We're looking into a possible destabilization attempt. It could be part of symbolic violence, because what could be the purpose in shooting the building at that time of the day?

Vidal Querol

MACE, n. A staff of office signifying authority. Its form, that of a heavy club, indicates its original purpose and use in dissuading from dissent.

Ambrose Bierce

Rather than becoming a general-purpose computing platform, tablets will settle in as a long-term niche product.

Roger Kay

We may end up holding individual agencies, people, and procedures to account. But our fundamental purpose will not be to point fingers. It's rather to answer fully the questions that so many still have.

Thomas H. Kean

We believe he was making weekly trips to Mexico for the specific purpose of buying heroin -- up to a pound at a time.

Lisa Allen

It suggests it was buried for a purpose. It was buried as an offering.

John Ricisak

I can't go above it by law. That's what I am authorized to do. Anything above that means I have to spend money that Congress specifically authorizes for that purpose. Only then we can go build it. It's not simple.

Al Naomi

Our lives are programmed at conception and are endowed with purpose and meaning.

Jeane Dixon

We're there to help the indigenous people. We're not involved with any government agencies, not involved with the CIA, not involved with uranium mining. Our purpose there is to help the people.

Nita Zelenak

They meander through the islands. For what purpose we don't know. We suspect it may be something to do with reproduction.

John Naughton

It doesn't do any good to get angry. It's for a purpose of some kind. We're so much better off than those on the coast. Everybody's fine. We've got a home and somewhere to live. We've got a lot.

Dodie Davidson

He didn't shoot Harry on purpose, but you're handling this horribly and you're just trying to spin me.

Don Imus

The issue here is indeed control. It is the appropriation of material that they don't own for a purpose that is, however altruistic and lofty and wonderful, nevertheless a commercial enterprise.

Nick Taylor

Our purpose is to educate the public.

Valerie Jones

A lie with a purpose is one of the worst kind, and the most profitable.

Finley Peter Dunne

I'm not convinced that they are doing anything inappropriate. The purpose of this hearing is to examine all sides of this to make certain that this is being handled in a way that is legal and Constitutional.

Charles Canady

The purpose is to collect more detailed information. We should have such information in the interests of Russian security.

Igor Sergeyev

This is our purpose: to make as meaningful as possible this life that has been bestowed upon us; to live in such a way that we may be proud of ourselves; to act in such a way that some part of us lives on.

Oswald Spengler

I don't know if that's actually the case, but it makes her feel better to say that. At least she still has a purpose. She didn't beat herself up about it and have it affect her in the doubles. She moved beyond it.

Jeannie Galindo

I think that when you look at the master plan for post secondary education and where the state can best use its resources, it's going to achieve that purpose.

Courtney Cassard

Pre-1980s, food and beverage was pretty much deemed as a necessary evil at most hotels, and if you broke even, that was good. It was like, we need to have a place to eat. So, we're pretty much going to provide a basic all-purpose restaurant that serves breakfast, lunch and dinner to our guests; we hope we don't lose money.

Robert Mandelbaum

This year we're definitely practicing a lot more. We see drills that we're doing for a purpose, not just shooting and passing. (In the past), the guys didn't know what the systems were or what was going on. Now it seems like we're focused. It makes it easier for us on the ice, to have a game plan and to try and go out and execute it.

Tom Poti

Since 1994, any herbal remedy sold as a dietary supplement -- no matter what their real purpose -- the FDA has no authority over them.

Marcia Angell

I began to have an idea of my life, not as the slow shaping of achievement to fit my preconceived purposes, but as the gradual discovery and growth of a purpose which I did not know.

Joanna Field

She is committed to golf. She plays with a purpose because golf is important to her.

Jimmy Brown

The purpose of the meeting is to both illustrate the scope and impact of underage drinking in Dublin and to begin a dialogue about how to address this.

Andy Zweizig

RECONCILIATION, n. A suspension of hostilities. An armed truce for the purpose of digging up the dead.

Ambrose Bierce

The purpose, she said, was only to scare her ex-husband. The defendant was the driver of the car and she waited outside.

John Tate

The main purpose of these presentations is to give you an undiluted student opinion.

Rachel Fersh

Sometimes they like it and sometimes they think well, it's not something that I would be interested in for a career, which is the whole purpose of the program, so that they really recognize that interest level really does have to match their skill levels.

Principal Theresa Weidenbaugh

The purpose of the software is to manage what can't be managed well otherwise. That implies a certain level of complexity.

Jeff Tanner

If the purpose was to simplify the process, why are we throwing up obstacles? ... Where I'm hearing this going is that we're making it harder ... for an overlay than for a conservation district.

Angela Hunt

We are here for such a serious purpose, ... We are here to make sure this war ends.

Ann Wright

It defeats the purpose of research.

Frank Barkocy

Happiness comes when we test our skills towards some meaningful purpose.

John Stossel

I sincerely believe that other maps exist and books exist [that support the claims], but no one has been paying attention to them. It is my purpose to try to wake these [scholars] up.

Liu Gang

It was paved as part of an incremental project to make the commercial properties more attractive for development. In this coming fiscal year we are also going to pave Lafayette and Gustine roads in the same area for that same purpose.

Kathie Martin

It's an affirmation of the direction the city was heading. The purpose was to have outside experts take an objective look at what the city is doing and what it should be doing. There were a lot of parallels and a lot of criticism.

Caryn Kaufman

Absolutely, that's been a priority. That's been a purpose from the start.

Sandy Alderson

There's only been a couple of expansions approved since the moratorium took effect and they all had approval from the host community. We want there to be a purpose to any kind of landfill expansion. We need to use our land properly.

Robert Mccann

We are not a franchise. (The owners) have similar beliefs and, as Christians, we have a higher purpose.

Curt Coleman

The group has a dual purpose to be supportive of those who are far away from home and in a scary and dangerous place, and to pray and spread the message of peace in our community.

Janne Darata

Government should lift the state of emergency because it has already served its purpose, which was to protect the country from clear and present danger.

Romeo Serra

I truly believe I was sent there for a purpose. Other than the Red Cross, fate sent me there to help my brother.

Aaron Baker

We want to go in and fill in the gaps. The whole purpose is to be prepared for another storm or a chemical explosion. This is more preventive than anything else.

John Doherty

When heart and mind connect with spirit and purpose, there is nothing we cannot do.

Linda Chandler

Erica was on fire. We came out with tremendous intensity and played with an extreme purpose.

Tony Giese

The purpose is not going to go to prove anything.

Patrick Renn

I don't know what his purpose was for buying the gun. But that is certainly not something we come across a lot in the county.

Sgt. Shawn Urbas

The kids are kind of excited about playing in their old home. The Civic Arena is strictly a basketball facility as opposed to the new multi-purpose facilities. These kids understand about Aberdeen basketball and its history. Some of their parents played in the arena.

Dawn Seiler

The purpose and cause of the incarnation was that He might illuminate the world by His wisdom and excite it to the love of Himself.

Peter Abelard

We regret that there were those whose sole purpose was destruction, which coloured the currents outside these buildings.

James Wolfensohn

The purpose of the minimum wage is not to give somebody earning $25 an hour a $2-an-hour raise.

Chris Cramer

The main purpose of this is to do solid work for the farmers and not to increase their financial burden.

Feng Jianzhong

The purpose is not only to fix the storm but to make repeated passes and notice trends. All the clues are out there if we know how to find them.

Jack Parrish

We have always wanted there to be unfettered time for individuals to file these claims. The deadline serves no purpose.

Michelle Fontaine

We have to turn it around Thursday against Hanford West. We have to play with a lot of pride, and play with a purpose we're not going to give up.

Jeff Schmidt

It gives them a sense of purpose because they're actually getting courses.

Rita Sowden

One would have to assume it's been stolen by someone who has some sort of nefarious purpose for it.

Melissa Fleming

It's precisely the opposite of the purpose of the land.

Jeff Ruch

The mural was going through some tough times and the Art Guild actually thought about just letting it go. Mural Preservation Inc. was formed then and has a single purpose of maintaining the mural.

Janie Allen

Our aim is that the meeting will be between Jan. 10 and Jan. 20, in return to the visit of President Uribe for the same purpose two months ago.

Manuel Chiriboga

Certainly, there is a strategic element to it. On the other hand, the purpose of the clergy is to help navigate difficult moral terrain, and abortion constitutes difficult moral terrain for a good number of women.

Frances Kissling

The purpose behind Battle of the Bands is to raise funds for Relay for Life.

Kelly Cooper

We needed much greater capacity to continue to grow the company, and the new site gives us a purpose-built plant with offices and extensive storage, plus the space to expand further over coming years. We already have plans to increase manufacturing in line with greater demand.

Jim Dwyer

Anyone wishing to communicate with Americans should do so by e-mail, which has been specially invented for the purpose, involving neither physical proximity nor speech.

Auberon Waugh

Purpose of the meeting was to understand if there was an opportunity for a broad collaboration between Microsoft and Netscape.

Daniel Rosen

The nation should have a tax system that looks like someone designed it on purpose.

William E. Simon

We don't have fans, we have friends. And when you look at them as friends, everybody (is) coming together for the same purpose, just getting excited about our faith.

Kirk Franklin

It is essential that we enable young people to see themselves as participants in one of the most exciting eras in history, and to have a sense of purpose in relation to it.

Nelson Rockefeller

For a 'public use,' it means you cannot turn around and give it to a developer, even if it's an economic development project that's within the public purpose.

Howard Duvall

Live is a different animal for us, and we embrace it. We address the music in a purposeful way. ... It is a very high-energy show.

Julie Doyle

I was hoping they'd drop it down, ... I have to serve my full suspension. I didn't hit Carlos on purpose.

Runelvys Hernandez

The purpose is to get the idea of throwing boomerangs in the university sphere.

Ben Lawson

If an employee is at the beach but is preoccupied with work and reaching for the phone, it defeats the whole purpose of getting away.

Rosemary Haefner

Making duplicate copies and computer printouts of things no one wanted even one of in the first place is giving America a new sense of purpose.

Andy Rooney

Try to maintain the holiday spirit and remember the ultimate purpose of the holiday isn't the food, it's being with family and friends.

Anita F. Fernander

God has primed me for this purpose. He has inspired me to be a voice for the voiceless.

Cindy Winstead

I never understood how fulfilling life could be until I found God. There's no longer a big empty hole inside of me. I feel like I have a purpose in life? a mission.

Jonathan Raviotta

We have not come into the world to be numbered; we have been created for a purpose; for great things: to love and be loved.

Mother Teresa Of Calcutta

There's absolutely no purpose served by the FBI keeping this list. These are people who are approved, who have no record, who have committed no crime.

Bill Powers

The purpose of the scholarship is to bridge the (culture) gap. I know he will bring our culture to Australia, and some of their culture back to us. When we interviewed him, Ted had that international flair (that the Rotary Club looks for). I have watched him grow from a shy man into a leader and confident young man.

Ann Kennedy

The sole purpose of the company was getting me recorded. It was extraordinarily nice of them.

James Hunter

This has to be a purposeful, political vendetta.

Cherif Bassiouni

It served no purpose to tie up our people in the courts.

Glenn Morris

The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences.

Eleanor Roosevelt

The purpose of the conference is to highlight the emerging field of industrial biotechnology.

Brent Erickson

Unfortunately, money in politics is an insidious thing - and a loophole in our campaign finance system was taken advantage of with money going to existing or new 527 groups with the sole purpose of influencing the election.

Olympia Snowe

I would interpret it as circumventing the ordinance. The public is entitled to that information, I think. That was the purpose.

Bob Jamison

The dominant purpose of the First Amendment was to prohibit the widespread practice of government suppression of embarrassing information.

William Orville Douglas

The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.

Eleanor Roosevelt

He was a completely different hitter after that meeting. He had a purpose, a go-to-war attitude. It brought back life, that hunger to be who he was.

Jorge Posada

Picking a fixed day to celebrate Easter would only cause division among Christians for no purpose besides the personal convenience of not having to look up what day Easter falls on this year.

Jimmy Akin

Everything I do has a purpose, all of God's beings have a purpose. Others may know pleasure, but pleasure is not happiness. It has no more importance than a shadow following a man.

Muhammad Ali

RAILROAD, n. The chief of many mechanical devices enabling us to get away from where we are to wher we are no better off. For this purpose the railroad is held in highest favor by the optimist, for it permits him to make the transit with great expedition.

Ambrose Bierce

The purpose of life is a life of purpose.

Robert Byrne

I wouldn't call them 'brutal,' but it's on the verge of reckless. I don't think it's purposeful and cynical. It's exuberant. It's wanting to win.

April Heinrichs

These latest neutrals take their inspiration from the cosmetics counter in both color and purpose.

Debbie Zimmer

The reason marriage is fundamentally different from a civil contract is that marriage is formed for a fundamental purpose — that is to bring a new life into the world.

Tom Mcclintock

To come to be you must have a vision of Being, a Dream, a Purpose, a Principle. You will become what your vision is.

Peter Nivio Zarlenga

As if it was an injury, teams have to overcome adversity. What you see is a team that's very spiritual and plays with a purpose. We were playing with lots of emotion and a lot of intensity. What I like about it is it's consistent. It was a complete, total team effort.

Ken Green

They look confident, they have a purpose, and they're playing with purpose and it shows.

Scott Mccormick

The purpose of the program is to bring education, information, entertainment, physical fitness and wellness to seniors.

Judy Nation

Corporations are social organizations, the theater in which men and women realize or fail to realize purposeful and productive lives.

Lester Bangs

The effort of the lawsuit and purpose is to obtain any information from the United States government. There is clearly, and we know for a fact, information in its possession, some of which is quite suspicious.

Mark Zaid

It was critical to the family that something positive come out of this tragedy. They kept him alive for that sole purpose.

Mark Nation

The purpose of the book is to see what happened to America; both to the people in it, and to its relationships with the rest of the world.

Harold Evans

For the moment, all I can say is that I'm greatly encouraged by what the president has told me, greatly encouraged by his far-seeing attitude, his humanitarianism, his sense of dedication and purpose.

Jamsheed Marker

We need to question the purpose of asking these 3,000 names.

Sofyan Dawood

I don't really know what the design means, if it's only an idea or if it had any purpose in the beginning. Or somebody was trying to make a smiley face in the back. The shirt itself is actually nice. You don't sweat as much. Also, you don't feel the heat that much.

Dominik Hrbaty

He knew he was going to run for mayor when he got that money. People who gave to the county party didn't give for that purpose.

Greg Harris

Vegetables are interesting but lack a sense of purpose when unaccompanied by a good cut of meat.

Fran Lebowitz

We did that on purpose. We wanted to give them baptism by fire and I'd say so far we passed the test so far.

Joe Battista

The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer.

Peter F. Drucker

Since the purpose of all actors is to entertain I appear frequently in the films that do just that - entertain.

Peter Cushing

Our whole purpose was to try to wear him down and make him play defense and to make him work for everything he got offensively. Of course he picked up some fouls and that really helped and our guys just executed the game plan really well.

Jeff Cavallo

It wasn't purposeful, but it is the way we're feeling right now. Back to basics, circling the wagon to come home again. It wasn't purposeful, but it is the vibe over here.

Will Turpin

We did not want this man to live, ... We did not want this man to die a natural death, even if 10 lives were to be lost for that purpose.

Nathuram Godse

There is an art of which every man should be a master the art of reflection. If you are not a thinking man, to what purpose are you a man at all?

William Hart Coleridge

I cannot believe that the purpose of life is (merely) to be happy. I think the purpose of life is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate. I think it is above all to matter, to count, to stand for something. To have it make some difference that you lived at all.

Leo Rosten

I certainly resigned on my own volition without notice, ... I can say that I certainly didn't leave specifically for the purpose of setting up my own adviser.

Dan Ahrens

It is quite clear that the central purpose of this meeting is to create an energy plan for Montana in which coal is the central long-term energy source.

Jim Jensen

I think that when we are dead, we are worm food, I don't believe there is a greater place. I don't believe there is a greater purpose or a greater being. I have none of that. I wish I did to some degree, because the older I'm getting, the more I am aware of death and the inevitability of it, and it frightens me now, in a way that it didn't when I was younger.

Gary Numan

And nobody ever picked up on it, and, of course, they wouldn't, So maybe these books do serve some purpose.

Robert Hunter

The purpose is so that important cases brought by the government can get definitive resolution quickly and be sped to the top of the ladder. This is the most important case that the government has brought in a generation, so I think it bears the strongest chance.

Spencer Waller

Somebody did this on purpose.

Nicho Aguilar

The principal purpose of the Democratic Party is to use the force of government to take property away from the people who earn it and give it to people who do not.

Neal Boortz

He took one, then he delivered one on purpose. He assured me had it been anybody other than a DB, he would've gone down.

Jeff Fisher

Ask yourself, do you have a sense of purpose in your job and in your life? If so, how does your job line up with your sense of purpose? We have all kinds of people telling us what we should be. We need to find out what we want to be.

John Bean

Censorship always defeats it own purpose, for it creates in the end the kind of society that is incapable of exercising real discretion.

Henry Steele Commager

The biggest thing with the commission in the reorganization is talking to current members about what is the purpose of the commission and what it can do for the community.

Mary Parks

Companies should not look at this as an opportunity to add value just through the technology itself, but should have a clear-cut purpose for the technology.

Bill Glassman

In the field of criminal law, you'd have to move very carefully before you interfered with rules that have stood the test of time and were there for a very good purpose.

Alexander King

The purpose of our public schools must be first and foremost to provide quality education for our children. While this should be done within the financial means of the district, the emphasis must be on providing a quality education.

Ranya Young

Definitely we were a little confused with it. We've never had to look inside with any purpose before.

Jeremy Moore

The will is never free -- it is always attached to an object, a purpose. It is simply the engine in the car -- it can't steer.

Joyce Cary

Nothing contributes so much to tranquilizing the mind as a steady purpose - a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye.

Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

My hope is that we can light a match, like they really did in '69, through my father (the artist Bud Bottoms) and the people who started the environmental movement. Oh, it was around before then, but they gave it a name and gave it a flag and gave it a purpose and gave it a cause.

Timothy Bottoms

To what purpose is it to be artificially happy on the surface?

Anne Parillaud

The irony is that the ICC is there for a humanitarian purpose, it wants to discourage terrible crimes with impunity, but instead it pushes the LRA back in the bush and this leads to a continuation of the atrocities.

Bryn Higgs

The purpose of the letter was to let his (Nixon's) contributors know he was 40 points behind and also to let them know that they should not participate in giving money to someone who is running an attack campaign.

Dan Patrick

We are also grateful for this chance to help the public understand the purpose for the bank and that many corporations including Target, GM, and Toyota already operate industrial banks.

Marty Heires

The only true happiness comes from squandering ourselves for a purpose.

William Cowper

The purpose of this planting was to hold soil where it is and keep it from going to the coast. If you can keep it from washing out, you've got plenty of topsoil.

Pete Johnson

Yom Kippur is about personal and community transgressions. The fasting remains a compelling element. The purpose of the ritual observance is to change our ethical observance.

Barry Schwartz

Mr. Kushner had a very productive discussion today with Nets ownership and with the investment bankers, and he continues to aggressively pursue acquiring the team with the purpose of keeping them in New Jersey.

Bob Sommer

I was pleased to see that Student Council had begun the intense process of reviewing its purpose on campus. I saw that as only a first step and I hope that they continue on in this direction. I also hope that the issues raised at the fireside chat will be addressed.

Joella Fink

People paying electric bills have been paying a fee into a DOE fund and there's been somewhere between $18 and $20 billion collected by the federal government for the purpose of shipping and storing fuel.

David Tarantino

People were very proud of it and very complimentary, genuinely so. It has given us a greater sense of purpose than perhaps we had before.

Peter Hill

Our purpose was not to bring concerns to the borough. From day one, we wanted to come here and use our expertise to bring a high-quality restaurant to the borough.

Man Wong

It was not for the express purpose of the lawsuit. He just wanted to help out his friend.

Jill Midkiff

This was a strong team effort. Everyone played hard and contributed. They're coming together and playing with purpose.

Alan Kirk

For us, they're a non-entity. They don't exist to us. They don't deserve our attention or consideration. Their purpose is to spread hate, and that's not what we're about.

Keith Callaway

We are really working to set up what can be a one-stop shopping center (for permits), ... all for the purpose of helping us meet demand.

Kathleen Clark

He's valuable to us. He clearly has his purpose, and he clearly helps us out.

Damion Easley

The purpose of this communication is a heads-up.

John Oates

If Goddess religion is not to become mindless idiocy, we must win clear of tendency of magic to become supertition. Magic - and among its branches I include psychology as its purpose to describe and change consciousness - is an art.


My dear Excellency! I have not gone to war to collect cheese and eggs, but for another purpose.

Manfred Von Richthofen

We're committed to getting this project done. It's an old building [the park house was built in 1936], and our goal is to bring it up internally and make it into a useful multi-purpose space.

Ashe Reardon

It gets back to the primary purpose of these comments, which is to improve teaching.

Marvin Hackert

Eventually, the roots are going to exhaust a lot of nutrients on the soil. Just an all-purpose fertilizer is all you need to keep your plant healthy all summer long.

Terry Izzo

Commitment means that it is possible for a man to yield the nerve centre of his consent to a purpose or cause, a movement or an ideal, which may be more important to him than whether he lives or dies.

Howard Thurman

Last year was more of an eye-opening experience. We were wide-eyed walking around Seattle. Now we know what it's all about and we're going there with a purpose.

Ali Mann

The main purpose is to exploit you. Well, it's a great honor to be exploited.

John Phelan

We felt it tied in with our purpose for Acappellastock. It is a community event, and a community is a group of people that come together for a commonality, a cause. We hopefully build one another up to build a better future for tomorrow.

Jeff Petersen

The purpose was clearly to seek to protect the lychee crop.

Bob Pack

He's a legislator, not a press hound. He isn't doing things for the purpose of getting known, he's doing things for the purpose of having an impact.

Howard Berman

The board has no intention of carrying out a capital increase with the sole purpose of blocking any kind of offer or diluting its shareholders.

Joseph Kinsch

The first principle of ethical power is Purpose. By purpose, I don't mean your objective or intention-something toward which you are always striving. Purpose is something bigger. It is the picture you have of yourself-the kind of person you want to be or the kind of life you want to lead.

Ken Blanchard

When it comes to love, you are a very attentive and loyal partner. Sometimes, to get attention, you may play with a lover's insecurities. Among your negative tendencies is creating jealousy or suspicion on purpose or being obsessive or possessive.

Blair Gorman

We are actually creating these mobile music events for the sole purpose of making the content available for our customers ... on their wireless phones.

David Garver

We are the ecological choice. These trees are biodegradable, grown as a crop. We're not going into the forest and taking down trees. They are grown specifically for this purpose, as you would grow corn to eat.

John Curtis

For the sole purpose of financial, professional or personal gain.

Phill Kline

I also want the other people (living outside) to come out and open their mouths before they end up dead. You lose purpose. Without purpose, why bother? You feel worthless.

Diane Lessig

The suspicion must be that Tony Blair has already decided to advocate an increase in the use of nuclear power - this review will serve little purpose if the prime minister has already made up his mind.

Norman Baker

The purpose of this meeting is to request participation and invite comments from a broad range of local agencies, organizations, businesses, and especially farmers and ranchers.

Tom Holt

The purpose of this ordinance is to increase certification pay.

James Guthrie

Clearly they came out with a purpose, and we just weren't able to match that right from the beginning. It's disappointing because we didn't show what kind of team we were tonight.

Peter Hafner

They're all friends. They've been mixing well with their seriousness and purpose.

Liz Sutman

There's no good purpose in keeping this dedicated, honorable, committed professional in jail.

Paul Steiger

'Begin each day as if it were on purpose'.

Mary Anne Radmacher

The purpose of these killings has been to repress and divide the population for political gain.

Philip Alston

He's Alan Greenspan all purpose sage, ... He seldom has anyone tell him, 'Why don't you be more like Fed chairman of the past?'

Tom Schlesinger

The very purpose of existence is to reconcile the glowing opinion we have of ourselves with the appalling things that other people think about us.

Quentin Crisp

Tests have one great mission and purpose: To give you ideas you hadn't thought of and suggestions worth following up, ... But if you ask them to do more than that, you're asking too much.

Richard Nelson Bolles

The purpose of this program is to ensure factual information is provided to the Iraqi public.

Barry Johnson

I come from a strong scriptural viewpoint, and I find intelligent design lacking, ... However, if things are created or designed, that means there's a creator with a design in mind, and that is reflected in the creation, and it has a purpose.

Jack Wagner

God gave us a reminder of the purpose of life. It's making a difference by helping those in need.

Donna Stiteler

The prime purpose of eloquence is to keep other people from talking.

Louis Vermeil

Profit is not the legitimate purpose of business. The legitimate purpose of business is to provide a product or service that people need and do it so well that it's profitable.

James Rouse

The high schools that we have, and it's not just locally but nationally, are designed for a different purpose, a different time and a different place -- and it doesn't meet the educational needs of kids today.

Gary Griffiths

[Larson died from an aortic aneurysm on January 25, 1996, the day the show was to open in off-Broadway previews. Larson was posthumously awarded the Pulitzer Prize for drama for the play.] All the issues have been resolved to her satisfaction, ... The purpose of all this was not to gloat, but to achieve justice.

Russell Smith

The purpose was twofold — first for citizen safety, and also to give them suspect information.

Lynn Hightower

I don't think any of us really KNOWS why we're here. But I think we're suppose to BELIEVE we're here for a purpose.

Ray Charles

We specifically flew a plane down for that purpose. We've been told that a couple of other airlines are doing it too.

Paula Berg

(Being on the short list) means that Luck will have more readers, which, of course, is always the purpose - you want to reach as many people as you can. This is a fabulous way of doing it.

Joan Barfoot

In fact, operating system security, both general purpose and real-time, should be a high priority.

Aaron Ross

You are to me what the bowstring is to the shaft,Speeding my purpose aloft and aflame and afar.

William Rose Benet

There's a place for high function, multi-purpose devices but it is a relatively small market.

Nick Ingelbrecht

The purpose of the fund is to revitalize properties and neighborhoods. It's a profit-driven fund, but it has a community benefit agenda, too.

Casey Cummings