The Syrian authorities are responsible.

But we didn't find a major inaccuracy in his statements. And again I find it very credible. But after all, we are doing the investigation; we are not doing the judgment. And in cases like this the judge will decide.

At this rate the investigation might take another year or two. Cooperation in good faith should be diligent and timely.

This is not the behavior of a government and a state that wants to assist the international community and the Lebanese people in finding out what happened, who's responsible.

The commission's relation with the Syrian authorities has been marked by conflicting signals. This has caused confusion and delays.

It remains to be seen whether the Syrian cooperation will be in full and without any conditions.

I will continue to fulfill my responsibilities to safeguard the Constitution, Lebanese laws and the integrity of Lebanese territory.

That will be the end from my personal mandate. I have to go back and I will go back to my job that I like. I never asked for this assignment. I agreed to be available up to seven months.

The commission is of the view that this would provide yet another opportunity for the Syrian authorities to show greater and meaningful cooperation, and to provide any relevant substantial evidence on the assassination.