Before we see significant uptake, operators need to sort out predictable costs. There are flat monthly charges, but they tend to have a usage limit of 1 Gigabyte. Those details need to be sorted out.

Rachel Lashford

These surveys tend to be media responsive, moving according to however the news is going. If you're trying to get true insight, it's not clear that's at all helpful.

Charles Blood

We always tend to play up to the level of our competition and play down to the level of our competition.

Wayne Marshall

I tend to agree with him that it doesn't have anything to do with literature.

Matthew Knowles

Small businesses tend to be too small to hire consultants to help meet safety regulations. Sometimes small business owners are afraid of getting on Labor and Industries' radar screen.

Ron Langley

It is an undoubted truth that every doctrine that comes from God, leads to God; and that which doth not tend to promote holiness is not of God.

George Whitefield

The IRS will never come and tell you who is likely to be audited, but generally, filers (who take home-office deductions) tend to be more frequently audited.

Susan Jacksack

I think we have a few guys who carry the offensive load. When they don't score, people tend to stand around a little bit.

Rob Kelley

We don't tend to make projections because you become a hostage to fortune.

Craig Russell

I'm not melancholy; I'm a happy-go-lucky person, kind of silly. I like funny things. I have a lot of energy. I tend to like music that's mellow, though.

Norah Jones

These indicators tend to have a lead-lag of three to six months. We still may have sufficient strength in exports in the first quarter and even into the second.

Joseph Tan

We're still in the upswing of one of these long M&A cycles, which tend to last several years. M&A growth will probably be up 15 to 20 percent next year.

Frank Fernandez

When we think of smoking, we tend to think of adults and older adults dying of lung cancer or emphysema. What we miss is the fact that they're dying as adults because of decisions they made as a child.

Michael Ericksen

We tend to see a lot of glamorous-type people traveling on BA, and it's been wonderful for business lately.

John Lampl

Generally, we're finding that food storage compliance is good. But we've also learned that people tend to get sloppy as they're breaking camp and getting ready to leave.

Chuck Schwartz

Both tend to do well when inflation is up and bonds are underperforming.

Tom O'connor

When we're in shock, we tend to see and fear the worst. When we see a few hundred, we think there are 10 times that number that we just don't see. It seems to be a phenomenon that goes with shock.

Richard Olson

Tumor cells are more sensitive to the negative effects of heat. If you heat up a normal cell, you can tolerate a fairly high temperature, up into the range of a bad fever. Whereas tumor cells tend to die as the temperature goes up.

John Kane

People tend to put every piece of art they own on every piece of art space. It looks terrible. Pick your favorite pieces and rotate them.

Lauri Ward

The more I like a book, the more reluctant I am to turn the page. Lovers, even book lovers, tend to cling. No one-night stands or "reads" for them.

Anatole Broyard

It's going to be like it always is with the onset of each fall quarter. The first two to three weeks of the quarter tend to give a false read on how busy the parking will be for the remainder of the quarter.

Cindy Campbell

Unfortunately, there have been hundreds of millions of dollars spent on programs proven not to work. They tend to be ineffective because they are educational and not tied to enforcement. We recommend that no further funds be spent in areas proven not to work.

Chuck Hurley

What you tend to witness with anything that runs through government is they tend to latch onto 40-hour work weeks and nothing more. It's more of a mindset that, hey, this is a business, and the only way to be successful is if people coming in here want to come back.

Jon Ladd

If the country is dissatisfied with the direction of the leadership, the direction of the country, dissatisfied with the president's performance, frustrated with the inaction or action coming out of Congress, voters tend to respond to a `time for change' message.

Stuart Rothenberg

While we tend not to think about it too much, these forms of media help construct our sense of the way the world works. Beyond entertainment, they are powerful communicators of ideals and ideas. They shape our perceptions of ourselves and our culture.

Jeffrey Weinstock

More rural states tend to have higher fatalities.

Susan Ferguson

When I arrived in London 11 years ago, restaurant service was terrible. It's getting better every year. Americans tend to be over-the-top about complaining.

Kris Anderson

We know small businesses struggle with cash flow and tend to live month-to-month.

Doug Leland

This has been a reality for a number of years in many instances. The majority of parishes do tend to have their front doors locked.

Jim Goodness

I think sometimes juveniles tend to think by shooting windows with BB guns it's fun for them maybe they're bored; but it's a criminal offense.

Margie Long

People tend to believe the bad rather than the good.

Giovanni Boccaccio

I've learned from doing both that we tend to get more benefit from a low-key approach. You run the risk with the high-profile approach of stressing parents and students, which can lead to test anxiety and choking.

William Glass

I blend time frames in my paintings. I tend to like things without the reference of time. A garden could be now, it could be 100 years ago. It's a garden. When I paint hometown settings, things like that, there is a sense of embracing an older life, but I have to say I like to mix time frames. I like to paint what could be now, if the right cars were on the street.

Thomas Kinkade

In moments of considerable strain, I tend to take to bread-and-butter pudding. There is something about the blandness of soggy bread, the crispness of the golden outer crust and the unadulterated pleasure of a lightly set custard that makes the world seem a better place to live.

Clement Freud

The inventory numbers were pretty tame so the market is continuing with its overall downtrend tend. Distillate demand should be weak. There is no cold weather out there and unless you are in North Dakota it looks like that should continue for the next two weeks.

Aaron Kildow

It is very serious for children because there is growing evidence of early onset diabetes in children who are overweight. Children who are overweight tend to grow into adults who have a range of health problems as well.

Anna Walker

Gold is very sensitive to inflation. If you're worried about inflation, you tend to see gains in gold.

Jon Brorson

People tend to drive at what they think is a reasonable speed. The sign put out there on the highway doesn't control it nearly as much as the perceived condition of the road - hills, curves, volume of traffic out there.

Jerry Pigman

They tend to form over the Bahamas or in the Caribbean and they can be here in 24 or 48 hours because they're so close to us. They're typical of early season storms, June, or October, in the late season.

Jim Lushine

They tend to be more stable than smaller companies, yet have stronger growth rates than larger firms. You get the best of both worlds.

Rosanne Pane

Workers should be treated as individual professional public servants, not as bureaucrats. We tend to give everyone the same raise whether they're a fantastic worker or a mediocre worker.

Clay Johnson

Tim's characters tend to wear darker colors and some, like the corpse bride, are no longer living, but they have a pluck and a spirit that makes you fall in love with them.

John August

I don't think we've ever done that. Our people tend to be administrators. We've not generated something like that for the public. I suppose it would be a good idea.

Pat Huston

I think that in the United States, we tend to brand people as terrorists. Palestinians are nothing but hospitable, gracious, friendly (and) easy people to be with. It's one of those modern mysteries of life ... how we judge people from other countries.

Rev. Carleen Gerber

We have to think of society's portrayal of salesmen as not true to life but as that great American character making it against the odds, the hustler. It's not that we tend to think of salespeople as evil hucksters, but that the writers and directors see them as characters relying only on their wit, character and drive.

Dannielle Romano

I tend to wear outfits that match the walls.

Debra Winger

The way the knee is aligned in the female, ... they can have a different angle at the knee joint because the hips tend to be wider.

Robert Monaco

That could mitigate the bearish impact of a surge in placement rates, since the younger animals tend to take longer to finish, which in turn implies a wider spread of exit dates (as fed cattle) for them.

Dan Vaught

People tend to believe that everyone that gives birth is ready for parenting and they're not. He just had parents that weren't ready to parent and still aren't.

Kathleen Spillers

I have on occasion successfully dealt with this problem by tending to crowd the show rather than making it spare.

Mark Rothko

Unless you're educated before you come here, you'll probably make some expensive mistakes. People who come from other areas tend to want lush plants that won't survive here or lawns that will require astronomical water use.

Mary Sisson Eibs

We like to remind them about empathy. They tend to depersonalize the person they victimized.

Deborah Botts

The more positive you feel about yourself, the less anxious you feel - and will tend to stutter less.

Amy Johnson

Today, I hit the ball nicely and concentrated hard. I didn't try to get ahead of myself which I tend to do. End of the day I am a very happy man.

Keith Horne

It felt good. I was just trying to make it into the top 8. I tend to go out really fast and try to hold on, and for this one, I just tried to let myself go fast, but not force it, and then make myself come home. That was my strategy, and I think it worked.

Natalie Coughlin

If you do your normal routine, you tend just to focus on that. You're not really thinking about (the test).

Reggie Evans

What happened here, and it's to her advantage, is that she complained and they did an investigation and then they fired her. Even if she loses the harassment claim, juries tend to be very sympathetic about retaliation.

Leon Friedman

I can easily recall plays that we could have changed and plays we maybe should have made. Those tend to stand out more than the wins.

Phil Danaher

We look at a vast number of opportunities every year at locations around the country, but we tend not to discuss anything until there is some type of concrete announcement to discuss.

Brian Callaghan

We tend to get wrapped up in the music, but a teacher once told me that songs are monologues set to music, and I wanted to get hold of the story, the emotions and the people.

Jeff Dillon

The tree-hugging Tolkien freaks, once they get around to seeing the movie and reading the books, tend to go on to read other things that he did. In 1936 he gave a British Academy lecture called Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics, which is still one of the most fabulous things that's been written.

Andy Orchard

I'm sorry I didn't wear paint this morning. I tend not to wear it unless I'm getting highly paid.

Tyne Daly

We don't generally think that defensive plays are all that satisfying, because they tend to be somewhat short-lived, ... You get myopic when you decide you have to do something that's purely defensive in nature.

Steve Mills

Ah, we tend to do a lot of that stuff in Australia. We don't really have the money to get anyone else to do it. "We can't afford a stuntman today, so you'll be jumping onto the train." "Right, okay."

Guy Pearce

We play together kind of like a round-robin type of thing. As the tour progresses we tend to learn each other's songs and kind of contribute. It kind of becomes a little group eventually, we try and support each other and feed off each other.

Adam Carroll

In our appetite for gossip, we tend to gobble down everything before us, only to find, too late, that it is our ideals we have consumed, and we have not been enlarged by the feasts but only diminished.

Pico Iyer

We in the over-30 range tend to turn to e-mail as a first choice. Teens do use e-mail, but they use it strategically. There are certain things they think e-mail is useful for and certain things that they don't.

Alex Halavais

I told everyone to step up their games at halftime. We tend to get down on ourselves, but we didn't let that happen this time.

Joe Baca

Women who tend to have more fat deep inside are at higher risk for heart disease, diabetes as well as cancer, ... Fight Fat After Forty.

Pamela Peeke

It's kind of weird, for lack of a better word, because you would think there would tend to be more blacks.

Barbara Lewis

Folks who enjoy national parks tend to be environmentally conscientious. So how can we serve seafood that is being fished out of existence?

Doug Bradley

What happens with any program or any product, if one health plan picks it up, the others tend to follow suit.

Ryan Jumonville

The American riders tend to do a lot better on the finish circuit. They are more used to it than the European-based riders. This will definitely play into who wins the stage - it's who wins the turns. I like one of the American teams for this stage.

Chuck Hodge

The issue of high tech is a big one with many components and we really want to get it into the open and onto the agenda. These politicians do seem to grasp that there is an issue here, at least related to the people side, because I tend to split it into two ? the people side and the industry side.

Gary Davis

Strokes are never good. But children tend to heal more rapidly than adults would because their immune, nervous and circulatory systems are more responsive.

William Elkington

Most of my female characters tend to be very strong characters.

Stan Sakai

How does one know if she has forgiven? You tend to feel sorrow over the circumstance instead of rage, you tend to feel sorry for the person rather than angry with him. You tend to have nothing left to say about it all.

Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Tomato sauce works best with dried pasta, because the tomato sauces tend to be too heavy for the fresh pasta. Fresh pastas tend to absorb sauce right away. Fresh pastas always work better with broths or lighter sauces.

John Chiakulas

Coming out of high school, I never really had too much adversity. I was calling my mom and she was stressed, not know if I wanted to be here, if I needed to be here. I prayed about it. They moved me to tight tend, then I earned my position at guard.

Ben Grubbs

Open standards tend to encourage creativity. We believe that entrepreneurs everywhere can better improve the world with open platforms to work from. Our affiliates in emerging countries and all their portfolio companies will almost certainly benefit from the adoption of open standards.

Tim Draper

People like to give to where they live, and after these episodic events they tend to give more. A lot of this has more to do with the economy than with the cause.

Dave Edwards

Over the long term, currency fluctuations tend to balance themselves out.

Gregg Wolper

There is a real difference in mentality. Consumers from poorer European countries are more cautious and tend to save more and borrow less.

Michael Penn

The expert who the client will have seen when the project was sold will tend to only visit most projects occasionally, and often they will be spending their time out selling new projects.

David Craig

Show people tend to treat their finances like their dentistry. They assume the man handling it knows what he is doing.

Dick Cavett

So they tend not to take as good care of themselves, both physically and psychologically, and in the end that takes a toll.

Charles Nemeroff

We've also seen some solid goal tending all season from Josh Ex. If he plays well we have a very good chance.

Mike Butters

A lot of these companies are rushing back to the Internet. We're certainly not seeing anything like the valuations during the dot-com boom. They're not outrageous, but they tend to be at the high end and could not easily be justified on a stand-alone basis.

Safa Rashtchy

These games are very important, because they won't play like the bottom teams. [Rutgers and Villanova] always tend to have their best games against us.

Deanna Gumpf

There's not a huge focus on returns necessarily, nowadays if they're undecided, they tend to get gift cards, so returns aren't really the big push.

Brendan Jones

What we tend to read in the newspaper is that this is a political conflict, ... But it has become an existential conflict about Israel's right to exist as a Jewish and democratic state.

Robert Gross

We see more fatalities in frontal crashes but side impact crashes tend to be more injurious.

Susan Ferguson

It also helps that Chinese contractors tend to do the work on their projects.

George Beranek

You tend to do all the exercises you enjoy, not the ones you need to do. Your body adapts to specific movement. If you always do what you enjoy, your body adapts and plateaus after about 3 to 4 weeks. But changing up your routine keeps your mind occupied, keeps you guessing, keeps your body guessing and you'll see more results.

Michael Larson

I've thought of being a point guard in the NBA. I've thought of a number of things that won't happen. But I never thought of this, ... You look at someone who belongs on television, they tend not to be a twitching. When you're watching, they're solid, like they belong there. ... An animated character can be like me. Look at Jim Lehrer, and look at his hair. There's no way I can compete with that.

Josh Kornbluth

Matches tend to get long outdoors. The heat can affect you if it's really hot. You might cramp up at some point in play. Obviously fitness is a big thing, but it's also about how you deal with things that you can't control. It can be really windy and the tennis can get ugly, or it can be sunny and it's hard to serve.

Tony Bresky

The true experimenters are there but no-one hears about them - the critical/review system tends to concentrate on the handful of 'major' writers and their promising successors; bookshops tend not to sell them; publishers don't promote them. It's the same fate as has befallen poetry.

John Scott

We have spent many hours on a complicated transaction, which oil refineries tend to be.

Richard Gusella

They're willing to spend a lot more money on construction. They tend to be rather fancy, a little higher end and better maintained than most market courses.

Brad Klein

Scandinavian [food] doesn't tend to have a lot of the spicy spices, the hot spices. This is quite different from those flavors and I like to show the contrast.

Michelle Ryan

Price appreciation is getting up there and the city is starting to get a lot more amenities as far as shopping. It's just a very attractive place for people to live and people tend to buy (condos) near where a lot of shopping is available.

Ron Roberts

It's the community-dwelling seniors, people in their homes who have not fallen yet, who are, maybe, leaning toward a sedentary lifestyle. You tend to do less and less. It's this snowball effect.

Anne Peterson

We have to keep getting after it. That's all you can do. Keep coming back every week and trying to get a win. We haven't had an easy game yet, we have made it tough for teams to beat us, but turnovers and penalties always tend to kill you.

Mike Hooks

Women tend to have more diastolic heart failure.

Jo Parrish

Special teams will be extremely important just as they always are. People tend to forget about how important the kicking game is. Reese has gotten better every week and D.J. looks like he will handle the job well. We've worked real, real hard.

Mike Rippee

We look to spot design trends. We'll have a team go around and take pictures and measurements and then we'll sit down with the head of product development and talk about which ideas tend to be the most relevant. Part of my job is to decide what's the next blockbuster trend, and you don't get that looking at pie charts.

Peter Horbury

Those who have easy, cheerful attitudes tend to be happier than those with less pleasant temperaments, regardless of money, 'making it', or success.

Dr. Joyce Brothers

Some folk think it's a dead issue, but sometimes, when issues aren't resolved, they tend to fester. Nothing has come to fruition, and, until it does, there's a sense of dismay in the students and staff.

Cruz Reynoso

I tend to think of it as a macro-economic factor. The economy is growing well, there is really no inflation and the labor market has been tight everywhere, so you start to see some things show up, like the GM labor dispute. Unions get more aggressive.

Tony Ferrugia

It's very helpful if parents have some sort of calendar that is large enough and is posted in a prominent place. In one color you have written when the science fair project is due. And then you backtrack from that date breaking down that science fair project into manageable chunks of time. Great big projects tend to scare kids.

Richard Bavaria

My friends are in a similar situation--they have old parents or have to tend their land--so now I don't have anybody who visits me or who I can visit to talk to. I do the same old things day in, day out: watching television, looking at my husband's face, and wondering why I have to take care of his parents.

Kazuko Ito

It's a really splintered market. People tend to shop on different factors: price or convenience.

Jon Gibs

The one-eyed view of our universe says you must not look far afield for problems. Such problems may never arrive. Instead tend to the wolf within your fences. The packs ranging outside may not even exist.

Frank Herbert

We all know we are unique individuals, but we tend to see others as representatives of groups.

Deborah Tannen

In writing-intensive courses in the humanities, which tend to be smaller, many instructors require rough drafts or make students rewrite essays that earn lower than a C-. Final grades in those courses may tend to be slightly higher than in larger lecture-type courses, ... That doesn't mean that the grade is inflated, just that the instructor had more time to devote to working with the student.

Colleen Kennedy

Sometime when you're playing a team that's not so strong, you tend to have letdown. I was concerned about that against Fairview, which lost a lot of players to graduation. But we really came ready to play tonight. I didn't see anything that upset me in any phase of the game and that's probably the first time I could say that this season.

Angela Moody

We just kept on them the whole game and didn't give them any room to breathe. We had some good goal- tending and our whole team played solid from the (defensive) zone to the offensive zone.

Dustin Penner

Enough research will tend to support your conclusions.

Arthur Bloch

We've played some tough, close games lately and when teams make a run at us, we tend to get down on ourselves. I wanted us to focus, reach within ourselves and fight for the win.

Joel Rankin

The last elections revealed sharp political divisions in the American political landscape, ... Yet many student opinions about the First Amendment and freedom of the press tend to stay remarkably consistent across these otherwise widely accepted political fault lines.

David Yalof

Man will never be enslaved by machinery if the man tending the machine be paid enough.

Karel Capek

When I'm thinking like a historian, I tend to be a little depressed. But when I'm thinking like a Christian, I tend to be optimistic.

Mark Noll

My values tend to gravitate toward the older ways. There is a high degree of honor in being a troubadour. You sure can't be doing it for the money.

Chuck Brodsky

Dads are especially hard to buy for. Anything they really want they tend to buy for themselves.

Tom Kraeutler

We like to stay on top of things, and when we're out on patrol, we tend to be the first to hear about new businesses about to open and the first to meet a new puppy. People will often tell us they appreciate our presence, and that they feel safer when we're around.

Dee Tvedt

We're big, strong kids. So when we hit them, they tend to have a little smoke behind them.

Robby Howard

What culture lacks is the taste for anonymous, innumerable germination. Culture is smitten with counting and measuring; it feels out of place and uncomfortable with the innumerable; its efforts tend, on the contrary, to limit the numbers in all domains; it tries to count on its fingers.

Jean Dubuffet

Both (Darren) and A.J. get upset, but tend to not show it as much out on the course. They love golf, have put in a lot of time working on their games and deserve a lot of credit.

Rich Cathcart

[For one thing, the man of the hour is a cartoon.] We tend to work very closely with our clients, ... People say one thing -- like, 'Oh, I always go over here when I'm doing this task' -- and then they do exactly the opposite thing. So for our projects, we do a lot of observational research. We even take them out on the research with us.

Fred Dust

Hispanics tend to use radio very frequently. They spend longer listening to radio. The Hispanic population is very brand-loyal, and once they identify with a radio station, they tend to stick with that station.

Alfredo Alonso

In every respect it's a good time to buy. Dealers are selling the current model year and they tend to accept less profit on a car in order to move it.

Bill Seltenheim

People tend to get very, very enamored of other areas the company could participate in. She's made sure the company continues to maintain its focus on core competencies.

Rakesh Sood

Me and Mike (James) were talking the other day about it. This is very rare, to find a team that pulls together, all 12 guys. At some point, especially since we're having a rough season, you tend to have cliques that develop or people point fingers. And we don't have that on this team. That's very rare in the NBA.

Darrick Martin

If you look at the domestic market, people who buy the domestic vehicles tend to be older in general.

Chris Denove

We avoid ramps because they tend to be difficult to look normal, and they have maintenance issues.

Richard Duncan

He deserves a lot of credit but at the same time these things tend to go back and forth. The goal is to go forward and make sure we treat folks right.

Nelson Linder

If I'm alone too long I think too much, and I'm not interested in doing that. That won't lead anywhere good, I'm sure. If I'm busy I tend to stay out of trouble. An idle mind is the devil's playground.

Lisa Marie Presley

I think the rise in the price of gold and gold stocks is certainly a reflection of the uncertainty today (Thursday), as those stocks tend to do well when people are nervous.

Tom Shrader

Times when I feel like I'm the last man, that's when I tend to play bad. So I try to block that out and just have fun. I feel extremely confident. The defense had an energy we haven't had all year. We feel like one unit right now, and that's important heading into the playoffs.

Max Zarchin

A lot of it confidence. This team is starting to know that it is good but if we don't score, we tend to get anxious. It's hard to stay focused. But I thought we got it back and played well in the second half.

Mark Graham

Different towns have different crowds. It's pretty quiet in San Fernando. The population is generally poor. People want their kids to see the animals. In more affluent areas, we tend to see more protesters.

Chip Arthurs

That makes it definitely worth watching how bonds are trading. When there are problems at a company, the institutional bond investors tend to figure it out before the rest of the retail market and dump their bonds.

Lincoln Anderson

Most poultry contain harmful bacteria. Recent statistics show that about 60 percent of chickens -- broilers -- are contaminated with campylobacter, and 10 percent with salmonella. And turkeys tend to be higher.

Michael Doyle

When it comes to finding oil and gas, you tend not to find it in politically bucolic places. So when these companies make commitments, they factor in some of those risks.

John Herrlin

People tend to feel like they have to stick together when they are together on a trip. And anybody with someone breathing their air, so to speak, 24 hours a day needs a break from the other person.

Andrew Sharp

There are four main areas of concern where manatees tend to live. The northeast or upper St. Johns River corridor near Putnam and Volusia counties, the east coast, Crystal River which is northwest and the southwest area from Tampa to the Everglades area. Two of those areas, the two small ones, Crystal River and the upper St. Johns River, are doing well in those regions.

Patti Thompson

Once you get past the commonalities, men tend to be attracted to online activities that are far more action-oriented, while women tend to value things involving relationships or human connections.

Deborah Fallows

The kids tend to be younger and don't have as much driving experience.

Brad Arnold

Unfortunately, AIDS is one of those issues that because it is so morally complex, governments tend to be very reluctant to respond until the last minute.

Graham Smith

As a country we tend to think of eco-tourism as always over there. It doesn't necessarily have to be that way, especially when you have places like the Grand Canyon. We're just not thinking of it as much as a country.

John Ivanko

Unions drag down business, growth is slower, and right-to-work laws weaken the unions. So when the unions are weaker, you tend to have more economic growth.

Lee Coppock

We're pretty close. Chemistry in women's curling is huge. Sometimes if you say something the wrong way, women tend to take it personal, whereas with men you can tell them 'you know what?' and they don't really care.

Cathy King

Some of those are pretty complicated. But you tend to make putting complicated, in general. You [should] use the [tools] to get a feel to get a good groove. Some of them help you with your feel, others help with your alignment.

Duffy Waldorf

They are animals whose names children tend to learn more at around the age of six to 10 rather than one to five.

Andy Ellis

I was pretty much a dork growing up. Going up in front of a crowd and being an idiot was a relief when I was a kid. But talking to two or three people at once and being myself was impossible. And being myself while singing a song was more than impossible; I would've rather died. I get really nervous and tend to want to be an idiot.

Ben Folds

Those things tend to be expanded once you start something, ... I definitely want to hear more specific limitations before I make a decision.

Jerry Turner

I thought they had the wrong number when they called to ask me to be on the Olympic team. It was very humbling. Sometimes, people tend to forget there's been a war going on for four years.

Brian Sanches

Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness; wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. By happiness is intended pleasure and the absence of pain.

John Stuart Mill

I won't say there isn't a place for those kinds of funds, but I think the price risk, and the fact that they tend to be concentrated in certain sectors, can be something investors overlook when they see really great one-year numbers. People need to understand what they really do and the chances they're taking.

Paul Herbert

There's a lot of estrogen going on here. I'm not saying it's a good thing, either. Women are very catty and very calculated. They tend to have ulterior motives.

Mindy Segal

This wind here is rough and balls tend to hang, plus this is a very hard infield.

Laura Fleming

All of the content comes from the kids. The impetus of the show came in part from all the attention lavished on high school gymnasts and other athletes. High school musicians tend to labor away in obscurity. We thought they should have an outlet.

Christopher O'riley

In the summer especially, people will tend to travel regardless.

Jim Rink

I'd say no more than around 10 percent in your company's stock. The biggest mistake people make is they put too much money in their company stock. People tend to be overconfident about their own companies.

Michael Lipsey

Most other qualities considered typically American tend to be about behavior, things you can change.

Jeremy Straughn

Straight men tend to be shallow in terms of focusing on looks. Gay men are shallow, too. Straight men are more interested than straight women in having casual, uncommitted sex. Gay men are like that, too.

Michael Bailey

People tend to believe that things in the universe are potentially interconnected. In a complicated world, magic gives people a sense of control.

Phil Stevens

It's certainly a critical juncture in our season because we're in our first four games. We tend to break the season up into four-game stretches, and having gone 0-1 for in the first part of it, to finish up in the last three and do well is important to us.

Lebron James

We tend to go shorter online. [Viewers] are looking for information as opposed to being entertained by television. So we try to cut to the chase a little quicker.

Jim Sexton

We will just have to take stock and see what the medical team say, these things tend to heal pretty quickly.

Nigel Davies

When international funds have outperformed domestic funds, ... people tend to buy international funds.

Andrew Clark

We're tending to steer towards those sectors that are going to benefit from an economic recovery.

James Stack

We tend to see a lot of abuse of that and we spend a lot of time trying to reduce the demand for that type of drug, which is pretty extensive in this area.

Capt. Terry Wright

Most are middle-class women who are very successful, in areas like banking, the media, the law or running their own businesses - they tend to earn anything from £50,000 up to the millions. They are aged from late 20s to early 50s, and they are looking for a fun night out with no strings attached, because they simply do not have the time for a social life.

Louise Brown

People do benefit from information they get online, whether it's health care or information on government services or just social connections from e-mail. We've found that broadband connections tend to magnify those impacts.

John Horrigan

People, through company investment programs, mutual funds and private investing venues, are much more cognizant of the stock market. As more people get involved (in the market), you tend to more rapidly give a letter grade to the CEO.

Jim Boone

August didn't drive. He moved on the surface on his own two feet. He was much more grounded in the community than most of us tend to be. We're all sort of fast-moving; the pace is not conducive to building relationships in the way that I think he did in this town.

Benjamin Moore

Investors tend not to have a big problem with split government because for many investors, the government that governs the least is the government that governs the best.

Joseph Mcalinden

I personally tend to believe her story, that she meant to shoot herself. She did do a test fire; she did have trouble handling a gun. But it all didn't fit with the jury.

Phyllis Nagy

When the IPO market tapers off, the more speculative types of issues tend to take a bigger beating than those more .

Joe Hammer

Most people in both markets had heard about 3G purely through word of mouth or personal research, which would tend to lead to the conclusion that there's a marketing issue behind the reactions we saw in the survey.

Alexander Mcnabb

The market is dominated by local investors and local investors tend to worry about political matters.

Lance Depew

His accomplishments were almost entirely before television, almost before radio. Athletes then didn't have the recognition they do today, so they tend to be forgotten.

Lynne Draper

I tend to leave them a buck. These guys have my drink ready when I'm walking across the street. ... We've established a relationship.

Paul Dillon

We notice there tend to be more accidents when there are patchy dense spots.

Scott Kelly

U.S. journalists I don't think are very courageous. They tend to go along with the government's policy domestically and internationally. To question is seen as being unpatriotic, or potentially subversive.

Robert Fisk

Whenever you have a group of good coaches, good teachers and good leaders, you wind up being taught so well you tend to know things and maybe see things other people don't.

Solomon Wilcots

People tend to work more in Asia than other regions of the world.

Diane Crispell

It's a group buying experience that leverages the eBay effect, ... Once people buy things they generate a lot of traffic. They tend to keep coming back and that's a lot of additional page views for advertising purposes.

Jim Rose

Outside of that injury-plagued year in Colorado, he'd been completely healthy for the two years before that. So I think with some of the new rules you'll be seeing this year, he'll be right back where he was. People tend to think because he's been such a prominent name that he's 35 or 36 years old, but he's still a young guy with a lot left.

Gary Green

People tend to use just one finger over and over again and it's that repetitive use with one digit that could lead to problems.

Stacey Doyon

I think a lot of students don't want to give up their high-school experience. They are involved, entrenched in activities. But we tend to get some pretty high-performing students who don't have a lot of ties.

John Small

I hope customers will see a softer side. I tend to be very customer oriented.

Manager Henry Durant

We tend to own our houses and the kids are grown and with a double income, it has become the number one growing hobby in the last 10 years.

Janet Armour

Squirrels don't have a very big home range, so they tend to interbreed. Because of that, you end up with concentrations of black squirrels.

Michael Lapisky

Paradoxically, diseases also play an important role in healthy ecosystem functioning. These changes tend to slip under the radar screen until they show up in ecological cascades that lead to wildlife and human health problems.

Andrew Dobson

We tend to make a bigger issue out of opening day.

Jeff Cirillo

We are more aggressive at tracking down stories and because of that we tend to catch the Americans by surprise.

Gary Morgan

Cats tend to stalk and pounce, so he's trying to do that as well as play with her. With dogs, they tend to wrestle and jump on top of each other. They're trying to find a happy medium.

Autumn Nelson

People who have physical activity do tend to have longer life. And they report higher quality of life.

Gregg Wilson