Pave the way for a political breakthrough.

The European Union sticks to the Kyoto Protocol and (will) go for a ratification process.

I don't think there will be a deal on the budget; the differences are too big.

Chirac has been excessively generous towards the British. There has been a very constructive mood.

You two are ultimately responsible for solving the conflict, but we ... are ready to support you to reach the necessary breakthrough.

It could become very expensive for Sweden to take responsibility in this way for other countries which haven't done their homework.

It was all burned out, with only a skeleton left, ... On the floor there were shoes and boots -- boots just like our own children have. It was only then that you could really understand what happened.

It is clear today that more energetic and purposeful Swedish actions during the 1940s could have led to a more happy end for Raoul Wallenberg and his family.

It is necessary to try to find new facts shedding light on the fate of Wallenberg, ... The future research must assume that Raoul Wallenberg could have been alive after 1947.