This effort provides a very good example of the hard work our industry continues to do to make sure automobiles and auto production have the least impact on our planet.

We just kind of put the word out there, and the people who came together were really wonderful. Several of us have different carpentry skills.

And no, we have no obligation to come to Chicago, kneel before your throne and beg to freely exercise the rights that so many before us have died for. To be honest, Mr. Mayor, I think Chicago would be a much better place if you spent less time in front of the cameras and more time behind your desk.

She's OK, it's just that Bill is much better.

I'd like to see Larry Suffredin go down to New Orleans and try to convince homeowners to give up their guns.

Make sure of your target and what is beyond. It applies to the vice president and everyone on down.

It's scary. It would've been terrible if they go down the road and get stuck.