One of the key issues with any environment is that the customer needs to have the feeling that if they adopt [the technology], there's a big player behind it that they can go to for support. Or if there's a problem, a bump in the night, developers want to be able to hold someone responsible.

Judith Hurwitz

It isn't simply one person shouting very loudly. It is independent concerns being raised by ports that have nothing to do with my client and by responsible lawmakers.

Paul Downes

You two are ultimately responsible for solving the conflict, but we ... are ready to support you to reach the necessary breakthrough.

Goran Persson

(The Association) forces us to pay property dues and they do have restrictions. But they don't enforce them. I feel like Hickory Hollow is pretty much responsible.

Linda Summerfield

Knox County board of commissioners would support more flexibility, not less. You have to be responsible for tax dollars, as do we, but we'd appreciate more. One component may work well in one community, but not another.

Allen Stockberger

We are in the process of creating the architecture of international accountability for human rights violations. You need to hold individuals responsible, but there is a big gap if you can't say the machinery of a state is responsible, too.

Nicholas Howen

We're trying to be responsible in our management of the Greenway. Everybody wants to save every tree possible, and so do I.

Lee Anderson

George Burley is his own man and is responsible for the players he puts out on the pitch.

John Borthwick

The repeated accusation from Mr. Sharon has become his agenda and this ultimately will close the door before the chances of dealing with the current situation in a responsible way.

Nabil Amr

They want their leadership back in as soon as possible. Every single organization is giving all employees an option not to go. Bulk of people who are responsible for that part of world are willing to go now.

Pieter Rieder

It has been a complete, total disaster. I hold a lot of people responsible.

Mike Edmondson

While there is no question that the sponsor is responsible for any deficit in the plan, it is not at all clear that the sponsor benefits from any surplus that may be generated.

David Dodge

If somebody did wrong, they should be responsible for what they did.

Norma O'rourke

Banks and lenders just need to be more responsible about whom they give credit cards to.

Mark Zuckerberg

Somebody has to be held accountable. We need to find out who was responsible for the mess over there.

Brian Fitzgerald

The Legislature has been very responsible in terms of good fiscal policy.

Coleman Stipanovich

We catch a lot of flak, ... They give us a lot of ribbing over that. I just say, 'I'm just the low man on the totem pole.' I don't feel responsible. I don't know if we would have stayed if we would have avoided that or not.

George Davis

It's clearly a tough environment for CFOs to manage, given where the yield curve is, as they are directly responsible for managing balance sheets.

Thane Bublitz

It is not responsible at this stage to even consider the cloning of humans.

Rudolf Jaenisch

The occupiers of Iraq have imposed their ominous presence on the Iraqi nation under pretext of providing them with security. They are responsible for such tragedies.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

I've been so bloody respectable and responsible... I'm going to be a bloody old nuisance.

Neil Kinnock

The protests will continue and we will hold a big demonstration in Islamabad today. If the government tries to stop it then it will be responsible for the consequences.

Shahid Shamsi

Responsible economic recovery plan.

Parris Glendening

Every adult is required by law to report if they suspect child abuse or neglect. It's not just doctors and social workers and teachers. We're all responsible.

Carol Benevy

Sure, we'd like to be farther along on this. We have to be responsible, but we have to be aggressive, too. We think we're being both.

Darrel Cole

He's an old-fashioned, traditional father and he is going to pay for everything he feels responsible for.

Douglas Whipp

Germany was the cause of Hitler as much as Chicago is responsible for the Chicago Tribune.

Alexander Woollcott

An idea isn't responsible for the people who believe in it.

Don Marquis

We're working very closely with Iraqi officials in Basra and with the British government to determine who might be responsible for this heinous crime.

Pete Mitchell

At the core of our corporate responsibility performance are the company's ongoing business investments to develop reliable energy supplies in a safe, environmentally responsible way. We leverage those investments in a manner intended to create social and economic value in the communities and countries where we operate.

Dave O'reilly

The government is responsible for pushing the Maoists to break the cease-fire.

Madhav Nepal

Houston is responsible for 30 percent of the vote in an off-election year like this.

Matt Foreman

This man's life became a nightmare. He is a man with no prior criminal history, yet a man locked up in a case where there is no proof Ms. March is even deceased a case where certainly there is no proof that Perry March is responsible.

William Massey

There are claims of responsibility. They're really, quite frankly, hard to verify. I wouldn't be able to tell you that we know who's responsible at this point.

Adam Ereli

We're very sensitive to not killing the goose that laid the golden egg here. But with that said, we also want to be appropriately responsible if there's a threat.

David Mccormick

They lose protection once they're out of the country, ... We've got laws here in America and we know what we're dealing with. Once they're out of the United States we're not going to have any control over them. I feel concern for being responsible for students being in other countries.

Sandra Floyd

The thinking in the industry used to be that we were responsible for what happened to the material up to the gate of our plant. Responsible care did not incorporate the whole chain. We have a different view now.

Helmuth Leitner

People are looking at me like I'm responsible for 9/11. Me? 9/11? No ... 7-Eleven, maybe.

Azhar Usman

There is potential exposure there. Whether it's criminal responsibility or not, I can't gauge. Certainly they're ethically responsible, and in terms of civil penalties there's a good chance they'll have to answer to the government.

Daniel Simmons

I'm surprised cases like China Aviation Oil and this one don't happen more often. There are a lot of gray areas among Chinese agencies on who's responsible for what. It's a faulty system.

Robert Broadfoot

We won't permit a political witch hunt, and we won't let the mother be declared a negligent mother. She's not responsible for the death of the bears. She's been in mourning like every one else.

Michael Morchower

It's a whole different issue whether he feels criminally responsible or morally responsible, ... He would feel bad for anybody in that situation, regardless of their age. He did not know that she was 17.

Thomas Egan

I tell you that it is important, it is financially feasible and is responsible.

Anne Fox

Dell is committed to being an environmentally and socially responsible market leader and our public goals and annual reporting on global progress underscore this focus. We made significant progress against our goals last year and have identified areas in which we can extend that performance over the coming year.

Tod Arbogast

We're not telling you that you can't have pets, we're not telling you can't have a guard dog. What were telling you is that if you have a pet or a guard dog that has the capabilities of doing what they did to my mother, that you need to be responsible in the way that you care for them and contain them.

Marilyn Shoemaker

I feel like I made a mistake and I'll pay for it. I'm responsible for what I did. I'm really sorry for what happened. I made a big mistake.

Francisco Liriano

As a responsible government contractor we will work with the appropriate government agency.

Wendy Hall

Why should we pay if we're not culpable of anything? They're trying to hold the taxpayers responsible, and based on the media reports I've seen, there has been no link.

Councilman Dennis Zine

Thorough and fair to discharge the weighty matters and mandates that have been given our office and to continue the work of this investigation in a prompt, responsible and cost-effective manner.

Robert Ray

If the water goes through the meter and consumed, the consumer is responsible for the bill.

Douglas Valovcin

I mean they're just as responsible for not stepping in and doing anything. I mean maybe that's not a crime to not do anything about it but I think there ought to be something that they're charged with.

Susan Lyndaker

Mountain Creek is eager to catch the perpetrators and has proactively put security measures in place, including working directly with residents to catch those responsible.

Shannon Mcsweeney

The doctor responsible for health care in that region advised us that these people needed to be removed to receive proper treatment. And that's the advice we accepted.

David Ramsay

Aghast that companies who posture themselves as promoting responsible drinking promote drinking games, which by their nature involve heavy drinking.

Henry Wechsler

He's been a blessing. He's a good, responsible kid, a strike-thrower with good stuff. He makes me look good.

Dan Spencer

Therese is the one who's done this for many, many years. She's the one who's responsible for many of the BWS' successes.

Lolly Walton

There is no way the department is responsible for the deaths of these children. This department is among the best - if not the best - social services departments in the state. That grand jury report was simply inappropriate and full of inaccuracies.

Andrew J. Spano

We want consumers to be aware that when they order online from these sites ... for the most part no one is overseeing that -- not the state boards of pharmacy, not the FDA -- and that they're the ones responsible for taking a look at the quality of these sites and their offerings.

Tom Mcginnis

There's nothing that can't be rectified, if I am responsible for it.

Allen Smith

This is a privately owned bridge by Lowe's Motor Speedway. They are responsible for maintenance and any inspection that would be done to the bridge.

Don Idol

He has the ability to score, the question is if he can do enough of the other things to get playing time. You score when your coach is confident enough to put you out there enough to let you score. The bottom line is all he has to do is be a little responsible. I'm not asking him to check the No. 1 center in the league. If he sits in his end even a little bit, he'll be OK.

Mike Babcock

We have some season left to play, and, as I do with every coach, we will take the season at the end of the year, then discuss my evaluation of it. I do that with every sport that I am directly responsible for.

Pete Boone

Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does.

Jean Paul Sartre

We've got to hold them responsible for the damage to life they can cause. There has to be continued pressure, and this will be part of that pressure.

Frank Bolanos

He has remained a responsible, diligent, open and honest young man.

Jay Hill

It is a responsible and reasonable approach.

Michael Castle

It has recently come to our attention that Apple Computers' new television commercial for the Intel chip features a shot-for-shot recreation of our video for 'Such Great Heights' made by the same filmmakers responsible for the original. We did not approve this commercialization and are extremely disappointed with both parties that this was executed without our consultation or consent.

Ben Gibbard

You're responsible to take care of your own dog, to make sure it's tied or kenneled and not bother others.

Jim Jensen

Our hope is that they will become responsible home owners.

Doug Diven

The blood is still on the sidewalks, and already the government is blaming the Sudanese refugees and migrants. Given Egypt's terrible record of police brutality, an independent investigation is absolutely necessary to assess responsibility and punish those responsible.

Joe Stork

As a national park, we are responsible for all of the layers of history. It's only taken us 58 years. I think it's about time.

Charles Fenwick

There's never a great time, but if somebody was going to leave ... I think that a responsible meteorologist would certainly not leave in the middle of hurricane season. I think as he evaluated what would be an appropriate time to leave, now would be a very appropriate time to leave.

Brian Lawlor

Together, they have been responsible for a remarkable number of distinctive books that have won critical acclaim and been hugely popular, sustaining big sellers.

Stephen Rubin

Many, many people are involved, ... It is not clear whether one side is more responsible.

Alessio Vinci

We had not planned to grandstand on the issue. We simply planned to do the responsible thing with taxpayers' money.

Stacie Temple

I can confirm to you that officials in Basra have recovered the body of journalist Steven Vincent. The U.S. Embassy is working with British military and local Iraqi officials in Basra to determine who is responsible for the death of this journalist. Our condolences go out to the family.

Pete Mitchell

Most Americans would want to hold criminals responsible for destroying or injuring unborn children once that child is chosen to be had.

Lindsey Graham

I don't know, but Krinos is going to hold you responsible, they're blaming you.

Sarah Wallace

We've got to be responsible, somebody's got to be responsible for it.

George Downing

We Africans have to be able to deal with our problems. Help from outside is alright, but we have to learn to be responsible for our own attitudes.

Angelique Kidjo

We're looking at incorporating smarter building. Builders who use recycled materials, who go the extra distance doing things the right way - it all falls into recognizing environmentally responsible work.

Angela Moniot

Local partisanship in Congress was unbelievable; and let their be no doubt both parties were responsible for it.

Stephanie Herseth

We'll continue to educate about that forever. We have culture that affirms alcohol as part of having a good time and we need to think about safe and healthy choices. Our young people need to hear it from caring responsible adults in the community.

Pat Funk

I don't feel responsible for things I didn't vote for.

Byron Dorgan

On Sunday I ordered an extra 250 police to deploy to Hebron. We want to apply the law by arresting those responsible for the disturbances so they can be put on trial.

Genmoshe Karadi

I've always known I was gifted, which is not the easiest thing in the world for a person to know, because you're not responsible for your gift, only for what you do with it.

Hazel Scott

Anytime you have a situation like this, you're responsible for the government. If it performs, great, and if it doesn't, people are going to want to know why, and rightfully so.

David Winston

Building green is an environmentally and socially responsible thing to do.

Gary Saulson

I was the most responsible I guess.

Aaron Carter

It's very painful to me that our country is doing this and killing innocent people. I'm against all war, and I'm very concerned that I'm responsible as an American citizen for this kind of thing happening.

Joan Emerson

When I look at the Hudson River, I can't help but feel overwhelmed by its beauty and responsible for its protection.

David Arner

We are committed to the development of this project and plan to move ahead to bring this region much needed affordable supplies of natural gas for homes and businesses, in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.

Marcia Macclary

Every man is responsible only for his own acts. The sons do not inherit the sins of the fathers. But can we say: that was long ago, they were different?

Aleksander Kaasniewski

Death is a given in wartime. But this isn't about death in the heat of battle; this is about how we treat those already at the mercy of U.S. forces. It's about who is responsible for the policy and practice of the United States.

Deborah Pearlstein

Sampling in adult-only facilities is an effective and responsible way for us to communicate with adult smokers.

Darryl R. Marsch

Actors are responsible to the people we play.

Philip Seymour Hoffman

There is no family in Central Texas who is more responsible for this new Dell Children's Medical Center.

Charles Barnett

They're responsible for it, ... The changes they made, all the new rules, the sponsors coming forth, that is all because of the new ownership.

Dana White

I am not the German Tony Blair. Nor am I the German Bill Clinton. I am Gerhard Schroeder, chancellor of Germany, responsible for Germany. I don't want to be a copy of anyone.

Gerhard Schroeder

If it is rhetoric, it is to balance the perception that that they are responsible for the high prices.

Antoine Halff

We've moved from a team approach to a single portfolio manager, who is responsible for the inclusion of the team's ideas into the portfolio. Analysts are held accountable for the strength of their recommendations.

David Marks

We were all responsible in one way or another for the political violence that took place during the polls.

Faure Gnassingbe

We want Wal-Mart to become more responsible to its employees, and hopefully compete with, rather than overwhelm local businesses.

Mike Elk

If another accident happens without safety changes, you are responsible.

John Groves

We are pleased to have reached a settlement with the attorney general in this matter. Federated believes in accurate and responsible advertising.

Robin Reibel

As the commander, I've realized that going through the whole training flow, your focus really widens out and you're responsible for so much more.

Scott Altman

We want to hold retailers responsible for locking up graffiti implements and not selling to minors.

Jeff Stone

The number one priority of the Vancouver Police Department is to return Graham safely to his family. The next priority will be catching the people responsible.

Tim Fanning

This means I did not violate any ethics, but further, there was no responsible basis to think ... I hope the commission ruling will begin to repair the damage done by these unfounded charges. It's been a chapter in my family's life that we would like to put behind us.

George Touart

China is trying to portray itself as an emerging and responsible global power.

Brad Adams

In the leadership today -- with the exception of one person -- none of today's leaders are responsible for what happened.

Bao Tong

The IWF will actively contribute in the consultation phase to achieve clarity in the new laws and to ensure appropriate partnerships are in place for the content that fails the test to be removed and where possible the individuals responsible investigated.

Peter Robbins

We are proud to be an industry leader in the responsible recycling of old phones.

James Mosieur

I do think it is passing strange that in 2005 the Federal Cabinet of this country is responsible for appointing the board of Australia's largest commercial enterprise.

Nick Minchin

I'm scared out of my mind, ... The advice that everyone has given me to this point is absolutely useless. I especially liked signing the insurance form that said nobody is responsible for my death.

Tim Murphy

Basically, we looked at a number of different likely culprits that various folks think might be responsible for this shortfall.

Stuart Ellis

Needs a political transition to make its government responsible and accountable to its people.

Robert Zoellick

[But why does consciousness fade during deep sleep early in the night?] You cannot say that consciousness fades because the brain shuts off. That's not the case. Scientists have long known that the brain remains active while we sleep, ... So what could be responsible?

Giulio Tononi

You want to make sure that the evidence is strong, that it points at the right person responsible, and then you make the arrest as soon as possible. That's our plan.

Lt. Miguel Rosario

There are some additional shootings, some additional threats that have been made that we're looking into, ... Whether or not arrests will be made, I can't guarantee at this point. We believe they're responsible for many more shootings than what they've been charged with.

William Mullen

I must wonder how in this day and age, the company's board of directors has not held you (Robinson) and Paul Maier responsible for your respective failures and shown you both the door long ago – accompanied by a well worn boot planted in the backside.

Daniel Loeb

No single factor is responsible for more wasted effort, rework, or failed projects than inadequate requirements. For many companies, improving the communication of requirements between IT and business managers-both gathering the requirements from the business and confirming understanding to the business-is the single improvement with the biggest measurable impact.

Carl Zetie

We had a lot of initial work that had to be done and these people need to be paid. We pay fees and taxes to the city. We hope your insurance will pay for the damage. If not, we feel the city is responsible for the difference.

Carol Rousseau

She may be a product but she's a human being too. The media are responsible for her loss of success or work.

Helga Vjornsson

We'll look at possible dates and talk finances, ... Debbie and I were responsible for scheduling the game once. It's not out of the realm that we could do it again.

Chet Gladchuk

The City Council and the mayor, all them, are the ones who are responsible for this. So if anybody is costing the taxpayers, it's our elected officials that are costing them.

Jeanette Surratt

Clearly an adult must be responsible enough to come in and ensure that doesn't happen.

Marcus Dudley

As soon as I leave this briefing ... I am going to find the people I think are responsible and encourage them to deal with it and to offer them some career advice.

Jack Straw

Who have set an example for responsible, progressive patriotism.

Will Marshall

Let the [political forces] guarantee support for the investigation which the judiciary is carrying out to identify those responsible for my husband's death.

Nicola Calipari

The impact of vehicle maintenance on the environment is often an overlooked aspect of responsible vehicle ownership.

Bill Howell

They feel confident that we will be able to bring the person responsible for this outrage to justice.

Leon Panetta

It is a very responsible job.

Brian Greenwood

I was a paralegal who worked in the office quite a bit. I think she just realized I was a friendly person and responsible. She thought it would be a good jump for me.

Juli Lax

Only by his action can a man make (himself/his life) whole . . . . You are responsible for what you have done and the people whom you have influenced.

Margaret Bourke white

We want to make affordable housing an issue in the 2005 gubernatorial race. And we want to hold policymakers and lawmakers responsible for needed changes to the law. We want results. This coalition is not going to go away after Nov. 8.

Annu Mangat

We detained two suspects and are collecting more information concerning others responsible for the attack, ... Both Capt. Miller and Maj. Fester were outstanding soldiers. They dedicated their life to help others have a better life.

John Rhodes

Madison Avenue is responsible for that, ... In fact, 'Beach Girls' (her upcoming Lifetime movie) is made for, designed for, and targeted to the 18 to 34 age group.

Cloris Leachman

Their original model said irrigation was responsible for 60 percent of those costs.

Lynn Tominaga

Where I'm going with it is that you can't be held responsible for what another person does unless you choose to. And, this is your opportunity to back up, as far as you can, and make it right.

Detective Dean O'kelley

I think the majority of the residents have been responsible in carrying a reasonable debate. I think people are really accepting the fact that this is working.

Joel Mills

Solana says those responsible at the local, political and religious level must prevent any repetition of such acts, which can only harm the image of peaceful Islam.

Christina Gallach

I hope they find (whoever is responsible) in the next 24 hours, so I can get rid of them. I'd rather have an empty apartment than a bad tenant.

Linda Adams

The problem is that none of this is market-based. If individuals were responsible for insuring their homes and individual communities were responsible for restoring their beaches, it would be a whole different scenario.

Andrew Coburn

It's not at all like kind of the level of Pakistan by any means, but it's a concern that they are going around buying things illegally and the government can kind of say, 'Well, we are not really responsible because we sold this offer to a company that then goes out and does it and (the company) that is responsible.

David Albright

We decided on Friday to shut our embassy for security reasons, because we believe it is not responsible to keep it open at the moment.

Lars Thuesen

We are in daily contact with Chadian authorities, who are ultimately responsible for the protection of these civilian populations. We have repeatedly expressed our concerns about the lack of security being provided throughout the region, and we are hoping that Chadian authorities will be better able to give more attention to these matters.

Claire Bourgeois

What is required immediately is the return of the boy. If this does not happen, the U.S. government will be responsible for the way in which relations between the two countries could worsen.

Alejandro Gonzalez

Obviously we have hope for a third victim. We haven't found the third victim yet. We are doing everything we can to locate not only the victim but those responsible.

James Maddock

The teams and designers are responsible for putting the boats together and deciding how we want to do that - whether we want lighter and faster materials or whether we want heavier and more robust materials.

Mike Sanderson

It's the right thing to do. We're doing what any responsible institution would do.

Aaron Thompson

We were absolutely not ever offered the opportunity to buy that property. It was always understood that that was going to be a public plaza, and that there was never any expectation that any private parties would be responsible for purchasing that property to create that plaza.

Rebecca Hale

(The) military has effectively crushed the plot but some people responsible for it are still out there.

Arturo Lomibao

We did not find Sanchez culpable, but we did find him responsible for the things that happened.

Paul Kern

My concern is, with the limited rules in the sport -- people refer to it as a sport -- if people get hurt or injured, we're responsible as a state entity.

David Neil

A man probably responsible for 50 deaths, the burning of hundreds of homes, destruction of villages and who currently holds several dozen people as hostage.

Phil Goff

This is the simplest way to confine a campaign to the message of the two candidates. The two campaigns are totally responsible for the message that's out there, and they control that message. That's the way it should be.

Christine Iverson

Food producers are responsible for controlling every link in the production chain and making sure that only healthy food products arrive on the market.

Philip Tod

We're trying to be fiscally responsible to the taxpayers, and there is $150,000 sitting out there that we've already paid to Waste Management. We're going to try to get some of that back.

Don Flickinger

It's important to know who's in, ... We need to make sure we can tie a guest to a host, and that the host knows they are responsible for their behavior.

Tim Fox

Those who are responsible for quality in manufacturing tell us that they want practical applications for implementing measurement technology in their factories. MMCW will address their needs, as well as continue to bring all quality professionals the latest information on measurement technology.

Thomas Williams

The governor looks forward to proposing a compassionate and fiscally responsible budget in January.

Henry Fawell

I really like coaching my team this year because I'm working with a bunch of responsible and good kids. We've got a lot of player-coaches on this team. You only have to tell them to do something once and they do it.

Jim Mayzes

We'd like to help, but it does Americans no good to continue throwing money at the situation without a plan of responsible spending and rebuilding and without a way to monitor where the money is going and how it's being used.

Steve King

We are not prepared at this time to say that any one person is responsible for these homicides, ... This case is by no means closed.

Phil Cline

When gas is $3 a gallon the retailer is responsible for about 4 percent of the cost, but they are getting 100 percent of the abuse.

Jeff Lenard

Socially responsible investors happen to be big shareholders in Dell and have significant clout.

Bryant Hilton

We feel responsible for the evacuees. They're our adopted community.

Frank Stronach

I like to have full-time coaches being responsible for our athletes. Obviously, it was a good decision.

Vin Lananna

The assistant vice president for Iowa State responsible for those issues was aware of that and agreed that that was appropriate because of diversity is very much a consideration.

John Mccarroll

We have always been, and will continue to be, responsible corporate citizens, but it's impossible to predict what effect the Chapter 11 filing will have on our giving.

Benet Wilson

It is not good enough that a measure of this magnitude is signed into law while the government department responsible adopts a policy of silence and allows panic and confusion to run rampant.

James Fitzgerald

It needs a firm hand at the tiller and someone who is really responsible for making these various groups work together, ... It is one of the big failings of the group to date since the merger with Daimler and Chrysler.

John Lawson

Parents know whether their kids are financially responsible or not. If the child is not responsible, then it's better to just say no, even though it's hard to do.

David Diesslin

We are talking about the responsible stewardship of public funds coming from non-renewable natural resources and in this context the prosperity dividend makes no sense.

Roger Gibbins

Our hybrid SUVs allow customers to have their SUVs and be responsible at the same time, and we've seen (demand) really accelerate since Katrina.

Jim Press

Ultimately, if employees are given the choice to watch key matches it may result in reduced absenteeism and a more responsible approach to personal workloads.

Andrew Wilkinson

We're pretty good about being responsible in how we present these cases. We have really vigorous discussions.

Tom Touchet

People accepted Canada as having a responsible solution to a very large telescope.

John Halliday

We're very confident these are the three individuals responsible for the homicide on Friday afternoon.

Michael Dvorak

I think we should be responsible since we are in college. If people are responsible there probably won't be any problems.

Ashley Whiteside

Adam is certainly responsible for popularizing it, but a lot of people worked on various parts of it.

Michael Geoghegan

The Makahs are hardly responsible for what somebody else does. The Makah have a clear right (under an 1855 treaty) to hunt gray whales.

Brian Gorman

Employers are to do that at their expense, they're the ones employing the workers. They're responsible for protecting them, they have control of the workplace.

Don Hurst

He was responsible for controlling his dogs and he didn't do it, so he's ultimately responsible for what happened that night.

Polly Foley

I am responsible for making sure that all of the church members live a godly life, and if they do not, I am in charge of their discipline.

William Brewster

I would assume that he would want to do something to demonstrate that he was being socially responsible through his giving ...

Stacy Palmer

Given the current economic context that we're in, this is not the richest-ever agreement that we have bargained, but it's a responsible bargaining, recognizing all of the issues that we face.

Buzz Hargrove

Simon Wiesenthal was an individual who made sure we didn't forget the atrocities visited on us just because of who we are and he made sure the individuals responsible were brought to justice. For that, the Jewish community owes him a great deal of gratitude and respect.

Jeffrey Klein

I still see him a lot, and he still is a very dear friend and obviously responsible for me getting into country music, ... This is my first opportunity to thank him for all that he's done, and I didn't think there was any other way to do it but a duet. I just called him up and asked him, and he said I'd love to. He's singing better than ever.

Neal Mccoy

The driving force behind this effort is the federal deficit and the out-of-control spending that is pushing it increasingly higher. This bill takes fiscally responsible steps to reduce the deficit, reduce spending that is on autopilot and strengthen our economy.

Judd Gregg

Some of these people are still in responsible positions in the government. Perhaps they shouldn't be.

Stephen Push

In the patent world, the user of a product is responsible for figuring out which intellectual property obligations they have and how to meet them. They become vulnerable if infringing a patent under which they are not licensed.

Larry Horn

It's the fans, ... They have to curb their enthusiasm. They have to take responsibility. It's great to get out there and celebrate, but you have to be responsible.

Victoria Snelgrove

According to our criminal code, someone who helps other people to escape, when there's a warrant or the possibility of a warrant, is responsible for a crime.

Armando Spataro

We all feel responsible to listen to the other three, ... We go by consensus. If we all agree, we know it's good.

Matt Allen

Electing to file Chapter 11 is a necessary and responsible step.

Tim Needham

The driver is responsible whether the child is related or not and has to put the child in safety seat until the age of 8.

Dave Druker

Needless, heedless, wanton and deliberate injury of the sort inflicted by Life's picture story is not an essential instrument of responsible journalism.

Abe Fortas

The investigation did not find any conclusive evidence of wrongdoing by the athlete. We (the BCU) acknowledged the elevated levels of testosterone, but there was also enough evidence to suggest that natural physiological reasons may have been responsible for the fluctuation.

Charlie Pile