371 quotes about signaling follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

A sub-5 percent rate is an important signal to the rest of the country that the North Carolina job market is strong despite the significant restructuring occurring.

Michael Walden

We can say with great certainty that feather color affects female preference for particular males and that changes in the signal have really important consequences in terms of whose offspring you're caring for.

Rebecca Safran

Peaks in seismic activity in the crust surrounding a fault could help signal the arrival of large earthquakes. These peaks may be a good midterm precursor and allow authorities to declare alerts several months before earthquakes.

Valeri Korneev

If it decides to scrap the policy, I think investors will see that as a signal to buy stocks. But if the BOJ decides to postpone ending the policy until its next meeting in April ... there will be disappointment.

Toru Otsuka

There's a risk that the conservatives could signal a scaling-down of reform ambitions in various areas.

Thorsten Polleit

What utilities are looking for and the public surrounding those plants are looking for is a clear signal that the fuel is eventually going to move from those sites. Absent that, there may be some reluctance to continue to pursue the applications.

Adrian Heymer

We wanted to be as careful as we could to signal that this magazine is aimed at a different market, ... upscale feel.

Anna Wintour

Change is the constant, the signal for rebirth, the egg of the phoenix.

Christina Baldwin

If you have an antenna, you can get our signal in high definition on HD Channel 31.

Tom Tipton

The study was completed and it indicated a full signal was warranted. We certainly will be looking to move on that as soon as possible. We knew that time was of the essence.

Marla Fannin

I think the technology Ascend has acquired gives them the lead over existing data networking companies in offering full-featured SS7 technology. Stratus offers SS7 technology on a high-end computer platform, whereas Cisco offers more low-end signaling.

Christin Armacost

This is a good signal by the central bank to control credit, as it's further fueling inflation.

Hasitha Premaratne

His conclusions are contingent on a very large bias removal that is large or larger than the global warming signal itself.

Christopher W. Landsea

Unless a legislature passes a bill testing the opinion, there is no way to know if the court's opinion has changed. They can't signal a change of attitude without a vehicle for it.

Vikram Amar

That red hair of hers was a warning signal. To this day I laugh at how she beat those boys.

Bridget Idtensohn

As we increased the riskiness of a target, the neurons' activity would go up in the same way the monkey's frequency of choosing that target would go up. It was amazing the degree to which the activity of these neurons paralleled the behavior of the monkeys. They looked like they were signaling, in fact, the monkeys' subjective valuation of that target.

Michael Platt

The Yes vote sends a clear signal to candidate countries that we take their joining the European Union very seriously.

Anders Fogh Rasmussen

Low interest rates have really been powering these markets. The ECB is worried it is signaling inflation further down the line, but in the U.K. you have had very strong house-price rises, and no real pickup in general price inflation.

Milan Khatri

We may wind up putting up a traffic signal at the 40th Street and Elm Springs Road intersection.

Patsy Christie

Every question to Roberts is obviously a question to the next nominee. They are sending a signal to Bush about where Democrats will engage in a strong fight and where they will be willing to allow the next candidate to flow through.

Julian Zelizer

That may have sent the wrong signal. We have asked the military to go somewhere else while we are doing the negotiations.

Robert Aventajado

That is a pretty clear signal that there is still something here. I'm hopeful that we will show significant results as we follow these women longer.

Jacques Rossouw

Imagine our surprise when their hub instantly returned my signal. Since the other office was still using the factory defaults on its wireless hub, I connected just fine. No hacking, no planning - just plain, dumb chance.

Jeff Schmidt

If these [earliest stars] were very massive and formed in the standard cosmological mode, they should have left a signature in the fluctuations of the CIB. That's the signal we sought to measure with these observations.

Alexander Kashlinsky

It certainly is signaling there is financial stress on Northwest. It's telling everyone they may now be looking at bankruptcy as a strong option.

Joel Denney

The change from 'likely' to 'may be' takes away any strong signal they'll be raising rates.

Dean Maki

Since there are no (divestment) targets, there is no quantitative impact on any setback to divestment process though it surely sends a signal that reforms continue to be sluggish as ever.

Abheek Barua

I don't have my car anymore, so it's hard to get around, ... My parents used to call me every day, now I can't even call them. I just get a busy signal.

Hal Miller

It would be a good opportunity to signal a change in interest rate policy. This is a country with single-digit inflation and an interest rate of 20 percent. It's ridiculous.

Jerome Booth

We can use attention-grabbing signals in cars but they are very irritating for the driver. The more attention-grabbing a signal is, the more irritating it is for the driver.

Charles Spencer

Harvard has really been an excellent program, something to really compare yourselves to. And for us to be able to beat them, as we did, at home...it's a great signal to all that's in front of us.

Jim Knowles

They're basically trying to send off a signal ... look at me, I'm here.

Glenn Plum

You're not going to get a clear signal until tomorrow.

David Ging

Perhaps this is signaling a reversal of the longer-run trend of the breeding herd moving away from the eastern Corn Belt. In 1990, 27 percent of the U.S. breeding herd was in the eastern Corn Belt. That portion declined steadily to a low of only 17.2 percent in 2004.

Chris Hurt

I think Microsoft will get a stay on at least some of Jackson's conduct remedies, but I don't think it will get a stay on all of them, ... If the company does get a stay on all of them, that is a positive signal for Microsoft on how the Appeals Court or the Supreme Court would rule on the merits of its appeal.

Richard Gray

REVEILLE, n. A signal to sleeping soldiers to dream of battlefields no more, but get up and have their blue noses counted. In the American army it is ingeniously called 'rev-e-lee,' and to that pronunciation our countrymen have pledged their lives, their misfortunes and their sacred dishonor.

Ambrose Bierce

The September employment figures could be interpreted as signaling a slowdown in the economy with a pickup in wage growth, but don't count on it, ... The impact of hurricane Floyd might well have been larger than indicated.

Mike Englund

It starts to send a different signal about the demographics of beer. It starts to paint a slightly different picture than what people might come to expect (from beer), and it totally puts a different face on beer.

Bob Lachky

I saw a clear majority here this morning indicating support for the direction we're taking the party, but the debate will always signal that when we are dealing with things related to uranium or nuclear that there are concerns ? environmental and otherwise ?

Lorne Calvert

I don't expect them to outright sell dollars -- that would lead to a crash, which would hurt China. It may signal a less aggressive accumulation of dollar reserves.

Marios Maratheftis

[Reliance Road] is a far worse intersection, probably deserving of a signal just by sheer numbers of use. It's a sharp bend. There's a number of accidents there. So it's problem.

Mike Coll

Bill Clinton is valued by Americans for what he has achieved and how the country has prospered under his leadership. But he's also tried the patience of the American people and I don't think Americans will be sad to see him gone. Al Gore needs to send the signal that this is not about a continuation of the Clinton Administration, this is about a new Gore Administration.

Tom Mann

He just wants to send a signal that if you try to get it out of us, you won't have a good time. It won't be worth it.

James Geagan

He never lingered. He'd just walk in a room and ? bang. That was the signal for all work to stop because he never did that for frivolous reasons.

Sean O'keefe

The fact that he reiterated it sends us a little bit of a signal that perhaps there was an improper source at play in the deliberations.

Chuck Smith

I flashed my lights to signal him to pull off. You feel very exposed.

Donna Murphy

This address is a signal of strategies, and it will outline what the president can do in the next two years. And, the Democrats' response that will follow the address will highlight what issues Democrats will concentrate on for the 2008 election.

Bert Rockman

U.S. stocks finally appear to be bottoming out, and the yen is coming back to reasonable levels for Japanese exporters. I'd say that's a pretty good signal to buy.

Minoru Tada

This isn't Little Big Horn, and I'm not General Custer. I guess I didn't get the smoke signal.

Raoul Felder

We found out it was a traffic signal interconnect. It needed to be lowered by 18 inches in order for the crossing to be replaced.

Glenn Ianni

This is a good, clear signal to the world that Europe was wrong.

Leon Corzine

In a day and age when 43 percent of marriages end in divorce, we need equal rights for non-traditional couples. This is a signal to the community that new laws are coming.

Barbara Bernstein

He [Escudero] was silent. He did not give me the go signal to file it but implied the fact that he did not also stop me.

Oliver Lozano

The longest 30 minutes of my life. To see that signal come back when it was supposed to, that jazzed me.

Steve Jolly

I see it as a signal for Angela Merkel.

Roland Koch

What happens in FOP is children continue to make new pieces of the skeleton after birth, ... The signal is not just 'make more bone.'

Fred Kaplan

This is not a good signal.

Dr. Noureddin Mona

It is a powerful signal that the Christian minority [can be] attacked [and] abused with impunity in Egypt.

Nina Shea

That's signaling that they may be moving toward a pause.

Philip Wee

We are expanding rapidly and will continue to do so with comments like the president made last night. It sends a very strong signal to our industry, financial markets that the future for ethanol is secure.

Bob Dinneen

I couldn't breathe for a while. It was a little bit scary. I was making the universal signal for choking.

Matt Carere

The key is for the U.S. to send an unambiguous signal that it wants to see a cooling-off period, ... Especially until it is clear what kind of policies, what kind of government Sharon will be able to put together.

David Makovsky

I've never felt such exhilarating highs and dispiriting lows than those experienced when we first detected the signal from the GBT, indicating 'all's well' and then discovering that we had no signal at the operations center, indicating 'all's lost, ... The truth, as we have now determined, lies somewhat closer to the former than the latter.

Michael Bird

If there are frequent outbreaks, that means some measures are not being taken. The repeated outbreaks really is a signal of seriousness and the inability of the surveillance system.

Dr. Noureddin Mona

The fish flicks round to the corresponding side in response to the signal, as if it has caught a whiff of an interesting smell - the stronger the signal, the more sharply it turns.

New Scientist

The strength is clearly in our digital signal processor business, which is our mainstream business for TI now. Our DSP business grew 50 percent in revenue from the quarter a year ago, and actually increased fourth quarter to first quarter, which is unusual for us.

Bill Aylesworth

Historically, peaks in the U.S. rate cycle combined with rising equity volatility and a moderation in earnings momentum all signal U.S. equity performance.

Paul Niven

The next six weeks is a critical window for U.S., China relations. The administration is clearly sending a signal to the Chinese that we need results.

Myron Brilliant

The $20 bid was a little bit of a surprise. It reflects a high level of conviction in synergies and sends a pre-emptive signal to other bidders.

David Macgregor

It definitely is a signal of change - this engine is not just continuing on at the same pace as it was in the past.

Catherine Adams

Most important thing for the government is consistency of policy. Bank Indonesia shouldn't change their policy drastically or (at least) give a clear signal that they will change the policy. Market will not tolerate a policy slippage.

Anton Gunawan

We never got in position to signal it to stop. We got between a quarter-mile to a half-mile behind it.

Richard Kite

Searching vehicles is boring, but when the dog sets [signaling that it detects explosives or narcotics] your heart rate gets up, and you do things a little more careful.

Hollis Crawford

[This refusal to review the case] opens the door to even higher awards of punitive damages in the future and may signal that the court would tolerate higher punitive damages in cigarette cases than in others.

John Banzhaf

Given the complicated interplay of events and factors that go into developing cancer, we shouldn't be surprised that one food doesn't give us a clear signal. We shouldn't expect it to be so simple.

Bruce Trock

Suppose that we, to-morrow or the next day, / Came to an end - in storm the shafting broken, / Or a mistaken signal, the flange lifting - / Would that be premature, a text for sorrow?

C. Day Lewis

It creates an incentive (for teachers) to move away from the most challenging schools, the most challenging kids. And it sends a signal to people looking at the profession that this is a profession where excellence is not rewarded.

Andrew Rotherham

Japan is signaling that they're not concerned about the pace of the decline in the yen, so people are going to continue to push the yen lower. Japanese investors are continuing to buy bonds abroad and we see more scope for yen weakness.

Paul Mackel

I called it then, but our guys didn't get the signal. They were leaving both of our stingers uncovered and it was there, but we didn't see it.

Jim Leavitt

Things aren't as bad as Jason (Furman) said but they're not as good as the labor secretary said, ... The markets clearly were expecting a better number than 96,000. You've got to wonder ... are corporations sending us a signal that the underlying economy is not as good as people thought?

Greg Valliere

To close Reagan down to general aviation sends the wrong signal.

Jim Moran

Although the numbers are not all that bad, it is signaling the Fed is definitely closer to the end of that line (of rate hikes) and that has just put a real dark cloud on the buck right now.

John Beerling

We didn't get a signal at 8:30 p.m. We hoped we would.

Richard Cook

There was a strong signal from gearing at just 13 percent and strong free cash flow generation in Q4, and that's the reason why the share bounced back.

Patrick Juchemich

I wouldn't take the numbers literally, but they're clearly signaling an improvement.

Jim O'sullivan

Influenza is a serious disease. Kids die of influenza, both in Japan and the United States, and if you give a drug to people who are at risk of dying, there will be people who die who got the drug, ... There is no signal the drug is doing it as opposed to the disease.

Robert Nelson

Part of the weakness has to do with global IT demand. This is a moderately negative signal about the tech spending outlook. But it's clearly more than just IBM.

Richard Petersen

Sony's higher forecast is a positive signal that the restructuring and efforts to improve finances and other reforms are leading to results. It's a turning point.

Shigemi Nonaka

The numbers today raise the odds of a rate cut in January. It looks good for purposes of wondering about the Federal Reserve and what it will do next; it is a signal the Fed is likely to move sooner rather than later.

Paul Christopher

With a passive tag, the transmissions are limited as the only signal comes from a transmitter/receiver and tend to be spasmodic.

Roger Lewis

When I hit the ball, I knew that I had hit it high enough to hit the wall. But there were shadows on the net behind the wall and I didn't see the ball land there. I didn't know I had hit a homer until I saw the umpire at first signaling home run with his hand. I couldn't believe it.

Bucky Dent

It may be unpleasant, but you can give a very hard signal which isn't going to hurt people as such but is going to at least give a chance of registering in the minds of the Iranian people that what their president is doing is unacceptable to the international community.

Michael Ancram

The signal we are looking for is very, very weak, about 1 watt of power -- or like looking for a Christmas tree light on Mars.

Richard Cook

The report was spot on expectations, signaling continued growth in the U.S. employment sector. It should bode well for the economy, but the reaction is null and void in the market as we await Greenspan.

Tim Mazanec

However, we would expect short-term pressure on Suez's share price. Firstly, we believe that the group is likely to lose its 'bid premium', as the announced merger acts as a strong signal that the French government will fight hard against a foreign hostile bid.

Bertrand Lecourt

This isn't signaling we're at the end of a bull run. There's still a lot of large institutions who want exposure to hard assets. This is an area where there's an opportunity to get long.

Mike Armbruster

You're going to get crystal clear, absolutely hiss-free, multi-path free digital sound. The signal will be strong until the point where the signal ends after you get to the end of the metropolitan area you're in, and then stations from other cities come in, but there isn't going to be any interference between stations.

Jim Kerr

Based on something called a 'ping,' where you literally ping a cell phone using an electronic signal that then reflects the location of where that cell phone is.

Jeanine Pirro

When the signal goes red, our system becomes sensitive to people who run the red light.

Adam Tuton

It is really people that are the problem and their behavior. I mean when is the last time you saw someone signaling a left turn.

Mark Edwards

It sends a signal that their situation is very serious in terms of being a competitive entity. Now the question is on the table: Are they going to be here a year from now, or not?

Mike Ferguson

When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal.

Napoleon Hill

This building doesn't have an elevator. We're thinking of putting a bell by the back door so people can signal us to come down and get their paperwork.

Barbara Agerton

It doesn't matter where (the motorcycle) is at. As long as that signal is on, the police can pick up that signal and track it right to it.

Tim Hanson

What the Fed did in the clearest possible way was to signal that they're moving to the defensive and are going to continue to raise rates. And this has got to go on until there's some evidence that the economy is slowing.

Thomas Madden

I am pleased with the company's financial performance in [the second quarter], as we have completed the restructuring of the company around our core analog mixed-signal and embedded products, with our core products showing sequential revenue growth of 11 percent.

David D. French

While partly the result of a rebound from hurricane disruptions, the rise in Texas' leading indicators appears to be signaling a sustainable pickup in economic activity.

Fiona Sigalla

He grabbed the ball after I caught it, but I knew it was a touchdown. I was just waiting for the referee's signal. It didn't really sink in until I got to the sideline.

Limas Sweed

These settlements send a strong signal to all landlords, management companies and home sellers that they have a legal obligation to inform tenants and buyers about potentially dangerous lead in their properties.

Thomas Skinner

As soon as the curtain opened of the mass choir, people stood to their feet applauding. This sent a really strong visual signal and was a living demonstration of what we've been saying.

Rick Hufton

Failure to move now or to signal new determination to (do so) will make these weapons accepted currency.

Rosario Green

A traffic signal costs a lot more than $25,000. What can you say? They're getting off cheap.

Al Hartkopf

Anger is a signal, and one worth listening to.

Harriet Lerner

If there is an accident and the report shows failure to use a turn signal, then the offending party will be given a ticket, fined and charged with a minor misdemeanor.

Rick Amweg

It is a clear signal China will revive the project as telecom giants have joined the industry.

Ali Keita

This will send a very strong signal.

Paul Spiegel

This will be the bellwether case throughout the world of how biotechnology is going to be regulated. Other governments will be watching, and hopefully this will send a strong signal that measures have to be based on science.

Christian Verschueren

The stock market has given off false signals in terms of anticipating recessions, but it has never given off a false signal about recovery before the recession ended.

Lacy Hunt

For boaters, it is a loud signal and can be heard up to one mile in open water.

Phil Lapin

The manufacturing sector continued to contract in December, ... This is the seventh month of decline. Both production and the new orders declined, signaling that the manufacturing sector is obviously struggling.

Norbert J. Ore

The nice thing is you get higher throughput because you get less signal degradation.

Andy Ju

(The rider) wasn't wearing anything reflective; wasn't wearing a helmet. I think he had a little miners type light on his head but other than that nothing to signal that he's out here on the roadway.

Travis Defries

We have to look at event data recorder in more detail. We must also coordinate that with the signal logs, which will give us an idea of what was supposed to have happened.

Mark Rosenker

The challenges facing successful implementation of the exploration vision are formidable, ... ranging from budgetary to the noise-signal ratio of competing priorities facing the political system.

Courtney Stadd

You want the NFL, you want 'Survivor,' you want 'CSI,' you want David Letterman--you're going to have to pay us what you pay USA [Network] for, ... We have considered it one of the great injustices for many years that we never got paid for our signal.

Leslie Moonves

Companies like a certain tax environment. Giving them that certainty will send a positive signal to business.

Abri Meiring

If they squish what we want to build down to four stories, it's a signal that there's no willingness to have this project done in Howell.

Anthony Caruso

There's no signal that the housing market is really deteriorating. That red flag isn't there.

Pierre Ellis

Most of the time you can't get any signal right in through here. I don't care what service you've got. Most phones don't work.

Billy Hall

Any commitment of funds, even if they are not formally disbursed, would signal the continuation of subsidies for the A350. It would be a step in the wrong direction.

Neena Moorjani

It is also a clear signal to the international community that we are serious about it, we mean business and are willing to pool our resources to help maintain safety and security in the strategic waterway.

Najib Tun Razak

An important signal of whether a bank has good corporate governance is whether or not (the bank) can effectively guard against related-party transaction risks with their shareholders.

Liu Mingkang

It sends the worst signal to the criminal element if you commute someone. What are other criminals supposed to think ... that if you suddenly write poetry, say all the right things, and find a champion on the outside that you get a 'get out of jail free' card?

Michael Paranzino

I think it's unfortunate that letter may have sent the signal there wasn't unity when in fact there was.

Johnny Isakson

The signal from the central bank is that they won't increase the size of rate cuts.

Flavio Farah

Unequivocal signal of support for the Cuban people.

Felipe Perez Roque

It is a good signal.

Adam Jonas

You can't live off Venezuela, you have to give a signal that you are returning to the markets. And this is a good time to try.

Rafael Ber

The actual operating loss narrowed by 6 billion yen because of a sales gain, signaling an improvement in operating conditions.

Hiroshi Sato

Canada's looked towards as an example. This really is a signal to the United States that this kind of attempt is not appropriate.

John Graham

It's a real signal to the Palestinians: Yes, Israel is ready to make serious concessions when it comes to the West Bank, when it comes to Judea and Samaria.

Uri Dan

A strong signal from the federal judiciary that Georgia has gone too far in impeding the right of citizens to vote.

Tyrone Brooks

Physical infidelity is the signal, the notice given, that all fidelities are undermined.

Katherine Anne Porter

It's more expensive than a signal, but again, I think it's safer. It lowers speeds and it's more efficient.

Fred Droes

We gave away a $5,200 toilet. It's just the most fantastic toilet you could ever imagine. It has an infrared signal. It has hoses and vacuums and all kinds of implements that attend to every possible need.

Michael Davies

They (WBLF) have got a good signal, and it sounds like they have a good programming concept, ... So they could make the marketplace very interesting.

Bob Zimmerman

Soon after, we had loss of signal.

Ron Dittemore

We have to act carefully, so we don't send the wrong signal that we are caring for small animals more than disadvantaged human beings.

Huang Hailiang

This is a signal to the international community that the Philippines now has a strong and firm leadership that adheres to the rule of law.

Alberto Romulo

We think it is important that the EU sends a clear signal to Turkey.

Jens Ploetner

This result demonstrates that the only people in the EU to have been consulted have, after a period of reflection, given the clearest possible signal that Europe's rendezvous with history cannot be further delayed or postponed.

Pat Cox

Our concern is that this episode will send exactly the wrong signal not only to Arab investors but to investors around the world.

David Hamod

The withdrawal of the [Israeli] army and settlers from the Gaza Strip does not signal the end of the occupation.

Mahmoud Abbas

They saw an article in the Carnegie Signal Item and contacted one of our officers. Yesterday (Jan. 3) they presented a check - one each for $700 and we got one from the Memorial Day Committee for the American Legion.

Mike Dorsch

You salivate on signal; they want a Pavlovian justice.

Rose Elizabeth Bird

With the way the precious metals and the oil continue to soar, I think the market may be just a bit worried that the Fed may signal it indeed has a little bit of work left to do.

Chip Hanlon

A lot of things happen at the last minute when you don't give up. I think we've sent a signal that we're not giving up.

Rep. Dennis Baxley

Better late than never. The decision sends a powerful signal to government at all levels that efforts to regulate consumers' access to the creative and expressive content found in video games will not be tolerated.

Doug Lowenstein

This is an important signal for not just Microsoft but others in tech.

Mark Stahlman

We want to send a signal as to what the farm bill will be so that producers can make decisions.

Mike Johanns

The signal is nothing is sacred off of Florida, and a lot of this is secretarial discretion. Interior can do it themselves, and so there is growing concern that the next secretary will determine the fate of Florida's tourism economy.

Richard Charter

Watch Freddy Ferrer and remember this election; it's not only going to be an election for our city, it's going to be a signal for what happens in the Senate, in the House of Representatives, and it's going to be a signal for change in the country.

Charles Rangel

Because Support.com is in the application market space, I thought people would be more conservative. This is a nice signal for traditional Internet deals currently in registration.

Corey Ostman

We need to send a signal to business that we cannot continue to hit them up. At least for four years, we're going to draw a line in the sand and say: 'No new taxes.' To do otherwise would continue to erode the kind of tax base that will allow us to pay for anything.

Doug Forrester

The design principal is to prevent accidents that occurred because of the engineman failing to heed a signal.

Robert Gallamore

The hardest sector hit [on Monday] was Internet infrastructure software companies, which until a week ago were holding up really well, ... Historically, when all the tech stocks are hurting, that would signal that the market is finally bottoming.

Robert Turner

There is a big capital cost. We have more than 1,000 repeaters across the country, too, to keep the signal strength.

Chance Patterson

Everyone I've talked to in the banking and insurance community says that will be a signal that the market can act upon.

Matt Fellowes

The change serves a signal to the business units that we are all in this together. None of us is above another.

John Dern

The court's sentence contrasts with the principles of civil justice and is a worrying signal. It is a backward-looking ruling that strikes at ... the civil conscience of women and of the whole country.

Walter Veltroni

The Pennsylvania was the first American railroad to lay steel rails and the first to lay Bessemer rails; it was the first to put the steel fire-box under the locomotive boiler; it was the first to use the air brake and the block signal system; it was the first to use in its shops the overhead crane.

John Moody

The talk is edgy and is probably something we couldn't get away with on an over-the-air signal. The internet allows us the freedom to be who we are.

Dave Kolesar

I thought those guys came in and did a great job moving on offense. It didn't signal that we were packing it in. I was just showing them (the starters) how I wanted movement. I let them sit down and watch and see how those guys were moving.

Jake Krause

If we reopen it to negotiations, there will be chaos, and if we postpone it, it will be a negative signal for the priority that human rights should have at the UN.

Heraldo Munoz

Insert earphones can boost the signal by as much as six to nine decibels. That's about the difference between the sound of a vacuum cleaner and a motorcycle. It's a significant difference.

Dean Garstecki

We are not that satisfied with how training has gone, not everyone has turned up for practice but the core group has been there. Our first game is against Signal Hill on Saturday and we are hoping that we can put things in place by then.

Alan James

We have evidence that the compounds protect against Alzheimer's by influencing the early gene expression in learning and memory, which influences cell signaling pathways that help neuronal cells communicate with each other.

James Joseph

That means the signal never leaves the fiber. This is exciting because we can perhaps think about putting some of the functions now done outside the fiber into [it].

John Badding

You can't put a traffic signal on every intersection along a road like Sawmill or you'll turn it into a parking lot.

Mary Webster

It's a turning point. Sony's higher forecast is a positive signal that the restructuring and efforts to improve finances and other reforms are leading to results.

Shigemi Nonaka

By reducing the punishment, though the fine has increased, the government is sending the signal: 'Please go ahead and hack'.

Pavan Duggal

The choice to elevate a much younger man might signal not so much an impatience with the current pace of development, but a willingness to make more substantive changes.

James Kelleher

Language doesn't so much cause divisions as it symbolizes them. I don't think using 'evacuee' or 'refugee' will change people's minds, but it will signal differences about how we think about class that has always been there.

Geoffrey Nunberg

You have to send the signal that this is intolerable and counterproductive to Iranian international relations, If you give up on diplomacy, you get into gesture politics, which won't solve anything.

Rosemary Hollis

Microchip stands alone among semiconductor companies by offering a no-cost, truly integrated development environment for 8- and 16-bit microcontrollers and 16-bit digital signal controllers, all the way from 6-pin to over 100-pin devices.

Derek Carlson

Any signal that the Fed is close to the end of the tightening cycle is good news for equities. The picture remains positive for stocks.

Michala Marcussen

Interestingly, (Boston Scientific) only raised its bid by $1, signaling that price is but one factor in the negotiation - but includes timeliness of closure.

Joanne K. Wuensch

As long as they're extending the contract, I think that's a signal there will be no slowdown, ... Perhaps there will be a very long drawn out negotiating process that will give us a lot of gray hair.

Robin Lanier

Unfortunately, a stronger economy may also signal that energy demand will increase, driving up the price of crude oil and gasoline.

Dave Carlson

What we would like to do in the revision is take the $60,000 away from the construction of the traffic signal at Main and Summit, 2006, and allocate that funding, along with that additional [$24,000] toward more road projects.

Mike Coll

It takes 7 1/2 minutes for a signal to get from Earth to the spacecraft and another 7 1/2 minutes to get back. So, we can't joystick this spacecraft like a video game.

Don Yeomans

This would be a positive signal of building confidence, and this is what we need at the beginning of these delicate negotiations.

Ursula Plassnik

The auction showcased disappointing demand. Rallying stocks are building sentiment that Japan's economy will sustain a reasonably good pace of growth, signaling higher yields.

Shigeru Endo

A major positive feature is the clear signal on of a Goods and Services Tax (GST) by 2010. This would integrate the economy and make India a single common market.

Saroj Poddar

But I've also been around this town long enough to know that when nobody is calling you and saying, 'Hang in there,' that isn't a great signal either.

Linda Chavez

The combination of high-signal intensity and long listening duration is a proven formula for permanent, irreversible hearing loss.

Dean Garstecki

Using signaling theory, the conclusion has to be that managers of acquiring companies are using a higher proportion of cash relative to the last M&A cycle, as they believe that there is greater upside relative to downside risk in acquisitions.

Clive Mcdonnell

I know, Eddie. I see the signal. But I'm still talking.

Frank Barrows

I don't expect we'll see anything overt in regard to the yen. But we'll know what they've discussed and the market will get the signal.

Ron Bevacqua

We are confident that this [construction] will serve as a clear signal to the community that this project is moving forward.

Charles Gargano