To be a teacher was to be a student anew, to relive the intoxication of insight, and to be a prophet, to sketch the world down to its very foundation — not simply to tease sight from blindness, but to demand that another see.

R. Scott Bakker

In memory of Peggy, who was such a teacher, this loom will be in her memory.

Margaret Tennis

I treat all children the same. I don't consider their disability an excuse, but, rather, a point of motivation. ... When you enter my classroom you no longer see children with special needs, but a teacher who meets the needs of special children.

Anita Ramirez

Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose.

Bill Gates

Christie is a highly energetic music teacher who dares to try new things, and she's not afraid to tackle a huge project.

Mary King

I'd like to say I was smart enough to finish six grades in five years, but I think perhaps the teacher was just glad to get rid of me.

Alan B. Shepard, Jr.

She is not only a teacher to us, she is a true friend. I hope to have her for the rest of my high school career.

Brittany Smith

We had a great drama department and a great on site voice teacher actually. I started taking lessons with her and doing some community theatre. Then when I was seventeen, I did some professional theatre gigs locally and had already made up my mind that that's what I really wanted to do and my parents really never questioned it.

Chad Kimball

(Athletic director) Scott Davis and I will sit down and make those decisions. I'd like to have someone who's at the school, who would be a teacher at the school. Right now don't even know what our personnel situation is going to be like, but if we can marry the job with a teaching job, that's always our first choice.

Joe Mcdaniel

What the teacher saw was disturbing. The young girl was typing something like, ?Gee, you seem really nice, you really seem to understand girls.? That set off a red flag with the teacher, who reported it and we pursued it from there.

Richard Pratt

I have difficulty calling myself a great teacher and I don't think I've really ever altered my teaching style at all. We have a lot more technology available to draw from now, but I have to admit I still do things now like I did when I started teaching at Buford in 1970.

Diane Evans

It's humiliating that a person who kicks a ball makes more money than a school teacher.

Patch Adams

For the last ten years my only teacher has been Rudolf Pierne. He is a superb pianist, conductor, linguist and a great singing teacher. He knows my voice and has looked after its development.

Bryn Terfel

So we?re paying teacher salaries on a scale with districts that are much richer than we are, and one of the only ways to make all this better is to increase the value of the property in the community.

Barry Robertson

We had one Marxist history teacher who taught a straight Marxist view of history, ... I remember he once asked where diamonds got their value. Someone said, 'because they're beautiful'. He said, 'no, no'. Someone else said, 'supply and demand'. He said, 'no'. Someone else said, 'from the sweat of the workers in the mines!' And he said 'right!'

Victor Navasky

As a teacher and as a coach for 30 years, in a sense you are an actor. You're always performing. And getting up in front of a group of people has never bothered me.

Artie Pasquale

It's kind of like having in-house consultants. We're providing the same service, we're just not getting paid as teacher trainers for it.

Judy Preston

This is required by law. Under the current teacher requirement rules, if you're retired, you're retired. If you come back, you lose your benefits. If you're in an area deemed in a shortage, you can come back to the classroom without losing your retirement benefits.

Kris Taylor

I don't think any teacher is as ready as I am.

Christa Mcauliffe

Take Provo district. They had someone with experience in social work, and she wanted to be a teacher and didn't really want to go back to school and do a traditional way, so she enrolled in an Alternative Routes program.

Bruce Schroeder

In fifth grade, my art teacher had our entire grade draw pictures of insects. She submitted all of the drawings (to Save the Children) and told us how whatever products they sell raises money for children all around the world who are in need of financial help.

Kaitlin Bessemer

When you become a parent, or a teacher, you turn into a manager of this whole system. You become the person controlling the bubble of innocence around a child, regulating it.

Kazuo Ishiguro

This problem of teacher sexual predators in schools is just one of a thousand huge, daunting problems facing the public school system.

David Kupelian

Teacher tenure is a myth, ... California teachers only have basic due process rights so they aren't fired for arbitrary reasons like speaking out on behalf of textbooks for their students. Proposition 74 just adds millions in costs to the current evaluation system and does absolutely nothing to improve education or help students.

Sharon Scott

For me, it means I can go on and become a certificated teacher, and that's a goal. I think it's been beneficial overall.

Jennifer Griffin

When most people are asked who has been influential in their life, many will name a teacher.

Joi Tydings

Members worked at 'cleaning up the town.' Bible study was introduced to public schools; a Catholic teacher was replaced with a Protestant one, and wife beaters and 'loose women' were run out of town.

Terri Clemens

Maybe, I want to be a teacher.

Allison Williams

The teacher was more concerned about the forms than the child.

Debbie Harris

I will be a teacher as well as a coach and will try to teach kids how important a good work ethic is and how to handle adversity. Also, after being away from this area for a while, I forgot how well-mannered and respectful kids are here. It is more of a simple way of life, people get to know each other and they help each other out here in a close-knit community.

Brandon Combs

Mr. Gibson is very respectful of students and student self-governance. He understands our community and knows how it works, and he really enjoys the role of teacher and mentor.

Carol Wood

We were looking for something that was valid and reliable . . . for something that would measure teacher effectiveness that was neutral. This measures student improvement and the value that teachers bring to student improvement.

Hanna Skandera

By working closely with these kids it makes you think as a teacher about things you can do to improve in those areas with all your kids.

Jennifer Jackson

I'm like a brand new kid, ... I'm a brand new teacher here. And how are you feeling today? Does anyone feel a bit scared?

Lisa Johnson

He is more than just a teacher. We're able to talk to him about things we can't say to teachers, because he is more like us and less like them.

Charles Coles

History teacher Mrs. (Eleanor) Glass inspired her to look beyond Michigan.

Dan Boone

If they're tardy, they stand. Or if they fall asleep. You can't sleep standing up. I heard of another teacher doing it, so I stole (the idea).

Matt Buckley

It gives me an opportunity to get to know more about my students and their lives and that lets me be a better teacher.

John Starkey

Every principal, teacher and paraprofessional has risen to the occasion.

Brenda Hill

The equipment is just phenomenal. It's a dream for a teacher.

Terry Burns

I have two older brothers, the general and David, who is a teacher. My sister, Sarah, also is a teacher.

Ben Shelton

It's going to be tough for Channing. I basically said (Brown) is obviously a great teacher. The first half-year was one of the toughest times I've ever had. Channing is going to have to take a lot of things that are said with a grain of salt.

Sean Elliott

We'll have growing pains. Some days we'll be up, some down. But as a coach and a teacher, I can't be happier with the way the kids are going at it in practice. There are no heads down here.

Vin Laczkoski

His third-grade teacher said he knew every rock and rill in the Rockies. And he said, 'Yeah, and I knew every saloon, too,' ... The rating kept going up during the show as people called their friends to tune in.

Ralph Edwards

Creative activity could be described as a type of learning process where teacher and pupil are located in the same individual.

Arthur Koestler

That doesn't mean teacher quality is not important. It means we have to take a closer look. A lot happens between policy and classrooms.

Christopher Swanson

In today's society, a teacher is not just a teacher. They're a little bit of everything combined into one.

Bernard Thompson

We have to change our behavior. We are the mother, the first teacher and we have to start our own revolution. We need to speak up and say we don't like this music, we don't want to wear these clothes, and we need to educate ourselves and stop letting the men get all that air time.

Karrine Steffans

It was a difficult time then. I was a part-time P.E. teacher at Alva High School and Lehigh Elementary because there weren't enough students for full-time P.E. teachers.

Robert Bates

[Educators in Wilson County said they had enrolled about 35 students.] If that grows to 36, and then to 50 … we may need to look at an additional teacher, ... As a system, we'll probably need over 100 students before we see much difference.

Jim Duncan

Don also was known as a great storyteller, and students often left his classroom with smiles on their faces. Over the years Don had gained the reputation among his former students as a passionate, compelling teacher and a highly respected mentor.

Salah Hassan

We have more staff than we need. Our administration has said that. Our teacher-to-student ratio is down to about 13½ to 1.

Dave Stidham

This is awesome and has never been offered in Murfreesboro. The teacher is outstanding. Students will be learning about clowning, makeup techniques, the history of clowning and clown costuming. The cost is $50 and $25 of that is for a makeup kit.

Lisa Foster

People come to yoga to find themselves. Stretching releases tension, but there?s also a meditative, spiritual aspect. ..You are going to get physical benefits, and that?s fine. But if you have the right teacher, you?re going to get all the other stuff, too.

Martin Berson

A teacher affects eternity.

Henry Adams

Every year, it's fill-in-the-blank versus teacher salaries.

Tom Long

The purpose was always to return to Israel, but we spent four years in the States so I could receive certification as a teacher of autistic children.

Tali Berman

It is just as important, perhaps more important, for the teacher to have the benefit of personal counseling when he needs it as it is for the student.

Dr. William Menninger

Nature has been for me, for as long as I remember, a source of solace, inspiration, adventure, and delight; a home, a teacher, a companion.

Lorraine Anderson

He was essentially a teacher. A very popular, good teacher.

John Sanders

Alma was my teacher in ninth grade. I graduated from here in 1999 when it was Weymouth North High School. I'm acutely aware of how old this building is.

John Boucher

I enjoy what I do very much, ... When I was a kid I helped my Dad with the cows on our farm. He was a school teacher, too. When I left home, for some reason he sold the cows we had always kept.

Dan Edwards

Any child who is placed on a stimulant medication should be watched closely for side effects. The child should be monitored closely by the prescribing physician, with periodic reports from the school, teacher and parents.

Diane Meyers

It's better because at a traditional high school you have 30 kids in one class and one teacher and they don't have time to sit with you and talk about what you need with.

Shaquayla Robertson

They're all about problem-solving. If I didn't enjoy problem-solving, I probably wouldn't have become a math teacher.

Max White

They took the cup to the school's day-care service, and a teacher called both parents.

Nathalie Prevost

I have yet to see any tests predict the success or failure of any teacher in the classroom, ... Passing the bar exam doesn't mean that you are going to be a great lawyer. Obviously, passing the bar exam doesn't mean you are going to be a good politician either.

Charlie Williams

Time is the best teacher, but unfortunately, it kills all of its students.

Robin Williams

He is definitely one of the ones that I would rate as the number one teacher of Elbert School. And then when I found out he resigned, I was completely, horribly upset.

Heather Ferguson

I was terrified of being a teacher. To stand in front of a classroom, the responsibility is boggling. Imagine! Standing in front of people!

John Glover

A great teacher can live in a less-than-godlike body.

Liz Neporent

There is no human reason why a child should not admire and emulate his teacher's ability to do sums, rather than the village bum's ability to whittle sticks and smoke cigarettes. The reason why the child does not is plain enough - the bum has put himself on an equality with him and the teacher has not.

Floyd Dell

This seems to be happening more and more. It's kind of like passing notes around a classroom while the teacher is talking.

Paul Kole

The teacher is like the candle, which lights others in consuming itself.

Italian Proverb

African American Studies majors and minors have diverse interests. It's great as a teacher to invent classes that meet those needs.

Tracey Salisbury

A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.

Henry Adams

These data shatter the illusion of a fair distribution of per-pupil spending in California. We cannot continue to turn a blind eye to the glaring inequity in the distribution of teacher talent and teacher dollars.

Russlynn Ali

The best teacher is the one who suggests rather than dogmatizes, and inspires his listener with the wish to teach himself.

Edward G. Bulwer lytton

The trouble with most musicians today is that they are copycats. Of course you have to start out playing like someone else. You have a model, or a teacher, and you learn all that he can show you. But then you start playing for yourself. Show them that you're an individual. And I can count those who are doing that today on the fingers of one hand.

Lester Young

I am always going to have a sort of 'thank you' to my attitude about the (city) of Woburn, ... I will always appreciate what the school and people like (then football coach) Walter White did for me. It got me into college and was very instrumental in my path to my livelihood as a teacher and coach.

Peter Flynn

Pat was the very first nutrition volunteer. She had been a preschool teacher for many years and mentioned she loved working with children.

Susan Keegan

This way I could get a new house and continue to be a teacher, and live with the money I make selling the other half of the duplex.

Sheila Fleming

It helps a lot and feels great having him as the coach. If he sees an error in your swing, he can fix it right away. That's really the good part about it. He's been in these situations before as a coach at Austin Peay. He knows what to do and that's part of the reason we're having so much success. He's a great teacher.

Andrew Miller

She was a very devout teacher. There was a fanaticism about her in terms of the quality of a performance she sought from her students, and about how they thought about the music they played.

Joel Rosenberg

It will take some time to prepare the new Title-1 teacher, which will postpone the start of our tutoring program.

Leslie May

We provide money for teacher grants.

Judy Taylor

We've got to lower teacher units at some schools. West Morgan's fifth grade has three teachers and 93 students.

Billy Rhodes

[Before he testified, Mr. Cooper recalled that Mr. Fitzgerald counseled him to say what he remembered and no more.] If I show you a picture of your kindergarten teacher and it really refreshes your memory say so, ... If it doesn't, don't say yes just because I show you a photo of you and her sitting together.

Matthew Cooper

While I was never really into pageants, my teacher convinced me to try out and my pageant career started in 2004, when I won the Miss Massachusetts Pre-teen Pageant. I thought it would be a great way to get involved with community service.

Devon Williams

I was torn between research in biological sciences and becoming a teacher.

Monica Luechtefeld

He's a teacher, and you have to show your pupils that you care. He'll be a great teacher because of his experience.

Steve Orsini

The sky's the limit, I could become a doctor be a professor somewhere, be a counselor a teacher somewhere at a high school.

Keith Kitamura

I've always loved to learn. I've always enjoyed school, and it might have gotten me into trouble with my peers and that sort of nature. A lot of it was both my parents were in the field of education. With a lot of parents that are teachers, they rarely suggest that their child go into teaching, because it is a difficult occupation. Their example really motivated me to become a teacher.

Ben Clabo

I think that the teacher has to be enthusiastic, and your enthusiasm is contagious.

Stacey Ward

My wife and I talked it over. She's going to school and will be a teacher, and I'm going to go into real estate.

Alex Gutierrez

Each teacher sees 150 (students) a day. That's not as huge as what it appears here.

John Mancinelli

Out of writing all those books, people were looking for Waldo in his prose. His books are ones that will be in print for a long time. He'll be sadly missed as a teacher and a friend by so many.

Doug Brinkley

As a teacher, of course I'm always full of advice.

Lon Buchheit

They have no comments about what happened, they won't tell me anything about him and [the assistant teacher] also resigned today.

Thelma Bradley

He'd be washing dishes, or riding a tractor mower. He got sweaty and dirty. He wasn't afraid of manual labor. When you see your teacher do that, it's a great inspiration.

John Noonan

If we can teach a teacher we can reach more people.

Richard Stengel

Fear is not a good teacher. The lessons of fear are quickly forgotten.

Mary Catherine Bateson

Sixteen years ago, we started celebrating local heroes by establishing the annual Disney Teacher Awards to celebrate and honor America's finest educators. This nomination process shows thousands of teachers across the country how much their work means to their students, colleagues and communities.

Terry Wick

The Wethersfield Fire Department is proud of the members that give so freely of themselves, especially long term members like David Anderson. The wealth of knowledge that he brings to every call is immeasurable. He has been a member and a teacher to countless members of the department.

Charles Flynn

Every chance I get I'm running to India - that's essentially my home. I don't live anywhere really, but every chance I get I want to go be with my teacher there and study more.

Ben Lee

So we really made sure that the cost of this new teacher would be workable if we have to go back to a Class I budget.

Aaron Parks

Everybody has their own bed. The principal of Dogwood Elementary, Robin Cochran, gave me one inflatable bed, a teacher there gave me another one and we bought one more.

Julissa Mejia

A lot of this is teacher-driven. We don't wait until the test and then turn it on. They're working hard every day.

Robby Davis

She was a teacher with us, too. If she felt she should put money in your hand, she would do that, too.

Pamela Wiggins

I figured maybe it was some sort of a surprise celebration for our new Teacher of the Year.

Amanda Allen

When somebody, usually a teacher, says, 'The child is a little slower than we'd like to see with reading,' or a mother says, 'All my other kids will read a book at any opportunity, and this one doesn't like to read. He likes sports.' Then you find out sometimes that the children have a visual problem.

Lisa Hall

It's an extremely small percentage, although the impact - when a teacher engages in this - on the student, the parents and the community is widespread.

Brenda Allen

A teacher gives knowledge to his student and enlightens him.

Yajur Veda

I'm a father, a grandfather, a teacher and a friend before I'm a coach. There's nothing more important to me than helping kids, and that's why I've never gone after a college job.

Willie Worsley

I think it really helped to open their eyes and minds to the profession. It definitely made everything more realistic to them, whether they are going on college auditions or other auditions. They could relate more to a professional than a teacher. Colin didn't have an air about him. He was down to earth and made the kids feel comfortable. It really was a great day.

Alex Perez

The impact of the ending and signing of annual teacher contracts are accounted differently now as the state collects employment data for government jobs.

Larry Parker

Ultimately, LAMP will allow the means necessary for a teacher candidate to demonstrate their understanding of their students' learning and how that relates to their own teaching.

Greg Marchant

She is learning to be a good teacher. She is pushing me. Being a good teacher is about give and take.

Kostya Tszyu

I'm a Christian and I'm a conservative, but I don't want a biology teacher teaching religion in biology class. Do I think there's a place for it? Absolutely, but not in a science classroom. I'm very uncomfortable about where this could lead.

Al Simpson

The sooner and better they understand themselves, the better baseball player they'll be. That's the best teacher of all, experience.

Marquis Grissom

As for myself, I always willingly acknowledge my own self as the principal cause of every good and of every evil which may befall me; therefore I have always found myself capable of being my own pupil, and ready to love my teacher.

Giacomo Casanova

We wanted to do something that is student-, parent- and teacher-friendly and not be too radical that people wouldn't understand it. This is the new way education is changing.

Michelle Turner

Looking at San Benito High School, there was one particular teacher whose comments were very personal, and I felt bad that this teacher would have to read something like that. Certainly, we're all entitled to an opinion, but it wasn't a critique about his class, instruction or curriculum, and that's the beneficial part of a site like this. Personal comments are counterproductive.

Pat Adams

The writing contest is a way for teachers to get kids writing. It gives them a purpose, a real-world experience. They get feedback from others and not just from me as their classroom teacher. They have a wider audience.

Ruth Johnson

I'm not yet sure what I want to major in. If I don't get into engineering, I know I'd like to be a teacher and a coach. I like working with kids.

Stavone Martin

She got all this together, ... She's a great role model and a great teacher.

Van Kirk

A crucial element to the success of the program is regularly updating teacher skills and promoting counselor awareness of the latest PLTW initiatives for students.

Jim Matthys

We're not making a whole lot of money. It's a good supplement for my income as a teacher.

Bob Tosterud

They do have counselors set up for both the students and the teacher. They're devastated. They're absolutely devastated.

Mike Adkins

A good teacher must know the rules; a good pupil, the exceptions.

Martin H. Fischer

People with a $120,000 job as a research scientist aren't going to be knocking down doors to make $28,000 a year as a teacher.

Mary Tiede Wilhelmus

The careers teacher told me I had a clear choice: if I didn't end up going to university I'd end up robbing post offices.

Dylan Moran

She knows what it takes to win and has a winning attitude. She is a teacher on and off the field. She can show what can be accomplished if you are dedicated and committed.

Pete Maddas

It is just gorgeous. It's so wonderful. We just love it. The colors [of the tan and green trimmed buildings] make you think of the name and the name comes from an incredible teacher and man.

Valerie Hendrix

Bill is an excellent teacher for all levels of artists because he is able to make them relax. He has a great sense of humor, which is important in a teacher.

Susan Mclean

The teacher has done none of those.

Steve Sievers

The state core (curriculum), I believe, supports the Alpine program. If you were to get the elementary math (teacher) endorsement program, you could look at it and the math is almost trivial. It's mostly about pedagogy.

David Wright

[His interest in hazardous overseas assignments can be traced back to a childhood fascination.] I was in fifth grade during the Gulf War in 1991, ... I remember drawing a map of the Middle East and watching CNN nightly with my dad. One day, I even asked my teacher if I could skip gym class to hear a speech by General Norman Schwarzkopf.

Michael Hastings

No teacher needs legislative approval to teach what is the scientifically accepted norms of their discipline.

Michael Zimmerman

I love the way it was spelled out. Parents have the questions but maybe don't have time to ask the teacher.

Susan Warner

This case is about a teacher who did something she knew was wrong and she got caught red-handed, ... Her punishment was fair and even her union agreed.

Gregory Miller

Our kids spend more time today learning about life through media than from any other source. They spend twice as much time in front of the television as they do in front of a school teacher.

John Nelson

An honor like this is overwhelming as a teacher, ... The profession is about giving to others and improving their level of play. I believe in the saying that it is more important to give than to receive.

Peter Krause

And she stresses fighting as a last resort -- do anything to get out of fighting, I'd have Joan spar against men three times her size, and she'd give them a good beating. She's just tough, and a very good teacher. She's been at it 30 years.

Josh Moore

Mrs. Vaughan puts students at the center of everything she does. She is just a great teacher and certainly deserves the recognition and award.

Jeff Mcclelland

In 2004 there was a report filed against this teacher involving another student. We interviewed the kid and we referred it over to the DA's office.

Denise Monteiro

Terry was so angry; she kept saying we have to meet with these people at parent-teacher conferences, ... But in the midst of this anger, I realized there's something funny about the way these pieces affect my life, and I realized there was a show in this, a hybrid where you could see the hidden cameras juxtaposed with this normal domestic life that I lead.

Howie Mandel

The judges of normality are present everywhere. We are in the society of the teacher-judge, the doctor-judge, the educator-judge, the ''social worker'' -judge.

Michel Foucault

[Historian and traveller Dalrymple plays the role of storyteller and teacher as he takes us on a memorable and moveable feast of readings, workshops, tastings and excursions through the heat and madness of Marrakech.] It's more like a holiday with a bit of literary stimulation, ... A halfway house; half holiday and half literary knocking of heads together.

William Dalrymple

I thought it would be a lot more frustrating coming in, probably because at the end of last year, I really started to understand the offense more, ... When coach O'Brien came in, and I talked to him for the first time, I knew that it was to be OK. He's the best teacher I have ever been around.

Mike Schneider

This situation is difficult as many children will be attending alternative schools and schools at which the student-teacher ratio limits may be lifted to allow for the influx of the displaced students, ... That will be confusing, even for the children who normally attend such schools.

Catherine Cook

Fortunately, in talking with the classroom teacher, she shared with me that the children recently read a couple of books on loss -- 'Charlotte's Web' and 'The Taste of Blackberries,' ... The children had an opportunity to discuss feelings and talk about what it meant to lose someone and to share with each other.

Connie Collins

It was her smile. It was the teacher she was, but also the person she was.

Seimone Augustus

She was by far my favorite teacher. She's one of the reasons I became a teacher.

Wes Brown

He's got really good leadership at home. His mom and dad are good people and they push him hard in academics. But sports have kind have been his motivation to give him a kind of inner strength rather than mom, dad, teacher and coach McLaughlin getting on him. You can see that he wants to do it for himself.

Jason Mclaughlin

We are aware of the poverty, teacher turnover and lack of resources in that area. That will be embedded in the program.

Patricia Graham

We have excellent teachers at every school. We have the same curriculum at every school. All of our schools are 100 percent accredited. One school might be newer. One school might be older. ... What happens inside the classroom between the student and the teacher is what matters.

Bethanne Bradshaw

Anyone can be a teacher or professor, but not everyone can influence you to strive for excellence and make a difference in the world around you.

Curtis White

The (shorter) day is a change in the terms and conditions of employment and affects the teacher workday.

Rhonda Johnson

Without her I would not be the same person. She was always there if I needed to talk. She was the kind of teacher that broke the teacher-student rules. She saw kids with old clothes that looked rough and she would help them. She would help them be better people.

Marek Rupar

The new (teacher) contract will call for a little more freedom for this type of work, and we will have it next year as an established practice.

Catherine Richard

You know, people want someone to tell them the answer, ... They want a friend, or a teacher, or a parent - but above all I guess they just want to know. And the truth is you can't tell them, and that's a hard thing to deal with. And it's easy to get wrapped up in the idea that this person knows - that he will tell me what I need to know, what I need to live - because he means a lot to me.

Michael Pitt

We're quite pleased with most of the areas that the kids tested in. We made our goals that we set at the beginning of (last) year. Each teacher has to set a goal for each one of their students for improvement, and most of them were satisfied with how they did.

Gary Young

On a teacher's salary, no teacher could ever afford dependent care. Job number one (in the Legislature) is to repair education finance so we can pay salaries.

Vicky Rudy

You can be sure there will be a teacher in every classroom, but how well prepared that teacher is is questionable when there's such a disparity between supply and demand.

Barry Wilson

One little boy in a red shirt said that he wanted one of the pencils and notebooks that they had helped unload and he asked if he could have one, ... A teacher said she would make sure he got one.

Douglas Ward

He's a great teacher and coach. His players are very well-skilled in fundamentals, and that made them tougher than most of us. Plus, he had talent. Combine that with his coaching, and you have an undefeated (regular) season. He did a remarkable job.

Carl Bailey

I told all the teachers to come down, and any members of the community that want to. A teacher mentioned (the idea of a rally) to me. I thought it would be a good idea. It just kind of spontaneously happened. Some parents have helped to organize it as well.

Shaun Rinier

I have always worked at getting someone else the teacher of the year.

Mary Hamilton

Sid has been in our organization for a long time. He's been at the A level and the rookie league and you want someone at that level who is a good teacher, who has patience -- the same things you want in a manager and the other coaches. You're looking for that particular individual that can relate, that is a worker and is willing to spend hours and hours with players, getting them to do it right.

Bruce Manno

We've created smaller English classes with smaller student-teacher ratios, ... We've also been able to hire, thanks to the school board, some additional aides.

Scott Keith

She was a great teacher and she helped me a lot. I practiced it all the time.

Laura Nunez

She was what a rabbi ought to be -- a great teacher. She enriched the lives of everyone around her.

Richard Cohen

Our first teacher is our own heart.

Cheyenne Proverb

I always told him, as soon as he graduates, I'll be knocking on his door to get him back here at the Herm. I'd love to have him back here as a teacher and a role model.

Patrick Kane

I was a teacher and I wanted every kid in my class to do the very best. But they also need to have a life.

Trish Candia

The mother explained it to a teacher at the school who didn't know these were gang colours, ... The kids were being recruited through their colours.

Don Meredith

Like they say, experience is the best teacher, ... Hopefully, some of the guys who have been through those situations can help pull some of these other guys through.

Napoleon Harris

It' not fair. I personally went through each room to help with possible messes. I also spoke to the band teacher to ensure everything was perfect before we left. To deny us because of 'sticky fingers' is just asinine.

Wendy Ney

A high school teacher has no speech rights, yet must use words to deliver curriculum.

Linda Manning

With the Texas Teacher of the Year (Karen Shepherd of Plano Senior High School) right here in Plano ISD, a Texas theme is most appropriate.

Karla Oliver

The other thing that helps a great deal in schools is if they have a sex-ed teacher who comes into the school. She's not the gym teacher, who teaches swimming and basketball and field hockey. I'd love it if it was a male-and-female team, but that seldom happens.

Sue Johanson

These girls' only life trajectory is marriage, and being a teacher is a pretty good job.

Sherryl Broverman

As a student I learned from wonderful teachers and ever since then I've thought everyone is a teacher.

Bill Moyers

Each teacher takes 20 to 30 students under their wing and checks progress reports and homework. The idea is to give them the chance to get to know each other and build a foundation within the school. We want to be more of a coach for them.

Joni Hale

We'll move from just being able to talk about the individual student to the realm of let's talk about instructional practices. That's the rational behind it -- they don't have enough time to talk yet about what am I doing as a teacher.

Tom Parker

I'm embarrassed every time I look a teacher in the eye, because we ask them to do so much for so little.

Phil Mcgraw

Without his influence, I would not be a school teacher or soccer coach. He had a tremendous impact on my life.

Adrian Wilson

The teacher must derive not only the capacity, but the desire, to observe natural phenomena. The teacher must understand and feel her position of observer: the activity must lie in the phenomenon.

Maria Montessori

Students will achieve no more than they are required to on a daily basis. Kids can tell how much a teacher cares about them, and they know how hard they are willing to work for the teacher.

Bill Wise

I'm excited for him because he's an excellent teacher.

Gary Johnson

Would I have been better off as a teacher in Ireland or Spain? It's a very difficult question to answer. You take the road and you travel along it. I probably would do the same thing again.

Gabriel Byrne

I used to write things for friends. There was this girl I had a crush on, and she had a teacher she didn't like at school. I had a real crush on her, so almost every day I would write her a little short story where she would kill him in a different way.

Stephen Colbert

I believe we will have achieved education reform when no teacher believes he or she can teach the same thing in the same way from one year to the next.

David Warlick

In any classroom, all children are not on the same level, ... When I was a high school teacher, I stood in front of the class and taught algebra. But I learned before I left that I had to walk down the aisles and look at each person's paper and see what each person is doing. That's my philosophy. You teach individuals, you don't teach algebra.

Donna King

I didn't like to read, ... I was embarrassed because I didn't want kids to laugh at me, and kids sometimes have the tendency to make you feel bad when you can't do what the teacher wants you to do.

Billy Blanks

The teacher is never obligated to take the advice offered by the computer.

Steve O'brien

Jack Hendrix was a very prominent person here. He was a piano teacher at Odessa College for many years, and he was the state president of the Texas Music Teachers' Association at one time.

Ronald Bennett

He's an excellent teacher on the offensive side of the ball. He's looking to stop the rush, and he will find the guys who will go out and do it.

Darrin Kenney

He's an outstanding kid who will do whatever a teacher or coach asks him to do. He's a very smart and athletic kid who has tools to be a very good quarterback. He is also very good with football terms.

Jim Gober