261 quotes about recommending follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing—that's why we recommend it daily.

Zig Ziglar

I recommend you to take care of the minutes, for the hours will take care of themselves.

Lord Chesterfield

Recommend to your children virtue; that alone can make them happy, not gold.

Ludwig van Beethoven

I'm disappointed that Marian Boyd, who is a feminist, would recommend such a thing.

Judy Rebick

Most consumer advocates recommend, for a cable company, you want to call once every six months and negotiate.

Aviya Kushner

I could imagine no price or combination of price and other conditions to recommend accepting the offer to our shareholders.

Craig Conway

She did a great job, and was a great fit. She was a consummate pro, and she understood her (tenuous) position. She worked extremely hard, and I'd recommend her to anyone who wants to hire her.

Steve Savard

The Fed will hike interest rates by 25 basis points at its next meeting, but it will be the last one in this tightening cycle. We've been recommending buying the euro.

Masafumi Yamamoto

The union bargaining committee is recommending it be ratified.

Robert Weaver

I don't recommend driving in Athens. It's too stressful. Taxies are so inexpensive and you can get them any time day or night.

Samantha Stenzel

It's not a confrontation between different nations, different cultures or different religions, ... We recommend dialogue between civilizations, coexistence and cooperation.

Tang Jiaxuan

I recommend they use both shoulder straps, ... I also recommend that parents get a second set of books -- one for home and one for school, so they're not carrying them back and forth.

Gregory Miller

They did an excellent job. It's really nice. I think it looks great. I would recommend them to anybody who needs work done.

Mike Cunningham

The craziest thing I did to get a guy to notice me was going out with his best friend. It worked - he did notice me - but I don't recommend it.

Jennie Garth

...Oblivion will still work on every 360. That being said, Oblivion takes full advantage of the hard drive and uses it extensively, so we'd certainly recommend that everyone gets one.

Todd Howard

I think we found some good directions, and we need to check these tomorrow before recommending them to the race team. The car ran very well today, and we found a good balance straight away. It was certainly a very positive day for the team.

Christian Silk

(But) for people that purchase fireworks outside the city, we recommend some safety tips.

Frank Garcia

We continue to struggle to recommend investment in Whole Foods at current valuation levels.

Robert Summers

Whatever they recommend, he will do. Nobody ordered him to do it. He did it on his own.

Ben Allen

Information can be useful if you can do something with it. If your commute goes across the American Legion Bridge, there aren't that many other options -- you can go through downtown Washington or you can swim. We don't recommend swimming.

Lon Anderson

It's red hot, mate. I hate to think of this sort of book getting in the wrong hands. As soon as I've finished this, I shall recommend they ban it.

Tony Hancock

There has been some discussion and pointers on subsequent sites to the pre-release code. We recommend that customers disregard the postings and continue keep up-to-date with our latest information on the WMF issue.

Mike Reavey

We see a lot of people who are blending their fuels at the gas pump. They buy five gallons of E85, then 15 gallons of regular fuel, ... We certainly don't recommend that at all. Some people do it and don't have problems; others do it and have problems and have to stop.

Roger Price

I encourage people, don't leave your cat loose and assume it is being taken care of. It will fend for itself and contribute to the problem. I also recommend that people take care of their pets and have them spayed and neutered.

Doug Lister

We do not think Murphy is out of the woods yet operationally and still recommend avoiding the stock.

Jennifer Rowland

We don't recommend that you refuse to pull over. Drivers who have doubts should insist on seeing the officer's shield and ID card to be sure. Every police officer carries them and will produce them if asked.

Martin Gleeson

She didn't meet any of the criteria they recommend for the vaccination.

Theresa Menard

We recommend that you go through a licensed Wisconsin dealer because then you have protection if any claims come of it after your purchase such as being misrepresented as a clean vehicle rather than a prior salvage vehicle.

Jim Anderson

Physicians, nurses ... have been documented repeatedly to not wash their hands properly, ... At best, it is 40 percent of the time that we recommend that they should wash their hands (that they really do).

William Jarvis

We recommend that all decisions of a children's court pertaining to custody, guardianship or access should be subject to High Court review - at least where there are opposing parties involved.

Dianne Hubbard

When we wrote our initial report recommending that investors avoid Amazon's convertibles last June, our primary concern was that the company would have liquidity problems in the first half of 2001.

Ravi Suria

I imagine doctors can only recommend (lawn bowling) especially as one ages, for one can play into one's 80s and some into the 90 years. Yet with the strategy and need for good eye-hand coordination it also appeals to young people.

John Gilbert

We haven't finished our analysis, and so it's too soon to say what the secretary will recommend.

Glenn Flood

I really don't recommend it being done at home. The quality of the wax that I use is the best quality wax I've ever used.

Natalie Kelley

Little towns tend to do a very bad job in these things. They tend to be driven by politics rather than what their own planning staffs may recommend. Another thing: They sometimes just copy what a neighboring community has done, and they have to be so individualized.

Gary Edinger

If this bill is enacted, I would have no hesitation to recommend a challenge.

Larry Spalding

The state has reviewed the evidence and we are not aware at this time of there being any evidence to support capital murder. We are recommending that the state proceed with a non-capital case.

Alan Martin

War is hell and all that, but it has a good deal to recommend it. It wipes out all the small nuisances of peace-time.

Brian Hays

That normally does not happen. Normally, a ticket of this magnitude we recommend people get an attorney.

Tom Johnson

We expect the [earnings] news [to] further the relief rally underway in the shares and therefore continue to recommend modest buying.

Mark Swartzberg

We assume that that will eventually happen with ours. We are recommending that they be replaced based on what's happened at other plants.

Jeff Lewis

Despite the ease of ATMs, we still recommend bringing some of your funds in traveler's checks -- enough to get you through a few days in an emergency. They are quicker to replace than ATM cards if they are lost or stolen, and they're not prone to being demagnetized or gobbled up by a cranky machine.

Rick Steves

We don't recommend just everybody. We don't want to be a rubber stamp.

Mike Hammond

It is not up to us to recommend anything to the press.

Johannes Laitenberger

We also recommend you avoid eating very large meals as this can also increase pain.

Melanie Mcgrice

We recommend that consumers shift their funds from traditional savings to CDs and from banks to credit unions. If everyone did so they would earn about $40 billion more in interest annually. That's an average of about $400 per household.

Stephen Brobeck

Winning may not be everything, but losing has little to recommend it.

Senator Dianne Feinstein

I highly recommend worrying. It is much more effective than dieting.

William Powell

Few people in these plans would recommend them to friends or co-workers. By focusing exclusively on the demand side, incentives give disproportionate responsibility on cost control to people with health problems or lower incomes.

Sara Collins

We're very thankful she's alive and wasn't seriously injured. Whether you're 25 or 75, we don't recommend chasing after the person who stole your purse.

Jeff Messer

The kids love him to death. I brought him in as cross country coach, many of the kids came to me telling me how much they enjoyed him, how much he helped them in their times. They really wanted to recommend him as the new track coach because they felt he could help them get better at what they do.

Ian Mooney

We are not recommending a merger with a small portal. Carl Icahn ... reserves the right to disagree with us.

Bruce Wasserman

Pat Robertson was wrong in recommending this. He was wrong in saying it.

Ted Haggard

We recommend that the government articulates our very strong concerns that have been expressed about NMD in the UK.

Donald Anderson

We recommend purchase for intrepid investors looking at the improbable size of this markdown relative to any reasonable estimate of possible future costs.

Barbara Allen

We don't recommend somebody getting involved.

Kurt Byrd

If they (European vets) should recommend it (vaccination), we should do it immediately.

Romano Prodi

If someone is truly intimidated, they're not going to recommend it to their friends. One good turn deserves another.

Maureen Cooney

The Anti-Reciprocal Rule is designed to ensure that firms recommend mutual funds on their merits and not because of the receipt of brokerage commissions, which are assets of the mutual fund shareholders and should not be used for marketing purposes.

James Shorris

We're going to continue to recommend [that] high-risk groups get vaccinated every year.

Tom Skinner

I'd rather they come an hour before and read the program notes, so that they have some slight introduction to what they're going to hear. Then I recommend the most important thing of all. Listen, don't fight.

James Levine

The senior advisers to the president would recommend a veto on this bill, ... My voice would join those of the other senior advisers. I could not recommend more vehemently that the president should veto this bill if it's passed in its current form.

Andrew Cuomo

We will recommend to those of our clients, who are shareholders in Nelson, to vote against this deal.

Dmitry Lukashov

I do recommend it for all girls, and boys, out there: put on a pair of fishnet stockings and find your inner sexiness!

Nia Vardalos

We're strongly recommending all users upgrade to the latest version.

Chris Beard

I would recommend that if you're going to go buy chocolate, that you go buy the chocolate that's 70 percent cocoa and higher.

Paula Bickford

We recommend people take it a step further and put in battery-operated smoke detectors.

Investigator Scott Burlin

I would be tempted to recommend that the baby be named Wellesley, but that's up to the mother.

Howard Moscoe

Last year, the dance floor was packed. I would recommend to get there early if you want to get a table near the dance floor.

Whitney Prather

I highly recommend that anyone who's never seen (a sled dog race) should come see the start of it.

Buck Potter

I wouldn't recommend the place for a family vacation just yet.

Laura Kidder

There will be no reduction in public housing units. If they recommend a reduction in units, we will cancel the deal. It was never my intention to have a reduction in units. If anything, we want more units.

Richard Appell

Theoretically, the distribution fee should include an element of payment for advice, after the banks complained that the public wouldn't pay for advice. But being an adviser means more than selling: one has to examine the portfolio, update it and sometimes recommend that the client sell.

David Klein

Used is something we strongly recommend.

Mike Hudson

The company is already doing some of the things he wants, just not to the extreme he's recommending.

James Goss

I would recommend if you come to Ocean Grove and you're not from around here, don't wear rubber pants, a pink shirt and a blue jacket. Leave that for Asbury Park.

Peter Noone

I'd be surprised if they recommend clemency.

Robert Becker

I am not the type who likes to recommend things to coaches because everyone has his own ideas. I can only tell them to try and lift the level of competitiveness and intensity of Premier League games so as to make them more appealing to the fans.

Dusan Fitzel

I'm looking at what (the newsletters) recommend and I assume investors are, too.

Mark Hulbert

At this point I wouldn't feel comfortable using them or recommending to my colleagues that they be used in combination.

Stanley Cohen

I recommend it to a lot of my friends. It's the best hospital food I've ever had. I'm having a birthday party here so I can show my friends how good the food is.

Patricia Coleman

Given we are almost 6-8 months ahead of an imminent slowdown in orders, we recommend that clients start to take some profit in equipment names in general.

Avinash Kant

Our negotiating team has recommended to our executive that the offer be rejected. Our executive is prepared to recommend to our membership that it be rejected.

Wayne Peters

The best five sources of calcium are food, food, food, fortified food and supplements. In that order, ... I strongly recommend getting much of your calcium through food since these foods contain other nutrients the body needs. A body with a low calcium intake is a body that's low on other nutrients, as well.

Robert Heaney

Because the donor of these funds has admitted to activities which are illegal and which we deplore as detrimental to our form of government, the executive director of the Rely On Your Beliefs (committee) will recommend that the board donate these funds to a charity.

Burson Taylor

With the Fed expected to raise rates one or two more times and the economy doing well, we cannot recommend buying Treasuries. We would place short positions.

Yasutoshi Nagai

The local board is responsible for recommending agencies to receive these funds and any additional funds available under this phase of the program.

Helen Hemmes

As a general thing to do, I just don't recommend it.

Paul Breslin

I will set up an independent commission to evaluate the effort of each of the players, and their sporting and personal conduct. The commission won't be there to harass or to oblige. It will make an assessment and recommend what we need to do.

Fernando Martin

We are recommending that ill persons stay in their rooms.

Marni Storey

We recommend applying to one or two reach schools, one or two realistic schools and one or two safety schools.

Nataly Kogan

The managers appear to be recommending a heavily Canadian approach to asset allocation.

Tim Hicks

I don't think those deviations are material, and I recommend we move forward.

Andy Crawford

We're positive about ethanol and we'd like to see it succeed, but there are issues with using it in some vehicles, ... And the vehicle manufacturers actually recommend some vehicles don't use an ethanol blend, so we have to be cautious.

Jack Haley

What I'd recommend is that they brush their teeth extremely well but also brush their tongue and use one of the tongue scrapers.

Denis Kinane

We are seeing more signs that inflation is well contained and that is good for Treasuries. We are recommending a buy on Treasuries at these levels.

Hiroki Shimazu

We recommend people not buy tickets this way. There's no guarantee they are not counterfeit. Until they're scanned, you don't know if you have a valid ticket.

Sean Whitcomb

We need someone who understands our problems and only local candidates know what we've been through. I will absolutely not recommend a foreign candidate (in my report).

Ted Dumitru

After July 1 we're going to recommend to the board to go with what we've got signed up.

Lorenzo Carmon

Chickenpox is not necessarily a benign disease or a childhood rite of passage. We don't recommend parents expose their children. The vaccine is best.

Curtis Allen

Of course they would recommend this - the industry is huge.

Audrey Eyton

We're not recommending the purchase of it, but I do think the worse is probably behind it. I do think there is probably a bounce due in the stock.

Jim Waggoner

I don't recommend (the ICU) for every new graduate who comes out, but in many instances, it's a positive thing. Katie's done beautifully. She learns fast.

Beth Flaherty

What we find is what the sensible books have been recommending. These were people who had a high-fat diet. We cut fat below 30 percent and they did not gain weight.

Barbara V. Howard

We recommend that at age 50 most adults think about an initial colonoscopy. If someone has had a colonoscopy when they are 50 and they don't have any polyps or a family history of cancer, then we recommend a colonoscopy every 10 years.

Cecil Wilson

I'm not sure I could recommend to the (school) board about supporting the TIF being formed.

Don White

But when parents come up and ask us (about a helmet), we recommend it to the highest degree possible.

Brad Christensen

I strongly recommend that people who are interested in this should apply.

Barb Fleisner

I do not recommend people drinking alcohol to reduce their risk of heart disease. We don't know for sure that a little alcohol is good. There are lots of risks with alcohol, and the benefits are not really clear.

Christie Ballantyne

Sometimes you encounter a person who firmly believes that listing agents will recommend too low a price just to get a quick sale. But the fact that agents are paid on a percentage commission is one reason they don't like to do that.

Ray Brown

What we've been recommending consistently is that the issue needs to be folded into the joint study. We're concerned if it were undertaken as a separate effort, it might jeopardize this relationship.

Glenn Roberts

Based on the findings, we're recommending that 1,000 permits be added to the Northeastern region for this fall. That will increase the total number of general season buck deer permits in Utah to 96,000 for this fall.

Craig Mclaughlin

Before 1990, orange had a rather abrasive image. But it's a wonderful color to connect with the environment. It can be extremely sophisticated. It's a pivotal color. Warm colors complement it; cools look wonderful. There is much to recommend it.

Margaret Walch

I wouldn't recommend the Foreign Legion for a thinking person, ... because it's going to wear you down.

Jaime Salazar

It will trigger higher payment pressure on borrowers in those months. I will not recommend the product to our clients since most Chinese still earn fixed monthly salaries.

Wang Lei

Clearly our intention is to proceed. At this point I have no intention to recommend to the secretary-general that we back off.

Jamsheed Marker

I put half and half and it ran real well. I shouldn't probably recommend it, because I don't know, I haven't run that much of it.

Dick Smith

We're recommending investors stay short because we think there's more movement to the downside.

George Goncalves

If the governor wanted to close schools, I wouldn't recommend it and I wouldn't recommend against it. It's not my place.

Ric Cobb

We will have an oversight committee that can work as a recommending body, work with me and work with the board, and help us do the things that we want to see done in the Priority Two list. The committee will help us get deeper into that list with the money that we have left after we do the Priority One projects.

Linda Clark

We are the scientists. We tell you what kind of mold you're dealing with and how to clean it up. We can recommend people, though.

Phil Coop

Here's a rule I recommend: Never practice two vices at once.

Tallulah Bankhead

Has made a commitment that what they recommend will be implemented.

Ron Sims

It's likely that by the end of the year, the staff will recommend to the commission that the commission propose changes.

Doug Scheidt

There's no surprise that the independent directors will recommend the proposal. I think the (reincorporation) will be approved.

Scott Marshall

Deployment is not an issue; it could be set up in a period of six-eight months. In a country as geographically diverse as India, we would recommend a region-wise set-up like we have in the United States.

Travis Russell

We recommend keeping your cars well maintained, checking air pressure in your tires and combining errands into one trip to save gas. If everyone did that, the conservation efforts would make a huge difference on the price factor.

Randy Bly

If your kids don't need to go door to door trick or treating this year, they probably shouldn't. If you can find an alternative like a mall, we highly recommend it.

Bill Schwartz

Studies suggest that more needs to be known about the risks and benefits of this treatment before we recommend it to patients with localized disease.

Tomasz Beer

We're no longer recommending the side position because infants often roll over onto their stomachs.

John Kattwinkel

Those things were all possible through the stewardship program, and if we hadn't had those dollars, those lands would all be developed. I was involved in looking at those projects, inspecting them and recommending them.

Herb Behnke

After deciding to retire it was a pleasure to recommend David James -- so I know the position is in safe hands.

David Seaman

I have a real problem making checks on a place not legally licensed. I recommend it be shut down immediately.

Alan Davis

We are recommending the design committee consider doing these changes. We believe there are additional savings to be realized.

Carol Bruce

With all the new teams and facilities, we knew we would have days where this would happen, and we're prepared. We also recommend that people consider getting downtown early, maybe getting dinner and making a night of it. The earlier the better.

Paul Rapp

Smoke is an issue. I don't recommend them for residential environment without raising the chimney. ... With the proper chimney height it shouldn't be an issue.

James Curtis

We recommend them all the time.

Jim Zakoura

We anticipate more residential business in the future, ... New homeowners will need paint, and builders can recommend our business. We're right down the road.

Chris Fisher

Manufacturers have the option to keep their process control system separate. We do not recommend giving a manager a desktop machine to do e-mail while that person is managing the production network, because one slip up and you can give somebody outside the company control of the system.

Rich Mogull

We would recommend that this is a route that Scotland should consider.

Alice Brown

I enjoyed it very much. It was 100 percent beneficial to me. I would recommend it to anyone that is a leader.

Concepcion Ehrlich

The final proposition from E.ON was not one we felt we could recommend to shareholders.

Brian Russell

The commission won't be there to harass or to oblige. It will make an assessment and recommend what we need to do. A channel of dialogue will be opened.

Fernando Martin

It is not that (the committee was) recommending it. We were just saying that if the board is going to consider it, now is the time to do it.

Stu Rodman

I do know a lot of people who use (Linux) for e-mail, word processing and Web access, but I couldn't recommend it to someone whose teenage children just want a computer to play games on.

Lance Davis

About 90 percent of employee say they would recommend Cox. We don't think a union would benefit anyone at Cox.

John Wolfe

The state is recommending anyone not vaccinated get vaccinated.

Vickie Mckeever

Now that this incident has occurred, however, the security officials obviously will be recommending measures to take in light of a known situation.

Billy Payne

The alternative is a tower or some facility you can see. We often see other towns recommending church steeples. This is a win-win situation.

John Springer

I would recommend phasing out the policy.

Keith Thompson

The finance sector has really emerged as my favorite here, edging out technology by a bit. I recommend that people have about a quarter of their stock holdings in finance.

Robert Robbins

I have had a big problem with my back since Christmas. Doctors gave me some infusions but it did not help me a lot. I started with special exercises but doctors do not recommend a long flight.

Miloslav Mecir

You get them-anywhere. It's-you can go right here to the corner gym and get it. It's that simple. It's that easy. But-obviously, I don't recommend using them or getting them without supervision, or a prescription, because they are illegal.

Jose Canseco

These three pieces contrast with each other. The works are accessible for people not familiar with classical music, so I would recommend this concert.

Gerardo Edelstein

Substantial financial institutions on the ground (is important). I would never recommend to a client a small bank that has no affiliation with a larger institution.

Michael Payton

My guess is that if the costs aren't too high and we'll be able to absorb them within our existing budget, the county manager is not too keen on recommending that we pursue reimbursement.

Pete Winton

It hurts my heart that you are paying capital gains tax every year. I recommend that you consider contributions to a traditional IRA to reduce or eliminate that tax.

Diane Rolfsmeyer

Red wine is actually not that hard to get out. We recommend you pour white wine on it, then blot it dry.

David Borgenicht

The Code of Practice is needed for all new buildings before they can get licence to occupy. So it's actually enforced. If you add all the urinals and cubicles in male toilet, you must get the same in women's. We recommend getting one or two more for the ladies' restrooms.

Jack Sim

I did recommend that we accept the resignation.

Tom Sanders

We had an interesting pool of highly qualified candidates; interviewed four finalists; and are extremely pleased to recommend Liz to serve as the director, ... She knows the organization, has deep roots in the community, and displays great organizational skills. She has all the qualities we were looking for.

Steve Palmer

We recommend that a moratorium on the purchase and sale of South African land to non-citizens be imposed with immediate effect, as an interim measure until appropriate legislation has been promulgated.

Joe Matthews

The exit polls (for 'Cradle') were really excellent with a very strong definite recommend category.

Dan Fellman

All we can do is recommend a cure for the ailment.

Tom Shipka

The company ... is recommending that customers prepare for the possibility of being without power for multiple days.

Martin Murray

I don't recommend buying our fund based on returns. You buy a fund based on its management team.

Paul Cook

I'm recommending J&J shares despite their appetite for Guidant, not because of it.

Robert Goldman

They are asking us for our best and brightest. We have identified people we'll recommend highly.

Joseph Suina

In recommending mutual funds with different share classes, brokers must understand, consider and disclose information about which particular share class would be most beneficial for the customer from an expense perspective.

Barry Goldsmith

We recommend right from the beginning weight loss, maintenance and lean body mass throughout the animal's life.

Dr. Gregory Ogilvie

I would certainly recommend that users implement the vendor workarounds until a patch is made available. We feel that exploit code can and will be created.

Michael Sutton

No one would recommend a provider if they weren't happy. Vendors check to see that the [provider] is competent and has technical capabilities.

Sanjeev Aggarwal

I like to recommend they speak to a few people. That way you don't get one person's biases about the industry.

Lynn Berger

Look at the pieces you have in place to make it easy for your guests to risk their reputation by telling family and friends about your amazing casino. The easier you make it for your guests to feel comfortable recommending your casino, the better your casino will do going forward.

Martin R. Baird

It is important that a good sales staff know which product works on what pest. It is also important for retailers to know when to recommend good cultural practices. Not every problem in the home landscape can be cured from a pesticide bottle.

Jay Chism

We're recommending a minimum of three days and preferably five days.

Bruce Burtch

We just want the community to be happy. If it means putting up a physical barrier, then that's what Olivia will recommend.

Helen Kennedy

People have been known to put a board out on ice, but we don't recommend that. If you have to do that, you probably shouldn't be out there.

Barry Meister

We do not recommend bone density testing for women before menopause unless they have no periods; then there is a good reason.

Robert Lindsay

Let the professors of Christianity recommend their religion by deeds of benevolence - by Christian meekness - by lives of temperance and holiness.

Richard Mentor Johnson

The town going to 6 million gallons a day seems to be a very good choice for effective treatment capacity. Beyond six, I think there is a very big question mark. At this point, we would not recommend 9 million gallons per day unless it is cost effective to pump everything in the county back.

Bob Difiore

We cannot move forward without this and the question is how fast could we do these reforms. By next month we would like to submit a report recommending university reforms.

Sam Pitroda

We do have it on our watch list of viruses that may become an issue. As always, we recommend that customers get their antivirus software updated.

Sal Viveros

I just would never, ever consider recommending him to anyone for anything in any place.

Jim Price

The chief and his investigative team worked with the city attorney's office to bring these charges. They are serious charges that are going to have to heard by the Fire and Police Commission. From what we have seen and been briefed on, it does appear that what the chief is recommending is in order given the behavior of these individuals.

Patrick Curley

We recommend that users shield themselves before addressing vulnerabilities, but in this case they can't apply a shield and are exposed to possible attack until the patch is applied.

Rich Mogull

They're consumers, and they're coming in for that. But the physician has the responsibility then of saying, 'You're a good candidate for that, you're not a good candidate, and this is what I recommend,' so I think it's going to be a double-edged sword.

Dr. Hitesh Makkar

We have found that for some women they just regard this as an excellent option, and this is what they would choose and what they would recommend to others. For other women, it's not.

Gloria Feldt

We had a chance to visit the largest shelter in New Orleans, ... but were told, 'We love what you're trying to do but I'd recommend that you not come in.' We decided it would be too dangerous.

Sandy Richardson

I recommend that they can spend $100 on little things or one blowout item.

Delphine Hirsh

We were very pleased with the results. I would recommend it.

Jim Dixon

Even though we are related we had to prove that we knew what we were doing before others would recommend us to build pools.

Terry Turner

I recommend the deletion of any numerical standards (goals) until further studies can be made.

Jennifer Merchant

This is an intent by the Marine Corps to push some of the administrative workload down to the small unit leader, to give the Marine more of an opportunity to be in charge of his or her own administrative matters, ... I would highly recommend any Marine to use it. It's a great tool.

Thomas Hudson

It shows the different challenges that they face, and it is very motivational. I do recommend that people watch the movie. It's a really good movie, and it's ideal for anyone who is looking to get motivated.

Madeline Castro

We've been recommending that they go slow, be prepared to get out of the combine, be prepared to remove debris.

David Fischer

The expiration dates on packages are 'best used by' dates. After that, it's not unsafe, but the quality is decreasing every day. I usually recommend no more than a couple of weeks past the expiration date.

Lois Illick

The band distinguished themselves from other Christian musicians by including Bible Scripture in all of their lyrics, high-energy evangelism and humor that was enjoyed by all ages. I can wholeheartedly recommend them to anyone.

Josh Mcdowell

I wouldn't recommend sex, drugs or insanity for everyone, but they've always worked for me.

Hunter S. Thompson

[Two other books I recommend are] What I Learned from Jackie Robinson ... Voices of Summer.

Carl Erskine