We're working to evaluate the potential risks and determine whether there is a need for further action. In the meantime, we advise providers to carefully assess the benefits and risks of the drug for their patients.

Dr. Steven Galson

The best doctor in the world is the veterinarian. He can't ask his patients what is the matter-he's got to just know.

Will Rogers

In the patient symposium we will focus on getting the message through with patients.

Louis Denis

We will not make progress without clinical trials. It's wrong and unfair to deny patients access to clinical trials.

Richard Klausner

If the emergency center is going to bring in new patients, a critical care section will be absolutely necessary.

Kevin M. Spiegel

I can tell you horror stories where we believed we were patients' doctors when we weren't.

Barbara Bishop

In our studies of HIV patients with painful feet -peripheral neuropathy- animal studies have already demonstrated that marijuana, where opioids don't work, works for nerve pain.

Donald Abrams

Our patients deserve to have access to health services in superior accommodations, which will facilitate our efforts to reduce health care disparities.

Daniel Kane

Our study shows a very clear and substantial biological component to anorexia nervosa, and my hope is that this will offer some support to patients and their families.

Cynthia M. Bulik

This diet should be a frontrunner, ... It improved the whole cardiovascular risk spectrum. A lot of patients are tough to control with the medications we have. Patients might not even need drugs if they go on the diet.

Frank Sacks

Taking advantage of patients for your own selfish purposes, patients who expected the opposite -- to treat them honestly and to care for them.

John Watts

We relay for the hope that cancer patients in treatment will be supported, the hope that those lost will never be forgotten, and the hope that someday cancer will be eliminated.

Lynn Brown

If anything we'll be able to see more patients and provide more services.

Richard Mansfield

Without air meds on board, they will not allow us to take patients ... and Charleston is not equipped to keep folks overnight.

Stuart Brown

Physicians are interested in providing good patient care. Patients are interested in receiving the best care available. The best way to get there is for us to trust each other.

Jeffrey Segal

By extending our geographic footprint into India we are greatly increasing our access to clinical sites and patients, as well as establishing a highly efficient data management platform to accommodate the global requirements of our clients.

Pat Donnelly

One misconception is that we work for insurance companies or the Division of Worker's Compensation. We're doctors who take care of patients the same as anyone.

Dr. Mac Johnson

I have no idea where the patients go, but they don't come into the emergency room.

Alasdair Conn

A lot of people are thinking, 'I'll be back in New Orleans. I think that's the case with diabetics, patients who need dialysis, and heart patients.

Lisa Clark

A chaplain is trained to talk to anybody of any faith, not to become the patient's minister. My own religion doesn't need to enter the conversation. I'm there as a friend; I'm there for the patient.

Diane Johnson

Many employers are going to be asking their employees to participate more in the decision-making process for their health care, and we see that as an opportunity to engage patients in discussions of what is really best for them and their families.

Garry Gause

By identifying high-risk patients, ultrasound would allow doctors to provide aggressive treatment early.

Claude Lenfant

Our commitment to quality home care is demonstrated by providing a full range of quality services and exceeding the expectations of our community and patients.

David Gonzalez

We've learned a lot from it. The goal is to ultimately improve the patient's experience.

Rhonda Bright

The new label design makes it easier for doctors to get access to important information about drug safety and benefits, and this in turn will help them have more meaningful discussions with their patients.

Andrew Von Eschenbach

This has forced, really, a revolution in the way that we take care of our patients. What we've learned is how to manage pain better, we've learned to operate more efficiently and we've learned how to manage these patients in a way that we can get them home quickly -- provided, of course, they're in a safe atmosphere.

Bill Barber

My experience is that, to a large degree, patients want them [doctors] to attend to them as people and understand what they're going through.

Bob Arnold

This study may make people look more closely at patients who already have elevations, though modest, in blood sugar levels.

Stuart Weiss

There will be some organizations that will find it hard to accept. It really is a seed change in terms of how healthcare approached things in the past, but at the end of the day I think the patients are going to be better off for it.

Brian Terrett

Patients often say they can speak freely because they cannot see the therapist.

Ragnar Beer

Not only are we getting the medicines back but we are doing some research about the types of medicines and the level of adherence by consumers and patients to their medicines.

Mike Grant

She spreads her love; the patients really respond to her.

Sandra Sanchez

In fact, on Monday we had a record-breaking day. We saw a third more patients than we normally do between our two emergency rooms. On any normal day, which is pretty busy, we see 200 patients. We saw 302 on Monday.

Teresa Fleege

The outbreak is under control and the influx of patients to hospitals has come down. Fogging of insecticide in affected areas has started. People have been advised to sleep under mosquito nets.

Anoop Singh

There are definite benefits for cancer patients among the ethical complementary cancer therapies.

Michael Lerner

If not for stretchy materials, these patients would have to have shoes made.

Bob Toth

We certainly think that patients and consumers will continue to expect hospitals and health care systems to publish their outcomes so (they) can make better decisions.

Todd Sandman

The ability to have patients become mobile sooner is better for patient comfort as well as for staff productivity.

Dan Howell

If you are an insurer and can attract the 80 percent of patients who account for 20 percent of the costs, you'll make money, ... The other way around, you'll lose it.

Regina Herzlinger

It is a long drive. But our patients have been doing this for years. It was certainly needed in this community.

Gayle Miller

It's really important that we spend as much time thinking about how we communicate with our patients as we do about how to treat them.

Christopher Lathan

These are dedicated doctors, who take care of very sick patients. It's a doctor's duty to care. Care in the field doesn't change.

Girish Tyagi

Patients should know what their blood pressure is.

Melly Turner

We've already got that money, we're already seeing those 700 patients.

Cathy Emanuel

Sir, I know that you know the situation is past critical. The sooner we can get the medical patients out, the sooner we can get them out.

Marty Bahamonde

I (might) have to turn away patients because we don't have the supplies because someone had stolen them.

Dr. Leonor Ordonez

Simply put, this is a monopoly within Medicare that is now working against the patients it was intended to help and is costing U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars.

Gary Peterson

One of the reasons health care is so expensive these days is because so many diagnostic tests get thrown at patients because you don't know what care they've received.

David Kaye

For a start, nurses who turn patients and wardens who guard prisoners aren't eligible.

Sara Wilson

We are cautious, because amphetamines are controversial. You don't want to suggest that Parkinson's patients should stand on the street corner and deal amphetamines.

Marc G. Caron

We don't advocate splitting pills to save money, and this isn't something patients should do on their own.

Tom Mcginnis

On average, we'd see three to five patients a night. It was not enough to keep it viable, to keep the volunteers and to keep going.

Mike Gallagher

We're doing great. It's amazing. We've got lots of patients already.

Gayle Miller

Patients aren't doctors. Patients don't have medical knowledge. It's (the doctor's) job to find out what's wrong with you. It's their responsibility, not the patient's.

Carmen Balber

Cases we'll be looking at concern ingestion of Vioxx for 18 months or more by patients with limited heart risk factors.

Kent Jarrell

We also see the same health problems you would see in any hospital setting -- cardiac patients, diabetes, kidney and pulmonary problems and occasionally a gunshot wound.

Scott Warner

We're producing the medically acceptable benchmarks. So we're doing everything we can. We're willing to work with governments at any level to produce access for patients. What are the governments doing?

Ruth Collins

In patients with COPD, even moderate but certainly more severe COPD, each breath is something they have to focus on. They have to understand what they can and can't do within the course of the day, based on their breathing.

Fernando Martinez

Now, we have vaccine for 20 patients only.

Dr Pisit Sriprasert

Patients aged 65 or older face a nearly three-fold increase in the risk of early mortality.

David R. Flum

It's great to see Sassy put a smile on patients' faces and give them a light moment.

Jack Orr

We've had as many as 69 (patients) or as little as 50. The census will fluctuate, just depending on what the needs are at the time.

David Deaton

The disaster is still really going on, in terms of health care. We have to take all the patients who come in because so few hospitals are open, yet we don't have staff. All the hospitals that are open are in desperate need for staff.

Nancy Davis

It is very inconvenient for patients.

William Powanda

On Monday and Tuesday, we were having difficulty getting enrollment eligibility information from the government database. But by yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon, our information requests were going through and we were getting the information back that we needed. For those patients, the situation has gotten a lot better.

Michael Polzin

This is not the kind of improvement that I would wish for my patients, but it was a real and measurable improvement.

Stephen Straus

This partnership brings increased safety to patients at the point-of- care. By integrating content into a clinician's workflow, caregivers are able to make informed decisions.

Mike Schmitt

I'm impressed every day by the resolve and tolerance of my patients.

Dr. Robert Wenham

Our care of patients with HER2-positive breast cancer must change today.

Gabriel Hortobagyi

Patients want to discuss their sexual concerns with their doctors.

Nancy Dickey

Quality of life is important to have ... we want to make them feel at home even though they can't get there yet. [The patients] are sent from their parent command, away from their families ... we want to make them as comfortable as we can while they are here.

Jacqueline Johnson

They had to stop attacking doctors and they're mad, so what they're doing is, they're back attacking the patients.

Beth Moore

We explain the patients' condition at the appropriate level for the student.

Kristin Williams

The use of tamoxifen can prevent breast cancer in patients who have no evidence of breast cancer but are at high risk of getting it.

Bernard Fisher

An international travel desk is one of the prime requirements of a hospital servicing foreign patients.

Karan Thakur

We will miss him and so will his many patients.

William Powanda

We fear this decision is going to worsen the confusion in the minds of the public about whether you can legally discriminate in the name of religion. The bottom line is that you should not be able to treat patients in a discriminatory way.

Jennifer Pizer

We want to understand what is wrong in patients with severe asthma and apply what we learn to help them.

Wendy Moore

I had a lot of patients leave, a lot of employees leave. And I coach an 18-22 (year-olds) baseball team, and a lot of them have been leaving, too. I know I can do a better job than those people (who are in office).

Patrick Keem

What we focused on was doing a deal, taking the emotion out of the deal and looking at what was best for our hospital, for Saint Thomas, for the patients that are served by the area and for the employees.

Mark Gorman

We are moving from what I call the 'old Pfizer,' a company characterized by the medicines we launched so successfully in the 1990s, to the 'next generation' Pfizer, characterized by a new wave of important medicines now reaching patients.

Henry Mckinnell

When it comes to the treatment of patients with chronic schizophrenia, the glass is only half-full.

Jeffrey Lieberman

You might wonder why we'd publish a study involving two patients.

Catherine Deangelis

It is amazing that we are going to have one pill a day for the treatment of HIV when you consider that it was like 10 years ago when patients were taking handfuls of drugs all day long.

Cal Cohen

This is an exciting new development. Even small improvements in decreasing disabilities in stroke survivors mean a lot to patients themselves and their families.

Maria Bain

The introduction of HAART has dramatically reduced the incidence of Kaposi's sarcoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and improved survival from these cancers for most patients in HIV care.

Sonia Gingues

My patients have been very supportive, ... Because I had been dressing quite androgynously for some time, 99.9 per cent of them didn't even comment. One of them asked me if I'd had a haircut.

Richard Curtis

We understand some of the things cancer patients go through and the prostheses are so expensive. That's why we carry most of the things they will need at no charge.

Bea Fuentes

It was important for us to give the staff an opportunity to see the space, and it was a unique opportunity to show of the space without any patients in there.

Mark Whitney

Most patients don't follow daily treatment regimens no matter how good their doctor is. That disconnect is huge, and it's a large factor in how well we control asthma in kids and adults.

Bruce Bender

I would give it to all of my friends and patients who are 60 years of age or over and haven't yet had shingles.

Michael Oxman

It's good for patients in that they're going to get the necessary and appropriate care in a timely manner, and it's good for doctors, because they will be able to take care of their patients as they see fit and it should do away with a lot of hassle factor and the administrative nightmares that physicians are talking about.

Thomas Reardon

We felt it was important for patients to understand how care is delivered, who delivers the care.

Karen Nelson

We will be able to serve more patients, we will be able to serve them better and with more services that have been identified in our study of the community.

Linnea Windel

Our opportunity here is to provide our patients with all of their medications as a full-service pharmacy.

Stephen Farrell

Then, we have to have one or two (patients) before we get a Medicaid visit to get our Medicaid license, ... Everything is establishing a precedent as we go.

Nancy Collins

It's intended for those patients who are at an advanced stage of diabetes. Other therapies haven't helped them and they are in a lot of pain. Because of that, we're happy to be providing MAT for our South Florida patients.

Marc Schlosser

A lot of patients here don't have transportation, so its very difficult for them to walk over there or get a ride there.

Dr. Leonor Ordonez

It's very good news for patients because there is a choice available to treating physicians.

Fred Modell

Approximately 50 cases will be consolidated in this action. The common facts that link the cases include that patients were denied vital information regarding the floundering transplant program at UCI.

Larry Eisenberg

That's free to all MD patients.

Laci Stokes

Patients go online and bring you articles from the medical journals. You have to go online to keep up with them.

Barbara Bishop

We've received lots of new patients since we moved. There's great visibility here that we didn't have before.

Janis Moriarty

Towards this goal, we are currently dissecting the molecular mechanism by which the aborted function of this repair enzyme attenuates its normal repair pathway. This is crucial information for understanding how to design new drugs or other interventions that help patients.

Cynthia Mcmurray

It is a useful alternative in the continuum of treatment options. In the clinical trials, patient compliance was also much higher than it is with [oral] medication. This could also be an important factor for some patients who suffer from depression.

David Fassler

These hormones are important for patients' activity and their mood, their energy and responses to life stress in general.

Stephen Straus

Patients shouldn't freak out over it, ... but should be cognizant of it if they really want to minimize the amount of mercury the might potentially be getting.

David Downing

There are many disparities in health care, and this analysis has uncovered another area of concern. It is crucial that we implement or enhance systems that help protect against these disparities and improve the quality of care for all patients.

Dr. Jeffrey Berger

Patients are hungry for good care. There is a horrific unmet need there.

Gary Sachs

The hospital will take patients in need of hospital care, but they were checking with their attorneys to see if anyone else could stay there.

Richard Hyde

The whole country is one vast insane asylum and they're letting the worst patients run the place.

Robert Welch

We don't have a magic bullet for the treatment of schizophrenia and clinicians are struggling every day to find a medication that will work for individual patients.

Leslie Citrome

But there's still almost 30 percent of patients in a recent survey that weren't getting aspirin during an acute heart attack.

Charles Hennekens

We're upping our marketing campaign and introducing the medical center to people new to the coast. We need to look for more of those patients.

Charise Mchugh

Those patients that should have gotten out by Wednesday morning didn't get out till Friday afternoon.

Joe Donchess

It is imperative that those who were scheduled to donate make every effort to either keep their appointment or reschedule it as soon as possible so that patients are not put at risk.

Gary Ouellette

It is abundantly clear that UCI breached its ethical obligations to their patients.

Larry Eisenberg

Because we weren't under FEMA, we had more freedom to do things. They just set us up an area and started bringing patients to us. It was unbelievable.

Paula Trotter

We are the only free clinic in the area. Between January and November last year, we saw 500 patients. We have 1,700 patients on our books.

Marilyn Weaver

There is something not quite right about letting a patient dictate whether or not they take medicine. Are mental patients the people to whom we should be leaving the decisions?

William Schultz

The point is that when they talk about quality of health care, patients mean something entirely different than experts do. They're not talking about numbers or outcomes but about their own human experience, which is a combination of cost, paperwork and what I'll call the hassle factor, the impersonal nature of the care.

Andrew Altman

Our number one priority is to identify the patients. We are beginning to go through records now, but it's like looking for needles in haystacks.

Chris Whitney

Being able to see a doctor or nurse without having to make an appointment makes life so much easier for patients and will have the added advantage of taking pressure of GPs and A&E (Accident and Emergency) departments.

Michael Summers

We want to regain the trust of our patients.

Russ Danielson

Patients with multiple risk factors, including diabetes, face a greater threat of heart attack and stroke, so reducing their risk is critical.

David Waters

It's where families work together with the doctors and patients to get the patient to transition to the next step.

David Tam

We always encourage patients to consult with their doctors to determine the best approach to treating any health problem.

Bryant Haskins

Lipitor is one of the most important medical breakthroughs of our era, and millions of patients have used it to lower their cholesterol. This court decision is consistent with the fundamental principle that patent laws exist to support and encourage medical innovators, not undermine them.

Hank Mckinnell

We're ready. We just need patients.

Donald Smith

Some people feel it is a wonderful thing, providing patients with control they need. We have other people who either on ethical or religious grounds see it as an abomination.

Lucy Noone

It's difficult to get patients home in these conditions. We're still taking emergencies, and hoping the weather will improve.

Barbara Taylor

It's been a major pain. Several patients are having to go without medication.

Jennifer Adams

If we could predict early response, it would be a huge advantage to patients.

Anna Barker

What was very surprisingly to us is that while all five patients were homozygous for a mutation in the gene, as expected, all had the same mutation in this gene.

S. Auerbach

We're encouraged that many of these patients with SARS are improving, ... In spite of that, we know that this is a very severe illness.

Jim Hughes

When they [pharmaceutical companies] started marketing to the end user (patients), customers started asking for them by name.

Dan Olson

I get a lot of satisfaction operating on patients who have lost a lot of weight such as Mary. I can see how it makes a great change in their lives.

Dr. Phillipe Capraro

So it's necessary to recheck patients to see if they are still allergic.

Jay M. Portnoy

Certainly there has been confusion among doctors and patients but this will be clarified by new labeling for all pain relievers that is being negotiated with the FDA at the current time.

Mariann Caprino

Dixmont's history is very sad, but reflects changes in ways mentally ill patients are treated.

Christine Davis

These results indicated that this class of drugs may prove effective in treating HIV patients with dementia.

Jeffrey Rumbaugh

We did look at the patient's workplace, but we did not find mice, or mice droppings.

Don Shields

Imagine trying to breathe through a straw for hours on end. These patients are extremely scared.

Dr. Martin Lutz

It's going to be very simple for our patients.

Robbi Tracy

Family and loved ones of patients often find a great deal of solace and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere.

Linda Wagner

I feel I have benefited along with all the other cancer patients with the money that the Terry Fox Foundation has given to cancer research.

Bruce Moore

The intensity of services required by sicker patients would result in higher average per patient charges and costs in the hospital's emergency department.

Barbara Langland Orban

You get to know these people. They're almost like family. How can such a decision be made to leave patients hanging like this?

Bob Garrett

There are patients at higher risk for coronary heart disease who aren't getting aspirin therapy who could benefit, and there are also those at lower risk who are taking aspirin but shouldn't be.

Michael Pignone

We've exhausted all diplomatic measures to try and stop the plan. Now the caregivers are on an all-out campaign to expose this plan for what it is -- a plan to save money on the backs of health-care patients and workers.

Jim Sanford

I think it is wrong at this point to assume that this will have some negative affect on implants. We think the opposite is true and that more patients could be identified through this mechanism.

Rob Clarke

On the basis of these results, our care of patients with HER2-positive breast cancer must change today.

Gabriel Hortobagyi

We don't think patients go by county lines. We've been caring for these people for years and years.

Judy Smith

This is a major improvement in the treatment of ovarian cancer. There's no way doctors can look at the data and not offer this treatment to patients.

Dr. Maurie Markman

Often times, we have to hold patients in our ED that are waiting for a bed on the inpatient side. That's a challenge, since our Emergency Department is one of the busiest in the state.

James Karaman

There's practically nothing on breast cancer patients, and we think that's a terrible loss.

Diana Zuckerman

We obviously have worked with the FDA and we're moving forward to make this information available to health care professionals and patients so that informed treatment decisions can be made.

Gaile Renegar

Until data are available from randomized clinical trials, the patient's decision is the right decision -- support it.

Leon Speroff

It's been a trend probably for the last four or five years. Hospitals are continuing to see an increase in obese patients, and it affects every department. You have to think of the patient from head to toe, everything they do in the hospital until they walk out the door or they die.

Sandy Wise

Both strategies are important. We know this works. We are often dealing with critically ill patients, and anything that enables them to live longer, even a matter of months, is what we hope to achieve.

Dr. Joan Bull

I am not aware of any medical foundation to the report that one of the patients may be in a coma for up to 12 months.

Dr Ganesh Suntharalingam

We at Guidant recognize that there is an increased appetite for information from our industry among physicians and patients. We have also asked an independent panel of outside experts to provide recommendations.

Steve Tragash

Unfortunately, the start of the new prescription drug benefit would be described by many patients and pharmacists as a nightmare.

Tim Tucker

Our patients need access to all the treatments. You cannot limit the treatments because they have different effects.

Dan Garrett

There exists a gap between what patients expect with regard to end of life care and what actually happens.

Jack Schwartz

There are a lot of drugs where it really is important that patients understand that there are therapies out there that might help them. And they may not have that information any other way.

Robert Temple

An experienced nurse can tell immediately - from the patient's demeanor, skin color, behavior. You just know.

Janie Schumaker

That's a challenge for our rehab specialists because our patients are more fragile and they work at a slower pace.

Lisa Shirk

These are patients in poor health.

Robert Seidman

Remember these simple things. I don't wish any of you to be my patients.

Carlos Albrecht

Our findings suggest that patients with sickle cell disease and high LDH levels should have especially careful monitoring for pulmonary hypertension, a life-threatening complication.

Gregory Kato

I've had patients who have gone on to become professional dancers.

David Harrison

Practices must already offer quick access to a GP, but we will move to guarantee patients more flexible access if they want to book ahead.

Lord Warner

If you can detect the disease earlier, perhaps you have better chance on deciding the therapy and perhaps prolong the life of the patients.

Daniel Chan

With increased awareness of this connection, IBD patients can initiate or maintain an open dialogue with their physicians and discuss their personal and family history of colorectal cancer as well as symptoms and medications, which are crucial components to cancer prevention.

Mark Goldman

Patients may also get discouraged given the [implantable heart defibrillator] recall activity that has occurred at Guidant and to a lesser extent at Medtronic and St. Jude of late.

John Calcagnini

The patients are happier, and we can serve more patients. More patients mean more revenues.

John Anastos

We will have probably longer treatment days because we have to have five patients rescheduled, but we will all be back.

Nora Daludado

This is the recommended therapy for all patients. We get 100 percent of our patients on it.

Dr. Jessie Wing

Right now, there just aren't incentives for patients to seek care in the proper setting.

Jim Gardner

This is the home of the most vulnerable patients at Lakeside.

Mark Lindsay

To take care of high-risk patients, you have to have a bit of an ego. Your ego gets you into the specialty -- and then the specialty humbles you.

Richard Corales

We are committed to being very proactive when it comes to the safety of our crews and the patients we serve.

Jennifer Hardcastle

There is no question that obesity is the underlying cause. We have identified a new problem related, in part, to the increasing amount of fat in patients' buttocks.

Victoria Chan

It's rather intimidating for someone whose just graduated from school. A lot of the patients were still very much a Marine and very well-mannered. Ed was just on the cutting edge of that, but he was in no way obnoxious.

Sandy Holmes

We may be able to pick them up at earlier stages, ... But that is not the same as actually benefiting patients. It's certainly not proof that you'll decrease their risk of dying of lung cancer.

Barnett Kramer

It's a credit to the doctors in Aurora who agreed to accept more patients.

Gerald Jones

It's too much burden when one tries to accomplish all those tasks along with their daily other jobs. I tell my patients to relinquish some of that control and delegate tasks.

Pat Ashby

We don't have unlimited capacity. We are trying to take in only those patients with life-threatening illnesses.

Joe Guarisco

Two patients remain critical and four patients are serious but showing some signs of improvement.

Dr Ganesh Suntharalingam

The distinct majority [60 percent] said errors had occurred outside the hospital. In all countries, mistakes were more likely in patients who said they saw four or more physicians, signaling a failure to communicate across sites of care.

Cathy Schoen

It's a reality check for those patients who are considering these operations.

David R. Flum

It was very hard. Every family has a story. They were displaced. They couldn't find family. We had pediatric patients that we didn't know where their parents were.

Maria Fernandez

It's not just a bunch of people partying. It's patients.

Rick Morse

At 6:30 a.m. I went in with a bunch of nurses and was there an hour and a half. I told them I did not want to be in an area I was not supposed to be in. We were not being disruptive and I did not even see any patients.

Richard Perkins

One of those patients was more than 100 years old, quite frail, with advanced cancer and multiple other medical problems. The other one was dead. It made us wonder whether something wasn't missing from those guidelines.

Dr. Holly Holmes

Be able to get away with twisting the truth a little bit, enough to convince patients to go to their doctors [and] to convince their doctors to prescribe the drug.

Sidney Wolfe

At minute 43 you can see the patient's blood pressure drop suddenly from 125 down to 45 and their heart rate dropped from about 110 to 80, and the patient passed out.

Hugh Calkins

DIAGNOSIS, n. A physician's forecast of the disease by the patient's pulse and purse.

Ambrose Bierce

Based on objective tests of physical impairment, we found that the patients had levels of functional disability comparable to what you would see with congestive heart failure, as well as pain comparable to what you might expect in patients coming out of surgery, and fatigue comparable to patients with multiple sclerosis.

Brian Fallon