Rugs make a hard surface look better and soften it up. A good rug completes the sections of a room.

Ron Testa

There will have to be policy makers in the room. These are serious discussions.

Stephanie Rollings

We had a lot of free spirits. But when it came time for tip-off we were going to play our hearts out. It was a great feeling to be able to sit in that locker room, look across the room and see all of those guys.

Randy Smithson

Everybody in this room cares about kids and nobody wants to trash the Constitution.

John Alewynse

Changing the swags around is a great thing to do through out the year to freshen the look of any room.

Lee Snijders

Privatization means better electricity supply, a restructuring of the industry, mergers and acquisitions. Prices of electricity shares have been lagging and they have room to move up more.

Celso Senise

You can borrow a camcorder or a still camera and take pictures of everything. Or you can walk from room to room with a tape recorder and note everything you see.

Brent Neiser

He has an absolute right to his own copy of that report. That is not a qualified right with going into a room and with people looking over your shoulder.

Joe Larsen

I knew I was going to wrestle Collin in the finals. Collin is real good. We've butted heads in the practice room at camps . . . I have to wrestle the match of my life.

Ryan Fields

We will have to raise our level a lot. If we allow them as much room as we did Dortmund they will score goals.

Frank Baumann

Frankie called my room and told me to turn on ESPN, ... If all you saw was that one clip they had and nothing else, I guess it looked like a fight. That's OK. I don't care what they say.

Adrian Beltre

There is plenty of room for Origin to top up their bid ? as the market expects. They should make a full cash offer.

Ian Waddell

With these systems there is less room for error by the voter in addition to fewer spoiled ballots.

Craig Keeney

I admit I am satisfied, but I don't think it will be easy. We are not stupid enough to underestimate them. We must play two perfect games, we don't have room for error.

Otto Baric

I think it's fair to say that we have a concern that when you look in that room that it's not a multicultural board or administration; CASB is not itself a multicultural organization. Multiculturalism is probably one of the really central issues of the school district, and we're concerned that that issue is not going to be represented to the extent it should be.

George Stranahan

Joe's assignment was to keep an eye on him and be a role model, ... Joe never saw him, except at the ballpark. The idea of a wild, young pitcher who's out of control rooming with a veteran gave me the dramatic possiblity.

Ron Shelton

When a guy's not moving like that, it's especially scary. Thank God he seems to be all right. He's a tough kid and he's a good friend of everybody in this room.

Mike Van Ryn

I am as innocent regarding any conspiracy as any of you gentlemen in the room.

Jack Ruby

We are encouraged. All areas show increases over last year. But there is room for growth. Our role is to figure out what to do about that.

Pat Johnson

I remember baseball cards I collected of Greg when I was in Little League. Now, to be in the same locker room and be catching him in a big league game is quite an honor -- and an accomplishment to have made it this far.

Dennis Anderson

I wished them good luck getting an airline reservation or a hotel room. They're going to have a hard time even getting on an elevator around here.

Bob Levy

We talked a little about that. One thing they don't utilize are those lower tennis courts. There's a lot of room down there, and there seems to be enough room for a good TV compound.

Michael Bodney

We don't have the family organization the way we used to. My father lives with us because we have the room. The greatest of all opportunities for our children is a complete family unit.

Dixie Carter

The chart has a long evolutionary history that [doctors] have adapted to. With a chart, they can walk down the hall and quickly review a patient's history before they go into the examining room.

John Sherry

There is a long history in country music of songs celebrating drinking and lamenting drinking. Country songs for the most part have always been heavily rooted in reality. The first artists were the people next door. They would sing on their porch or in their living room or at a barn dance. They sang about what they knew, and a lot of that was drinking.

Chet Atkins

Here, we have much more room to grow, and more fans can come to enjoy not only the main events but what the museum offers.

Larry Smith

The entrance is an entrance, it's a dining room, it's a buffet room, it's an exhibition room where I put the jewelry.

Katinka De Montal

I loved getting up every morning and heading to the rink, and I will miss being in the dressing room with the guys, however I'm looking forward to the next stage of my life.

Vincent Damphousse

This is how bad I was. I thought I saw a panda bear outside the window of my fourth floor room.

Dean Schmunk

It's definitely some good motivation. He put up some great numbers. It makes you realize that you're not only playing for the guys in the room with you now, but the guys who have been there before.

Jonathan Toews

This scenario has been playing out itself over and over. Here there was room for a balance between the personal interests of an inmate and the public's interest in keeping a facility safe and secure.

James Monroe

All we wanted was enough room for a clean lap and not to catch up to anyone. We only needed two good laps.

Joe Kantarik

Noel [Coward] and I were in Paris once. Adjoining rooms, of course. One night, I felt mischievous, so I knocked on Noel's door, and he asked, 'Who is it?' I lowered my voice and said 'Hotel detective. Have you got a gentleman in your room?' He answered, 'Just a minute, I'll ask him.'

Beatrice Lillie

I actually was class clown, but I don't know how that happened because I've never been considered an outwardly funny person-as the people in this room will attest."

Janeane Garofalo

We were two, tired old men walking out there, holding each other up, letting the kids celebrate. I went to the training room and passed out.

Craig Biggio

He's a great person to be around, ... He's a great influence on not only me, but the whole receiving corps and this whole football team. He's going to help us out in the locker room and he's definitely going to help us out on the field.

Larry Fitzgerald

He doesn't care about himself. He was prepared to die in that hospital room. When they took the knife out of his stomach, he put it back in. What he cared about was his wife.

Greg Brodsky

Volkswagen is turning from the most-hated car stock into everybody's darling. Volkswagen must be completely reassessed. The shares have room to rise.

Stefan Bauknecht

It's a must win, ... Everyone in this locker-room knows the ramifications of this game and we need the win.

Wade Miller

You'd come and audition once for a large room of talent scouts.

T.o. Sterrett

There's still more room to run.

James Dutkiewicz

He scored a great goal. I thought he deserved another. He's young and has plenty of room for improvement.

Giovanni Trapattoni

Not only are these animals new to science, but they're adapted to very specific environments – some of them, to a single room in one cave.

Joel Despain

If you look at the talent around our dressing room, I think everybody's been on the power play during their career.

Ric Jackman

It's amazing how close we're coming together. The main thing is in the locker room after the game, everyone's hugging each other, guys have tears in their eyes. We love each other so much on this team.

Jay Moore

We've been putting in freshman Josh Homer in at a couple of different weights, and he's been coming up with some big wins for us. He's really been wrestling well. He always battles hard in every match, and works hard in the room. He's done a great job for us, despite us moving him around so much.

Darrin Cummings

There were a bunch of us who sat around in a common room here at King's and it was interesting to see yourself on TV.

Paul Mcleod

The central bank took a pause and it has room for three or four more hikes the rest of the year.

Joseph Ramos

I am really pleased with the efforts the women gave for the first meets of the year. We have a baseline, a starting point, and just need to keep building and improving from there. We all know we have a lot of room to improve and are ready for the challenge ahead.

Kyle Kepler

I just want to remind the board that this was recognized as a problem during the last bond issue, and if we don't address it, it's only going to continue to get worse, ... The driving force behind this is that the current weight room is half the size it needs to be.

Ken Eldridge

Working on television is like being shot out of a cannon. They cram you all up with rehearsals, then someone lights a fuse and - BANG - there you are in someone's living room.

Tallulah Bankhead

I know with all my heart that Kevin will do everything he can to return from this and be just as good a player as he was. Kevin Mathis can still help this team on the field and in the film room. He just can't do it on the field.

Keion Carpenter

It [the vagina] is part of the house, but it's a room I never visit.

Laura Nelson

The expectations clearly will be that there will be much more room for maneuver on the part not just of the coca farmers, but on the part of trafficking organizations.

Robert Gelbard

For however long the plant operates, we have sufficient room to store things, but that's not the desirable option.

David Tarantino

You know the Priory? I've got a permanent room booked there in case I ever think about it.

Philip Green

It's clear there's a lot of room for improvement, there's no inherent ceiling we're hitting up on.

Sergey Brin

I wanted a large room where everyone could be together and everyone be comfortable.

Martha Smith

There is going to be no room for margin of error in terms of flying again if there is not a high level of confidence that the problems we know about are solved.

Bart Gordon

It has been nice to own a building that has room for growth. To me, being located in the strip mall is beneficial, primarily due to its location and access. Sometimes cities place their city hall in an out-of-the-way place and they are not easy to find.

Jeff Mertz

Nobody's happy. We came out [of the film room] disappointed to let something like that happen to our friend. We're in a war now and they just shot one of us down.

Dikembe Mutombo

A big complex with a gym in it, a weight room, a music studio, a photo lab, a computer lab.

Keith White

The fitting room experience has been terrific and we're very, very pleased. We're very pleased with the amount of items she's buying per transaction.

Gary Muto

The focus right now is designing the room and renovating it.

Joe Leone

In many ways, this is no different than the old days when you sat in your room late at night with a cassette tape recorder trying to hit pause and record at the same time.

Bill Baxter

[Mindfulness meditation] can really make us more effective lawyers, ... When you're able to . . . gain some distance from your own emotions about what is going on in the room around you . . . then you can deal more skillfully with opposing parties and with clients in a mediation room.

Susan Green

In terms of initiatives, there's plenty of room for improvement.

Tom Umberg

You walk into this room and there is a lot of joy.

Terrance Davis

Sunday night my daughter and her husband were both awake in the front room and they didn't hear it at all.

Barbara Egerton

What's missing is the elephant in the room: all the freebies, the wining and dining, the virtual bribing of doctors.

Fran Hawthorne

Go back in the other room. Listen to me. Five, four, three. ...

Lisa Jackson

We were surprised in our room. Suddenly the police came in and didn't let us leave on the night before the competition. This happened without any positive result from doping control in the team. There's definitely no doping in the Austrian team. It's crazy.

Juergen Pinter

It's real sensitive with 13 people in one room. We don't want anything to disturb that.

Audrey Thibodeaux

We always have slow starts for some reason, but our coach comes into the locker room and says we know we're better than that and we should be winning the game. So we come out all psyched up.

Nicole Lawton

We're not going to sit around and feel sorry for ourselves. I believe in all the guys in this room, and we have the people to turn it around.

Jamal Mayers

Should the people have gotten out? Should have. What does 'mandatory' mean to everyone in here? If someone tells you it is mandatory to get out of this room right now, what are you going to do? I'm headed for the exit.

Arthur Jones

Welcome to the Plush Room, welcome to me, ... The Song Remembers When.

Linda Lavin

I tell you, there was an audible groan all around the room when he was out.

Brian Hastings

Used throughout a room, orange can become surprisingly neutral, and yet it can be bright and mood-enhancing.

Jonathan Adler

We want to play as complete a game as we can when March rolls around. Right now, there's room for improvement in a few areas.

Walt Sanchez

They go into our emergency rooms because they don't have health insurance so they don't have primary care physicians. Now you can't get into an emergency room down here.

Steven Berman

Our motivation was way up. This was a confidence boost for us. We had a long talk in the locker room before this match. I'm happy.

Kevin Huck

It covers the kids, but it may leave the moms in the waiting room who care for the children without access to the doctor if she's sick.

Kathleen Stoll

Lucent this morning hints at the possibility that you may see other disappointing earnings in the sexier names. The reality is that expectations seem pretty high and the price of the market as a whole has moved higher to reflect that. It doesn't leave a lot of room for disappointment.

Michael Panzner

I knew in the locker room that we looked kind of dead and flat and I was worried when we came out. This is a real rowdy group and they were very quiet before the game. I was happy with the way we came back in the second half and that we found a way to win the game.

Lori Crunk

We want to celebrate this, ... But I told them in the locker room, we can't forget about the Sparks. We owe them something.

Sheryl Swoopes

There's no name-calling because someone missed a question. Boys don't pick on each other as bad if girls are not in the room. They are willing to be peer tutors for each other. They wouldn't do that with girls in the room.

Kristi Anderson

I need to get in the weight room. I'm obviously skinny.

Brittany Rayburn

It was real, real emotional in the locker room. I've never seen coach Alvarez so happy. We're young but I think he knows we're going to win some more big games down the road.

Mike Thompson

We have our own person who comes forward to help us out. If they are young enough, we call Elk River Farm and Feed and, if they have room, they will take the rabbits. We try very hard to not keep them here at the shelter.

Renee Sorholus

Just sitting on a room and taking a test like that, you don't know what to expect. It picks your brain apart.

Devin Aromashodu

We have to be ready for everything. We have to make it come off smoothly, too. There's no room for error.

Mark Farner

He's one of the guys and he has fitted in well in the dressing-room. I don't know if I can get him but I would love to. But that decision will be made by Chelsea.

Chris Coleman

I don't think they should just get rid of everyone in the room just because we didn't make the playoffs.

Markus Naslund

I think awareness is the key thing right now. I don't think kids should necessarily have a computer in their own room. Parents need to talk to kids about what could happen. The kids might not recognize that what's happening to them is bullying.

Robin Kowalski

They all always start as an acoustic, living room chorus-and-verse kind of idea.

Dave Dombroski

What's crazy is that when I went from the court to the Blazer locker room, I cried. And I cried upstairs.

Damon Stoudamire

We had them here two years ago and we had standing room only. They are very exciting and they will touch your heart.

Jim Albers

A flowerless room is a soulless room, to my way of thinking; but even on solitary little vase of a living flower may redeem it.

Vita Sackville west

People want the same entertainment and services they have at home in their car. It really is becoming an extension of the living room.

Chris Watson

Hopefully, this proved to the committee we should have been seeded No. 4. I'm proud of these guys. They've worked extremely hard in the room, and they've been underestimated by a lot of people. I feel great for them.

Vince Testa

Can you feel the love in the room?

Darius Danesh

It's like he's a scout for the NHL or something. Him and Dan sit down there in a hotel room and they get the two-year-old training CDs and they watch these horses run and it was his eye that picked the horse.

Casey Jones

It's just another really great team win for us here. It's great to see everyone smiling in the locker room after a game.

Mark Gedeon

Some of that comes from offseason training. They do an excellent job in the weight room.

Chris Collins

As the TVs change, our designs have to change. They bring a more finished look into your room.

Rick Schroeder

These townhouses are one big room, and you have to break them up.

Kelly Mccombs

We needed to have more room to move around. We've just been seeing a lot of growth of the business over the years.

Ivan Landry

We had this conversation, and everybody in the room just disappeared. We were talking about our favorite old movies and all were the same ones. We just clicked in terms of our creative ideas. Edward and I really became good friends.

Jenna Elfman

The growth has been that some years we'll expand, some years we'll not. In the last few years, there has been room for expansion, so that's what we're taking advantage of, getting more into the market now.

Connie Graden

There is room for the three of us - we've all got our own little niche.

Julian Clary

They're probably on the locker room floor right now because they're spent.

Greg Nossaman

I can't touch the room now. I throw a duster over it occasionally, but it has to stay the same.

Rona Raphael

I was surprised that they came out this soon and announced. It's really just a token one, but there's room for it to increase.

Drake Johnstone

The world has the habit of making room for the man whose actions show that he knows where he is going.

Napoleon Hill

I put it in a frame and had it down in our recreation room all these years.

John Walsh

There's a lot more to see when you're playing and because of the advances in technology it makes room for all kinds of new characters.

Tara Strong

Almost like a war room.

Matt Miller

I still have my same room over there. I can still crash.

Terrence Holt

Just picture the Eiffel Tower on its side and trying to maneuver it around an aircraft carrier with little room to spare.

Bruce Cummings

We gave more room to everything and added the salad bar, prepared foods, the new hot food case.

Steve Adams

One of the first projects that we have is a $15 million room renovation. We are going to renovate virtually all our guest rooms. New everything - new bathrooms, new bedding, furniture and soft goods; just a complete redo. We've got a lot of capital projects lined up behind that.

Jon Lucas

The Palestinians are now in a heightened state of instability, of genuine chaos bordering on anarchy and incipient disintegration. They're not in a position to exploit the room for maneuver that Sharon's demise theoretically provides them.

Mouin Rabbani

A vehicle, concept or not, wouldn't be worthy of a Scion badge without allowing room for personalization.

Mark Templin

The selling point is that everybody has power in their house and multiple power jacks in every room. There are some geographical differences. Not every country has as many power jacks in every room, but generally speaking, it's pretty universal.

Idarose Sylvester

What is a soul? It's like electricity - we don't really know what it is, but it's a force that can light a room.

Ray Charles

I left the room with silent dignity, but caught my foot in the mat.

George Grossmith

It was two different teams. (Friday) night I felt we came out ready to play, and that was a big game for us. One thing I was afraid of was having a physical and emotional letdown, and I felt that definitely happened today. The feeling in the locker room before the game was mellow, and there wasn't much talk about basketball. Rice Lake came out and got after us. That's what good teams do.

Chris Kempf

If everyone around me is eating food that I'm allergic to, it makes me uneasy. But all of my friends are pretty considerate. They would never try to make me eat anything that would end up harming me. My roommate even agreed not to eat or keep any peanut products in our room so I wouldn't be uncomfortable.

Susan Lynch

I've been in the business 25 years and I have never signed a piece of paper in a room that night with anyone. Our business is a business of trust. What these guys did is indicative of someone who is a neophyte...We own the movie but Fox decided to ignore that.

Ruth Vitale

There will be room for dancing so bring plenty of friends.

Linda Healy

The fair journalistic question is why they didn't call and get comments for their story from people who were in the room, such as Sandy Berger, and why they took until Friday afternoon to get that done.

A.j. Davis

We're getting everybody back, which is really nice. Troy has been in the room working hard. Santo has been in the room working hard it's nice to have a full room again. There were times in January where we only had 15 healthy bodies.

Greg Strobel

The rise today was hardly explicable and I think the market is a bit dangerous. There's big room for a correction still and it might happen any time.

Marcelo Porto

We plugged in a night-light. It didn't work, and I went into the laundry room and threw the breaker. Less than a minute later, my daughter said there was a fire in the same room.

Dianne Jones

Deke gave one of the best speeches I've ever heard from a teammate inside a locker room. It was pretty touching. He got the point across to everybody.

Nathan Bilyeu

With a smaller browser, you leave more room in your RAM [random-access memory] for data. And with the file size as small, it opens the door for Opera to run on smaller devices.

Jon Von Tetzchner

We'll still be messing with him in the training room. We need to keep (him) feeling connected.

Mike Rucker

The inexperience in this locker room just got a lot more experience.

Brian Campbell

For one thing, it's not hauling luggage on and off. On a cruise, the hotel room comes with you.

Jim Wright

I was just absolutely flabbergasted that at this point in time, General Jumper would have to make a comment like that to get out of the room and go figure out an answer.

Thomas Reynolds

What they're looking at is first of all how he came to get the gun. We believe at this point that the gun is his father's gun and it was locked in a room inside the house.

Mike Hill

You can enjoy your guests and we can take care of all the details. When you use a caterer you have the peace of mind that all the details are taken care of and you can really enjoy the party - whether its in your back yard or your living room.

Andrew Pantano

[T]he House of Maidens was for little girls whose whole duty in life was to spill things, break things, and forget things . . . until they had spilled, broken, and forgotten everything they could, and thus made room in their lives for a little wisdom.

Marion Zimmer Bradley

The guys were so emotional coming out of the locker room. Dudes had tears in their eyes. That was the most emotional game I have ever had.

Mike Flowers

There's room for a new entry-level Nissan.

Jed Connelly

As brand-name-drug makers raise prices, generic-drug makers will find room to boost their prices to compete for market share.

Alan Sager

Every guy in the room right now believes that we can do it. If we were to get in, I don't think there's a team in the league that would want to play us, especially the way we've been playing.

Andy Sutton

I still believe we have an agreement, ... We had a joint meeting and we reached an agreement before we left the room. We sent an MOU that reflects all that. Our plan is to take it to our board for approval.

Sandy Johnson

Believing there is no God gives me more room for belief in family, people, love, truth, beauty, sex, Jell-O and all the other things I can prove and that make this life the best life I will ever have.

Penn Jillette

Giving them space to draw and color gives them room to be creative.

Jeannie Fraise

We all went into this pokey room. I remember just being able to squeeze in. We were told: 'your kids are alive'. It was a relief knowing that he was alive, but you didn't know the injuries and you just wanted to be with him.

Steve Birnie

As Marilyn noticed on her tour, the medical center has just outgrown its space. The new site will allow room for the enhancement of existing services and the addition of others.

Todd Willert

For a guy like myself, I know there's plenty of room for me to improve and there are a lot of things to work on. But I think I showed I do belong in the Major Leagues.

Damon Hollins

They're cutting holes through the roof ... hoping there's people trapped below that roof in a spot ... where there might be a little room for them to breathe and where they might not be crushed.

Thomas Von Essen

This moment exhibits infinite space, but there is a space also wherein all moments are infinitely exhibited, and the everlasting duration of infinite space is another region and room of joys.

Thomas Traherne

He held onto that stuffed animal the whole time he was in the emergency room.

Pam Thompson

The act is stronger than the endangered species laws. There is no wiggle room.

Mark Shieldcastle

Coach [Tim Whitehead] really gave us an emotional speech in the locker room before the game. It meant a lot to the seniors and the rest of the team, and we came out with a lot of fire.

Derek Damon

The goal of the Council on Postsecondary Education is to close what they call a funding gap. If the executive budget holds true, it doesn't give us much wiggle room.

Debbie Newsom

There's very little room for error.

Colin Doyle

Before the fire was out, someone got us a hotel room that was overflowing with food and clothes. That is how wonderful this community is and I could not imagine living anywhere else.

Lorraine Pistocco

The house wasn't for sale, but we wanted to sew it up for our future. We saw the growth at Eagle Ranch and neighboring communities and wanted to have some room for the youth.

Charlyn Canada

Room for further increases in forecasts and expectations for this year's handset industry is limited.

Nicholas Teo

Our seniors are crushed, and it's always hard to go in the locker room after that last game. But I think we got as much as we could out of this group. You don't have to be the best all year, and they are the better team.

Don Lucia

I've had to make my game more of a speed game. Getting up and down my wall a little quicker, getting myself the room that I need. Instead of kinda sitting and looking for the room, I have to move and create space for myself.

Chris Kunitz

He wasn't one of the captains, but he showed a lot of leadership in the room this year. And I think it helped him, also.

Fred Perry

Our big initiative was to grow more profitable square footage. We want to make more room for faster-growth products.

Wendy Dominguez

The three elements adding to the cost are the added medical gases, added utilities and power and the nursing stations outside every room.

Rob Casalou

Hotels give off a regular cash flow. When you buy a room in a hotel you look at the price versus the projected amount of money that is going to be raised every month.

Cynthia Gray

The kids who are ages 8 to 18 struggle here. They struggle with the stigma at school. Imagine doing your homework here, in a room filled with mothers and their children, some little and crying.

Ryan Dowd

I've been in the room. There's some changes I'd like to make. I have a free-weight philosophy. I'm very organized. I'm a real hands-on guy. I don't know exactly how Barry went about things but that's always been my approach.

Rock Gullickson

That's a positive impact for us. We see it as providing significant breathing room.

Doug Hock

I was a guy, sitting alone in a room in Portland, just wanting to tell people what it's like to be in a war, even if it lasts just four days. Especially if it lasts just four days.

Anthony Swofford

We're ready to play when we come up from the locker room. We jump on teams and sustain it.

Lenny Jefferson

As a whole they need to hit the weight room, ... We were outrebounding them by huge margins every game.

Jason Boone

You need to take care of the kids and the room temperature, ... For many school districts, they've been doing conservation for so long, it's hard to cut any more.

Anne Morgan

I think my greatest insecurity would just be standing in the middle of the room and having everyone watching me think that's what I want. If I am interesting to you because of who I am, then that's incredible. But if I'm interesting to you only because of what I am, than lets not bother, you know?

Neve Campbell

We have to watch out for pneumonia. We don't want him to get sick again and have to take him to the emergency room.

Anne Eddy

Our focus for the future is OK; now we've improved the process -- minority candidates are in the room being interviewed. Our next question is, when the doors close, and the owner makes the decision, who's in that inner circle?

Cyrus Mehri

Winning is boring. You want the story, go to the losers' locker room.

Clarence Brown

She was so excited to paint each of the kids' bedrooms and her living room. She didn't think anything good was going to happen to her. This was a blessing.

Dawn Heidtman

I basically just challenged them in the locker room. I think they were more worried about this being their last home game. But they came out here and put it together like I knew they would and hit those threes.

Marilyn Bauer

I remember the first day I saw him as a 13-year-old, when he walked into the weight room, he just knew what he wanted.

Andy O'brien

The questionnaire for health professionals indicated that the clowns were a benefit to the child, but the majority of staff was opposed to continuing the program because of perceived interference with the procedures of the operating room.

Laura Vagnoli

Tad told me he hasn't been back in that locker room since he played at Grandview. He told me he remembered what a dump it was. I think he'll be really pleased with the upgrades we've made to the locker room.

Dominic Guida

The Chinese side, of course, said there is no room for compromise. I told them that this issue is related to the public sentiments of the two countries. The mutual understanding of the two countries is important.

Hidenao Nakagawa

He has better than adequate arm strength, but I think Dale's got some room to grow. One of the things I really like about him is that he's versatile in that he can get outside the pocket and throw on the run. He doesn't have to be a pocket passer.

Paul Gorham

In addition to the economic impact dollar figure, of particular interest to us was that the All-Star Game and related events generated nearly 20,000 hotel room nights, with an average lodging expense of $403 per group.

Larry Alexander

We also found several unexploded bombs in a room next to the one where the exploded bomb was planted.

Anton Bahrul Alam

While there is no room for complacency, the Fed can take comfort in the fact that core inflation remains tame.

Patrick Newport

If you said in 1995 that Ventura would fully embrace the principles of smart growth, you would have been laughed out of the room, ... But that's exactly what we're seeing today.

Steve Bennett

There is marginal room for error and you are working in front of a large crowd. Getting back on stage is something that I have really enjoyed.

Rove Mcmanus

I haven't seen anything quite like it. We feel comfortable playing in tight games and we've seen the confidence building within this dressing room.

Steve Staios

The goal is to open the process to get the best people in the room and hire the best people. We feel like once that process is opened up, more African-Americans are going to be hired as presidents, more are going to be hired as athletic directors.

Richard Lapchick

I thought he did some tremendous things. I thought he did some poor things. He has a lot of room to grow.

Mike Hohensee

I have so much work to do, but I guess I'll just try and get it done before 6:30 in the morning. I have print-making tomorrow, so I'll just go in my room tonight and work until I can't work anymore.

Savanna Lewis

When hotels close it causes a serious loss, not only in terms of room sales, but also in terms of jobs and tax revenues.

Larry White

I cannot remember there being as many young kids as today. What draws them is the hardest conservative. For Coulter it was standing-room only. She threw out a lot of red meat and gets the kids fired up.

Saul Anuzis

Death is nothing at all. I have only slipped away into the next room.

Joanna Lumley