Obviously, there are more folks here than the room can hold. We have no place to move the meeting tonight. We cannot conduct the meeting with 300 people in here.

Tom Jarvis

There are a lot of opportunities and possibilities for The Venetian to have involvement in these large poker events. Our goal right now is to have a room that will gain a large following.

Kathy Raymond

We'll come in and rearrange a room in a heartbeat.

Janet Fallen

That's kind of like asking a man sleeping on a park bench if he's got a spare room.

Pat Logan

Coach didn't really have much to say after the game in the locker room, and neither did the players. We were all sitting there like, What went wrong?

Jeremis Smith

I don't think I would look too good. I would probably get a few laughs out of the locker room.

Hunter Cantwell

Not one kid in the locker room was happy with the way we played, even though we're happy with the win. We were sloppy with the basketball. We're still learning how to play with big leads.

Jack Purtell

We got there around 7:30 a.m., the kids got in the room around 9:30, did their warm-ups, recorded, and by 11 they were on their way to algebra, ... They were probably the most professional element of the entire album-making process.

Jason Mraz

Overall, the guys couldn't put it all together today. It was a so-so day. Sometimes the drives were good, but the putts weren't. Some times the drives were bad and the putts good. There is lots of room for improvement tomorrow.

Kevin Miller

All should be summoned to one room. Then they should all light up cigars. When the room is filled with smoke, they should turn off the air conditioning and don't let anybody out until they reach a decision. Shouldn't take any more than 20 minutes.

David Kotok

It probably generates more room-nights than an All-Star Game.

John Keeling

We are just killing ourselves. We've got to take a long look at ourselves in the mirror because we've got a big one next week, and we can't expect to win with all these penalties. There's no more room for error.

Derrick Gibson

A lot of the ballplayers loved that movie. When we got there, the Angels wanted him to come to their locker room, too.

Jeff Ross

We have a [computer from] PC's Limited, which is the computer line Michael Dell first marketed from his dorm room.

Christine Banks

Every great writer in history has taken a cigar from that humidor and sat down in the Oak Room for a puff.

Deborah Davis

Nobody wants to ask Joe when he might be retiring. It's the elephant in the room, and no one wants to speak up first.

Suzanne Miklos

I had made up my mind at the end of the summer last year that this would be my final season in coaching. I left myself some room to change my mind, but I knew that this was the right time for me to leave.

Joe Blair

In total, there are 203 municipalities in the state of Wisconsin that have instituted some sort of room tax. We expect that number to continue to grow.

Meredith Helgerson

And don't run the air conditioning when I don't need it. I've got a fan in my room and if the wind is blowing i open up the windows.

James Coffman

St. Paul can be better. We have done a lot. We have accomplished a lot. But there's more room for improvement.

Anne Hunt

They are basically writing in their diary for the whole world to see. It's as dangerous as giving your name to a predator in a chat room.

Michelle Collins

Mental toughness is crucial at the higher level at which they are going to be playing and there is no room for complacency.

Gus Logie

I was feeling good. I thought everything was good, ... It's obviously frustrating for me. But all I can do is do what I have to do [in the trainer's room] and try to get on the field as soon as I can.

Chris Duffy

This stops the bleeding. Things were starting to get negative around the locker room, players were getting on each other. But we get a win like this, it relaxes us. Now, we've just got to come out and play and get the next one.

Deshawn Stevenson

The thing is, he beat his record by two seconds. I'm more impressed with that than anything. I think there's room for improvement there, too. When he has to peak, I think he can do even better.

Stanley Redwine

We wanted a better location and a better facility. But now we're out of room.

Brian Byrd

I can try to give pointers and tips on course management, but that's something they can gain as the season goes on. There's a lot of room for improvement.

Pete Leslie

This is just about the billing of the room. It will no longer be billed to FEMA.

Libby Turner

They're a good team. Still, we feel we could have played better than we did. We had no room for error and we didn't execute the way we needed to.

Marcus Conigliaro

Over the course of the evening, nine went to the hospital through the emergency room. One stayed overnight for observation.

Johnny Whitaker

There is nobody in this room that has contributed to building up our schools like Dr. Anderson has.

Tony George

We had wonderful dining room conversation. It was the early '70s and there were many controversial things going on and lots of things to debate.

Mary Taft

We have a whole room filled with those.

Scott Warner

He looked after me (in college). He'd say, Come by my room, let's go to the gym.' I followed him around and learned the ropes.

Archie Carlyle

He came into the room larger than life, but was different from what I thought he would be. He told us that raising a family and having kids is really important -- relationships with people. He said to be loved, you've got to be lovable.

Matt Thurmond

[In the ante room, under a tapestry of a gorgeous Imam Hussein Muzzaffar Salak (] people call me Ali ... Three of the prayer leaders were martyred during the Iran-Iraq war [of the 1980s].

Mahmud Ahmadinejad

It's kind of neat that it's in the lower level conference room and that's called the Arlington Room. That has pictures of early Arlington on the walls.

Kate Erstein

A big, bold pattern on the floor is more deceptive than one on the wall. There is no way of knowing what it will look like in a room without rolling it out there. Sometimes things recede, and sometimes they just jump off the floor.

Annie Selke

He's in a room, he has a lot of energy and his color is good. A lot of people were calling to wish him well.

Stan Robbs

We certainly encourage them to express themselves. There really are no limitations to it other than it has to be safe and respect the rights of everyone in the room.

Joe Powers

I had one girl miss 100 days. Kids sneak out in the middle of the night and the parents don't know where they are at. They look in their room and they are gone.

Dennis Kirk

I'm seeing something and I'm not standing silent about it. Humans are pushed out to make room for cars.

Studs Terkel

The elephant in the room is the issue of transparency. They don't want you to know anything, so they don't share anything.

Michael Froomkin

While you're watching a movie here, another one may be editing in another room.

Michael Seiwerath

There were a lot of people putting us in the grave and throwing dirt on us. When I came (into the locker room) and saw all smiles, it was just like it was before Christmas.

Tig Johnson

Our trips nearly always fill up. We could take twice as many as we have room for. Probably more than that.

Trinity Shepherd

Go back to '02. Everybody had a role. Everybody knew their roles and nobody ... complained, nobody said a word. And that's kind of how this team is. Overall, the chemistry inside the locker room is tight. We travel well. It's a good crowd to be with. We enjoy each other.

Mike Alstott

It's like, `I'm glad I can get that question out of the locker room,' ... We lost, but we were still 13-1 ? which was pretty darn good.

Mark Schlereth

I couldn't really read the kids in the locker room, but that's a great bunch of kids, and they just played so hard.

Paul Aznarez

The first period was a good example. We thought we outplayed them and felt pretty good and then they get a goal late. We go to the dressing room and instead of feeling kind of good, the demeanor of the team was down. That goal played a really big part and it carried over into the second.

Brent Shepheard

As soon as I did, everything, the whole room, just clicked.

Glenn Quinn

She livened up the room. She was so goofy.

Sara Cruz

The old gym will [become] a physical education room along with the new gym, and it still will be used for freshman basketball. The new gym will seat about 1,100. The old gym seated 300.

Jim Mullally

We have also been in a position drawn a portrait of the assailant from the account of the eyewitness and I would be giving in few minutes. We are making more copies. We will give you that portrait with a request to publish this requesting people to look for such a person. And if found or noticed anywhere, then inform us anyone of us or our police control room.

Ajay Kumar Singh

I walked into a rest room here on campus and I bumped into him, ... We both said excuse me and were on our separate ways. I asked a mutual friend who I had bumped into and they said, That's someone you should really get to know.'

John Knapp

We have anywhere from six to 12 families arriving each day. More than 500 campers were set up by FEMA for the displaced families so there is still plenty of room.

Sandra Harris

Continued cost cutting is going to help the bottom line. The company is making money in one of the worst markets and there's room for earnings to go a lot higher.

Matt Kelmon

You can literally do anything from any room in the house or any location in the world.

David Goldman

We were just discussing in the locker room that now is not the time in the season to be giving up points. That was back in December and January. We talked about playing with confidence. I reminded them that they were the defending region champs.

Amy Hunsaker

There are going to be enormous battles...I think you're going to be able to hear some of the arguments within that jury room all the way down Temple Street.

Richard Greene

She has no room in her life for self-pity. She's about the business of what she's doing. It's a formula that works for her.

Gary Thomas

My wife and I love to read. We're going to have to move out to make room for the books! And we have our dogs.

Gale Gordon

The energy in the room forces you into working harder than you thought.

Janet Roeming

Ours is not a poor country and even though we are now a poor people, there should be no room for the despondency that has settled on large sections of the population.

John Agyekum Kufuor

The family started searching for him. They found his car at the home and entered the home and found him in the laundry room. Fortunately they left the residence.

Ron Gardiner

In our locker room we had the newspaper article laminated and put up to help us remember what happened. We felt like we needed to pay them back.

Cory Ratai

Volkswagen still has room to rise. We fund managers love Volkswagen now. The stock has gone from the most-hated automobile stock to everybody's darling.

Stefan Bauknecht

Mike had a good year. He's still learning, and has room for improvement, but he has two years and he'll just get better. We're expecting him to do very well.

Tom Looby

I still believe there is room for us to walk together.

Drexel Gomez

They discussed the situation and both concluded that the timing of the move is to the benefit of the team. They decided another voice needed to be heard in the locker room.

Brian Mcinerney

There is a lot they can do here. They can see a lesson or can stop in and sit down in a room for a while.

Carrie Knoch

There's always so much more room for improvement in my brain.

Tom Catanzarite

There was standing room only. The feeling was that Dial-a-Ride is an essential service. There would be rioting if it went.

Barbara Hall

I enjoy interior decorating. Whenever I walk into a room I begin imagining the possibilities.

Tiffany Williams

We got it up to 20 points and about five minutes to go I look around and it's a 10-point game. We got it back up and gave ourselves some breathing room.

Richard Mathis

We started on that in the (post-game) Auburn locker room.

Gregg Marshall

We are still very cautious on leisure and airline stocks. For British Airways the transatlantic route represents about 40 percent of revenue, they still have more room to fall but Lufthansa has made good progress in cutting costs.

Henk Potts

If people are caught smoking in a building that doesn't have a smoking room, the building owner ideally must be held responsible too. This is the kind of confusion that must be addressed.

Fauzi Bowo

[The film is] relentless in its pace, ... You don't want to let [audiences] off the hook, where they can relax. You don't want to leave that room. It's not necessary to investigate who Murrow was, his life outside. It's who he was, who they all were, on the ice, in the mix, on the front lines, at that moment.

David Strathairn

He'll sit in his room and try to lift his legs. He picks his pant leg up.

Rick Mcgee

Lord Ronald said nothing; he flung himself from the room, flung himself upon his horse and rode madly off in all directions.

Stephen Leacock

It's my responsibility, and entirely my fault, ... Of course I regret it. It's the kind of locker-room conversation we all use, but as prime minister I shouldn't have used it.

Brian Mulroney

Volume depends precisely on the writer's having been able to sit in a room every day, year after year, alone.

Susan Sontag

If we are to survive, we must have ideas, vision, and courage. These things are rarely produced by committees. Everything that matters in our intellectual and moral life begins with an individual confronting his own mind and conscience in a room by himself.

Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.

You look around the room, we have some pretty capable players. Guys who score goals. It's not like we're not getting our chances.

Colby Armstrong

When the game's on the line, that cat (Lewis) makes big plays. That's the strength of us, Murphy and Lewis. We finally got a little room and broke some tackles.

Bob Lutz

(The locker room was) definitely emotional. The seniors have played together for four years now. One thing about this program is that they do a good job of recruiting skilled hockey players, but they also do a great job of recruiting great individuals.

Mike Serba

I feel as if my heart and mind stopped on Jan. 30 in room 1917 of Memorial Hospital.

Andre Bishop

We think it would as big benefit to people who lost their whole home or part of their home. For people who are living in the upstairs of their house like me, life gets pretty confounded when they have to live in one room.

Alexis Williams

We don't have as much home anymore, but there's the exercise room and a community room to reserve when the kids come home.

Rick Sawvell

We have to stay on it. We can't go into a skid like we were. There's no room for laying back or getting complacent. We have to play this way, and the way we did for two months. We can't think 'we're back.' We're playing the way we should.

Bobby Crosby

Depending on the room setup, stay in the back or quietly pull up a chair.

Marjorie Brody

The main thing in this locker room right now is frustration. We've got to stay positive. We can't let anything affect us mentally. We've got to figure out a way to make plays.

Jermaine Wiggins

There were a lot of tears shed in this locker room today ...

Ryan Potulny

The place still smells like an old locker room. I go in there every once in a while just to breathe it in. Believe it or not, it smells pretty good to me.

Bob Stauble

When things don't work well in the bedroom, they don't work well in the living room either.

Dr. William H. Masters

All the reactions so far have been positive, and I think people are excited by what they see happening. I think they're excited to see that we'll be able to do more. We'll have more space for books, we'll have more room for programming, we'll have more parking.

Joe Jenkins

Think of your landscape like a home with multiple rooms. Each has a use and we are about to create your den, reading room or dining area.

Melinda Myers

I first heard it when we came back into the locker room after we beat Boston College.

Kevin Pittsnogle

A chair can infuse personality into the room while still looking as if it belongs. You can have fun with it and still pay attention to whether it works with an existing design style.

Pat Bowling

Her room is ready. Since we weren't sure if it was going to be a boy or girl, we tried to keep things unisex.

Medea Mcglynn

The way the locker room is set up is the first row is the ghetto, then you move out to the suburbs, then you're in the country, where I am, then the trailer parks to the left of us.

Kasey Studdard

There is no way you could fit enough muscle into its body for that kind of locomotion. You wouldn't have enough room left over for all the other body parts.

John Hutchinson

We've gone through a bunch this year. This year has been a little unique in not such a good way, but we've just got to keep playing. There is a lot for guys in this room to play for.

B.j. Surhoff

It's always been a real comfortable place to play, living room-like in the best of ways.

Will Johnson

They all claim they're great bowlers. There's a lot of trash-talking going on in the locker room about who's going to win. We're trying to keep it loose and have a lot of fun.

Will Brown

We don't know what exactly happened in the room. We only know what happened in the hall.

Jessica Jackson

When you read the qualification criteria, it's very clear. There's really no room for error. (I) should be the winner.

Chris Klug

But when this happened, Cameron didn't want to be alone, and Jared immediately took him into his room and said, 'I want Cameron to be with me,'.

Kevin Bardsley

We've done good things, but we definitely have room for improvement. Guys taking turns getting beat -- we can't continue to do that if we expect to be as good as we want to be.

Chris Samuels

The enthusiasm of the vendors has been very contagious throughout the room.

Gwen Calhoun

Our corners have to be able to come up in run support or we're not going to get on the field, ... I feel like I did all right. There's a whole lot of room for improvement. I'm just taking it game by game. But I think I did all right.

Ike Taylor

Mark's put in a lot of work this year - whether it's in the weight room or putting in shots. Me and him do a good job of breaking the pressure.

Joe Harden

We were down a goal twice and both times it was heading into the locker room. But no one was panicking the locker room. There was calm in everybody. We knew we could come back.

Dan Fisher

Consumers could raise spending by digging into savings, there's room. Though it may not be the most important thing right now, the persistent weakness in the labor market will weigh on confidence again.

Sandra Petcov

Hopefully we can get an extra room for the weekend. I'm just glad we're all together.

Jeff Maggert

Our [locker] room is better than you might think it'd be. It's tough when you're losing, but the spirits aren't as low as people might think. We're closer to turning it around than you might think.

Tyler Arnason

When you stress the weight room, you have to be careful about your message.

Steve Struzyk

No one is going to give up. There's too much character in this room, too much leadership. We're going to keep working, no matter what.

Kevin Dallman

The decision was made to enter the room after visual confirmation where all the parties were.

William Kennedy

We left some room to keep adding names. We thought about that a lot. It was meant to be something that can change.

Clay Gish

I just went up for the ball and made the play. The offense was successful in their running game, so when they threw it up, we knew we had to make plays. The defense did pretty good, but there is still room for improvement.

Jonathan Wilhite

Our team has been awesome, ... I've been very pleasantly surprised at how awesome every guy in our locker-room is. I've just had a great time with these guys.

Jeremy Roenick

The telecom sector pushed us up, these shares are really cheap and they've got a lot of room to grow.

Bruno Otero

I think any incumbent has room to worry.

Michael Dimock

I do have personal pride. That's the one black mark. I'm not perfect, and it shows I have room to improve. It doesn't get at me at all. There are no hard feelings.

Kelly Eaton

I always said I would fight a man in his living room and now I am getting to prove that.

Lamon Brewster

This is just another example of Wal-Mart's efforts to expand operations in India. The company already sources a significant amount of goods from India. There is plenty of room for expansion internationally, in our view. The company is looking at India as one of many opportunities.

Joseph Agnese

If someone selected for a regular room then gets an endowed room, someone may be pulled up from the wait list.

Jenni Allen

Microsoft has been most aggressive with Xbox Live, connecting the Xbox 360 to the Internet for game play and allowing users to download content, either paid or free. This is really just another step in that process to make what was a video game console into more of a living room entertainment center.

Brian O'rourke

There is no room for error ... we have to ensure the next few weeks are in fact about the intensification of (the trade) agenda.

Trevor Manuel

This will bring to light that you have the right to see a doctor when you go to the emergency room and you should expect the highest possible care when you go to a hospital.

Larry Simmons

Overall the ratings are positive, but there is room for improvement. Ultimately, we hope all seats will achieve an 'A' rating.

Jeffrey Runge

I have no idea where the patients go, but they don't come into the emergency room.

Alasdair Conn

Last weekend, we were so busy, the tasting room was full from one end to the other. You could barely sit.

Peggy Evans

(A black bear) needs a lot of space and the way development is going in South Florida, the room it needs is being lost, degraded and fragmented.

Laurie Macdonald

I don?t know how he beats us to our classroom, because I always see him leave after we do. But when we get to our room, there he is, waiting.

Ian Frazier

The White House folks will rearrange furniture, bring in their own water and things and secure it to the president's liking. The holding room is extremely secured.

Kerri Hanley

There's room for improvement. We got the ball in the hole. Those Kingston players helped us out on defense.

Caleb Kovach

I will definitely be interested if they're available at a price that makes sense. I will be a bidder, and I will figure out how to run them and take the pre-emption. I have room to do things like that.

Don Carmichael

Do people from the dining room get up and sing? Oh, yeah ? big time.

Linda Palermo

I told the kids in the locker room that no one person won this game for us; it was a great team effort. We knew that's what it would take to beat a team like Valley. It would have to be a team win, and that's what it was.

Joel Sullivan

We will continue to strive to preserve fervently those strong aspects of our economic freedom, while enhancing those other aspects where there is room for further improvement.

Henry Tang

They said there was a garbage can in the processing room. Every kitchen has a garbage can. Our bathroom was far away from the processing room.

Gary Chu

We are still groping, as if we are in a black room trying to make a black puzzle.

Vera Rubin

Everyone on the team has room to improve over the next few weeks. Neither team was very sharp at the Championships. We can only get better.

Don Gibb

I'm not calling anybody in this room a murderer or killer. I'm not talking about anybody's kids, ... Do we need pharmaceutical companies? Of course we do. But this was a pain pill.

Christopher Seeger

An atmosphere of racial tension in the jury room prevented meaningful deliberations from taking place.

Susan Roberts

What's more fun than sitting in your living room in funny glasses?

Glenn Gordon Caron

What we found when we got in the room together was that we had the same goal - to keep everybody on the road safe and allow access to public roads.

Dan Grunig

The mood in our locker room is unbelievable and everybody's just so pumped to get on that bus. We want to end someone's season.

Jaime Sifers

I have a room in my house in Scotland, a music room, and when I walk into it the creativity comes for writing. There is an energy in the room you can feel it.

Mike Scott

After a tragedy, we find a way to shake the troubles. It's a somber locker room since they found out. But they have been very businesslike.

Jim Caldwell

This would allow the system to continue functioning in the event of water damage, power failure, fire or other disaster rendering either computer room unusable. Any major component can fail without causing an interruption in service.

Mark Dumic

Don't look now, but there's one too many in this room and I think it's you.

Groucho Marx

It can expand its brands in China, Europe, India, and South American, and it immediately increases its presence in Europe, where there is more upside/recovery to (revenue per available room) than in the United States.

Joe Greff

There is a peculiar burning odor in the room, like explosives. the kitchen fills with smoke and the hot, sweet, ashy smell of scorched cookies. The war has begun.

Alison Lurie

We are going to shut it off at 33 or 34 teams. We still have room for individuals and for some teams.

Jimmy Dean

You want the room that is being heated to keep the heat in that room. You only want the space you're living in to stay controlled.

Tom Silva

We don't use plants as much as we used to and it's a shame. They really bring a room to life.

Carol Thomas

I don't think domestic banks will lose any competitiveness, thanks to their huge networks and well-known branding among local citizens. In contrast, they will find more room for co-operation given foreign counterparts' new thinking and expertise.

Katherine Tsang

The living room actually turned out more elegant than we planned. Dan built bookcases on either side of the fireplace, added trim to the mantel and installed an electric fireplace.

Laryl Morrison

It's nice to go to the locker room with a two- or three-goal lead. And the nice part about it was we didn't sit back; we came out and played the way we were supposed to play and got the job done.

Roberto Luongo

We're just focusing on Northern Durham, one game at a time. The guys have a poster of a ladder in the locker room, and we're not jumping ahead.

Issac Marsh

It's just a matter of pride. Every guy in the locker room has 'pride' written across their chest. We know we're not going to get blown out and if you're not careful we're going to nip you. We're doing our best with what we've got.

Melvin Buckley

We also share in the belief we do have what it takes in this locker-room and there's no great piece of the puzzle out there we're missing.

Andrew Ference

Like most baked goods, soda bread doesn't keep for long. If properly cooled, wrapped well in plastic, and stored at room temperature, it will maintain its quality for about two days.

John Reilly

Tiger was cracking jokes and relating some locker room stories. He also imitated a few players.

Arjun Atwal

The Nasdaq has been beaten up so much that there's room for a technical rebound if not more. It's still very murky as to where valuations should be and how much more room there is on the downside.

Peter Coolidge

I went to her interview before the Women's British Open, and I couldn't believe how full the room was. It was overflowing. When Annika went in there, it was 25 percent full. The buzz for Michelle was amazing.

David Leadbetter

That there is a room for a new federalist voice in Quebec is a Rubicon.

Antonia Maioni

When FCC starting gun goes off on Monday and indeed (joint ownership) is allowed in the top 100 markets, they can formalize deals that have been discussed, ... Even with these gains, there's still some room for these stocks to run. For a number of months, investors weren't sure if regulators were going to come to a decision in June.

Jim Boyle

I think there's plenty of room in this town for the both of us.

Peter Schultz

We took the blow hard. It was kind of the white elephant in the middle of the room. We didn't want to talk about it, but there it was. And we needed to focus on this game.

Kelly Stephens

The door opened and it was God himself who walked into the room, straight from the glittering throne, God dressed in a camel's hair polo coat and flat camel's hair cap.

Paul Gallico

How would I feel as a Catholic if I had to have a menorah and Star of David in every room of my shelter? It's religiously insensitive.

Monica Nelson

They can't do the classes they need to do because they're fighting for space. We know there's tremendous room for growth if there's classroom space available.

Robin Farquhar

It's getting to a point where I probably would not go to the emergency (room). It would be a choice between going to emergency or eating.

Cornelius Besteman

I just tried to hold my ground. If he bumped into me, I wasn't going to give him any room. Fortunately, that was his fifth foul.

Felix Friedt

We're growing up. We're not going into the locker room all rowdy. It's like, we've got to move forward to the next game.

Stanley Burrell

I'm happy I won, but I haven't been playing as much as I should and there's definitely a lot of room for improvement.

Daniel Kim

I've got a bunch of winners in that locker room and it's my responsibility to teach them how to win games. The effort is there and we didn't give up.

Watson Brown

At this moment, sentiment still feels good, and I think there's room for stocks to rally further.

Phil Schlakman

It's excellent coverage. Families are responsible for a $5 co-pay when they visit doctors, a $5 co-pay for medications and $10 co-pay if they have to visit an emergency room. Some pay more, and some less, depending on their incomes.

Virginia Brockman

This ensures a future for the Boiler Room, if we can pull it off -- owning our own business.

Becky Shipley

I feel for the lads and they are all bitterly disappointed in the dressing room.

Chris Hughton

We finally had our fence at the Cocoa Beach Little League field replaced, thanks to the City of Cocoa Beach. We also got electrical power to our equipment room and we're in the process of running lights to our batting cage. We also are in the process of adding practice and warm-up mounds at the Cape Canaveral ball field, where one is finished, and the others should be completed shortly.

Neil Spencer

The Hi-Fi sounds good and can definitely fill a room, It's kind of ho-hum.

Dennis Lloyd

I've always loved airplanes and flight. The space program was really important to me as a kid. I still have a photo of Armstrong and Aldrin on the moon in my living room.

Bill Nye

There ought to be a room in every house to swear in.

Mark Twain

In the Bob Hope Golf Classic, the participation of President Gerald Ford was more than enough to remind you that the nuclear button was at one stage at the disposal of a man who might have either pressed it by mistake or else pressed it deliberately in order to obtain room service.

Clive James

All indicators are that we're about to be inundated by oil and gas researchers. We've had several days where there was no room to even set books down and tempers have started to flair with no room to work. We don't have room for the researchers now, let alone an influx of more.

Cindy Polley

That's a high room count for a locals property. They're a very viable alternative for people who want to stay in a decent place but not pay those high Strip rates.

Anthony Curtis

My daughter and I go from room to room trying to get a good night's sleep, but he follows us. We've been playing musical beds for two to three years now. But if he were my son, I'd let him do the same thing.

Lisa Willett

The piano is the social instrument par excellence... drawing-room furniture, a sign of bourgeois prosperity, the most massive of the devices by which the young are tortured in the name of education and the grown-up in the name of entertainment.

Jacques Barzun

I think there is always room for improvement from game to game, but we just have to stay focused. And we want to have fun, stay loose and play with confidence.

Brian Shipley

Once you have mantle and fireplace installed you do interesting accessories above or on the fireplace, like the lamps, sconces. These lend a whole different feel to the room when you're done.

Todd Zillweger

Haven't you felt a peculiar sort of worry about the chair in your living room that no one sits in?

Nicholson Baker

Dajka confirmed to Craig Phillips that he had been untruthful to both inquiries. He admitted to self injecting in French's room.

John Coates

I guess after the initial tussle in the (hotel) room we seemed to get along fine. He is a mild mannered guy, except in this one area, obviously he has some issues of concern.

Brad Garrett