We see a shift in the industry toward cards that give something back, because industry research shows that reward cardholders make more purchases, tend to use their rewards cards exclusively and are less likely to jump ship for lower-rate cards.

Linda Sherry

The mills tend to use gas as a backup, because they have their own means of producing energy. They mostly use hog fuel to power their boilers. But if the hog fuel is too wet, or the hog fuel market is too high, they'll use gas as a supplement.

John Hubler

We're in a period of time that there is a conventional wisdom that Bush is on the ropes. I think, based on my experience, that the media tend to move in lockstep as conventional wisdom on a story develops.

Frank Newport

Most of the customers we see at conferences seem to have older systems and no intention of upgrading to the hardware requirements they would need to do that. They tend to build outward with their own Windows boxes.

David Bishop

We tend to get too aggressive and pop up a lot. I want to concentrate on hitting line drives and hard ground balls.

Deanna Gumpf

The result of the intense orientation toward those English tests is that some schools that have or are near Native American communities are tending to drop native language programs because they feel they don't have the time or resources.

Andrew Garrett

It gives you an edge over the competition already out there. I think Hispanics tend to lack in pursuing their education, and it's important to continue.

Alma Gonzalez

Technical traders tend to hit the door at the same time because they all use the same type of speculative trading indicators. Who can stand up to them when that happens?

Frank Mcghee

Say they're under two years old, there's a television in their room, and they never watch that television -- they still tend to be overweight.

Sherri Flynt

We have a lot of little things to work on - technique - but when you are tired, you tend to be that way.

Frank Busch

My suspicion is that women are paying more attention to their health and are working on it. Men tend to make light of health issues more and wait until it's too late, some crisis comes along. They have a heart attack. Their blood pressure goes up.

James Casey

We tend to compliment what other medical facilities, what other physicians, and what other hospital companies do in our community.

Robert Hardy

Most Indians tend to accumulate fat around their waist. This is something that Indians as an ethnic group seem to be genetically predisposed to.

Mandeep Bajaj

It's the only way people will take these positions because they tend to be short-term.

Alan Sklover

We have been quite skeptical throughout January because data tend to be erratic around the holidays and the turn of the year.

Stephen Stanley

We tend to be a more intellectual group. I don't run into people that are intolerant.

Rev. Judith Quarles

I tend not to believe what the terrorists say. In the last 3.5 years there's never been a successful suicide bombing coming out of Gaza.

Gil Kleiman

Of course, over the winter months, we tend to get more kids who are sick because they're closer together. But this number is very unusual.

Peggy Rupprecht

People usually tend to believe the experienced and aged experts, but the number of them is getting less and less now.

Chen Xiejun

People tend to look and judge.

Barbara Alvarez

The play has a dark side, it deals with things we don't want to see. It has to do with awareness of a world we tend to ignore and this is why the play is different from previous ones.

David Solomon

Overall, trade deficits tend to widen with hurricanes, due to the Southeast region's bias towards exports to Latin America over imports.

Mike Englund

We have a pretty loyal crowd. They tend to look out for these guys if there's something they can't handle.

Andy Caldwell

[It is too early to get an accurate demographic picture of Baton Rouge's new population, but it will certainly include many people who are on public assistance or among the working poor.] Folks with the least resources tend to go the least distance, ... That's us.

John Davies

Until you hit 667MHz or 800MHz, you don't tend to end up getting a significant performance advantage with our architecture over DDR.

Doug Hooks

We're tending to see things much sooner than others can see them.

Peter Gethers

Try to eat like you would at home. So if you do not tend to polish off a three-course meal with a giant hot fudge sundae at home, do not eat one on the plane. I guarantee it is not going to be the best hot fudge sundae you have ever had, so why blow it on a mediocre treat?

Lisa Wheeler

We tried to distinguish between violence which, in its context, might send an appropriate message, and violence which, within its context, might send an inappropriate message, ... And these reality specials tend to be violence without any context.

Jeff Cole

They are exciting to watch but they tend to play too many shots.

Andy Pycroft

It has more potential for wintering birds. I consider it a migration/wintering area, where I consider the rest of the state migration areas. Mallards tend to winter as far north as they can find open water.

Dave Graber

He's freaky strong. Third basemen -- and third base coaches -- tend to play deep on him.

Trent Jewett

Women tend to wear clothes that are too tight, and men tend to wear clothes that are too loose.

Mark Anthony

I tend to throw everything into these pieces and I don't want to do that, I've kind of burned myself out on that.

Peter Banks

The problem is you tend to look back and identify mistakes, and as a consequence of feeling terrible about mistakes you say you bungled this so bad, let's get out of here.

Bob Kerrey

Every record, you want it to be different, and you write differently in different cities. We wrote a song in Spain, we wrote a song in Chicago ... and when you write lyrics on the road they tend to be more psychedelic.

Steve Bays

They tend to look like they're frowning, but that's only because the wrinkles are so heavy. They're so cute.

Julie Quinn

Programming trends tend to run in cycles, as the networks program content that works until it becomes overly saturated.

Steve Sternberg

Scientists tend to resist interdisciplinary inquiries into their own territory. In many instances, such parochialism is founded on the fear that intrusion from other disciplines would compete unfairly for limited financial resources and thus diminish their own opportunity for research.

Hannes Alfven

Once we get into the winter months, we tend to stay overcast quite a bit. A lot of times we do get lake effect cloudiness, and that prevails for quite a long period of time.

Martin Thompson

Like I said about Freaked, people tend to find these films, and I think that in the end the cool thing about a movie is that it can be sort of burnt temporarily, but then it's burnt into the fabric of your culture.

Alex Winter

We tend to get what we expect.

Norman Vincent Peale

Questions tend to come up during periods of change. Periods of immigration, periods where technology transforms the way we live, periods where there's a big population explosion, so there are more people encountering each other on a daily basis. All of those kinds of situations, I think, create a shift and a reinvestigation of manners and what they are.

Mark Caldwell

That was our strategy. [We said] 'Let's go up the line early in the match.' We wanted to do that so that we could have them stay at home the rest of the match...Also, guys who don't play a lot together tend to break down at the net.

Bob Bryan

Students tend to take what they need (for a job), and then leave.

Frank Lombardo

There are some good writer/directors in the U.S. as well. In general the writing and directing tend to be separated but I bet that most of the directors have a big effect on the scripts. These days the studios tend to bring in hordes of writers.

Bruce Beresford

People tend to associate anyone who looks and behaves differently with illegal or immoral activity.

Marilyn Manson

The only consolation is that prices in North County tend to run about 3 cents cheaper (than the rest of the county).

Charles Langley

This is Middle America. Tracy's values have more in common with the South or the Midwest than they do with the coastal strip of California. Even Democrats out here tend to vote for conservatives.

Bob Matthews

The data should tend to encourage views that the Fed is correct and that inflation looks to be contained.

Alan Ruskin

We do have average students in AP classes right now that are succeeding. They know it's more of a challenge, and they tend to strive and work a little bit harder in that class than they normally would in a Regents class.

Chris Brewer

Males tend to dominate these rub trees.

Kate Kendall

Chinese people nowadays are tending to move away from eating goose to eating duck and that has affected the farming of goose feathers.

Brian Little

When the judges are sentencing these people, in a lot of ways they see their neighbors. These are not violent people. They tend to be well-educated, well-spoken. Most have no prior criminal record. When you add that all up, that is the type of situation that tends to generate sympathy with the judge.

Peter Henning

[The culture] appealed to my senses. It was a very sensual thing. I love the smells, sights, the sounds, feelings, tastes. My senses tend to be more sharp in Greece.

Daniel Levine

The airport is more fun on the holidays. The TV stations tend to come out and make it sound awful, but all the gray suits and briefcases disappear, and you have children and grandparents hugging. It's more colorful this time of year.

Mike Conway

There are very few scholarships that give money simply for breathing. Probably most of the scholarships are merit-based. Awards that are need-based tend to be loans.

Mark Kantrowitz

Some of Europe's formerly nationally owned companies, like EDF, have benefited from favorable rules that made it harder for competitors. The actions of one big participant like this tend to serve as a catalyst.

Barry Abramson

It's a high number, but it's not worrisome. February is a month when seasonal factors tend to have a bigger impact on the unemployment rate.

Sandra Utsumi

Rising long-term rates tend to benefit banks by allowing them to increase yields on securities portfolio investments.

Piper Jaffray

Levees tend to be built in very difficult situations on poor site conditions because you're essentially turning marshy land into land you can stabilize and do things on.

Raymond Seed

At the end of a long economic expansion, consumers tend to be overconfident relative to their spending; raising false hopes about the ability of consumers to continue spending. At the beginning of a recovery, consumers remain in a funk even as they accelerate their pace of spending.

Carl Steidtmann

Direct sellers tend to be globally diverse. They aren't typically leveraged to the U.S. consumer, which has been spotty lately.

Douglas Lane

Censors tend to do what only psychotics do: they confuse reality with illusion.

David Cronenberg

That's where we see most (cases), ... (They're) who we tend to help the most.

Tamara Brown

I don't tend to use my cell phone for things like that (downloading games and applications). Plus, I'm far too addicted to my computer.

Stephanie Green

The history of this division, partly because of the devices element, is that reviews and approvals tend to be very slow, so we made realistic to conservative assumptions on what the review period should be.

Tom Mckillop

Integrated hog operations tend to like to have their own feed-milling capacity. They tend to locate hogs generally within 50 to 60 miles of that feed mill.

Chris Hurt

[·   Listener. While it's important to be an active listener,] keep in mind that people tend to talk about what doesn't feel OK. They don't talk about relationships that are going well, ... So in many instances, just hearing someone vent and not taking it too seriously is the way to go, unless your spouse asks for your honest reaction or ideas.

David Gage

We trained hard, but it seemed that every time we were beginning to form up into teams, we would be reorganized. I was to learn later in life that we tend to meet any new situation by reorganizing; and a wonderful method it can be for creating the illusion of progress while producing confusion, inefficiency, and demoralization.

Gaius Petronius

[Mortgages] tend to reflect inflation and the overall strength of the economy.

David Littman

Any communications that evidence a romantic or intimate involvement by Russell Edison Yates with another person prior to the murders are similarly relevant in that they will tend to shed light on the state of mind of the defendant prior to and during the murders.

Kaylynn Williford

You can expect fast, barreling punk songs. We have alt-country songs. We have a song that combines jazz organ and a marching band type of drum thing going on. We tend to jump around a lot. We would rather not be pigeonholed.

Drew Benton

I don't think it's very realistic to not talk. When you're really at a birth, and you can see a woman is needing some help, words tend to be a way to help.

Mallory Mensah

Historically, those two business interests tend not to be aligned, so when you see the union lobbying for the same thing, it gets your attention. I think it can make for a more persuasive argument, if nothing else because it's such an unusual thing to see.

Todd Baxter

People tend to think we're a one-person team, but we have a lot of quality players. We have lots of players who surround her and complement her well.

Amy Powell

Although I've only been to one once, I always thought tanning salons were a lot safer than outdoor tanning. It does worry me to find out that salons could be just as harmful, if not more, since most people assume they're safer indoors and tend to let their guard down. However, I think people that use them just need to be cautious and understand that skin cancer is still a risk to them.

Andrea Brown

People who are more science-oriented and innovative tend to look down on me-too drugs, ... there's a lot more risk in being innovative.

Al Rauch

They look quite promising in the shop; and not entirely without hope when I get them back into my wardrobe. But then, when I put them on they tend to deteriorate with a very strange rapidity and one feels so sorry for them.

Joyce Grenfell

We understand that people tend to be conservative when it comes to entertainment, ... So for Nintendo to be secure, we must cater to the minds of the conservative players and those who admire something different.

Satoru Iwata

People tend to be irritable. They have impaired daytime function. There is data to suggest that people that have sleep disorders are more at risk for depression.

Dr. Manisha Witmans

It does not tend to affect the (fans') perceptions of other players.

Henry Schafer

It's difficult to move in (Afghanistan). We in the west tend to forget geography and climate still dictates a great deal of war in that region.

James Fergusson

They tend to hold investment grade paper, no junk, and they more often than not tend to have a fairly heavy exposure in the Treasury market which has no risk of default.

Andrew Clark

A lot of the national environmental groups have a huge blind spot on this. They think natural gas is a clean fuel. They don't look at the impacts of extraction. Also, the national groups tend to focus on public lands, and they think private lands are sacrificial.

Tom Morrissey

You have to look at (sex) in the appropriate context. Because we are a Catholic university we tend to look at it more as a Catholic issue than a social issue, but now we're starting to see how this Catholic issue fits into the larger social issue.

Courtney Adams

It's now part of my life. So I have to be grateful for it. I tend to forget that I was in the middle of a tsunami. Then I am jolted, and I realize that it did happen.

Cherie Gil

A female rabbit can get pregnant again within hours of giving birth. So it's important to get them spayed or neutered. Male rabbits tend to be a little calmer when they're neutered -- they don't spray, that sort of thing. All the animals adopted from us are already spayed or neutered.

Gretchen Fieser

Quarterly revenues were lower than expected due to a shortfall in software license sales. We are not satisfied with these results. However, our emphasis will continue to be on selling our more than 70 distributed products, which tend to be smaller transactions.

Beth Chappell

Our whole evolution up to this point shows that human groups spontaneously evolve patterns of behavior, as well as patterns of training people for that behavior, which tend on balance to lead people to create rather than destroy. Humans are, on net balance, builders rather than destroyers.

Julian Simon

Very small companies usually have an equal split between mobile and desktop PCs because their employees often have a wide range of responsibilities and roles; personal and work lives tend to overlap, driving these workers to mobility solutions.

Gary Chen

It's obviously the summer holiday weekends, Memorial Day, Labor Day and the Fourth of July that tend to be the big three for refreshment. Sales can be greatly impacted.

Gary Hemphill

The takeover vehicles being created tend to be high risk because they are exposed to a lot of debt. The fear could be that in 15 years the new owners are unable to invest in the needs of [port] customers.

Alastair Gunn

Women are very competitive, in case you haven't noticed. And women tend to hold grudges - not just on our tour, but women in general. Once I started playing well, it wasn't an issue any more. I don't think anyone wanted me to fail, but I remember some girls resented me. It's all part of being a rookie.

Kelli Kuehne

So often something like a cinnamon roll or a sticky bun is overpowering and very sweet. The subtle flavors of the scone tend to be something that our customers are really looking for.

Jamie Golladay

Almost inevitably, these people are more exposed than those who tend to be protected.

Crispin Hawes

[Butch Harmon, who has worked with top players from Greg Norman to Woods, says one of the most common mistakes recreational golfers make is to practice without purpose.] They tend to go to the range, warm up with some irons and then whale away with the driver, ... There is no plan to what they are doing.

Butch Harmon

Once a person can see their gate, they tend to slow down. That is why open spaces work best.

Jérôme Dutrieux

Nothing attracts audiences better than winning and American athletes tend to perform better in the Summer Games than the Winter Games.

Jon Swallen

When you get to September and the weather starts to cool down, there are fewer mosquitoes. You don't notice them as mush. People tend not to take the same kind of precautions that they would in the heat of the summer, when you step outdoors and you immediately notice the mosquitoes.

Alfred Demaria

Garner is more challenging to integrate because it does tend to have more affordable and lower cost housing.

Chuck Dulaney

It's real tough because girls tend to lean against the leg and it hurts a lot. But I just do my best.

Monay Williams

I think it's logical. Most of the federally-regulated dams tend to be fairly large dams that pose significant risk if there is a failure.

Kurt Schaefer

They are certainly all frightened. The most difficult ones to work with are the cats who hide under furniture. The dogs tend to be easier. You can put out a treat for them, you can generally bring them to you.

Michael Mountain

We tend to like a fast pace, so when you slow it down we get impatient. We knew we had to adjust to their pace because they had the lead. It took us a while to settle down.

Patricia Schultz

When things start to roll, things tend to get better and better. The first win predicts which way the season might snowball.

Steve Campbell

Expectations, unofficial ones, tend to get much higher.

Jeetil Patel

As the kids get into their teens, they tend to have more trouble with their breathing and recurrent pneumonia's and they often die from that.

Paul Levy

Religions tend to disappear with man's good fortune.

Raymond Queneau

A lot of designs are grounded in history even though they tend to be clean and not overly ornate. The sculptural form is often historic. If you come to our exhibit, a lot of things will look familiar.

Ellen Lupton

There's no question that gas prices will play a factor, but I don't think that the fallout will be as concerning as many analysts have feared, ... The holidays are something that consumers . . . plan ahead for. They tend not to be swayed by short-term economic circumstances.

Ellen Davis

The consumer has finally been shaken. If folks are unsure what the future is looking like over the next few months, they tend to hunker down and sit on cash, and that's not a good start to the holiday shopping season.

Ellen Beeson

People tend to remember my performances, not me.

Ellen Barkin

Technology tends to be regarded as less defensive, so if investors become more nervous, they would tend to gravitate away from some of the tech stocks.

Elizabeth Mackay

The more isolated folks are in any way, whether by language or geographic location - they tend to have less access to information and resources.

Elizabeth Jennings

Initiatives tend to shape turnout substantially in non-presidential elections.

Elizabeth Garrett

Does Capital punishment tend to the security of the people? By no means. It hardens the hearts of men, and makes the loss of life appear light to them; it renders life insecure, inasmuch as the law holds out that Property is of greater value than life.

Elizabeth Fry

The idea of having a real transition period makes eminent sense, and most member states would tend to agree in theory. The problem is, can they settle on a candidate by the middle of the year? It would be a major triumph, but I'm not betting the farm on it.

Edward Luck

In relationships based on equality, couples tend to develop sexual habits that are more in keeping with both partners' interests. Male-centered cultures where sexual behavior is more oriented toward procreation tend to discount the importance of sexual pleasure for women.

Edward Laumann

Male-centered cultures where sexual behavior is more oriented toward procreation tend to discount the importance of sexual pleasure for women.

Edward Laumann

Country people tend to consider that they have a corner on righteousness and to distrust most manifestations of cleverness, while people in the city are leery of righteousness but ascribe to themselves all manner of cleverness.

Edward Hoagland

We found that reading development, in particular, is affected in girls, though the mathematical skills of food-insecure children entering kindergarten also tend to develop significantly more slowly than other children's.

Edward Frongillo

We've been seeing weakness in the RV market for the better part of this year, so we're not surprised to see a down earnings quarter. What we tend to see in the RV market during periods of weakness is relative strength at the value end of the market.

Edward Aaron

Everybody stepped up their game, nobody took any shifts off, and finally we had our offensive production match our goal tending. The boys played hard. A lot of things clicked.

Ed Gantt

The new startups would tend to lease space, and the next generation is buying.

Ed Wulfe

If people are organized the wrong way (and) they do not empathize with the customer then what you tend to have is a lot of money spent on some technology project, which goes down a rat hole.

Fred Thompson

Some of the kids, especially those who have been turning 720s on a video game with their fingers versus in reality, they tend to get a little impatient. We like to look at where they are and where they want to end up. Then we try to build up those skills to help someone get where they want to go.

Earl Saline

So far, the Chinese who have seen my work tend to see a mix of Eastern and Western cultures.

Ed Pien

Because I look Asian, when I am showing in Europe or North America, people tend to approach my work as if it was made by someone completely immersed in the Asian tradition. There is an exotic aspect to the way people perceive my work. Asians from other places tend to relate to my work on a very visceral level.

Ed Pien

Museum spaces tend to be the kind of spaces where you can do a number of different things and it doesn't matter which white box you're in. Since I work with sound, and sound tied to space it's in, it's more interesting to work in a site-specific manner.

Ed Osborn

I tend to love stories about people and not cop shows and violence, special effects. And some of the things I see, I'm not prudish, I'm not Pollyanna, but I thought North by Northwest was as sexy as you can get and we had all our clothes on.

Eva Marie Saint

Lawyers tend to have something credible to say about an important subject. Lawyers have been educated about the legal system, which people are interested in.

Eugene Volokh

Not having a point of agreement can tend to be frustrating on both sides. Communication helps to keep the emotions managed.

Eugene Parker

It opened people's eyes to what's happening in a place that people forget about and tend to brush off.

Ethan Zohn

We tend to do period stuff because it helps make it one step removed from boring everyday reality.

Ethan Coen

Emails can be dangerous. You tend to lose your formality and thoughtfulness in emails... It's a fine means of setting up meetings but for substantive purposes, you have to be much more careful of what you're doing and you can't use it for a medium of entertainment in the office.

Eric Rosenberg

Keep in mind that auto shipments and sales tend to be quite volatile. They've been really going up and down pretty wildly over the last few months, and so I'd be hesitant to read too much into any one reading.

Eric Lascelles

People were complaining that on the big sites they weren't finding people that shared their spiritual interests. I find that people, the deeper they are into Buddhism, the more important it is for them to have somebody else who's interested in it. The people who meditate or go to a Buddhist center tend to place a high premium on finding people who share their spiritual path.

Erik Curren

We've seen, really across the store, improving results. Part of it seems to be better merchandising, part of it seems to be improved execution, and part of it is just momentum -- once people start going to a store, they tend to return.

Eric Bosshard

Alliance management is the final piece of the business development structure. Formal alliance management groups tend to appear in relatively sophisticated organizations, and they command critical budget dollars.

Eric Bolesh

Debate is too much focused on the last months' data, so that people tend to lose the long-term perspective.

Enrico Giovannini

[Sitting on a sofa in Harris' living room, they started singing.] What you do when you're singers, ... you tend to sing, which happens very casually.

Emmylou Harris