When I'm driving to my appointments, everybody calls me on my cell phone. When I'm in my office, I use my cell phone because if I need to leave, I just leave. I have the office phone so I can dial up on the Internet.

Abel Yanez

It looks like they did, to some extent, what the Department of Justice couldn't. I could see where this could make it harder for Windows and Office groups to work together, and they do need to.

Michael Silver

We had to take everything out. The boss had to take all the cars out and park them at the post office because they were all getting full of water.

Mario Martinez

It's a very violent demonstration by a small group of people who appear to be organized by the mayor's office.

Brian Penn

This is the first time CASA has actually had an office.

Judy Guenseth

Now she is in touch with a victim's advocate. I am confident that Gov. Mark Sanford's office is aware of this (case) and I know something will be done now.

Ivy Reaves

The learning curve that was so steep for my opponent when he came into office caused this situation to be exacerbated beyond what it should have been.

Freman Hendrix

It's simply been an ongoing atmosphere for the entire year they have been in office.

David Slipy

I reckon this could mean another 10 million at the box office.

Blake Edwards

The advantage to this handheld device is that it's much cheaper than using a cell. So, for example, an enterprise could opt to give its employees an F1000 as a cheaper alternative to the office phone.

Louis Holder

This legislation will give my office the much-needed enforcement authority to aggressively go after those who take advantage of consumers when tragedy strikes.

Jim Petro

['] 'A lot of emphasis has been placed on player input through the competition committee, ... 'I've had frequent dialogue with (the league office) on a host of commercial issues where I think our input is respected.

Ted Saskin

The State of Michigan Office of Children and Adult Licensing has also been notified of the allegation and will decide independently if they will be conducting an investigation.

Diane Hill

In my case, I'm still learning, so it never stops for me. I'm up in the office trying to learn what I can learn and figure out how I can help my team.

Todd Devoe

But that is up in the air right now. I think that this office has done some great work here in Gwinnett. But I feel that I am needed somewhere else.

Dr. Steven Dunton

I'm probably one of the few people who is not happy to be here today. Because losing Lynn in our office will be a great disadvantage to us.

Martha Coakley

We made those communications through the White House counsel's office repeatedly and that request was rejected.

Charles Bakaly

It's going to have a devastating impact on the small, boutique properties. They don't have the national sales office.

Phillip Jones

The whole entire Office of Student Life and UPB decided on the theme. We wanted something catchy.

Shanna Carpenter

As far as I know, the concept of holding a career fair has been in existence as long as the Career Center itself has. These fairs are one of the major functions of our office.

Catrina Davis

We did that in the county judge's office. We accomplished a lot.

Jerry Caddel

They want to make sure RU-486 is on the shelf of every doctor's office. It's really disgusting.

Deirdre Mcquade

She has a key, and there are just a few people who have a key to my office.

Claudie Biggers

As soon as Pat (Van Horn) left my office, I took it back to Jim.

Harriet Van Horne

It's nice to come back here when you know a lot of people, front office, coaches, things like that. It's nice to come back. [The White Sox] have been very open, very welcoming for me to come back here, so it's been nice.

Robin Ventura

He gave the kind of service you just don't get anymore. He'd hold packages for people if they were away. He'd hold mail for us when he knew we weren't in the office.

Joy Stonier

If the average is $120 for an office visit, for example, we know that we have to negotiate a better rate if a provider is charging $300.

Jeff Kramer

You have to make it different. You put fiber-optic connectivity in every single residence or every single office over there. There's no place in Gainesville that has that yet.

Tony Domenech

We may just open our own transition office.

Andrew H. Card Jr

Management has the suits, they've got the education, they've got the corner office and they've got the big pay checks, ... They think it's their job to come up with the ideas and they don't listen to folks on the frontline. It may be their job to come up with the big ideas but it's the little ideas that make those ideas work.

Dean Schroeder

It's absurd. It's been a systematic investigation since four months after he was sworn into office in 1999. In this country, we are not supposed to investigate individuals. We are supposed to investigate alleged criminal activities.

Doug Jones

I really believe in him as a man of character, and I think anytime you have a public office, it's important to have someone who has character, and he has more than any man I've ever met.

Scott Frost

The people are the ones who are entitled to choose who occupies elected office, not the party.

Bruce Afran

Beguiled by George S. Bush's easy smile and casual indifference to the details, we are on the brink of electing him to office. This isn't choosing a president, it's casting the lead in a sitcom about the presidency.

Roger Ebert

These additional costs represent good value for money against the cost of enforced returns which the National Audit Office has calculated to cost 11,000 pounds (19,800 US dollars) each on average.

Tony Mcnulty

The aim of these changes is to improve our focus on customers and our ability to serve their changing financial needs. It will also address the high ratio of staff in head office functions to those in direct customer contact.

Michael Geoghegan

I not sure what I will do -- if I will retire or seek higher office. I will make up my mind after the first of the year.

Robert Lowe

I get home so late from work that the packages that Fed Ex and UPS bring, they drop them off to the management office. They will actually bring those packages to my home, ... So I don't have to try to get home before the management office closes.

Bill King

They (the Marcos family) always seem to find money to run for office in the Philippines, which is an expensive undertaking.

Sherry Broder

All these are linked to the World Wide Web, so I can be in my office and look and see what the conditions are out at Bahia Grande by accessing lighthouse.tamucc.edu.

David Hicks

The case is being handled through the superintendent's office, and it would be inappropriate for anyone in the athletic department to comment.

Scott Strasemeier

These disasters made people think about local needs as never before. We had people stop at our office because their children wanted to help feed someone.

Jeff Foxworthy

Robinson's Law - Whenever someone in public office blames the press, the bastard is guilty!

Jeffrey Robinson

Casting is a very inexact process. What we were missing on this show was the office politic.

David E. Kelley

Just what he's meant on and off the court, he's impacted every one from fans to the front office. Ultimately, it's our responsibility to do what's in the best interest of the Dallas Mavericks, but Michael has a special place in Mark's (Cuban) heart, my heart, and a special place in the franchise.

Donn Nelson

But no one from our office knew about it (the leak).

Stanislav Gross

The world as seen through the window of an insane asylum is the same world as seen from the window of a dentist's office.

Kehlog Albran

Any community group that has five or six people can call the Board of Education's office and set up for us to come hold an information session, or people can call to find out where they can attend an information session.

Barry Miller

But people who are coming in later aren't necessarily looking for that. They're looking to get something off their kitchen table or out of their office that has to be mailed. It's going to benefit everybody in the community, as well as businesses.

Pat Mcgovern

He's one of the first guys in the office and one of the last guys to leave. He has a lot of enthusiasm and he has a sincere passion to win. And he loves his players and his players play for him.

Tony Jones

People love the fact that they have a built in office because, as you know, most people need a home office these days.

Adele Pick

But even if I were not term-limited, I would say I need to move on anyhow, ... There is a certain freshness you need as governor and none of us need to be growing stale in office.

Roy Romer

As to the presidency, the two happiest days of my life were those of my entrance upon the office and my surrender of it.

Martin Van Buren

His insomnia was so bad, he couldn't sleep during office hours.

Arthur Baer

The books are not a straight line to the corner office. But they're going to help you figure out where you want to go.

Margot Lester

Normally a missing person is not a case for this office, but she is missing under suspicious circumstances.

Bernie Weisenfeld

That's when I got my guard down. He was okay with going to my office and meeting people and being seen. That's how he got me.

Julie Roberts

If you are accused of impropriety, you ought to permit your own investigation without sitting in the office where the impropriety may have occurred.

Mutula Kilonzo

It's just as convenient for us to come to them. Our office is near downtown Dallas, so for them to get there from Plano can be quite a haul.

Yvonne Gilliam

We'd like the legislators to accelerate the payment. If that doesn't work, we'll meet with the comptroller's office to see what is possible.

David Simpson

It's a strong location in business-friendly Santa Clara and an attractive office product for tenants.

Brad Martin

He walks in my office and he's ready to hit the grind,'' Watson said.

Tony Gwynn

It was the governor's office who was controlling who got into Lowry and who didn't.

Peter Groff

Alas, the lass has run for office so often. It's about time we let her win something.

Paddy O'wagon

She was a very good probate judge. She was well liked and she represented her office very well. Of course she has an excellent support staff and I'm certain they will carry on.

Dean Mcminn

[I suggest you] go downstairs to the front desk, go the managers office and say that you just want to put it through their shredder.

Jeffrey Robinson

I had issues with my passport and had to resolve them at the regional office in Boston.

Christopher Sullivan

The assessor's office respectfully disagrees with some of the court's rulings.

Terry Shea

That is where Star Office comes in. It is compatible with Microsoft Office and beyond that a company can save on the cost of the NT license and the Office desktop license.

Andy Bochman

We wanted a transitional feel without being too trendy. We wanted to go lighter, more open with more glass, and that's what we got. The functionality of the office is a lot better, too.

Jennifer Weiss

There are a lot of recruitment activities that are always on-going. That's part of what the admissions office mission is for recruiting.

Courtney Cassard

No official authorized by the mayor's office participated.

Luis Martinez

All I knew was nobody came up to me to pull me in the office, so I had good feelings about it, but I was just waiting to see if my stuff was still in my locker.

Mike Wright

It seems like once or twice a day, school kids are coming into our office bringing in checks. Schools have really come forward.

Dean Dimke

Things could always be worse; for instance, you could be ugly and work in the Post Office.

Adrienne E. Gusoff

I didn't just want to sit in an office anymore. I saw myself as a therapist with a broom sweeping up the neighborhood.

Neil Stone

If an operator puts one in every central office to manage their fibers, then you're talking about a big market: 20,000 COs in the U.S..

Scott Clavenna

The agreements we have are as approved by our city attorney's office. I think we are comfortable with it that way.

Phil Gardner

We are going to do everything we can to make contact with these families. Should we miss anyone, please call our district office at (903) 262-1000 and ask for the student transfer office, ... We will do everything we can to serve the educational needs of these families.

David Simmons

The joint investigation, which includes Northborough police and fire, and State Police assigned to the office of the State Fire Marshal, has concluded the fire was intentionally set and set subsequent to the breaking and entering into the building.

Jennifer Mieth

Many people sit in front of a computer all day while at the office. When they go to work out, they are trying to get away from that environment.

American Council

County employees can drop in, schedule office space and have full access to computers, printers, phones, etc..

Merni Fitzgerald

Durham is a great place to live. I need to hear it more than when I call the city office.

Alvis Aikens

I am somewhat concerned ... knowing that an Orange County SO (Sheriff's Office) official ... is financially benefiting from this.

Mark Zadra

It is not something handled by this office.

Jonathan Diamond

We need somebody who can uphold that oath of office for all citizens of Carrboro and who has demonstrated in past a commitment to democracy.

John Herrera

That in my opinion would be a serious blow in the sense that he would be a convicted prime minister in office.

Franco Pavoncello

360 residential condo units, we will have some office condo units, as well as some office space for lease. We'll have a hotel.

Tom Schneider

We recognize that the waits could be longer in the office. Obviously, we still have standards that we have to meet to get benefits to the clients, and yes, we are still adhering to that.

Jennifer Harris

He continues to find ways to make an impact on the issues and causes that he cares about. Being out of office hasn't prevented him from doing that.

Mike Feldman

No man should be in public office who can't make more money in private life.

Thomas E. Dewey

Our advertising is designed to show that Office Depot is the destination for businesspeople to find Holiday gifts. Quite simply, Office Depot knows business. It's what we do and who our customers are.

Chuck Rubin

We have an additional list of about 19 people that we've checked with the post office, Internet searches and so forth, that may have been getting mail or lived in the area.

Bob Roper

Fox leaves office and has precious little to show. He's hoping to pull a rabbit out of his hat.

George Grayson

When that audit is complete we'll get a copy of it. Our office will review it, and we'll take appropriate action if action is warranted.

Marc Violette

If you wanted to run for any office on the South Side, you needed to meet with the Three Franks.

Larry Hufford

My office is concerned that many of the employees were, in effect, coerced into the purchase of the stock. They were forced to purchase stock to protect their jobs.

William Galvin

We recognize that customers have busy days and need office products. When they come to Staples, they can expect to get the products they need quickly.

Owen Davis

Our office of general council will work with the judge to determine how FEMA will respond to the ruling.

Debbie Wing

If we see that you need to set up an office at the business center, then we'll discuss a more permanent arrangement.

Marsha Davis

In normal circumstances, he must be taken to the recruitment office. But we will use all our legal rights; such as his advanced age and his medical condition.

Mustafa Demirbag

Our activity pales in comparison to even office pools.

Alan Feldman

You walk into a man's office and they continue to work on their computer or look at their Blackberry when you're trying to ask a question.

Robin Craig

I think establishing the new position and the new office is a step in the right direction.

Craig Dunn

There's nothing anybody can find in the Election Code. Marilyn called the Secretary of State's office, asked what the process is, they told her and she goes off and does what she's done.

Ray Laughter

I walked into Levitt Arena that day and there was a long hook that led right into my dad's office. He just chewed me. He didn't like the headline or me opening my big mouth.

Randy Smithson

He will see this as the democratic mechanism giving him the right to push through with policies that he has already pitched as well as more that he might yet come up with before he leaves office.

Makoto Watanabe

Our office in Beijing was informed of this today. It is in a province that hasn't identified human cases before but it is somebody who seems to have a history of exposure to poultry.

Maria Cheng

We are doing coordination work with the Air Transportation Office and with the airline companies to prevent the delays.

Alfonso Cusi

Everybody was in the same office, and it was cramped for space. Our suffering, ourselves, was affecting the bottom line.

Jim Gartland

Several of the articles are intended to allow the White parcel to have an office building on it.

Daniel Bailey

Our core concern wasn't really answered, which is that the golf course becomes a substitute for the governor's office.

James Browning

You can fiddle enough with the system to (make the office) look better.

James Adams

We had a small company meeting, where we said if a car rings any bells like it might be a flood car, we want to know about it in the office, first thing.

Greg Kelley

Open records and open meetings, especially open records, should be fundamental to the operation of any office, because that's part of their job.

Jon Fleischaker

His office seemed cluttered and disorderly, but if he needed to find something, he knew exactly where it was.

Herbert Steiner

No government entity can declare bankruptcy without going through the bond commission. The administration, from the treasurer and the governor's office, has categorically stated there will be no bankruptcies.

Whit Kling

It doesn't bother me at all, ... I want the post office in Rector, but if not, I will change to here permanently.

Jack Kessler

The genius of impeachment lay in the fact that it could punish the man without punishing the office.

Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.

We opened in July. It's the biggest firm in the county, and that's because we combined our two offices ... the New Baltimore office and the in-town Warrenton office, and then more associates came in.

Paul Brouwer

That is the power of incumbency, to get on the daily news because you are the office-holder.

Peter Woolley

At the end of the day, it comes down to productivity, and that means not being tied to an office.

Bob Venero

Some districts see them as purely a money item, and they lose sight of their importance. Money for office hours needs to be gradually built into a budget.

Julie Ivey

There are things that went wrong in the front office and the chain of command. But those are things that happen in any business. But now we've got the ear and the confidence of the owner and he's let us do what we do best.

Al Coates

The US Patent and Trademark Office has been somewhat embarrassed by how this thing transpired.

Kevin Burden

We had no money, no funding from the university. We were literally starting from scratch. We had no office. We had no vehicle.

Russ Williams

The leader's blueprint speech is a statement of what Labor will seek to achieve in government. That was obviously thought through in the leader's office.

Martin Ferguson

We are very pleased that Mr. Cohen will join the attorney general and her office in the fight for Illinois consumers.

Melissa Merz

I don't know whether that perception will be changed by a misdemeanor prosecution for conduct after he resigned from office.

Philip Russell

The difference is they don't store equipment there. It's strictly an office.

Patsy Christie

You've got to create friends, not enemies. If you think your boss is an idiot, tell your friends at home. Not anyone in the office.

Robin Ryan

I hope we are the exception to the rule. I would encourage those that are planning on running for an office to be sensible.

Mary Bailey

The IRS will never come and tell you who is likely to be audited, but generally, filers (who take home-office deductions) tend to be more frequently audited.

Susan Jacksack

I think one of the key features is the ability to get on the Windows network. That means you're not penalized any more for bringing a Mac into that environment. With Office, you'll even get compatibility at the document level.

Roger Kay

I left them in my office and went down the hall. They each got a peppermint off my desk, which was just a routine thing.

Michelle Turba

My office is kitty-corner across the street, so I've been interested in that since it began. And I don't want to get mushy about it, but when I go into the big theater, the Ikeda Theater, I just get tears in my eyes. It's just a magnificent thing to have in Mesa.

Frank Bennett

She plopped it into my office and said she'd been saving for a cruise but there is no way she could go after all this.

Lee Nelson

The office would take up the matter with the branch concerned in case of a problem.

Kantha Kumar

DeLay assured the district attorney's office that he was not involved in the day-to-day operations of TRMPAC, and to his knowledge all activities were properly reviewed and approved by lawyers for the PAC.

Kevin Madden

Anyone who knows the whereabouts of Mr. Tyler needs to contact the sheriff's office, so we can interview him.

Michael Hunt

They even asked him if he had ever distributed any positive information about the office of independent counsel.

Jo Marsh

We have two guys up there right now, and it's basically a regular day for them except none of the office staff is around. It probably gets pretty boring for them with no one there.

Richard Nicholas

I went to the office in the morning, then I came home and we switched halfway through the day so he could go to the office.

Kathy Baker

(The ombudsman office) is seen as a way to address things constrictively. It acts as a balance to more formal, grievance-oriented or adjudicative kind of processes.

Judi Segall

I don't like to be disturbed at home; I tell the cable office not to call me before 6:30 AM, unless there's a war.

U. Thant

We absolutely have to give the Debt Management Office the power to deal with the huge change in demand. There will be a substantial change in policy.

Andrew C. Roberts

I hope we don't lose in America this demand that those of us who want this office must be prepared not to handle the 10-second gimmick that deals, say, with little things like war and peace.

Walter H. Pater

Banks have to go through a lot of back office reengineering in order to go digital.

Robert Hunt

I am a resident of Nevada. I vote in Nevada, so if you run for office in Nevada I'm not going to vote for you.

Terry Lanni

We worked with the governors office to coordinate the meeting.

Mark Morrison

Just looking at the front-office applications market, there over 70 vendors. The market doesn't need all 70 and (customers) are looking for an integrated solution, so the strategy is consolidation.

Brent Hill

We have a double pleasure in that, with the funding behind us, we can really celebrate having a new manager and beginning to look for a downtown office.

Pamela Learned

I told them that it probably doesn't mean a great deal to you, but there will be a plaque with your name on it in my office forever. You get put on that wall with those guys, that's pretty good.

Bud Hendrix

In many Asian countries, the norm is not to leave the office before the boss does.

Ross Mckenzie

As I speak, the office is preparing to interview them, but it will be premature of me to say that they will be charged.

Dcp Shields

He met me in my office, and he didn't give me a handshake - he gave me a hug. He was a great kid.

Mark Kantor

When an indictment is delivered at the front door of the White House, the Office of the President is defiled. No citizen can take pleasure from that.

Christopher Wolf

That's going to get you in trouble. An unreasonable allocation to the office is something else that could trigger an audit.

Don Williamson

The exclusive part is the tricky part. It needs to be dedicated to the office work. It shouldn't have a bed in it, and it shouldn't have a TV that the kids hook their Nintendo up to.

Keith Hall

When you're out of office, you can be a statesman.

John Connally

As far as a Latin explosion, I'm sorry, I'm the only Latino who's going to say it, but there is no Latin explosion. I'm sorry. Four or five top box office people do not make it an explosion, and it's disgusting to me that people will perceive it that way.

Rosie Perez

They filed the necessary paperwork with the Secretary of State's Office, and we're expecting they will file with us in the next week or so.

Gail O'connor

This doctor's office is the heart of the community.

Linda Turner

Several horsemen have told me that we have the best horsemen's office they have seen in the country.

Bessie Gruwell

It's not like we've been in discussion with the tax office for months or weeks even, it's an assessment that has appeared out of nowhere.

Peter Sullivan

He's lost his office. He's lost his staff. And he's now basically a rank-and-file member who has a lot of friends and will still have influence.

Christopher Shays

I am pleased that the conference office and our department were able to work on this together and come to a conclusion.

Herman Frazier

I was living in Baltimore and had a 30-minute commute, but now I live in Charlottesville, and I only have to drive 10 minutes to the office.

Cynthia Payne

But young children with high fevers and elderly people with multiple illnesses should be evaluated in the ER or a doctor's office.

Dr. Herb Mcreynolds

Frankly, there's very little upside for Office in developed markets. The market share [for Office] is so high, there's just not much room to grow.

Paul Degroot

The best thing about my job and what I'll miss the most is contact with my customers. A lot of us in the post office are like me. Maybe not to the degree that I am because I always wanted to be like the old-time mailman, part of the neighborhood. Kids come to me. I put bicycle chains back on bicycles.

Skip Mitchell

The only thing we have in common is the word history. In the past few days, our office has gotten a number of vitriolic e-mails.

John Furlong

I highly, highly doubt that Gov. Bush would have met with the family had it not been for our sit-in. Sure, maybe he would have met with them next month or a couple of weeks later, but he did it two days after we were sitting-in in his office.

Monique Gillum

All of our employees are working overtime and they will be working overtime as long as we need to to deliver the services, ... And it's not just in this office. All of our employees are working overtime trying to deliver services.

Gwen Robinson

It's becoming a function of having a large office population in one building. Clearly, if it is out of town, it's going to have even more benefits.

John Lawson

We are in the process of discussions with the U.S. Attorney's office.

Anton Valukas

The patent office is overwhelmed because they don't have enough staff.

Darlene Slaughter

He was very upset. When he was dropped off at school he left campus. Later he ran back to the office area and the administrators called a code red so he couldn't get into the classrooms. He told them that he wanted to destroy the school.

Sara Stern

He just needs to fill out his paperwork at the bond office.

Joe Intiso

We're definitely designing Office 12 to eliminate the need for other BI technologies.

Chris Caren

That is a decision of the prosecutor's office.

Harald Stenger

We're trying to endorse somebody that actually has a chance to win. Let's face it. A lot of these guys, no one even knows their name. They don't have a chance to win. The whole push behind this is to try to get somebody else in (the governor's office).

John Mcfarland

Maybe they're looking at the future, as far as appointments in his administration or some other favor from him, ... I think that if, in fact, they run for office in the future, their party affiliation to the Democratic party is going to be called into question and they're going to have to answer to that.

Robert H. Jackson

We walked the halls of the legislative office building in Albany with a shopping cart, ... We stopped at every office with our literature.

Gregory Mills

He told Sibley that if he became a Republican again, 'we'll put you back in Congress.' That was said to him even as he was a Democrat serving in office.

Jack Baker

We're going to study the matter further and review all the information that will be provided to our office.

Alia Faraj

In his office, the accused asked me about the investigations we were conducting. I explained to him that police will investigate in detail...whether the allegations were true or false.

Musa Hassan

Office is not in this case yet, but it could be in the next case.

Sam Miller

Office space continues to fill up quickly. We have a very strong office market.

Janet Yowell

The decision-making process, with FCM leaving, resulted in my needing to make a decision faster than going with a large bid process, ... We sole-sourced it, and made the decision with counsel from the governor's office and Legislature.

Stan Taylor

In fact, the mayor's office just called to see when he could come over.

Fern Mallis

The new branch office will be completed by the end of this month or early next month. This has been about a nine-month process.

John Corbett

I suppose they had a general store and a post office there, ... since we have a letter addressed to Ham, North Carolina.

James Melvin

All the council has to do is go to the appropriate department head to provide the information. Or they can ask the mayor's office for the information. If it is an issue that deals with different departments, the mayor's office will coordinate it.

Marty Mcomber

It's really been effective. It's unbelievable. You don't have to have office hours. Someone rings up, and they sit down and talk about building a collection.

Julius Friedman

This is the way your office has chosen to define injury, not what the statute says.

Thomas Marten

He ran out of the office and got to Mother Kelly's two seconds after the ambulance arrived.

Jill Seltzer

My office is at Yankee stadium. Yes, dreams do come true.

Derek Jeter

I don't think that there's any deception. It's unlikely anyone would walk into our office and take a RAL and not know what they're doing.

Jennifer Foster

If none passes, he could do a public mea culpa and promise a new approach as Bill Clinton did in Arkansas when he won back the governor's office after being defeated for re-election.

Tim Hodson