What it boils down to is he will not be released unless he confesses to a crime he did not commit. It's probably the worst civil rights case facing the U.S. government right now.

Jennifer Harbury

Nothing finalized, ... It's natural we'd think about things such as the X-games. We certainly play a lot of poker on our air, so we're thinking about that. We're also thinking about bass. We have the rights to the bass license.

John Skipper

I can't openly say that human rights are violated in Cuba. I don't have either the moral authority or the knowledge that would allow me to say so.

Nestor Kirchner

In a day and age when 43 percent of marriages end in divorce, we need equal rights for non-traditional couples. This is a signal to the community that new laws are coming.

Barbara Bernstein

We are disappointed that Justice Roberts flip-flopped in regard to state rights when a medical question was at issue.

Robert Kenneth

The Republic of Macedonia is being built on democratic ideals and values, not on ethnic groups. Those ideals and values include economic opportunities, language and educational opportunities, religious rights, and political processes.

Boris Trajkovski

Human rights is new for the military. They usually see human rights as a scapegoat, an instrument used by certain interests.

Indria Samego

My own view is that the time for economic reform has ended. At present, Chinese people don't consider more material benefits as a crucial demand, and what seems to be more important is the extreme lack of rights.

Li Shuguang

I think in the future it will provide more precautions for people who are exercising their First Amendment rights and at the same time give police officers a clear directive as to how to handle those situations.

John Burris

Areas of claimed autonomous exercise range from classic church property disputes to more recently developing questions over the extent to which various regulatory regimes, including labor law, civil rights law, and even malpractice, defamation, and contract law, should be permitted to intervene in the internal relations of religious institutions and communities.

Perry Dane

However, real unification of the armed forces is a prerequisite for elections that are free of human rights abuses, and for the success of future peace-building in the country.

Kolawole Olaniyan

I believe all Americans who believe in freedom, tolerance and human rights have a responsibility to oppose bigotry and prejudice based on sexual orientation.

Coretta Scott King

This is a big rivalry game for us. There's a lot at stake for us like bragging rights.

Scott Baugh

We're talking about a basic violation of the Constitutional guarantee of a free press as well as a violation of the rights of privacy of American citizens. I had hoped we would have learned our lessons from the Nixon era. Sadly, it appears we have not.

George Harleigh

Those organizations don't want the movement to radicalize. They don't want immigrants and the rest of society to come forth in a militant way and demand their rights.

Javier Rodriguez

We really have to reconsider what it is that a public person gives up. Why does a public person give up all his or her rights to privacy?

David Duchovny

As we've seen, there's been furniture placed in our rights of way downtown for quite some time now. We're hoping to ensure that appropriate materials are used, ... as well as ensuring it is a pedestrian through way.

Christine Palmer

The folk thing was about civil rights... ... Folk music is the music of the working class, the music of the folks. Blues is folk music.

Otis Taylor

A complete fabrication clearly intended to embarrass me while hiding their own violation of individual rights.

Richard Perkins

The state we're in now is because of the policy decision to co-opt those people who in the past committed human rights abuses. There's a culture of impunity. They continue in many cases to abuse the rights of people under them. There are drug problems in the north, tribal problems, sheer criminality.

Joanna Nathan

Actors may (or may not) read poems well, but poets have unique rights to their work, and unique insights and interests to offer as we hear their idiom, pacing, tone and emphases.

Andrew Motion

We don't own the syndication rights to the ACC.

Burke Magnus

Democratic structures and the rule of law have on the whole been strengthened. Protection of human rights has continued to improve.

Guenter Verheugen

Frankly, from a human rights perspective, that raises concerns.

Alison Parker

It's signifying a presence, letting the Gulf Coast know that we are here. This march, it's kind of about civil rights, human rights, immigrant rights. America was built on immigrant labor. We are here more than anything to help rebuild the Gulf Coast.

Vicki Cintra

There are a number of treaties made around the country, principally in the Great Lakes region and the Pacific Northwest, where Indians sold their lands to the United States but reserved rights to hunt and fish on the lands that they ceded.

Marc Slonin

The [animal rights groups] have had it all their own way. They have intimidated people, but the time has come to speak up and risk it. Who knows what the risk is?

John Steinbeck

If one business' rights are violated, it opens the door for the mayor and police to shut down other businesses without due process, like nightclubs.

Joseph Robinson

You can't deny people their first amendment rights and you can't use administrative employees in an effort to accomplish what truly is an unconstitutional goal.

Luke Lirot

It?s ideal for movie studios and record labels to distribute their high-definition assets in a way that?s secure, cannot be copied, cannot be shared but can be viewed. It definitely is a factor in allowing us to get the rights.

Aaron Greenberg

It is precisely because the issue raised by this case touches the heart of what makes individuals what they are that we should be especially sensitive to the rights of those whose choices upset the majority.

Harry A. Blackmun

An approved purchaser would essentially 'stand in the shoes' of the current tenant with all of its obligations and rights.

Lisa Bourcier

It's unbelievable. People are joining in so spontaneously, it's almost like the immigrants have risen. I would call it a civil rights movement reborn in this country.

Partha Banerjee

The Attorney General failed to carry out his duty to prepare a neutral, factual title and summary, which would have prevented a fair vote on this important issue. The people deserve the chance to vote to protect marriage rights.

Mathew Staver

We make a lot of contributions to this country. It's not right to try to treat us as terrorists or criminals. We just want to work. We want equal rights.

Camilo Ontiveros

Whilst we recognize the value of intellectual property rights, we have little confidence in self-regulation by the industry.

Jill Johnstone

This vote is painful proof that a majority of senators will not stand up for women's rights, civil rights and our right to privacy when it counts the most.

Debra L. Ness

A freedom of expression that destroys world peace is against basic human rights.

Liaqat Baluch

[The president of the National Black Justice Coalition, a gay civil rights group that met with Farrakhan on Wednesday, said he was barred from the stage even though he had been invited to speak.] I'm disappointed, ... They reneged on their agreement.

Keith Boykin

It's about protecting the average citizen's property rights.

Rep. Kenneth Hodges

You can't attract capital investment from outside Iraq unless you have a constitution in place, a rule of law and a defined system that can guarantee property rights.

Steve King

It's very insidious. They say they are studying filing sedition charges. They say they have lists, but they don't say who is on them. This is not how the game should be played. We know our rights, and we should not be harassed by psychological pressure.

Sheila Coronel

Joseph Farah and I share a fierce passion for protecting children and a belief that without the Ten Commandments there would be no U.S. Constitution or Bill of Rights.

Dr. Laura Schlessinger

It was to remedy what was a very egregious violation of people's First Amendment rights to free speech and assemble.

Jeremy Travis

The armed forces aren't demanding a favor. They are demanding their rights.

Ollanta Humala

We are in talks and I'm very confident that we will reach an agreement with KDG. It will help us to reach more viewers and exploit the rights more efficiently.

Bernard De Roos

A mistake by many rights activists today is that their activities do not correspond with the opinions and values of a majority of our people.

Metropolitan Kirill

Canada needs to take the human rights engagement with China to a concrete level and move beyond some of the very vague, general, easy platitudes we've heard in the past.

Alex Neve

He didn't mention human rights.

Martin Lee

They have gone from full bargaining rights to no rights in collective bargaining.

John Rogers

It took us 150 years to reach the point where church and state are really separate in this country, ... It is no accident that the 'establishment clause' is the very first thing mentioned in the very first article of the Bill of Rights.

David Saperstein

Our cap flexibility is what allowed us to get these two players as part of this deal. We were able to acquire two young, quality players while only giving up the rights to a player who has never appeared in a Hornets uniform.

Allan Bristow

You don't lose all your rights in prison.

Oscar Michelen

I think we are going to definitely have a fight on state-secret issues. I would also point out that the state-secret privilege has never come up in a case where the rights of so many have been at issue.

Kevin Bankston

Respect for the rights of others means peace.

Benito Juarez

We have noted that human rights violations in Occupied Kashmir have gone up in the last few days. There is a need for the Indian side to address the issue.

Naeem Khan

The main concern we have in the civil rights community isn't necessarily that that DOJ brought this case. It's that the department is not bringing meritorious cases on behalf of African-American and Native American voters.

Jon Greenbaum

Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother.

Lyn Yutang

I don't think this is anything against Congressman Kolbe. They, (the gay Republicans -- including members of the Log Cabin group), are trumpeting an agenda that they want the certain rights.

Chuck Anderson

While we fully support reasonable and effective security measures, we believe this program marks a dramatic and unjustified erosion of the privacy rights of the American public.

Christopher Dunn

I don't know what to expect in Cuba, ... I think what the Holy Father is for is greater freedom for the church, and greater responsibility on the part of Catholics to exercise their religious freedom, and greater sensitivity on the parts of governments to recognize human rights.

John P. Foley

We were stunned by the outpouring for the rally. It's an emerging civil rights movement. We're at a turning point in Colorado.

Bill Vandenberg

The applications, services, and the ecosystem required also have to be considered as well as the intellectual-property rights and the royalty fees that manufacturers have to pay.

Ali Tabassi

I've thrown it out as an idea. They could build four or five stories of affordable housing, and they pay us for air rights. Hopefully, this will bear fruit.

Jack Lamb

It is time in the West to defend not so much human rights as human obligations.

Alexander Solzehnitsyn

I don't believe in quotas. America was founded on a philosophy of individual rights, not group rights.

Clarence Thomas

As a victim, I should have rights, not have a judge keep me away from Gilbert. I'm going to start looking for an appeals lawyer.

Michelle Carrillo

It's very unfortunate, because it really is the civil rights issue of this decade, ... We know if you're not counted, you're not represented, and apparently some members of the Republican leadership don't want to count poor blacks and latinos.

Carolyn Maloney

We know that the Chinese authorities' views on Taiwan and human rights differ from ours.

Charles Hunter

It's a great day for private-property rights in the state of Arizona.

Jennifer Barnett

Some of the critics are seeing a connection where none is intended. People are perfectly within their rights to oppose the policy of war, but this is about supporting the troops.

Victoria Clarke

It's only fair that stable gay relationships of long standing should have the same rights and responsibilities as married couples. I know the image of gay marriage is to some people horrific and ludicrous.

Ian McKellen

The political killings are one of the most serious human rights issues, but the key problem there is to identify properly where responsibility lies and that's why I think an impartial mechanism could be of assistance.

Brian Martin

[The elders] yelled at us, told us we were traitors, enemies of the people. They told me I was a scoundrel and a liar. 'What are you doing?' they said. 'Who gave you the right?' they said. 'People like you don't have any rights,' they said.

Jumadurdy Ovezov

Ours is a civil rights movement on the march.

Thom Lynch

This is the second significant error by the government affecting the constitutional rights of the defendant and the criminal justice system in this country in the context of a death case.

Leonie Brinkema

There's a new movement which sees corporate power, government power and police power as merging together to marginalize the rights of indigenous peoples, the powerless and workers. To participate in a police [protest] plan is almost an insult.

Don White

In some Western countries, including in the United States, some people have ignored the overall development of China's human rights.

Sun Yuxi

If people are displaced due to a development project, then it is a violation of their human rights and a violation by the government of its commitment to observing human rights.

Miloon Kothari

I'm her son and I'm obligated to do this, ... Let's first find out if my mother is his daughter. The next priority is justice for her, whatever the court decides, whatever rights she has as an heir, and any economic entitlements.

Ray Fernandez

Anglo-Saxon civilization has taught the individual to protect his own rights; American civilization will teach him to respect the rights of others.

William Jennings Bryan

He's being retaliated against for exercising his First Amendment rights.

Steve Zieff

It means our National Voting Rights Trail will not be desecrated by a nasty garbage dump.

Barbara Evans

We wanted the freedom to chose our future. No one could challenge the leader in Iran, but we did. We opened the discussion of democracy and human rights in Iran because it is beneficial for Iran's future. It is embarrassing that the (Iranian) president is who he is. He isn't representing the Iranian people in a democratic way.

Akbar Atri

When we give up our rights that we have in the Constitution to privacy, to know that Big Brother is not looking over our shoulder, we give up a valuable entity in this country.

Dave Robertson

The idea of equal rights was in the air.

Lucy Stone

It was one of the main gripes of the early civil rights movement and the NAACP, ... It was the major battle that they fought, because this was major propaganda.

Bruce Tyler

To allow the Bush administration to evade accountability and continue to hide behind a smoke screen of 'national security' is to do grave and irreparable damage to the Constitution and the guarantee of human rights that people in this country could once be proud of.

Maria Lahood

It is absolutely scandalous, ... Are human rights not for all humans, or have we decided that radical imams are monsters?

Pierre Dubois

There will still be trade disputes with the Bush administration, but it's unlikely these disputes will increase. The same goes for human rights.

Jin Canrong

[King] also wouldn't be happy to see that the people here in D.C. still don't have rights when it comes to voting.

John M. Capozzi

Many local officials seize land illegally and convert it into commercial real estate developments. It is good that the congress is looking at bolstering farmers' land rights. But legislators will face many obstacles as many local officials may not comply.

Li Ping

This body and legislative bodies in the states are protectors of the people's rights, ... Legislators have the right to protect the rights of the people as much as courts.

John Roberts

I'm so happy today. It's a victory for the women's rights movement.

Homa Arjomand

One of the things with our movement that sometimes we forget because we're always talking about equality and rights and wrongs that are perpetuated upon us. We forget to talk about love and that's why we're lesbians, because we love other women.

Kathleen Debold

The development rights of the ... property predate the ordinance.

Mark Gottlieb

We focused our style to personality-based and that, in combination with having the B.C. Lions' rights, enabled us to achieve our highest ratings ever, even without NHL hockey, ... The lockout itself was such a soap opera, too, with 'Are they coming back? Are they not coming back?' and people would tune in to get their dose of information.

Rob Gray

We are in continuing discussions with a number of potential sponsors at this time, and we're confident that we will have a naming-rights sponsor probably in a relatively short period of time.

Michael Perrin

It's not a surprise to us. They are continuing to violate the property rights of the people of New Brunswick to push through their plan ? their vision ? which they believe is more important than the right to own private property.

Thom Ammirato

We feel like the extreme conservative right feel like after the election last year, they have us on the run. They'll continue to chip away at any rights gays and lesbians might have.

Chuck Bowen

This view is the single most powerful predicator of people's attitudes toward gay rights in general and shows a growing comfort with human diversity in general.

Stephen Klineberg

We don't care about the result of the voting very much, but we shall fight continuously to the end. We resolutely reject the resolution since it is in pursuit of political aim having no relevance with human rights.

Choe Myong Nam

His rights have not been restored.

Jane Tillman

But the U.S. Record, as assessed by independent organizations like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, is reprehensible.

Norman Solomon

History will show that Gov. Schwarzenegger had a chance to end the last vestige of legal discrimination in our state, ... Instead of choosing the way of the future the governor has aligned himself with the enemies of equal rights for all.

Fabian Nunez

As long as there are human rights to be defended; as long as there are great interests to be guarded; as long as the welfare of nations is a matter for discussion, so long will public speaking have its place.

William Jennings Bryan

This is not a debate about immigrant rights. America being a land of immigrants will never, ever take away the rights of legal immigrants in our country or in our state. Never.

Bill Montgomery

It's a lighthearted look at the issue, although we find very little humor in President Bush's violating the Fourth Amendment of the Bill of Rights with his domestic spy program.

Michael Huttner

There's a pattern that is noxious and toxic to the traditional American way of life. This is not good for American people. You're losing food safety and property rights simultaneously. And the beneficiaries of this are not human beings with a conscious. They're corporate boardroom financial reports.

Pat Trask

I do not believe in file sharing or illegally downloading music. I pay for all my music. I listen to music everyday. It is my life. I can not imagine violating musicians' rights by illegally obtaining it.

Joe Avila

[Besides earning awards, at least nine films garnered movie deals. Lions Gate Films bought the distribution rights to the documentary] The Eyes of Tammy Faye, ... Two Family House.

Jim Bakker

They saved my life that day. By all rights they should have killed me that day.

Daniel Brown

The issue of human rights is a national security issue for us and while we have lots of issues to address with North Korea and we have lots of issues to address with China, the prism through which we evaluate their conduct is very much a human rights prism.

Jay Lefkowitz

Property has its duties as well as its rights.

Thomas Brummond

Protecting civil rights is our basic consideration.

Ke Liangdong

If gays are granted rights, next we'll have to give rights to prostitutes and to people who sleep with St. Bernards and to nailbiters.

Anita Bryant

We share the outrage to the horrible disrespect that's been shown to these soldiers ... but this bill would make felons out of (cemetery) workers for carrying out their rights.

David Martino

And no, we have no obligation to come to Chicago, kneel before your throne and beg to freely exercise the rights that so many before us have died for. To be honest, Mr. Mayor, I think Chicago would be a much better place if you spent less time in front of the cameras and more time behind your desk.

Richard Pearson

The matter will be taken to the consumer affairs ministry and the parliament so that it is made into a law with enough teeth to enable them to fight for their rights.

Sudhakara Reddy

The point of adoption is to create a new family with all the rights and responsibilities that go with that. Our law recognizes the importance of the family in making decisions, especially for younger children. To go above a parent's decision is unusual and has to be considered very carefully.

Cecilia Zalkind

Was in the process of assembling an army of attorneys, economists and IAM representatives with a wealth of airline bankruptcy experience and resources to ensure our members are treated fairly and their rights protected both in the courtroom and at the bargaining table.

Robert Roach

I hope that they depended on concrete evidence against those people before executing them. I wonder if those convicted were given fair rights, a decent trial and the right to an attorney.

Suha Azzawi

Although I would like more than you know to answer the questions that you and your colleagues have about WorldCom, I have been instructed by my counsel not to testify based on my Fifth Amendment constitutional rights.

Bernie Ebbers

This is a battle, but it's not the war. We consider this one of the civil-rights issues of the 21st century, and we're going to continue to fight it, in Florida and elsewhere.

Clark Neily

We are going to be very conscious of private property rights. All these cars and houses and boats still belong to somebody, and we can't go in and mass destroy all of them without some kind of order from the governor or the president.

Chuck Brown

More and more Chinese WWII victims are aware of their rights nowadays since the federation began to claim compensation from relevant Japanese entities in 1990.

Tong Zeng

Shell is profiting from the current high oil prices, but we are all paying the price. Oil companies must be forced to face up to their wider responsibilities - on climate change, on the environment and on human rights.

Craig Bennett

There have been instances when cemetery workers were picketing this job site (the cemetery). These are rights we've enjoyed since 1935 ... and this bill would abrogate those rights.

David Martino

[Amgen's] going to use every means at its disposal to protect its intellectual property rights and keep Roche off the market. We'll have to see how the courts interpret it, of course. This is a very real risk to the stock.

Chris Raymond

I support the public interest in a matter of that kind being fully investigated. There is a clear public interest in that happening. But like all other citizens, corporate or otherwise, oil companies have certain rights and presumptions of innocence.

John Howard Payne

There are voting rights questions. There are serious issues on both sides. The rights of a lot of people are involved.

John Reeves

It's always an issue at election time and an interesting one that balances rights versus aesthetics. The courts see campaign signs as being political speech and do not look favorably on restrictions.

Randy Hayes

I am marching, not just for OUR reproductive rights as American Women (and men), but also for the WORLD?s reproductive rights!

Robin Collins

That may be a drop in the bucket. People have property rights. If they want to convert, they can convert.

Remar Harvin

At this stage we are working on third-hand information. We know our rights to that deposit and now we need to go through a due process to understand if those rights are being infringed.

Con Fauconnier

Especially during the civil rights movement, (Taylor) was very, very strong about integrating the police department and the fire department and establishing the Owensboro Human Relations Commission.

Mike Walker

It was a tactic to avoid the rights guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution. The government has been trying to avoid scrutiny of the facts.

Dr. Jeffrey Harris

The Framers of the Bill of Rights did not purport to "create" rights. Rather, they designed the Bill of Rights to prohibit our Government from infringing rights and liberties presumed to be preexisting.

William J. Brennan, Jr.

The rights of the returned Chinese should be well protected, as they make a vital contribution to China's modernization.

Wang Zhaoguo

Today we ask, 'How can a country with such a horrific record of human rights abuses, religious persecution, nuclear proliferation and espionage be deemed normal by any freedom-loving country such as the United States?'

Janet Parshall

I think that is pretty dang good. This makes Route 66 the best road trip in the U.S. That's bragging rights.

John Weiss

GLAD worked very hard with our partners in Maine to make this day a reality. Now we stand ready to see that Mainers know about their new rights and that the law is implemented and enforced.

Lee Swislow

That little man in black over there, he says women can't have as much rights as men, 'cause Christ wasn't a woman! Where did your Christ come from? From God and a woman! Man had nothing to do with Him.

Sojourner Truth

We face a battle for hearts and minds sometimes with animal rights groups who have figures of their own and polls of their own.

Phil Jenkins

It's a cliche to say she was the mother of the civil rights movement, but she was.

Julian Bond

The challenge to the president is therefore important because if he does not want to give some acknowledgment to the protest, if he does not want to accord respect to the congressional Black Caucus, the civil rights leadership, the fraternal leadership, and those mainline leaders, then he's still faced with this group, which is posing him the same challenge in terms of public policy.

Ronald Walters

The governor has said 'no' to our rights, and so our community needs to turn out and say 'no' to him. We're going to work very hard to make sure the community sends a message.

Geoffrey Kors

When a person is humiliated, when his rights are being violated, and he does not have the proper education, naturally he gravitates toward terrorism.

Shirin Ebadi

His august presence in the film was decided from day one, when we jointly decided to acquire the remake rights of the film. He too liked the story immensely.

Harish Dayani

The government's sole concern is to maintain its unchallenged grip on power at the cost of smothering the Chinese people's fundamental rights and freedoms.

Xiao Qiang

The Republicans are more consistently concerned about the land use planning system and encroachment on property rights. The Democrats very much defend the status quo. This will be an issue I will carry to the November election.

Kevin Mannix

The LAPD criminally, intentionally and brutally violated the rights of tens of thousands of people who were attempting to exercise their right to engage in peaceful political protest.

James Lafferty

I am strongly pro-life, and have fought to protect the rights of the unborn my entire career. I will continue to fight for this cause because I value the sanctity of all human life.

Rob Bishop

I was glad to have been associated with the Post-Herald during a crucial time in Alabama history, during the George Wallace era and during the push for civil rights. It was a great time to be a reporter.

Jim Bennett

Blacks have been migrating into the South in the last decade or so, ... There are more jobs here. After the 60's, and civil rights, this is where the job growth has been. Because of the lack of unionization, industries have moved back to the South.

Merle Black

You also have to consider legislation such as data protection. There are privacy and human rights law for e-mails, which you can overcome if you have the right contract of employment.

Peter Sommer

We all know that tobacco smoking is harmful. What about the rights of the majority of people who don't smoke?

Harry Davis

And the Iraqi people are liberated from the worst kind of dictatorship. Now they are enjoying their democratic rights, all kinds of freedoms, a free press.

Jalal Talabani

Creating false distinctions between human rights and property rights plays into the hands of Democrat and Republican Party socialists who seek to control our lives. If we buy into the notion that somehow property rights are less important, or are in conflict with, human or civil rights, we give the socialists a freer hand to attack our property.

Walter Williams

I think we have the right to know. Everybody says we're stepping on people's rights. If you molest kids, you have no rights.

Karen Goode

The Brazilian Government is directly responsible for the threats against people who defend human rights, because it has not been assuming the responsibility to demarcate the lands.

Saulo Feitosa

The other irony is that Roberts is a lifelong advocate of federalism and states' rights. Like his mentor, Rehnquist, he has a narrow view of the commerce clause.

Jonathan Turley

I believe in people's individual rights with land . . . but on the other hand, I realize that once these things are gone, they're gone.

Richard Barrette

However, no one is more disappointed than the tens of thousands of couples and their families that won't have the same rights and privileges that Maria Shriver and Arnold Schwarzenegger have been afforded.

Gavin Newsom

Few, if any, landowners in Montana are asked to give up property rights in exchange for hypothetical 'credit' in an unrelated public discussion about the use of public lands. Montana landowners are not known for relinquishing valid existing property rights.

David Blair

There will be constant monitoring of internal developments in Turkey -- political, economic, human rights.

Cristina Gallach

California has a strong public policy protecting employees' rights to freely choose where they can work, and we are asking the court to vindicate this right.

Nicole Wong

Then we can say at least the civil rights community tried to alert you.

Mary Frances Berry

He was his own man. Because he was his own man, he was able to accomplish what he was able to accomplish in the civil rights movement.

Robert Hayden

It does have next committee stops, and we'll be trying to work on it then, trying to preserve property rights for the business community.

Bill Herrle

The common law system in which the law is continually reinterpreted by judges ends up protecting property rights far more than others and makes it easier to enforce restrictive covenants.

Frederic Mishkin

This game was huge. We had a lot of family and friends watching this game, and it was for bragging rights. Any time you can beat a rival at home is good.

Amber Hawkins

When lawmakers seek to rewrite our Fourth Amendment rights, they should at least have the gumption to do so in public. Americans have a reasonable expectation that their federal government will not gather records about their health, their wealth and the transactions of their daily life without probable cause of a crime and without a court order.

Lisa Graves

They have certain rights in the process. None of that has been followed in this case.

Steve Johnson

The emphasis of the marketing committee was to raise revenue for the ruling body and one of our plans is to have a production house for the BCCI that would generate funds through media rights.

Lalit Modi

It was a big loss to me because, for one, I was trying to do something nobody had ever done before. The fact is that now he has the bragging rights. I'm going to get him back in the outdoor. There's not a doubt in my mind that if I'd have been just running the 200 like him then I would've beat him. And I think he knows that too.

Xavier Carter

The government had an obligation to tell and inform all EU citizens of our voting rights. They didn't do this.

David Ball

The idea is to protest things that the administration is doing that are contrary to the Constitution. The problem with the current administration, that I see, is an increase in encroachment on our rights.

Joanne Devoe

The Israeli occupiers should recognize Palestinian rights first.

Ismail Haniya

Some of the workers had expressed an interest in having the ability to organize, and I felt that they ought to have the ability to organize if they want to without any fear of intimidation from (the county) relative to that organization. It was a rights issue for me.

Commissioner Sam Hart

In essence, the D.C. District Court of Appeals said the rights of terminally ill cancer patients must be protected and not dismissed lightly -- and we completely agree.

Laurie Fenton

People had been afraid to speak out. They fear repercussions; they fear being targeted, because (the Border Patrol) is so dominant and so imposing in their communities, where they're told they don't have any rights.

Jennifer Allen

Justice O'Connor has been the key vote in everything from campaign finance to the meaning of the Voting Rights Act to racial gerrymandering to Bush v. Gore.

Richard Hasen

The liberty of the Press is the Palladium of all the civil, political and religious rights of an Englishman.


Karl is one of the most experienced and respected executives in television sports rights. There is no doubt that BT's new on-demand TV service has the potential to revolutionize the way sports are viewed and Karl will help us to realize that potential.

Dan Marks

Convincingly details the abuse of female prisoners and powerfully documents the erosion of their human rights.

Michelle Phillips

This is a modern-day civil rights movement. Political leaders need to understand the importance of the times that we're in. The real leaders in this movement have been the Latino people, the average person.

Partha Banerjee

It's Roberts's nomination to lose. He needs to please the Republican conservative base and more-centrist Democrats, ... If he comes across as an ideologue - as anti-civil rights, anti-women's rights - he will lose. If he stonewalls, he's finished. But it's inconceivable ... that he will open himself up like that.

Sheldon Goldman

It's always somebody like the Hell's Angels that are going to have to enforce our constitutional rights. They are the kind of people who are wronged.

Karen Snell

For too long, law-enforcement agencies have hidden behind the privacy rights of [employees] and as a result, this kind of information is rarely presented to members of the community. In some ways, we see our role as standing in the shoes of the community.

Michael Gennaco

Chinese society puts the public good ahead of individual rights and benefits. China has been able to rapidly develop precisely because the government doesn't need or want a consensus among the public, durable or otherwise. If it wanted to build an airport or highway to spur growth, the government did it. It certainly didn't ask those being displaced if it was O.K.

Ryan Barrett

As regards Russia, the draft report contains a firm call to ratify the Sixth Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights, which prescribes a ban on the death penalty.

Konstantin Kosachyov

The judge has backed comprehensively the doctors' assessment of the position and has explained the doctors' rights to treat Charlotte in the way they consider correct, and not to have to follow the instructions of the parents in the event that what they have been asked to do is against the doctors' conscience.

David Lock

Our purpose and our role is to make sure the ill and dying people who use medical marijuana have their rights represented.

Kevin Keenan

Athol Fugard is one of my all-time favorite playwrights. It is an absolute honor that he would grant us the rights to Exits and Entrances ahead of many other more established theatre companies. In my mind, the best way to return this compliment is to devote our entire season to him. I see The Island as sort of a companion piece.

Keith Powell

Another reason for starting at Constitution Hill is because of the impending same-sex marriage case being heard at the court and because of its link to the South African constitution, the first in the world to enshrine the right to sexual orientation in its Bill of Rights.

Bruce Walker

Obviously, we believe that both [the 301 and 1916 Anti-Dumping Act] statutes are 100 percent consistent with our rights and responsibilities in the World Trade Organization and we'll move forward accordingly.

Jay Ziegler

Were a very clear manifestation of 41 years of persecution, 41 years of having loved ones perishing in the straits of Florida, 41 years of violations of human rights and years and years of separation of family members.

Alex Penelas

The move will help regulators deal with securities crimes more efficiently and help small investors protect their legal rights.

Li Zhi

This human rights violation is very unique. It does not happen in any other country, only in China.

Harry Wu