"Michael Douglas Peters" was an American choreographer.

More Michael Peters on Wikipedia.

We are holding this meeting to present the project to the public and give citizens the opportunity to provide feedback on one of the largest highway projects ever constructed in Texas.

I'm just so amazed right now.

It is very exciting to do something that is not, you know, 60 years old.

There will be five interchanges across FM 2499 and SH 121, Interstate 635 and SH 121, on SH114 and SH 121on the east end and west end, and SH 121 and 360.

It has to do with a young man's conflicted ideas about himself and his father, who has just died. So you have the deceased father. You have the mother who's now involved with a man right after the funeral.

People think that a brand is a logo. But it's everything behind the brand down to the employees. It's how the consumer thinks about a company.