And he's funny. He's disarmingly funny.

I was fixated by Ken.

There's a freight shortage at the moment. They're going to struggle getting a lot of it over there.

We gave away a $5,200 toilet. It's just the most fantastic toilet you could ever imagine. It has an infrared signal. It has hoses and vacuums and all kinds of implements that attend to every possible need.

We are asking for people to rummage through their attics and storerooms to see if they have anything which could be of interest to us.

Sitting with him, they wanted to do network, they wanted to do syndication, ... I've got to get that ['Ben Stein'] time period back on Comedy Central. It supported a game show that was intelligent and smart.

What I want to explore is Ken Jennings as Peter Parker or Clark Kent, Spider-Man or Superman -- the normal man-superhero parallax, the normal, meek guy who, put in a competitive situation, becomes a killer. Think 'Price Is Right' with games of skill and intelligence in a multi-game format. Explore Ken against . . . the rest of the world and in national costumes when we can get it.

At the moment, it still seems like a very slow process, ... I'm not sure that it will start up again so quickly.

The things that people really want aren't the things that are traditionally given away on television.