The constitution of Zimbabwe guarantees all individuals the right to legal representation and lawyers are empowered and obliged to represent their clients.

The fog was a big factor but people talking on cell phones and going too fast and not paying attention was what really caused it. I have never seen anything like this before. It was total chaos.

Every major disease that kills people in this country has an oxidative stress component.

We have evidence that the compounds protect against Alzheimer's by influencing the early gene expression in learning and memory, which influences cell signaling pathways that help neuronal cells communicate with each other.

A million dollars isn't what it used to be.

California is filling up with equity and now it's spilling over into these other areas.

The Supreme and High Court have stated that persons who have been arrested should only be detained when it is necessary. It cannot be said that women, some of whom were carrying babies and were holding a peaceful demonstration require detention as if they were dangerous criminals.

But the real message here is that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables of all kinds does more than keep your heart healthy.

Concord grape juice appeared to enhance cognitive and some motor skills in the test animals. In many of the tests we saw significant improvements or trends toward improvement.