About one out of five voters cast their ballots for Milosevic in Serbia's parliamentary elections in December, making his Socialist Party the main opposition group.

No major decision is expected soon. The tough bargaining is likely to last until mid-December - Berlusconi hopes for a signing ceremony in Rome by mid next year.

He called everyone into his office in the federal palace, ... And all the differences between the two sides were clarified.

There are bodies all over here.

The failure of the first attempt to arrest Milosevic is an indication that the Serbian authorities and federal government were not working together.

Many, many people are involved, ... It is not clear whether one side is more responsible.

They are not the biggest of friends. They do not trust each other very much.

The people in the street - a few dozen on Thursday night - are a reminder of the fact that Milosevic still enjoys substantial support.

It does really affect you seeing him like this without life.