama at the border. Visa overstays is a yawn.

Fox is looking for some way to be remembered in history.

He's an authoritarian, intolerant type who's sure he knows the right way to proceed. He's surrounded himself with 'yes' people. What his people are saying, because they know that's his inclination, is, 'Don't go into the debate,' instead of giving objective advice.

When you have had a big lead since polling began and all of a sudden you are being seriously challenged and perhaps being passed in the horse race, it is difficult to adjust and get back on message.

When you have an economy that's picking up speed it certainly will have an effect on the election and benefit the candidate from the president's party.

Fox is getting the word that it's going to be Congress that calls the shots on immigration and that Bush can't push the Congress.

Fox leaves office and has precious little to show. He's hoping to pull a rabbit out of his hat.

When you've got such a large honey pot, it's unlikely that some of these funds aren't going to be put away for a rainy day. I wouldn't bet the rent money that there aren't going to be any offshore bank accounts.

Politically the disaster has been a godsend to Chavez. I'm sure he's going to make a very visible use of the aid that flows in.